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Briana S.

Study Abroad Reflection
Please complete the following questions in
complete sentences. Each answer should
be 2-3 sentences per question.

Utilize the Study Abroad website

l ) to assist you !

1. What requirements must you meet in order to study abroad? (i.e. GPA,
- Cumulative GPA of 2.75 for semester or year-long programs
-Cumulative GPA of 2.50 for summer programs
-Must have at least sophomore standing during term abroad
-Must not be in final semester of degree program during period abroad
-Must have the approval of the Office of International Programs and your
2. What are the three (3) different types of study abroad programs available
to students?
The 3 different types of study abroad programs available to students are Exchange
(Providing students an affordable way), Direct Study Abroad (Organization offering
study abroad support services: SIT, AIFS, ISA), and Faculty-Led (programs that are
organized and/or accompanied by an NCAT faculty member).
3. What are the deadlines for applying for study abroad?
The Deadlines for applying for study abroad are Spring- October 14,
Summer & Fall- March 15
4. What are three different ways that you can raise money to fund your trip?
Three different ways you can raise money to fund your trip is a Financial Aid
package, Scholarships, and Sponsors and Savings.

5. Name two (2) scholarships that can fund you for your trip and how you
meet the requirements?
Two Scholarships that can fund you for your trip are the AIFS NAFEO Scholarship,
and the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. For the AIF NAFEO
Scholarship you must attend an HBCU, and for the Gilman International Scholarship
you must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant, you must be a U.S. citizen
undergraduate student and you must have limited financial means.
6. Where would you like to travel to for your study abroad experience and
I would like to travel to Paris for a study abroad experience because they are
known for its attractions like the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. Along with being the fashion global
and it is also known for its famous cuisine.

7. Does A&T offer this as an option? If not, then what would be your second
choice destination?
Im not sure if A&T offers this as an option, but if not I would go to Japan as my
second-choice destination. The reason being because of their unique culture and
A&T provide an award scholarship from $2500-$4000 to Study Abroad in Japan.

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