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The compulsions untold and the questions beyond---need for introspection by

friendly association..
Though, it would have been more apt if we would have maintained our silence
and would have kept on doing the good work as we were doing without
boasting and showing supremacy and one-upmanship. The so called crusaders of
the justice and historic struggles, have instead of concentrating on the struggle are
trying to find out the excuses and scapegoats so that they can run away mid-way.
However, we assure them that we will not let them run...before actual solution. They
cannot just derail everything by getting hand-in-gloves with HR Managers who are
working overnight to stop these implementations... we will not let anybody run now
before solution which includes ourselves alsoenough is enough..
In the meetings before 26.04.2016, Director (HR) has categorically assured us
that she shall be finalizing both the issues by 30th April 2016, only thing needed
was the consensus amongst executive association. We were very surprised that
even when all the three associations spoke in single voice that implement the
recommendations and all things can be settled later on, how come a new twist to the
whole saga that anomalies needs to be examined beforehand and thereby in the
process seeking more time for implementation came into the minds of
management. But now after going through the website of the friendly association, we
have the answers. How this new vision of management for examining anomalies
before implementing Khan Committee report came into the managements ideas as
reading their website and listening to the arguments of Management, we dont find
any difference. Their website is full of questions on anomalies and losses pertaining
to seniorsthe double standards are clearly visible you raise the questions for
the seniors and show your concern on the Juniors and especially those recruited
after 01.01.2007we are really perplexed and amazed what our friendly association
wants to do???? and why they want to do???? we are also amazed that off late their
website has become unofficial platform for echoing the views of the establishment
and other HR unitsThose who do not have concern regarding their own set of
executives.. (Like LDCE Passed candidates, the batches of 1995, 96 and so..on..if they
sing the tune of Direct recruits..its for all to decide on themselvesWe are not
ready to stretch it further..on the pretext of examining the anomalies..and it is
for the people to decide ..what is wrong and what is right
Going through their website, certain questions pop up in the minds of everybody:
1) The number of promotions vis--vis the final destination: There was never
any Promotional channel from SDE to Sr. SDE neither in EPP nor in Functional
Functional promotions were from JTO (E1A) SDE (E2A) -DE (E4) and so
onand in EPP 1st time bound upgradation was from 4-6 years and
subsequent upgradations in five years...irrespective of scales and substantive
grade the EPP vis--vis Khan Committee report can be seen as below:



JTO Equivalent
SDE Equivalent
DE Equivalent
And so on.


committee Remarks
recommendation w.r.t
Scales replaced
Scales replaced
NO recommendation No change
NO recommendation No change
No change
NO recommendation

In the current policy there is no mention of senior SDE designation vis--vis

the scales.. Senior SDE post was created to accommodate the time scale
upgradation in 12 years of SDEs in Erstwhile DoT era which ceased to
exist after implementation of EPP.. as nobody was ever posted as senior
SDE after getting the E3 scale once EPP was implemented. So, nothing is
complex or contradictory .it is wrongly being linked with E3 just to derail the
process and create confusion in connivance with HR managers..
As regard to the second recommendation is concernedthere is no mention of
scale in that. It was only to define the time bound functional promotions in a
span of five yearsKHAN Committee has clearly mentioned SDE as E3 scale
... however there is no mention of Sr. SDE
recommendations if at all the name is pinching to our friendly association...
they can call these grades anything. What is there in the name. But the
promotion cannot be and was never mentioned as E2-E3-E3-E4-E5 as
portrayed by our friendly association in collusion with HR managers..
Our friendly association is sounding as if the final designation/scale never
matters.. if E2 to E3 is First promotion..Why it hurts them if E3 to E4 becomes
2nd promotion instead of 3rd. Similarly E4 to E5 will be 3rd promotion only
instead of 4th...and so..on... It is for the people to decide. Whether it is a loss or
gain and who is fooling whom...
We also request our friendly association to learn the definition of cascading
effectwhat we are demanding is the promotion channelin the fixed span of
five years as recommended by KHAN Committee Cascading effect would
have been if out rightly all the scales would have been upgraded one step up
on 01.01.2007..if seeking promotion to next scale is also coming under the
definition of Cascading Effect.. Then perhaps next demand from our
friendly association shall be to stop all the promotions...just to please their
mentors!!! Perhaps!!!.

