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Introduction Into the Physics

of Texting While Driving

Since the popularity and use of
smartphones has greatly increased
beginning in 2000, texting while driving
has become one of the leading causes of
car crashes in the United States as well a
norm for most drivers. The term, texting
while driving, is not limited to only
texting, but includes any cell phone use
such as surfing the web and emailing
(Martin). In the past 10 years, it has been
found that approximately 314,000 of all
car crashes in one year involved texting.

It also been that texting while driving

increases the risk of vehicle crashes 4x
the normal risk (Hungton Post).

Adolph, Martin. "Decreasing Driver Distraction."

International Telecommunication Union.

August 2010. Web. 24 Oct. 2015.

Texting And Driving Worse Than Drinking and

Driving, CNBC, June 25, 2009. Web. 24

Oct. 2015.

The Eects of
Texting While

Schumaker, Erin. 10 Statistics of Texting The

Hungton Post Healthy Living. The

Hungton Post. 8 Jun. 2015. Web. 24

Oct. 2015.

In order to calculate the stopping time we

used the kinematic equation:

Vf =Vi+at.

To find the reaction distance we used the

kinematic equation: d=Vi(tr)

Stopping distance we used the

kinematic equation: x= (Vf +Vi)(t).

Vf = final velocity

Vi = initial velocity

d= reaction distance

x= stopping distance

a= acceleration (-10 m/s2)

t= time

tr= reaction time

By Angela Campbell and Savannah

Moe Pd. 3

Adding the reaction distance d=(Vi)(tr) or

37.548m=(17.88m/s)(2.1s) plus the stopping
distance of a car 15.985m will give total distance
53.533m the car takes to come to a compete


Speed&Prior&to&Braking& (m/s)




15.985m = 1/2(0 m/s + 17.88 m/s) (1.788s)

Thus, the stopping distance of a car traveling at

40mph (17.88m/s) is 15.985 meters.


each correlating piece of information into the equation.

Then solve.


substitute each correlating piece of information into the

equation. Then solve.

(0 m/s)(17.88m/s) = 1.788s


Next, calculate stopping distance (m) with the

kinematics equation x=1/2(Vf + Vi)(t). Again substitute


First step is to find calculate stopping time (seconds).

Using this kinematics equation

(Vf = Vi + at), will determine how many seconds it

would take the car to stop once the brakes are applied.
Subtract Vi from the right side of the equation then
divide both sides by a to get t by itself (Vf Vi )= t Next,


This will convert to 17.88 meters per second. This is

the initial velocity (Vi).


Using the dimensional analysis method,

multiplying across the top and dividing across the

bottom will convert miles per hour into meters per

40mi 5280ft 12in 2.54cm 1m

1 hr 1min

1 mi 1ft 1 in
100cm 60in 60sec

Total Stopping Distance vs. Speed Prior

to Braking


Speed of Car: 40mph

Graph of Texting While


Total& Stopping&Distance&(m)

Sample Calculation for

Stopping Distance (meters)
While Texting and Driving

From our calculations we found that
the 37% increase of the reaction time
due impaired driving greatly aects the
total stopping distance. The total
stopping distance was dramatically
increased by delay of just .6 seconds.
Traveling at a speed of 17.88 meters
per second (40 mph) will tale 10.728
more meters to come to a stop than
undistracted driving. It is very
important to limit and restrict
distractions while driving because they
can be very deadly especially while
traveling at high speeds.

Even though texting while driving is

against the law, many times drivers
find themselves doing so anyway. It is
common among all drivers and it is
your responsibility to protect yourself
and the people around you. It is best
to be a defensive driver and to be
aware of those around you that are
being irresponsible.

Texting kills, dont let it be you.

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