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Roby Althaus

Lesson Plan 6
Subject/Lesson Title/Group:
Read Aloud Book Club
Whole Group

Estimated Time: 55-60 minutes

Start time: 8:45
End time: 9:40

1.RL.1. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
1.RL.4. Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest
feelings or appeal to the senses.
1.RL.7. Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters,
setting or events.
Learning Goal(s):
Students will be able to write,
draw and share their thinking
about a text.
Students will be able to create
a page that goes beyond the

Reading Journals
Recording Page (this will be
glued into their reading journals)
The book Thank you, Sarah:
The Woman Who Saved

Key vocabulary:
Anticipatory Set: I will have students begin at their seats to glue their
recording page into their journal. Once their page has been glued in, I will
have them join on the rug with their journals and a pencil. In order to
motivate students to move at a quicker pace, I will have a timer on the board,
it will be set for 2 minutes and students must be on the rug by the time that
the clock has run out. This is a strategy that I have been using recently and
students have responded well. When the class is showing me they are ready,
I will begin with the question, has anyone been on a roller coaster before? If I
do not have a large amount of student response, my back up question will be,
has anyone ever been sledding? The purpose of this question is to activate
students prior knowledge of how much work it is when the cart is going to the
top of the roller coaster or having to walk all the way up to the top of the hill,
but the roller coaster never stops and neither do you if you want to reach the
top. After giving a brief introduction to the book, I will express that I would
like them to be thinking of the roller coaster going on its track or climbing up
that hill while we are reading.

Roby Althaus
Lesson Plan 6
The mini lesson will be completed continuously through out this lesson. I will
have a large chart paper matching the students recording page that I will
post on the easel. When there comes a time to record their responses on
their page, I will model where I would put my response, in hopes that they
would do the same.
Worktime: I will be pausing the story often in order for students to answer
questions verbally and/or write down responses on their recording page
(questions attached in chart below). During this time, I will be encouraging
students to raise their hands in order to respond and keeping a bubble while
writing down their ideas.
Closure: In order to close this lesson, I will have students participate in a four
corners activity. I will pre-post four things that Sarah Hale did in order to
overcome her problem and ask students to go to the corner that they feel
was her most important action. Once students have arrived at their corner, I
will allow one person from each corner to say why they believe it was the
most important action. After each corner has spoken, I will give the students
one minute to move to a new corner or stay where they are. If there is a
corner with no students in it, I will step in that corner and prompt as to why
that action may be important as well.
Differentiation for Student Needs:
Students will be given the option to write or draw their answers in order
to allow all students the ability to respond. In addition to this, providing
teacher models and verbal sharing will provide assistance for students
with language processing needs.
Listed in table below, table
outline developed by AC

Integration Areas:
Social Studies

Formative Assessment: I will continuously be checking for understanding

through out the lesson. I will be checking while students are turning and
talking to their buddy/sharing out, during choral answering and from the
students recording page. For this assignment, I am looking for students to be
able to share their thinking and think beyond the text.

Roby Althaus
Lesson Plan 6

Read Aloud Book Club Questions.

General Understandings

What are you wondering?

What will Sarah do next?

Key Details

I notice the picture doesnt match the

text, what do you think the author is
trying to tell us?

Vocabulary and Text Structures

Sarah felt like the stuffing has been

kicked out of her.
What other words could the author
use to help use understand Sarahs


What do you think the word

persuaded means?
What actions does Sarah take to
overcome her problem?
How would you describe Sarah?

Opinions, Arguments, Intertextual


Does Sarah remind you of anyone

you know?

Authors Purpose

Roby Althaus
Lesson Plan 6

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