If promotion is what you call is change in designation by creating more than

one posts in one scale with no change in functional hierarchyno
change in scalethen there is scope of creating n number of posts within
one scale....why u are then asking for two promotions in E3 scale only.. Why
dont you create two fact five posts in one scale.. in that case you
will have the scope for getting 25 promotions in whole service period ,
fact as many as promotions you want in one year..two yearthree year..As
management will be more than happy to do that in the absence of any
financial implications..if you are so concerned. For five posts ...why dont you
ask for similar type of promotions in other scale say E6...As you once said
that you dont dream beyond E6.but we do sir and we will keep on doing it...
you want to do this in E3 scale.. because you dont want your younger
executives to flourish..Our earnest request sir.. stop fooling us.. we will
support you more than you can imagine ..Just show your
genuine..Intentions..not the crocodile tears
Further, what they see a loss today is actually not a loss if E2/E3 was
implemented in year 2009 itselfwhat would have been their logic. One more
question is now cropping up in our minds -- Were you the reason behind
the non-implementation of standard pay scales as you may be afraid that
recoveries may take place. was it your design that management didnt
come up with these scales purposefully to be implemented at that time
sensing such type of non-existent fears as at that time ..Your executives
were in E3 scales and you could not have demanded 10 years in E3 scale for
them. Pretenderis the word for this...isnt it
Moreover if really there is any such loss...its the duty of the executive
association to fight it out. For the fault of management, executives cannot be
penalized... If an association can't protect the interests of the executives for
the fault on the part of management... it is quite clear that who is in touch
with management and whose vested interests are supreme... Just in the
name of increment, barring the younger executives from getting early
promotion...and then claiming yourself to be the messiahs of the same set of
executives...nothing can be more hypocritical than this..
Our friendly association itself says that all of them will reach E6 scale on
01.10.2014 instead of 01.10.2019. Means 5 years ahead. Isn't it an achievement
for all? If someone is afraid of one increment due in year 2019 because of
existing EPP why don't they try to change this clause instead of changing it to
10 years in E3 scale? Those who were already on E3 & above on 01.01.2007
are not going to be affected any more due to implementation of this
Is it first time that some anomalies will occur in implementing new scale? How
they were handled in past. If anomalies would have been a show stopper, then
no PRC would have ever been implemented. Why you are talking in tune with
management in the name of may be or may not be anomalies. Nothing can
be more sinister than raising the fear for nothing and inducing confusion
amongst executives.

They say that we launched the agitation as there was some movement on
MT Recruitment. Our question is how they came to know about it when
nobody else was even aware about it... It means it is you...who is working
behind the curtains to derail all the processes as you are well aware that
MT issue definitely raises the temperament of all the Direct Recruits...It is
well known that once MT is done, CPSE hierarchy will never be implemented ...
still you are supporting MT...If we oppose MTYou call it vested interest..
Remember its us who didnt allowed MT to happen in BSNL till
date...and since MT didnt cameyour so called bottleneck (JTS) was
broken else earlier you were forced to retire as SDE...and even Adhoc DE
post was being given to you after retirement..and opposing MT is being
called as a sinister design? Why they want to push JTO cadre once again to
old DoT eraIf they are really serious about the career of JTO cadre then
they should let Khan Committee Recommendations be implemented
without any if and buts...let the JTO cadre flourish...they should not think
about their petty ego that they got promotions in more number of years
then why the youngsters should get it in less time.. Just think about the
role you are playing and you are calling us the agents.. in Hindi one popular
Even a not so smart person will understand that youngsters who will come
directly in E2 will be hugely demotivated if they are kept in E3 scales for
10 years. In fact nobody will want to join BSNL in that case... Because for
them, your so called benefit of 5 years will not be there even
theoretically they will expect their 2nd promotion in five years. But
when they would be kept 10 years on E3 only, they will definitely be
demotivated. So instead of motivating the young executives to join
BSNL, you can see where you want to take them and what you are
creating for BSNL. We can't give them consolation that it is we who had
made E2 for JTO otherwise they would have come on E1 only, because the
history of scale has never been a subject of any examination. They would be
attracted on E2 and nothing else... Most sufferers will be the executives
promoted from non-executive who will not be able to reach above E3
because of already their several years services rendered as non-executive
in past and then a barrier of 10 years at E3.
We leave once again to the people that what is right or wrong. Who is
working behind the door and hobnobbing with management is quite clear
now. Despite the above approach of the friendly association we requested
them to launch joint struggle which they refused. It would have been better
that all the three associations would have fought jointly but perhaps that was
not destined to be for the reasons best known to the so called crusaders of
truth and justice. But we still welcome their decision for launching the
struggle and sincerely hope that they will not withdraw in between. We
convey our support to them on behalf of our members and direct recruits
of BSNL and request them to be a part of this historic change instead of
creating obstacles for the non-existent fears.

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