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Day 1

(Tuesday, Oct 25th)

Class: Literature
Grade Level: 7 Grade
Unit: Riki Tiki Tavi
Teacher: Spec Sec Methods Class
Lesson on: Louis Zamperini and bravery

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly
as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the
course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author
distinguishes his or her position from that of others.
Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text,
analyzing each mediums portrayal of the subject (e.g., how the delivery of a speech
affects the impact of the words).
21 Century Skill(s)
Think Creatively:
o Elaborate, refine, analyze and evaluate their own ideas in order to improve and
maximize creative efforts
Reason Effectively:
o Use various types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate to the
Make Judgments and Decisions:
o Interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis
Communicate Clearly
o Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal
communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts
Collaborate with Others:
o Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the individual
contributions made by each team member

Essential Question
How can fictional stories be used as a representation of reality or real life?
Learning Target
What are the different ways that bravery can be exemplified in someones life?
Objectives and Assessments
Students will be able to.
o Verify different characteristics of bravery and courage.

All students accurately participate in small group discussions

Document bravery and courage on their Cornell Notetaking Sheets
Locate certain themes of bravery and courage in different scenarios of
texts and videos
All students accurately participate in small group discussions
Document bravery and courage on their Cornell Notetaking Sheets

Introduction (Sam and Neil)


We understand that there are Three Rs that are part of Roosevelt
o What are they?
Respect: What is it?
Responsibility: What is this?
Readiness: What it this?
Just to let you know this will be carried through our lessons too!

Anticipatory Set (Sam and Neil)

Read the character summaries (without giving he character name)

Tricky Bravery Scenarios (3-5 min)

o Katniss Everdeen: She is defiant against the law. She picks and chooses her
friends off of how it would benefit her, but will fight for those she loves. She has
committed crimes for personal gain. Her actions often lead to controversy and
other people suffering.
o Voldemort: He fights for what he believes in even when the majority opposes him.
His devastating childhood shaped who he has become, for better or worse. He is
more than willing to sacrifice himself for his cause. His intelligence and
perseverance allow for him to push through obstacles others wouldnt be willing
to take.
o Peter Parker/Spiderman: He aided a criminal in his robbery. He lies to his
guardian of his whereabouts. He lies to his girlfriend about who he is and what
hes been doing. The majority of people see what hes doing as negative
Discuss how heroes and villains are complex. Some have the same characteristics.
o What does this say about a hero?
o What are the ideal characteristics of a hero
o Is bravery always shown in a positive way?

Teaching: Activities

Transition from the teaching scenarios to Louis Zamperini

Power point on Louis life (10 min). (This is an overview; students are not expected to
memorize facts.)

The goal of this is so that students can see how the themes of bravery, courage,
and perseverance are reflected in different ways:
Students will be taking notes interactively, using the Cornell Notetaking



Name: ________________________________________
Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________
Date: _______/ _____/ ________
Period ______

SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.
Split off into 6 groups of 4 students. (25 min total)
o How to split: Playing Cards
o Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Each group will be given one of the following excerpts:
Aces - The Soldier (Rose)

The Bird called for the work party to line up before him and ordered the thieves to stand
before the group. He then walked down the line, pulling out Wade, Tinker, Louie, and two other
officers and making them stand with the thieves. He announced that these officers were
responsible for the behavior of the thieves. His punishment: Each listed man would punch each
officer and thief in the face, as hard as possible.
The chosen men looked at the line of enlisted men in terror: there were some one hundred of
them. Any man who refused to carry out the order, the Bird said, would meet the same fate as the
officers and thieves. He told the guards to club any men who didnt strike the chosen men with
maximum force.
The enlisted men had no choice. At first, they tried to hit softly, but the Bird studied each
blow. When a man didnt punch hard enough, the Bird would begin shrieking and clubbing him,
joined by the guards. Then the errant man would be forced to hit the victim repeatedly until the
Bird was satisfied. Louie began whispering to each man to get it over with, and hit hard. Some of
the British men whispered, Sorry, sir, before punching Wade.
For the first few punches, Louie stayed on his feet. But his legs soon began to waver, and he
collapsed. He pulled himself upright, but fell again with the next punch, and then the next.
Eventually, he blacked out. When he came to, the Bird forced men to resume punching him,
screaming, Next! Next! Next! In Louies whirling mind, the voice began to sound like the
tramping of feet.
The sun sank. The beating went on for some two hours, the Bird watching with fierce pleasure.
When every enlisted man had done his punching, the Bid ordered the guards to club each one
twice in the head with a kendo stick.
The victims had to be carried to the barracks. Louies face was so swollen that for several days
he could barely open his mouth. By Wades estimate, each man had been punched in the face
some 220 times.

Characters and vocabulary from this section

Louie The main character of the story, an athlete and veteran.
Wade The British soldier that Louie became friends with in the Omori Prison.
The Bird The prisoner of war camp guard that hated Louie and singled him out.

