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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate:

Phelan Goble

Date: 11/16/16

Grade and Topic:

5th grade science

Length of Lesson: 45-60 minutes

Mentor Teacher:

Annette Cornelius


U of Memphis


What are the major parts of plant and animal cells and how are they classified?

The student will be able to label the parts of a plant and animal cell and classify them into groups.
The student is expected to create a graphic organizer labeling the parts of a cell and putting the cells into their
correct categories. The student is to do this after filling out a worksheet about parts of cells.
GLE 0507.1.1 Label drawings of plant and animals cells.

SPI 0507.1.2 Compare and contrast basic structures and functions of plant and animal cells.

Parts of Cells Worksheet
Science textbook
Pencil and Paper
Internet Access to Google
Internet Access to
Labeled Cell Clip Art
Cell Clip Art


What parts are present in the animal cell that are not in the plant cell and vice versa?
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.

This lesson continues our study of cells and living things.

Our next lesson will use this knowledge to create a model of a plant or animal cell.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Introduction: Image that you are working in a lab and your partner is dependent on you to know how to label a
cell in order to finish an experiment. Today we are going to dive into the world of cells and their parts. You will
fill out a worksheet labeling a plant and animal cell, and then you will create a graphic organizer that includes
each type of cell.

Prior to the Computer (10 minutes)
1. Teacher will pass out the Parts of Cells Worksheet.
2. Students will look through the functions of different parts of the plant and animal cells in their
At the computer (15 minutes)
1. The teacher will have Google bookmarked on the computers.
2. Students will use the search engine to label the parts of the cells on the worksheet. Use pencils to
write in answers.
After the computer (5 minutes)
1. The teacher will ask the students to return to their desks.
2. Each student will talk to the person sitting to their left about what they found.
Prior to the computer (10 minutes)
1. Teacher will distribute example of graphic organizer and discuss what should be included in the
organizer the student will create.
2. Students will draw a quick sketch of their organizer.
At the computer (15 minutes)
1. The teacher will have Kidspiration opened on each computer.
2. Students will create their graphic organizer using Kidspiration and fill in the required information.
3. Students will print their graphic organizers.
After the computer (5 minutes)
1. The student will post their graphic organizer on the bulletin board.
2. Students will talk about their findings with a partner.

Closure: Each student will tell the class one fact they have learned about a plant or animal cell.

Students will be assessed on their graphic organizer using the following rubric.

Level 3
Cells have correct parts
connected to them and all
headings are correct.

Level 2
A few parts of the cell are
missing or out of place, and
headings may be missing.


Organizer is set up well and

in an easy to follow manner.


Organizer has a large title,

at least three graphics, and
is colorful.

Organizer is somewhat
organized, but it may not be
fully completed.
Organizer has at least one
graphic and a title, but it
may not be colorful.

Level 1
Very few parts of the cell are
in the correct place or
labeled at all. Organizer may
be largely incomplete.
Organizer is hard to follow
and unorganized.
Organizer contains no
graphics and may be
missing a title.

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready
for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.
STUDENT SAMPLE Graphic Organizer

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