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Difference between online and real time processing?

Real time processing occurs immediately the function is sent to
Online processing is set in queue and can take overnight to
process. In most cases online processing is like this web page.
Information typed in and it take minutes to go through the up load



A classic case of on line processing is the banks pay in /out

process - What you pay in NOW at the bank shows on your
account after midnight (normally) but is there by start of trade
tomorrow. This is because with real time updates multiple actions
would lock down a sequence of events. A queue is formed to
prevent this

----------------------------------------------------------------------Batch, Online and Real Time Processing

Batch processing

Definition: To process a large set of data in a specific way,

automatically, without needing any user intervention. The data
is first collected, during a work day, for example, and then
batch-processed, so all the collected data is processed in one

go. This could happen at the end of the work day, for example,
when computing capacities are not needed for other tasks.

Advantages: It is possible to perform repetitive tasks on a

large number of pieces of data rapidly without needing the user
to monitor it.

Interactive or Online Processing

Definition: Data is processed immediately while it is entered,

the user usually only has to wait a short time for a response.
(ex. games, word processing, booking systems). Interactive or
online processing requires a user to supply an input.

Advantages: Interactive or online processing enables the

user to input data and get the results of the processing of that
data immediately.

Real time Processing

Real time processing is a subset of interactive or online

Definition: Input is continuously, automatically acquired from

sensors, for example, which is processed immediately in order
to respond to the input in as little time as possible. After the
system is finished responding it reads the next set of input data

immediately to process that. This system doesn't need a user to

control it, it works automatically.

Advantages: Whenever there is a rapid reaction required due

to some sort of change, real time processing can take action
without the need of a user or long processing time beforehand.

There are a number of differences between real-time and batch

processing. These are outlined below:
Each transaction in real-time processing is unique. It is not part of
a group of transactions, even though those transactions are








time processing are stand-alone both in the entry to the system








Real-time processing requires the master file to be available more

often for updating and reference than batch processing. The
database is not accessible all of the time for batch processing.
Real-time processing has fewer errors than batch processing, as
transaction data is validated and entered immediately. With batch
processing, the data is organised and stored before the master
file is updated. Errors can occur during these steps.

Infrequent errors may occur in real-time processing; however,

they are often tolerated. It is not practical to shut down the
system for infrequent errors.
More computer operators are required in real-time processing, as
the operations are not centralised. It is more difficult to maintain a
real-time processing system than a batch processing system.


what is difference b/w real and online

Real time means that the signal processing does not break the
temporal continuity of the output signal e.g. a system acquire 1
ms of base band/ IF/ RF signal and produces as output 1 ms of
output signal.
Signal processing takes part both in the analog and digital
domain: the analog processing is mainly characterized by a delay
but the temporal continuity of the signal produced is never
compromised: it is inherently a real time processing because it
consists of a transformation of the signal while crossing one or
more cascaded analog stages.
When we consider digital signal processing we have to face other
problems because this type of processing is achieved by a
cascade of A/D conversion, DSP and then D/A conversion stages
(if required): while the A/D and D/A (usually) are not a problem
the DSP stage is implemented by software/firmware running on a
processor (ASIC/FPGA/GPP or DSP) and requires time to complete
its tasks according to the complexity of the operations involved,
therefore the DSP stage is not able to process a new frame
coming from the A/D until the current frame has been processed
and sent to the D/A: this is the real time constrain that a digital
signal processing system has to satisfy. If this constrain is not
fulfilled the temporal continuity of the output signal is not

For what concerns the on line processing I can't give you any
suggestion because I never heard that expression before but I
suppose that it is a synonym of real time. Maybe if you clarify the
context where you find this expression it would be helpfull.

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