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Created by Analisa, Jamie, Sylvana October 21, 2016

Lesson Title: Grammar

Grade: 5

Lesson # :

Date :

Experiencing grammar within group play is a more effective way to learn grammar than to be
taught it in an efferent way. This lesson explores a variety of hands on contact with reading and
writing that reinforce grammar knowledge.
Curriculum Connections:
Big Idea:
-Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works.
-Texts can be understood from different perspectives.
- Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy.
Curricular Competencies:
-Recognize how literary elements, techniques and devices enhance meaning in texts.
-Respond to text in personal and creative ways.
-Use language in creative and playful ways to develop style.
-Sentence structure and grammar. Ie. Noun, Verb, Adverb, and Adjective
-Forms, functions and genres of text
- Reading strategies
- Writing processes

Learning Intentions:
I can recognize and manipulate verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives.
Prerequisite Concepts and Skill:
Social interaction skills, ability to read and write sentences, ability to present (read aloud), some
previous knowledge of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

4 sets of instructions for each table

Supplies for each games
Popsicle sticks in four colors
Jars or cans
Jenga - little words taped on verb, noun, adjectives, adverbs
Mad libs sheets - non kid friendly 20 sheets 4 different
Skeleton - 2 stories, bare-bones



Created by Analisa, Jamie, Sylvana October 21, 2016

Differentiated Instruction (DI):

-Have definitions on board to assist those
who require it
-Circulate room
Assessment and Evaluation
Listen to groups and respond to students

Participate actively in groups

Attempt each of the activities

Organizational/ Management Strategies:

-Words distributed at begining to form
-Room set up to form four groups to allow
-Teachers will walk around monitoring
games, helping and making observations.
- Have all definitions written on the board:
Nouns = Person, place or thing
Verb = action, state or occurrence
Adverb = word that modifies a verb or
adjective, noun, other adverb or word
group ex/ quietly, gentle. That idea is
simply ridiculous.
Adjectives = A describing word for a noun
(qualify a person place or thing)
- Color coded the popsicle sticks to group
the words as verbs, nouns, adverbs and

Students can refer to the board for reminders of


INTRODUCTION: (5 minutes)
- Grouping strategy: Have a list of papers with nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives (etc) when the
students walk in the door.
-They are to go to their desks.
-Sylvana plays guitar to gather attention and tells the past, present and future joke.
-We can call all the nouns to stand up once everyone has arrived.
-This will be the first group.
-We will ask the noun group to describe what a noun is.
-We will write on the board so they can access the definition when they begin the games.
-Repeat for following groups (verbs/adverbs/adjectives.)
-We distribute the game supplies to each group.
-After 4 minutes - we beat the drum and have them move to a new station.

Created by Analisa, Jamie, Sylvana October 21, 2016



One jar with popsicle sticks with words on them(nouns on one color, adverb on a different color
One person collects one stick of each color and attempts to create a sentence with it.
Their partner then collects their 4 sticks and says their sentence.
Teacher has written parts of speech (nouns, adverbs etc) on a block prior to class.
student pulls a block out during their turn (noun, verb, adverb, adjective). Student is to come up
with an word that fits that category, and create their own creative sentence.
(Example: If you pull out noun, you could say bear. Then you use it in a sentence such as
The very cranky bear stomped and swatted the bumble bees away.)
Student places their Jenga piece on the top of the tower, trying carefully not to knock over the
The student that knocks over the tower has an added challenge. To try to use every part of
speech listed on the blocks (there are 4 you need to use: noun, adverb, adjective and verb) in 1
sentence. Have them try it for fun!
Have mad lib stories with missing adjectives, verbs nouns etc,.
Students fill in the blanks and then read the funny stories.
A simple story is provided to students, and they have to add in adjectives, verbs, nouns, and
adverbs to make the story more interesting and engaging.
CLOSURE (5 minutes)
(Sylvana and Analisa)
Debrief: We did not say the word grammar once during the class because students learn
grammar better through play, rather than directly.
Discuss the research on teaching grammar and how previous methods have been shown to be
Leave all students with a question (present on overhead, with closing joke on grammar)
Punctuation Saves Lives Joke :Lets eat grandma, Lets eat, grandma. (Jamie)
Who should initiate a correction process, the students, other students, or the teacher?
How much does correction freeze or inhibit certain students?
Which students in your class really benefit from direct teacher correction?
Should you have a correction policy for the whole class or should you treat everyone differently?

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