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Elements of the Lesson

I. Standard
Common Core State Standards
Or Essential Elements

Evidence that Documents the Element

Know and apply grade-level phonics and
skills in decoding words

II. Objectives/Targets and I can statements

What am I going to teach?
What will the students be able to do at the end of the lesson?
What formative assessments are used to inform instruction?
What challenges might students encounter?

I can read and spell words with short

III. Lesson Management: Focus and Organization

What positive strategies, techniques and tools will you see?
What ideas for on task, active and focused student behavior?

Behavioral expectations: Students will

an orange colored pencil on their desk w
Nothing else. When I am reading they w
When they are reading as a group we nee
and I want to hear everyone reading. Stu
response cards and are expected to only
identifying words.

IV. Introduction: Creating Excitement and Focus for the Lesson

What will you do to generate interest?
How will you access prior knowledge?
What will you practice/review?

Come into classroom tell students to get

started reading a pencil and an orange co
tell students to look through what we hav
they are doing so pass out the response c
to touch them yet. Then ask students to s
happened in the story so far? Allow a co
summarize. Good summarizing/rememb
Who remembers what letter sound we ar
i. I gave each of you a pumpkin and a va
short i. good the pumpkin. So while we a
story I want you to be listening for short
pumpkin. When you hear a short I word
pumpkin. When you hear/see an I word t
or is a long I word hold up the vampire.

V. Input: Setting up the Lesson for Student Success

Task Analysis: the learner will need to k

between short and long vowel sounds. W
a and u already and this lesson will be th
unit so they have this background.
Step by Step:
Review slash refresh our memories on w
already read.

Task analysis:
What information does the learner need? If needed, how
will it be provided?
Step by step of lesson (may bullet)

Students will identify short I words in a

Students may struggle with differentiatin

Webbs Depth of Knowledge

Strategic Thinking
Extended Thinking

Accommodations: Differentiating to meet students needs

Methods, Materials and Integrated Technology
Instructional techniques
Engagement strategies
Materials and Integrated Technology list

Look at pictures, what is going on in the

I read, students listen
Response cards
Highlight and write I words
Students read
Discuss any tricky vocab
Have students discuss long I words. The
short I words. When they do so say it alo
it aloud. Have them discuss with partner
together to discuss that it is not short i.
Go through this for each page of the stor

Recall: TSW identify short I words.

Skill: TSW compare short I and long I w

Strategic Thinking: TSW read, write/use

complete sentence.
Extended Thinking:

All students are on different reading leve
for them first, listen to them read as a gro
around to help any students that may get
have read I will discuss any difficulty or
help students. We will also work in smal
similar skill levels. All students, though
are behind grade level.
Allow students to read the story on their
students would create a t chart for short a
Methods and materials:
Response card
Class list of words
Book the Big Pumpkin

VI. Modeling: I Do
SHOW/TELL (Visual/Verbal Input)
How/WHAT (Questioning and redirecting)

I will read and annunciate short I in word

Ask or any short I words they heard prai
If incorrect annunciate and explain. Has
long I or another letter makes it sound di
Direct and specific praise

VII. Checking for Understanding

Samples of questions to be asked
Ways in which students will respond and be engaged
Formative assessment strategies to be implemented

Response cards look for short I

Have students come up and write word.
What would a word sound like if it were
instead of which ever it is.

VII. Guided Practice: We Do

What do the teacher and student do together?
How will a gradual release of responsibility be accomplished?

Will help students read and discuss word

have the letter sound
Teacher has already read and given shor
Now students will find on their own but
group so teacher can make corrections so
to do it on their own

IX. Collaborative (You Do Together) and/or Independent Practice Students read aloud and find and write w
(You Do)
without consulting or discussing with tea
What practices will be demonstrated/modeled?
Teacher will walk around while students
X. Closure
How will the I can statement(s) be reviewed?
How will students be involved?
What connections to future learning will occur?

Discuss the difference between the vowe

to say the different sounds as a choral res
Exit card students create a sentence usin
then must read it aloud to me/teacher

XI. Assessment
What evidence supports that the objective(s) were met?
What do my students know, understand and are able to do?
What formative assessments will be used to inform instruction?

Evidence will be their exit cards and the

have now created throughout our reading

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