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Here it is: Your first Freeletics workout! You will find a workout description and guidelines
regarding range of motions and exercise forms below.

Your first workout is called Aphrodite. It does not require equipment. There are no mandatory
breaks. That means you are supposed to complete the workout without taking breaks - if
possible. It is important to complete it in the exact same order as stated below and to work
through it as fast as possible. Quitting is not an option.

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5 Rounds
Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5




















Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Make your chest touch the ground. Get back up (however you want to, not
necessarily a strict push-up) and perform a jump both feet have to leave the ground, knees, hips
and shoulders have to be in a vertical line and the hands have to touch behind the head.
End: When your feet touch the ground again, one repetition is completed.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your core tight.
Modified version: If burpees are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

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Move into the push-up position without touching the ground with your chest.


Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Lower your hips below your knees.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your weight on your heels, your chest up and your back
flat. Push your knees out and keep your torso as vertical as possible.
Modified version: If squats are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

Lower your hips as far as you can instead of lowering them below your knees.

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Start: Start from a sitting position. Both of your hands touch the ground in front of your feet.
Movement: Move your torso downwards and touch the ground behind your head with both hands.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Your butt may never leave the ground. Make sure too keep your core tight.
Modified version: If situps are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version:

Touch your knees instead of the ground in front of your feet.

In general, we recommend you to train Freeletics at least four times per week. Since this is your
first week, three times is fine as well.
Freeletics is really tough, especially at the beginning. Workout times exceeding an hour are
totally normal. Also, dont be discouraged if you cant make the workload from day one. It is all
part of the process. You will improve much faster than you think.

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Your fastest time is called personal best (PB).

If you complete a workout without a single modified repetition, the workout time receives a star (*).
Star times are always ranked before workout times without a star, even if they are slower.
We recommend you to warm-up before every training session and to stretch afterwards. Jogging,
jumping jacks, arm circles, light stretching and the like are suitable to warm-up.
Please take a picture of your body before you train Freeletics the first time. Take a new one every
ten days. Pictures are important to evaluate physical changes. Since you only change a little
every day, you will not be able to track your progress properly without pictures.
Have fun in your first week as Free Athletes!

Freeletics Instructor Team

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You receive this email bec ause you opted in at Freeletic and decided to become truly fit. If you do not want to
pursue this goal anymore, you c an unsubsc ribe from this list or update subscription preferences.
Disclaimer: The advice and information contained in this email may not be appropriate for all individuals. Therefore
Freeletic s is not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and programs
represented in this email. The information in this email is not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a
physic ian before starting any diet or exercise program. We c laim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. It is
your responsibility to warm up properly, perform each movement correc tly, and ultimately to decide whether or not you
are c apable of performing the exerc ise/workout without sustaining injury.
Copyright 2013 Freeletics, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Freeletic s | Hestr. 89 | 80797 Munic h, Germany

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