Twos - The Soldier (Rachael)

Context of chapter: The Bird ordered Louie to take care of an already sick goat and said Goat
die, You die so Loui ties up the goat but one night someone (The bird) untied the goat and it
gorged itself until it died. This is Louies punishment.
The Bird marched Louie away from the doctors shack, passing Tinker and Wade, whod
been ordered to work outside. Out in the compound,, the Bird halted. Lying on the ground before
them was a thick, heavy wooden beam, some six feet long. Pick it up, the Bird said. With some
effort, Louie hoisted it up, and the Bird ordered him to lift it high and hold it directly over his
head. Louie heaved the beam up. The Bird called a guard over. If the prisoner lowers his arms,
the Bird told him, hit him with your gun. The Bird walked to a nearby shack, climbed on the
roof, and settled in to watch.
Louie stood in the sin, holding up the beam. The Bird stretched over the roof like contented
cat, calling to the Japanese who walked by, pointing to Louie and laughing. Louie locked his
eyes on the Birds face, radiating hatred.

Several minutes passed. Louie stood, eyes on the Bird. The beam felt heavier and heavier, the
pain more intense. The Bird watch Louie, amused by his suffering, mocking him. Wade and
Tinker went on with their work, stealing anxious glances at the scene across the compound. Was
has looked at the camp clock when Louie had first lifted the beam. He became more and more
conscious of how much time was passing.
Five more minutes passed, then ten. Louies arms began to waver and go numb. His body
shook. The beam tipped. The guard jabbed Louie with his gun, and Louie straightened up. Less
and less blood was reaching his head, and he began to feel confused, his thoughts gauzy, the
camp swimming around him. He felts his consciousness slipping, his mind loosing adhesion,
until all he knew was a single though: He cannot break me. Across the compound the Bird had
stopped laughing.
Time ticked on, and still Louie remained in the same position, conscious and yet not, the beam
over his head, his eyes on the birds face, enduring long past when his strength should have given
out. Something went on inside of me, he said later. I dont know what is was.
There was a flurry of motion ahead of him, the Bird leaping down from the roof was charging
towards him, enraged. Wantabes fist rammed onto Louies stomach, and Louie folded over in
agony. The beam dropped, striking Louies head. He flopped to the ground.
When he woke, he didnt know where he was or what had happened. He saw Wade and some
other POWs, along with a few guards, crouched around him. The Bird was gone. Louie had no
memory of the last several minutes, and has no idea how long hed stood there. But Wade had
looked at the clock when Louie had fallen.
Louie had held the beam for thirty-seven minutes.

Characters and vocabulary from this section

Louie: The main character of the story, an athlete and veteran.
The Bird (Wantanabe) The prisoner of war camp guard that hated Louie and singled
him out.
Wade The British soldier that Louie became friends with in the Omori Prison.

Threes - The Helper (Nicole)

Some Japanese, including Hatto, tried to help the POWs behind Wantanabes back. No one
sis more than Private Yukichi Kano, the camps interpreter. When sick men were taken off work
duty, losing half their rations, Kano found them easy jobs to keep them officially at work so
they could at enough to get well. When he saw prisoners violating the rules be eating vegetables
in the garden area, or pocketing mussels at low etude outside the camo, he talked the guards into
looking the other way. In winter, he hung blankets along the infirmary halls and scrounged up
charcoal to heat the rooms. He snuck sick men away from sadistic Japanese doctor and into the
hands of a POW who was a physician. There was a far braver man than I, wrote POW Pappy
Boyington, winner of the Medal of Honor. Kanos heart was being torn out most of the time, a
combination of pity for the ignorance and brutality of some of his own countrymen and a
complete understanding of the suffering of the prisoners.
Characters and vocabulary from this section

POW: prisoner of war

Wantanabe (The Bird): The prisoner of war camp guard that hated Louie and singled
him out.
Yukichi Kano: A Japanese guard who was her interpreter and befriend many POW.

Fours - The Survivor (Kelly)

In the first years after the war, a journey back to Japan had been Louies obsession, the path
to murdering the man who had ruined him. But thoughts of murder no longer had a home in him.
He had come here not to avenge himself but to answer a question.
Louie had been told that all of the men who tormented him had been arrested, convicted, and
imprisoned here in Sugamo. He could speak about and think of his captors, even the Bird,
without bitterness, but a question tapped at the back of his mind. If he should ever see them
again, would the peace that he had found prove resilient? With trepidation, he had resolved to go
on Sugamo to stand before these men.
On the evening before, Louie had written to Cynthia to tell her what he was about to do.
He had asked her to pray for him.
The former guards, 850 of them, sat cross-legged on the floor of a large, bare common room.
Standing at the front of the room, Louie looked out over the faces.
At first he recognized none of them. Then, far in the rear, he saw a face he knew, then another
and another: Curley, the Weasel, Kono, Jimmie Sasaki. And there was the Quack, who was
petitioning to have his death penalty commuted. As Louie looked at this last man, he thought of
Bill Harris.
There was one face missing: Louie couldnt find the Bird. When he asked his escort where
Wantanabe was, he was told that he wasnt in Sugamo. Over five years, thousands of policemen
had sourced the land in search of him, but they had never found him.
In Sugamo prison, as he was told of Watanabes fate, all Louie saw was a lost person, a life
now beyond redemption. He felt something that he had never felt for his captor before. With a
shiver of amazement, he realized that it was compassion.

Characters and vocabulary from this section

Louie The main character of the story, an athlete and veteran.
The Bird (Wantanabe) The prisoner of war camp guard that hated Louie and singled
him out.
Curley, the Weasel, Kono, Jimmie Sasaki, the Quack The prisoner of war camp
guards that beat and tortured Louie.

Fives - The Athlete (Justin)

In June 1938, Louie arrived at the NCAA Championships in Minneapolis, gunning for four
minutes. Spilling over with eagerness he babbled to other athletes about his new training
regimen, his race strategy, and how fast he might go. Word spread that Louie primed for a
superlative performance. On the night before the race, a coach from Notre Dame knocked on

Louies hotel room door, a grave expression on his face. He told Louie that some of his rival
coaches were ordering their runners to sharpen their spikes and slash him. Louie dismissed the
warning, certain that no one would do such a thing deliberately.
He was wrong. Halfway through the race, just as Louie was about to move for the lead, several
runners shouldered around him, boxing him in. Louie tried repeatedly to break loose, but he
couldnt get around the other men. Suddenly, the man beside him swerved in and stomped on his
foot, impaling Louies toe with his spike. A moment later, the man ahead began kicking
backward, cutting both of Louies shins. A third man elbowed Louies chest so hard that he
cracked Louies rib. The crowd gasped.
Bleeding and in pain, Louie was trapped. For a lap and a half, he ran in the cluster of men,
unable to get free, restraining his stride to avoid running into the man ahead. At last, as he neared
the final turn, he saw a tiny gap open before him. He burst through, blew past the race leader,
and, with his show torn open, shins streaming blood, and chest aching, won easily.
He slowed to a halt, bitter and frustrated. When his coach asked him how he thought he had
gone, Louie replied that he couldnt have beaten 4:20.
The race time was posted on the board. From the stands came a sudden Woooo! Louie had run
the mile in 4:08.3. It was the fastest NCAA mile in history and the fifth fastest outdoor mile ever
run. Louie had missed the world record by 1.9 seconds. His time would stand as the NCAA
record for fifteen years.

Characters and Vocabulary from this section

Louie The main character of the story, an athlete and veteran.

Sixes - The Child (Zach)

Louie idolized Pete, who watched over him and their younger sister, Sylvia and Virginia, with
paternal protectiveness. But Louie was eclipsed, and he never heard the end of it. Sylvia would
recall her mother tearfully telling Louie how she wished he could be more like Pete. What made
it more galling was that Petes reputation was part myth. Though Pete earned grades little better
than Louies failing ones, his principal assumed that he was a straight-A student. On the night of
Torrances church bell miracle, a well-directed flashlight would have revealed Petes legs
dangling from the tree alongside Louies. And Louie wasnt the only Zamperini boy who could
be seen sprinting down the alley with food that had lately belonged to the neighbors. But it never
occurred anyone to suspect Pete of anything. Pete never got caught, said Sylvia. Louie always
got caught.
Nothing about Louie fit with other kids. He was a puny boy, and in his first years in Torrance,
his lungs were still compromised from the pneumonia that in picnic footraces, every girl in town
could dust him. His featureswere growing at different rates, giving him a curious face.
And then there was his ethnicity. In Torrance in the early 1920s, Italians were held in such a
disdain that when the Zamperinis arrived, the neighbors petitioned the city council to keep them
out. Louie who only knew a smattering of English until he was in grade school, couldnt hide his
heritage. He survived Kindergarten, but after shouting an explicit word in first grade, his teachers
caught on, and held him back a grade.
He was a marked boy. Bullies, drawn by his oddity and hoping to goad him into uttering
Italian curses, pelted him with rocks, taunted him, punched him, and kicked him. He tried buying
their mercy with his lunch, but they pummeled him anyway, leaving him bloody. He could have

ended the beatings by running away or succumbing to tears but he refused to do either. You
could beat him to death, said Sylvia, and he wouldnt say ouch or cry. He just put his hands
in front of his face and took it.
Characters and vocabulary from this section
Louie The main character of the story, an athlete and veteran.
Pete, Sylvia, Virginia Louies siblings. Pete was the perfect brother.

These are the directions each group will follow:

o They will read the excerpt, highlight where they see this theme of bravery, and
then discuss it as a group. (teacher will have a clear understanding of excerpts so
they can facilitate discussion) (5-8 min)
Where do we see bravery?
What other characteristics are present?
Does this make him a hero?
Can you relate?
Creative Presentation
Students will then come together to form an authentic way that they want
to present their excerpt in a non-hand written format. (15 min)
Each group will use a creative tool (non-note based ex: acting out, using
technology, drawing a picture/pictures, scene board, can uses bubbles) to
portray how Lois shows bravery in their certain excerpt.
Presentations will be done next class and they will be no more than five
Exit Slip: Picture and they will write a caption that theyd give to the photograph

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