Understanding Paragraph

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Dipresentasikan dalam seminar mahasiswa Program Magister
pada Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Oleh :
Dirga Indah Muharani
Mukhlisha Dina Roski

Dosen Pembimbing :
Dr. Arwemi, M.Pd


1438 H / 2016 M


A. General and Specific Ideas

To identify topics and main ideas in paragraphs, it will help you to
understand the difference between general and specific. General idea is a broad
idea that applies to a large number of specific items, the term clothing in general
becouse it refers to a large collection of specific items slaks, suits, blouse, shirts,
scarves, and so on. Specific idea or term is more detailed and particular. It refers to
individual items. The word scarf, for example, is a particular term. The pharase red
plaid scarf is even more specific.
General :
Specific :
Chocolate cream
General :
Specific :
General :
Specific :
Now we will apply the idea of general and specific to paragraphs. The main
idea is the most general statement the writer makes about the topic. Pick out the
most general statement among the following sentence.
1. People differ according to height
2. Hair color distinguishes some people from others.
3. People differ in a number of different ways
4. Each person has his or her own personality
Did you chose item 3 as the most general statement. Now we will change
this list in to pharagraph, rearranging the list adding a few facts.
People differ in numerious ways. They differ according to physical
characteristics, such as height, weight, and hair color. They also differ in

personality. Some people are friendly and easygoing. Others are more
reserved and formal.
In this paragraph, the main idea is expressed in the first sentence. This
sentence is the most general statement expressed in the paragraph. All the other
statements are specific details that explain his main idea.
B. Identifiying The Topic
The topic is the one thing a paragraph about. Every sentence in a paragraph
in some way discusses or explain the topic. Think of the topic as the subject of the
entire paragraph. If you had to choose a title for a paragraph, the one or two word
you would choose are the topic
To find the topic of a paragraph, ask your self, what is theone thing the
author is discussing throughout the paragraph
Now read this following paragraph with this question in the mind :
Flextime, which began in the mid.1960s as an altemative work
schedule experiment, will be a fact of life in many industries. In the 21 st
century. We will work not according to traditional work schedules but
according our biological and emotional rhythms. The night owls among us
will be delighted to work the lobstershifts and let the rest of us work during
the day. The number of hours worked wont be as significant as what you
accomplish when you work. The evantage of flextime is that it permits
flexible. Cost-efective work arrange ments.
In this example, the author is discussing one topic flextime- throughout the
paragraph. Notice that the word flexible and flextime are used several times. Often
the repeated use of a word can serve as a clue to topic.
C. Finding the main idea
The main idea of paragraph is what the author wants you to know about the
topic. It is the broad, important idea that the writer develops throughout the
paragraph. The entire paragraph, then, explains, develops, and supports this main
idea. A question that will guide you in finding the main idea is, what is the author
saying about the topic?.

The topic sentence

Usually one sentence expresses the main idea. This sentence is called the
topic sentence.
In the following paragraph, the topic is the effects of alcohol on the brain.
Read the paragraph to find out what the writer wants you to know about how
alcohol affects the brain. Look for one sentence that states this.
The effects of alcohol are archieved through a depression of brain
function. It is a common misconception that alcohol is a stimulant. The
liveliness of people who have had one or two drinks at a party is the result of
sedation of portions of the brain that normally exercise judgment or control.
As slightly higher concentrations, alcohol affects portions of the brain that
control muscular coordination. At higher concentration yet, the ability of the
brain to receive pain messages is impaired, and body metabolism is slowed
down, in extreme eases to the points of coma or death.
The first sentence state that alcohol depresses the function of the brain. The
reminder of the paragraph explains how the brain reacts to varying amounts of
Where to find the topic sentence?
The topic sentence can be located anywhere in tha paragraph. However,
there are several positions where it is most likely to be found.
1. Topic sentence first
Most often the topic sentence is placed first in the paragraph.
2. Topic sentence last
The second most likely place for a topic sentence to appear is last in the
3. Topic sentence in the middle
If it is placed neither first nor last, then the topic sentence appears
somewhere in the middle of the paragraph.
4. Topic sentence first and last
Occasionally the main idea will be stated at the beginning of a paragraph
and again at the end. Writers may use this organization to emphasize an
important idea or to explain an idea that needs clarification.

D. Inferring unstated main ideas

Although most paragraphs do have a topic sentence, some do not. This type
of paragraph contains only details or specifies that, taken together, point to the main
idea in paragraphs in which no one sentence clearly expresses the main idea, you
must figure it out.
Use the following steps as a guide to finding unstated main ideas:
1. Find the topic. Ask yourself: what is the one thing the author is
discussing throughout the paragraph?
2. Decide what the writer wants you to know about the topic. Look at each
detail and decide what larger idea each explains.
3. Express this idea in your own words.

Read the following paragraph, then follow the three steps listed above.
In the past, most individuals were educated during a specific period of
their lives. By the time they reached their mid-20s, they could retire their
notebooks, textbooks, carbon paper, scratch pads, and pencils and pens and
concentrate on building their careers. Tomorrows workers will have to hold
on to their training paraphemalia because they can expect to be retained
throughout their working lives. It may mean taking company-sponsored
courses every few months, after-work seminars, or spending a number of
days or weeks in a nearby university attending lectures at different points
during the year.
The topic of this paragraph is education. The writer begins by explaining that
in the past, education took place during a certain time period in our lives. Then the
writer predicts that in the future, education will continue throughout a persons life.
The main point the writer makes is that the idea of education is changing. Notice,
however, that no single sentence states this idea clearly. The reader had to infer this
idea from the way all the sentences in the paragraph worked together.
E. Recognizing supporting details
Supporting details are those facts and ideas that prove and explain main idea
of paragraph. While all the details in a paragraph do support the main idea, not all

details are equally important. As you read, try to identify and pay attention to the
must-important details. Pay less attention to the details of lesser importance. The
key details directly explain the main idea. Other details may provide additional
information, offer an example, or further explain one of the key details.
The following diagram shows how details relate to the main idea and how
details range in degre of importance. In the diagram, more-important details are
placed toward the left, less-important details are closer to the right.
Most important



Read the following paragraph and study the diagram that follows.
The skin of the human body has several functions. First, it serves as a
protective covering in doing so, it accounts for 17 percent of the body
weight. Skin also protects the organs within the body from damage or harm.
The skin serves as a regulates body functions. It controls body temperature
and water loss. Finally, the skin serves as a receiver. It is sensitive to touch
and temperature.

Skin have several functions

Protective covering
17 percent of body weight
Protects organs
Regulates body functions
Water loss

From this diagram you can see that the details that state the three functions
of skin are the key details. Other details, such as protects organs, provide further
information and are at a lower level of topic.

Zainil, Reading Theoris, Padang: Universitas Negri Padang, 2003.

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