Freedom of Information People S Manual As of August 22 2016 PDF

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Draftas of 22. August 2036 Presidentia| Communications Operatian Office Freedom of Information People’s Manual (Presidential Communications Operations Office) Draft as of August 22, 2016 Draft as of 22 August 2016 Presidential Communications Operation Office ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 1, Overview Purpose of the Manual Structure of the Manual, Coverage of the Manual Records (lficer . Desision Maker 6 POO Central Clearing Committee 7. Approve 2. Definition of Terms 3. Standard Operating Procedures 3 1. Receipt of Resmest for Informatie) Recoris a. Receipt of Request b, Request relating to mors than one area of the instinte C. If some of all requested secoris are got held ay the [stitute 2 Role of Decision Maliehip processing: Agepeeton of Information Request Asan b. Recoyds Officers of PCOO and attached agencies ¢, List of Seceptions 4, Flow Chart . POT Request Form Oraft as of 22 August 2016 Presidential Communication? Operation Office SECTION 1: OVERVIEW 1. Purpose: The purpose of the Pedpies #01 Manual (manual) i8 to provide the jpmeess to guide and assist the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO}, inehidling its atuehéd agerices, burcams and offices, in dealing with requests of infoxmation received under Executive Grder {E:0.) No, 2 on Freedom of Information (FOR, (annex “4") Structure of Manual ‘Tlic! rianual shall set out the rules andl procedures: to be Yollowed by the POOO, and its attached agencies, bureaus and offices, when a request for access to information is recived. The PCDO Secreuuy is responsible for all ections cared out under this Manual and mip delegate this :esponsibility to the Undersecretary of Operations; Legal of the PCO and the Heads of the attachied agencies, bureaus, and offices. The Seentary; or the'zespective Heads, in the case: of PCOG ettached agencics, Lurcans ami pllces, may: delegate a specific afficer to ‘set as the Decision Maker (DM) and shalt have overall tespotisibility tor'the snitial decision om FO! requests, (Le. to detire whether to sclease all-the records, partially selease the recands or deny neces). " , 5 % Coverage of the Manual: The menual ghall caver all requests-for information directed to the PCOO and allite attached agedaies, bureaus, and offices, as follaws: f News Injormation Burean @. Radio Television Malacafing b. Philippine thiffsmation agency i Nations] Printing Grice i k L Bureau $f Broadcast Services Bureau of Communication Services People’s Televisior: Netiiork, inc. Gia intercontinental Broadcasting lnc. > +L, Media Aesieditatiotvand Relateue Oflice 4. Reserds Officer: There shall be a Recomis Office (RO) assigned at the POOG. tt shall eAocated at thé'I- floor of the New Exccative Building, Jose P. Laurel St., ‘The functions ef'the.ROs shall include receiving in behalf of the PCOO or any of its attached agencies, Brireaus and offices, all requests for information and forward the Same to the appropriate office who has custody of the records; monitor all POT requests and appeals; provide assistance to the decision makers; pryvide assistance amd support to the public and staff with segard to POL; compile statistical information as required. Every attached! agencies, bureaus and offices of the PCOO shall assign their mespective RGs. (Aamex “B™ Draft aa of 72 rugust 2006 resierital Commurizators Oa scrgehing of the request or MAMaaGen and proms ‘mui deesien on whedier 1 ‘gem o¥ de snuck request. ‘Creston of # Ceatval Appisia aud Raview Commuter: There sncilne n centre appals wend ectiew Gemmmabtee Sompored af three (0) Bale deniganied by the Becemy of POOO to rerew and analver the gral or denied of rauesl of snformanon. The Cumniline cal len provide an expeat avi: £9 Bac Socaciry 00 she denis of ech ration: The bees of fe Atigrhod mppsicinn. biennale ‘loti keriee cate x Contra Apps wil Rew Chaaitine Wit ew agenciee, ies sex] OEIC In Aimer ehanner anata ests. wpeeovil wii! Denied of Roywest’ te LeTormuties! The FCOD Sqpiviony Communitatoas af te FEGD ana wcetenhed debe sath tie OMe of the Pranbiemt: Uc dimetnes aie ote asiStsin whey Seley formation Bi a Tortie C4 ee, © Inlectnn Joe iio aigsannm Bekok yet comet cing wpe ie sccompltiment of ater actions ur the vs CORMAN. eourds ‘acces, eARESOE, of veins ‘ecurrence of ioruitons cases cr otber snningeus ces “Te powerarornt oie hall nce dhe pers malmg Han eee? of te exe, lang for tbe mosey foe yuh eaves. tne eer SUNT ae exit Beyond twenty (20) wacking dav units: ostepticaa rocumstonces wet & anger patio’ (i) Once detonate jpset the Sexes, the genie taki the lequent sBalLbe Dot ofan doesn al dime sa ey) any appa Fes SECTION 10, Pees. Ghiverniie=it often STAT Gat atiee Hay Tew seeing sees for accees to faforamiliom They daa), henosve, change # sepnidle fer to rohethie nesesaary Saag tits eesti eg red Cap I Tee ferns ra at Drees of 2? august 2016 Premera Communications Operon Oce wulleet 10 exoling rules aod segaincinns. ty py cues ERall te pice fr beso. oncwce AR Ne ieeal the prsqme of hie Onter SUCTION 11, toentieal or Substantially Siailiar Roqiests, Phe gernment fie allt ‘Mot be Teuired ts att pen an unteimormble eabensucut Gentes or duluran ely inion eivest ftw the come sequceang pany ