CyberStation v2.01 - Release Notes

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Continuum CyberStation Release Notes

Version 2.01
1. CyberStation Released
This version of CyberStation supports Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012
operating systems.

Electronic Documentation

Please Note:

Due to Microsoft installation limitations, you must have either internet access or
the original operating system installation media in order to successfully install
Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2012 and Windows 10. Please refer to the 303001-720 CyberStation Installation Guide.pdf.
Beginning with Continuum 2.0 SP1 Release, Continuum applications now take
advantage of upper memory address space available natively on 64-bit OS'. In
order to access these memory addresses on a 32-bit OS' the user must
reconfigure their 32-bit OS to support applications that are Large Address Aware
(LAA). Please refer to the document LargeAdressAware_Update.pdf at the root of
the 2.01 Release Image.

2. Known Problems in 2.01 Note: For known problems in previous revisions

please refer to that revisions readme.htm file.
2.01 On Windows 10 Certain colors are not seen.

Problems Fixed

3.01 Personnel Manager does not show the list of predefined value of the attributes in
alphabetic order.
3.02 Duplicates can be created using personnel manager in Continuum when using
3.03 Printing Extended Log Report to a PDF file output, the first date entry on the left
hand side is truncated.
3.04 Personnel Manager gets "Error in datagrid DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is
not valid".
3.05 Pinpoint Door Control does not unlock the door by clicking on the control when
CFR Operator Text Prompt is Enabled.
3.06 Once Template is marked required in personnel profile the template field is
greyed out when creating a new employee.
3.07 Unable to create Folder with a name already used by another Folder in a different
3.08 View only security level on a point not enforced when setting point from a
3.09 Using a graphic view to create exception schedule does not work correctly
3.10 View only user can change input units.
3.11 Problem with enrollment reader in CyberStation.

3.12 When using a csv file to import personnel with cardnumber2 value the
nonabacardnumber2 is not populated.
3.13 Duplicate personnel object names created on CSV import.
3.14 Schedule download issue when Windows Authentication is used.
3.15 Personnel Manager cannot edit / save the profile with permission error message.


CyberStation Released
The following table shows the last version released, and the version for this release:


Version in


Version for this


2.0 SP1


Electronic Documentation
Fully indexed electronic versions of the following manuals (and many
more) are included in the install image for this release. These are
.PDF files, which are installed during the Continuum installation
process. You may use your Windows Start menu to access them.
Select Programs, then Continuum, then Documentation.

Continuum CyberStation Installation Guide for Version 2.01,

Continuum CyberStation Access Control Essentials Guide, 303001-405
Continuum CyberStation HVAC Essentials Guide, 30-3001-1000
Extensive online help is embedded and available within
the Continuum CyberStation application.


Known Problems

2.01 On Windows 10 certain colors are not seen.


Workaround = Use Personalization-> Colors and change the setting here to

see the colors.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1884

Backward Compatibility Issues


Problems Fixed

3.01 Personnel Manager does not show the list of predefined value of the
attributes in alphabetic order.
Operator text does not get added to alarm when acknowledged.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 958
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.02 Duplicates can be created using personnel manager in
Continuum when using templates.
Duplicates can be created using personnel manager in Continuum when
using templates.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 994
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.03 Printing Extended Log Report to a PDF file output, the first date
entry on the left hand side is truncated.
Printing Extended Log Report to a PDF file output, the first date entry on
the left hand side is truncated.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1323

Backward Compatibility Issues

3.04 Personnel Manager gets "Error in datagrid
DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid".
Personnel Manager gets "Error in datagrid DataGridViewComboBoxCell
value is not valid".
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number:1653
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.05 Pinpoint Door Control does not unlock the door by clicking on the
control when CFR Operator Text Prompt is Enabled.
Pinpoint Door Control does not unlock the door by clicking on the control
when CFR Operator Text Prompt is Enabled.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1662
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.06 Once Template is marked required in personnel profile the
template field is greyed out when creating a new employee.
Once Template is marked required in personnel profile the template field is
greyed out when creating a new employee
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1669
Backward Compatibility Issues

3.07 Unable to create Folder with a name already used by another
Folder in a different path.
Unable to create Folder with a name already used by another Folder in a
different path.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1682
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.08 View only security level on a point not enforced when setting
point from a Graphic.
View only security level on a point not enforced when setting point from a
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1696
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.09 Using a graphic view to create exception schedule does not work
Using a graphic view to create exception schedule does not work correctly.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1703
Backward Compatibility Issues

3.10 View only user can change input units.

View only user can change input units.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1738
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.11 Problem with enrollment reader.
Problem with enrollment reader.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1757
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.12 When using a csv file to import personnel with cardnumber2
value the nonabacardnumber2 is not populated and therefore affects
listview searches on cardnumber2.
When using a csv file to import personnel with cardnumber2 value the
nonabacardnumber2 is not populated and therefore affects listview searches
on cardnumber2.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1760
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.13 Duplicate personnel object names created on CSV import.

Duplicate personnel object names created on CSV import.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1849
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.14 Schedule download issue when Windows Authentication is used.
Continuum schedule download issue when Windows Authentication is used.
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1882
Backward Compatibility Issues
3.15 Personnel Manager cannot edit / save the profile with
permission error message.
Personnel Manager cannot edit / save the profile with permission error
Source of Change
Engineering Problem Report Number: 1901
Backward Compatibility Issues

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