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Turkey, the dependable ally

By Talat Masood
Published: November 15, 2016


The writer is a retired lieutenant general of the Pakistan Army and a former federal secretary. He has also served as chairman of the Pakistan
Ordnance Factories Board

The visit of President Erdogen to Pakistan comes at a time when

leaders of the two countries are facing serious challenges at home
and abroad. In these circumstances the visit of a staunch ally is
always reassuring and welcome.
Relations between Pakistan and Turkey could be the envy of many
countries. Both countries have enjoyed excellent relations ever since
the creation of Pakistan. Warmth and affection reserved for the people
of Turkey goes back even before the creation of Pakistan. Muslims of
undivided India had always looked up to Turkey with admiration and
affection. The relationship has now much wider and deeper bonds as
it has political, strategic, economic and emotional connotations.

On critical economic and political issues the two countries have

generally taken identical positions and supported each other at the
UN, OIC and in multilateral and regional forums. Interestingly, Turkey
and Pakistan remained close both during military and democratic
regimes. As a happy coincidence I was part of the official delegation
to Turkey both with General Zia as well as with PM Benazir Bhutto. The
extraordinary reception that the two leaders got only confirmed the
view that Pakistan-Turkey relationship transcends personality and
party barriers and has stood the test of time. It is indeed disconcerting
to learn that the PTI has decided to boycott President Erdogans
address to the joint session of parliament. Truly, it makes no sense
and is in poor taste. PTI has every right to express its grievance
against the Prime Minister if it feels that it has been wronged, but
parliament is neither the forum nor this particular occasion. First
staying away from parliament and then seeking a separate meeting
with the Turkish President is placing him in an embarrassing situation.
I hope wiser counsel will prevail.
Turkey under Tayyip Erdogan, first as prime minister from March 2003
to August 2014 and then as President has undergone a phenomenal
transformation. According to international think tanks Turkeys
economy in the first five years of Mr Erdogans tenure as prime
minister expanded on an average of nearly 7 per cent, but since 2007
the annual growth rate has slowed down to a modest 3.5 per cent.
Clearly, Turkey made exceptional economic progress in the first ten
years of Mr Erdogans rule than what it was able to achieve in
decades. It is now the worlds 18 th largest economy. Some of its
industry is world class and a leading producer of television sets and
commercial trucks. Its construction industry meets global standards
and Turkish firms have been extensively involved in building roads
and highways in Pakistan. Turkey is one of the most attractive tourist
destinations in the world. Regrettably, recent terrorist attacks and
strained relations with Russia have adversely affected tourism. Heavy
influx of Syrian refugees and Turkeys direct involvement in the war in

Syria and Iraq have further burdened its economy and introduced
fresh challenges for the regime. World Bank and multilateral agencies
are, however, advising Turkey to undertake structural reforms to
accelerate economic growth and to place it on a sound footing.
Turkey is also a key member of the NATO and its armed forces are the
second largest only next to US. There is close cooperation between
Pakistan and Turkish armed forces. Visits of military delegations and
participation in joint exercises are a common feature of this
relationship. Efforts have also been made to cooperate in the area of
defence production. Whereas both countries have repeatedly
expressed the desire to enhance mutual cooperation but as the two
militaries have weapons and equipment from different sources
cooperation remains limited. Nonetheless, wherever there is
compatibility the two militaries have tried to cooperate. Turkeys
recent gift of T-37 trainer aircraft to Pakistan was indeed an excellent
demonstration of the closeness between the two militaries and
Turkey has tilted toward its Islamic roots under Erdogan and moved
away from the traditional secular and elitist character of the past
regimes and that of its armed forces. The recent failed coup attempt
by the armed forces has split the country ideologically and it would
take time to heal the wounds. This divide is across the entire social
and political milieu. President Erdogan has a very strong and
committed following especially in rural areas and among the middle
and low-income groups. They stood firmly with the President during
the revolt that had the backing of certain elements within the armed
forces. Their support played a significant role in foiling the coup.
But the tough policies of President Erdogan have created deep
fissures in the Turkish society that need to be healed if Turkey has to
actualise its full potential. Turkey in order to protect itself from the
fallout of the ravaging war on its borders has taken strong positions
and its armed forces are deeply involved in fighting IS in Syria and
Iraq. At the same time Turkish armed forces have been engaged in a
civil war with the Kurds. Erdogans harsh policies toward his
opponents have been a subject of serious criticism by the Western
countries, especially the US and Germany. It is ironic that when

Erdogan came into power his foreign minister very proudly announced
that we will pursue a policy of staying away from conflicts and focus
on our economy. Unfortunately, Turkey has not been able to live up to
this and is broadly engaged militarily on several fronts in the Middle
East. Whereas President Erdogan is justified in taking a hard position
on militant organisations and their backers but has used the same
tools for suppressing his political opponents giving rise to strong
resentment against him domestically. Many newspaper owners,
editors and journalists are behind bars for criticising governments
policies. The strong position and severe action against opponents has
resulted in Turkeys relations with European and African countries to
suffer. We hope that Turkey to whom the Muslim world looks with
admiration will soon overcome its internal and external problems and
be able to realise the full potential of its people.
Published in The Express Tribune , November 16th, 2016.

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