Edward Lo Fall 2016 CV

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Edward Limin Lo

Master of Science, Geology
University of Kentucky (UK), Lexington, KY
Thesis topic: Landscape evolution recorded in Lake Uberaba in the Pantanal, Brazil
Current GPA: 3.739

Aug 2017

Bachelor of Science, Geology-Professional

Concentration: Environmental Geology
Louisiana State University (LSU), Baton Rouge, LA
Overall GPA: 3.637

Dec 2013

Research interests: wetland sediments, quaternary geology, geomorphology, hydrology

Research Experience
U.S. Fulbright Fellow
Mar-Nov 2015
-Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)Cmpus do Pantanal
-Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation)
-Ecohydrology, Aguinaldo Silva, Ivan Bergier
Investigated how aquatic vegetation influences distal distributive fluvial systems
Conducted geoscience outreach activities in Brazil
Post-baccalaureate Intern
Jan-May 2014
-Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship
-Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy
-HydroEcological Engineering Advanced Decision Support, Dr. Nigel W. T. Quinn
Calculating flow and salinity balance for four ponds in the Grasslands Water
District in central California to help management of San Joaquin River wetlands
Using the WARMF-SJR watershed model
Student Research Assistant
July-Dec 2013
-Chancellors Student Aide
-Louisiana State University, Department of Geology & Geophysics
-Marine geology lab, Dr. Samuel J. Bentley, Dr. Kehui (Kevin) Xu
Investigated the relationship between compaction and erodibility measurements of
fine Mississippi River sediment for honors undergraduate thesis.
Used a dual-core Gust erosion chamber and a large settling column.
Vetted thesis currently in review at Geo-Marine Letters.
Undergraduate Researcher
June-Aug 2012
-National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics Research Experience for Undergraduates
(REU) on Sustainable Land and Water Resources
-University of MinnesotaTwin Cities
Curriculum Vitae: Edward L. Lo1

-St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, Dr. Kimberly M. Hill

Investigated how changing the density of a cluster of tubes and the orientation of
the cluster would affect net sediment transport and bed topography.
Undergraduate Researcher
May-Aug 2011
-Aquatic Chemical Ecology Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF ACE-REU)
-Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
-Hydrology lab, Dr. Donald R. Webster
Focused research on finding a significant difference in the swimming trajectories
of calanoid copepods in varying levels of turbulence.
Student Research Assistant
Jan 2011-May 2013
-Chancellors Student Aide
-Louisiana State University, Department of Geology & Geophysics
-Hydrogeology lab, Dr. Carol M. Wicks
Researched how scour or siltation is affecting the habitat and distribution of the
cavesnail Antrobia culveri in southeastern Taney County, MO.
Laboratory Assistant
Aug-Dec 2010
-Chancellors Student Aide
-Louisiana State University, Department of Biological Sciences
-Biochemical lab, Dr. James V. Moroney
Learned to produce 2xYT medium (Yeast Extract Tryptone), TAP medium (trisacetate phosphate), and sterile plates.
Used PCR (polymerase chain reaction) machines for DNA amplification.

Professional Experience
Teaching Assistant
Sustainable Planet (EES 120); Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EES 150)
Organized pre-lab talk and taught each weeks lab session
Graded all labs and proctored exams

Sept-Dec 2016

Teaching Assistant
UK Physical Geology Lab (EES 220)
Organized pre-lab talk and taught each weeks lab session
Graded all labs and proctored exams

Sept-Dec 2014

Teaching Assistant
LSU Geology Camp for Incoming Freshmen
Assisted with lab instruction, driving and logistics, and maintaining an
environment suitable for learning

Jun-Jul 2014

9-15 Mar 2014
ExxonMobil Guadalupe Mountains Recruiting Field Course
Synthesized field observations into interpretations of hydrocarbon play elements

Curriculum Vitae: Edward L. Lo2

Applied sequence stratigraphy concepts to field geology

LSU Senior Geology Field Camp (GEOL 3666)

May-July 2013
Six (6)-week field capstone field course in Colorado Springs, CO
Learned to efficiently map igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic terrains
Constructed and correlated stratigraphic columns
Invited Student Panelist
23 Jan 2012
Innovation through Institutional Integration Raising Researchers seminar
Advised enthusiastic undergraduates on how to secure summer research,
particularly as a college freshman
ScienceDemo Mentor
Aug 2011-May 2012
LSU Communication across the Curriculum (CxC)
Studio 151, Mr. Kevin DiBenedetto
Maintained Geology ScienceDemo program
Arranged for students to pick up the geology kits, demonstrated how to use the kits,
and created tables to keep track of student usage.
Desk Assistant
Feb-Aug 2011
LSU Residential Life
Honors College (West Laville Hall and Acadian Hall)
Utilized Personal software to create room key cards and Maximo software to place
work orders.
Maintained records and logs of all desk activity.
Created business-like atmosphere by playing smooth jazz radio. Always greeted
patrons kindly and respectfully.


