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First the teacher will do a series of claps and the students respond with a series of snaps

Either arranged in the photo above or in rows facing the board or small groups of five

Collect/Distribute materials

Students that are seated at the end of the row are to be the material collectors and distributers
for their row
The material collectors/distributers are to be in charge of homework and worksheets
Each week different students are assigned to be the laptop/charger/head phone distributers


Students are NOT allowed to go to the restroom during a lesson

Students are allowed to go during independent work or during stations when it is not teacher
Only one girl and one boy are allowed out at a time


Students are NOT allowed to get water during a lesson

Students are allowed when doing independent work

Sharpening Pencils

Pencils can be sharpened during daily math review in the morning

Independent practice when students raise their hands to ask
Students do NOT have to ask during Daily Five/Centers
Only one student is allowed to be at the sharpener

Voice Level

Level 1 Voice -used when working with their elbow partners or partner reading or when students
are doing mini teacher stations
Level 0 Voice - used AT ALL TIMES when testing, reading independently, independent work

Late Work

When students do not complete their assignments when they are due they have to stay in for
recess until the assignment is completed


Offices are used at all times.

There are different forms to tests when it comes to spelling

Entering/Exiting The Room

The bell does NOT excuse the students, I do

Before entering the classroom the students must line up outside the room, in a straight
line, facing forward, uniforms tucked in, level 0 voice, and not leaning on the wall

Going To The Nurse

It must be an emergency such as throwing up, bleeding, or injury

Sub. (Plans)

Depending on how serious the circumstance is, I will have two different sets of plans prepared
for the sub

Students Absent

There is a make-up/absent folder that contains everything they have missed.

During interventions or stations I call over the students who have been absent to go over what
they missed or have them stay in during recess to catch up.

Slates/Marker Procedures

Each student will have their own slate board that they are responsible for as well as their own
markers. The slate boards and markers will be kept in their desks.

Cell Phones

Students are NOT allowed to have cellphones during school

If it is an emergency parents will call the classroom phone

Behavior Plans

Students calling out without being called on lose a point from their group
Students who are continually not completing homework stay in during recess and parents are
If table groups are in the negative points after one day they lose recess
If an individual student or pair is constantly being told to refocus or not on task throughout the
week, then parents will be informed and if needed a mini conference with the student and

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