Lo, E.L., Silva, A., Bergier, I., McGlue, M.M., Silva, B.L.P., Silva, A.P.S., Pereira,
L.E., Macedo, H.A., Assine, M.L., and Silva, E.R.S., 2017, The role of aquatic
macrophytes in ecological succession of fluvial-lacustrine systems in the Pantanal:
Lake Uberaba. Geografia, in press.
Lo, E.L., Bentley Sr., S.J., and Xu, K., 2014, Experimental study of cohesive
sediment consolidation and resuspension identifies approaches for coastal
restoration: Lake Lery, Louisiana. Geo-Marine Letters: 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s00367014-0381-3

Final Papers

Lo, E. L. (2013, Dec). Consolidation and suspension of mud from Lake Lery and
relevance to wetland restoration in Louisiana. Undergraduate honors thesis.
Lo, E. L. and Wicks, C. M. (2013, May). Clinging onto life in a flood: where
cavesnails in Tumbling Creek cave stream take shelter.

Curriculum Vitae: Edward L. Lo3

Lo, E. L. (2012, Aug). Density-dependent sediment dynamics near a patch of

Lo, E. L. (2011, Aug). Turbulence effects on copepod swimming capability.

Conferences and Symposiums

Poster Presentations
Lo, E.L., Bergier, I., Silva, A., McGlue, M.M., Silva, A.P.S., and Pereira, L.E.,
2015, March of the shoreline: an assessment of shifting lake margins in response
to macrophyte mats in the Pantanal wetland. XV Congresso Brasileiro de
Lo, E.L. and Quinn, N.W.T., 2014, Continuous salinity mass balance in
seasonally managed pondsan analog for wetland real-time salinity
management. LBL Workforce Development and Education Undergraduate Spring
Intern Poster Session.
Lo, E. L. and Hill, K. M. (2012, Nov). D ensity-dependent sediment dynamics
near a patch of cylinders. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of
Lo, E. L. and Hill, K. M. (2012, Oct). Density-dependent sediment dynamics near
a patch of cylinders. Ivy Plus STEM Symposium.
Lo, E. L. and Hill, K. M. (2012, Aug). Density-dependent sediment dynamics
near a patch of cylinders. St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Next Generation Research
Lo, E. L., Murphy, D. W., Yen, J., & Webster, D. R. (2011, Nov). Turbulence
Effects on Copepod Swimming Capability. LSU Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
Rock Star Lagniappe poster competition.
Lo, E. L., Murphy, D. W., Yen, J., & Webster, D. R. (2011, Nov). Turbulence
Effects on Copepod Swimming Capability. LSU Triple-Ex Conference.
Lo, E. L., Murphy, D. W., Yen, J., & Webster, D. R. (2011, Oct). Turbulence
Effects on Copepod Swimming Capability. LSU Deans Circle Dinner.
Lo, E. L., Murphy, D. W., Yen, J., & Webster, D. R. (2011, July). Turbulence
Effects on Copepod Swimming Capability. Georgia Tech School of Biology Senior
Lo, E. L. (2011, May). Effects of DTPA and DI Water on Dissolution of the Barite
[001] Cleavage Surface. LSU Mineralogy Poster Session.
Oral Presentations
Lo, E. L. (2013, Dec). Consolidation and suspension of mud from Lake Lery and
relevance to wetland restoration in Louisiana. Undergrad honors thesis defense.
Lo, E. L. (2013, Nov). Consolidation and suspension of mud from Lake Lery and
relevance to wetland restoration in Louisiana. PowerPoint presented at the LSU
Undergraduate Research Conference (URC): Excite, Explore, Experiment 2013.
Lo, E. L. and Hill, K. M. (2012, Oct). Density-dependent sediment dynamics near
a patch of cylinders. PowerPoint presented at the LSU Undergraduate Research
Conference 2012.

Curriculum Vitae: Edward L. Lo4

Lo, E. L. (2011, Dec). Development of the eastern Beartooth Mountains Leopard

Rock Dikes in the Paleoproterozoic Era. PowerPoint presented at the LSU
Petrology Symposium.

5 Simpsio de Geotecnologias no Pantanal (Nov 2014)
6th Annual LSU Multicultural Leadership Conference (Oct 2012)
SIMEXMIN (5th Brazilian Symposium on Mineral Exploration) (May 2012)
28th Annual Louisiana Remote Sensing and GIS Workshop (Apr 2012)
LSU Triple-Ex (Excite, Explore, Experiment) Conference (Nov 2010)

Honors and Awards

GSA Student Grant for $1875 (Apr 2016)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (Mar 2016)
LacCore Visiting Graduate Student Travel Grant (Apr 2015)
UK McNair Fellowship (Aug 2014-May 2015)
Fulbright fellowship (awarded Apr 2014)
LSU College Honors (Dec 2013)
Volunteer LSU Exceptional Member (Nov 2013)
Devon Energy Corp. Scholarship (June 2013)
Candace L. Hays and Ronnie D. Johnson Scholarship (May 2013)
Geological Society of America Travel Grant to 2012 Annual Meeting (Dec 2012)
Marathon Geoscience Diversity Enrichment (GeoDE) Scholarship (Nov 2012)
LSU Honors College Sophomore Distinction Award (Oct 2012)

Geology General Scholarship (LSU Dept. of Geology & GeophysicsMay 2012)

Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award (LSU Dept. of Geology &
Geophysics and the College of ScienceApr 2012)
LSU First Year Experience Tiger Transition Team Peer Mentor (Apr 2012-Dec
LSU McNair Post-Baccalaureate Research Scholar (Jan 2012-present)
2nd place undergraduate poster award (LSU Dept. of Geology and Geophysics Rock
Star Lagniappe poster competitionNov 2011)
LSU Distinguished Communicator candidate (May 2011-Jan 2013)
LSU Deans List (May 2011)
LSU Chancellors Honor Roll (Dec 2010)
LSU Chancellors Student Aide (Aug 2010-Dec 2013)
LSU Golden Oaks Award (Aug 2010-Dec 2013)
Louisiana Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (LA-STEM)
Research Scholar (June 2010-Dec 2013)

Professional Affiliations
American Institute of Professional Geologists (Nov 2012-Present)

Curriculum Vitae: Edward L. Lo5

NCED REU on Sustainable Land and Water Resources blog (Jun-Aug 2012)
Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (Feb 2012-Present)
Geological Society of America (June 2012-Present)
LSU Media Center press release LSU Students Promote Community Involvement
through the Office of Strategic Initiatives (Jul 2011)

Campus Involvement

Volunteer LSUFocus Chair in Civic Awareness and Engagement (Jan 2013-Dec

Geology Club at LSUInterim Service Commissioner (Mar-Aug 2013); Treasurer
(Aug 2011-May 2012); member (Feb 2011-Dec 2013)
Helping Others Practice Empowerment (H.O.P.E., a service organization)
secretary (Aug 2011-Aug 2012); member (Sept 2010-May 2012)

Community Service

Common Good Community Development Corporation (Mar-Oct 2016)helped with

after school activities for 4th and 5th grade students
Berkeley Lab Adventure Zone in Elementary Science (BLAZES; Mar-Apr 2014)taught
several basic
Mentorship Academy (Feb-Apr 2012)weekly commitment to help high school
students with algebra I.
Big Buddy (Sept-Nov 2012)weekly commitment to help a pre-K Chinese student
adjust to the cultural environment of Belfair Elementary School
Louisiana Art and Science Museum (Jan 2012)devoted four hours to teaching
motivated teenagers from Youth Alive! About geology-related artwork and sharing
some insight on earth sciences careers.
Ocean Commotion (Nov 2011 and Oct 2013)volunteered one hour to help
showcase the excitement of geology through mineral samples and emphasis on the
significance of geology in everyday life.
Super Science Saturday (Oct 2011 and Oct 2013)assisted Geology Club at LSU
with the aquifer model demonstration, among all of the minerals on display.
Voter Registration Drive (Sept 2011)helped encourage LSU students and Old
South Baton Rouge residents to vote.
Volunteer LSU Community Bound (Aug 2011 and Aug 2013)helped beautify
and paint the walls of Westdale Heights Academic Elementary Magnet (2011);
coordinated volunteer teams at four area schools.
iHope Baton Rouge (Mar-Apr 2011)tutored middle school students on several
subjects for 6 weeks.
Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana volunteer opportunity (Sept 2010)planted
smooth and marsh hay cordgrass with the help of dibble bars to restore coastline
and wetlands in north Lake Pontchartrain.
LA-STEM Summer Bridge service-learning project (June-July 2010)helped
design new playground with fellow classmates for a local school.

Curriculum Vitae: Edward L. Lo6

Portuguese, Spanish (advanced proficiency); Mandarin (intermediate proficiency)

Instruments: ion chromatograph, petrographic microscope, optical microscope,
Jacobs staff, Brunton compass, point gauge, research flume
Techniques: chemical analysis, carbon content, radionuclides, grain size
Software: Microsoft Excel, ImageJ, TecPlot, Solveig Video Splitter, Adobe After
Effects, Adobe Illustrator, BioRas Lab Track, Prism Video Converter, OriginLab,
SigmaPlot, CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, ArcGIS, QGIS, SPRING

Curriculum Vitae: Edward L. Lo7

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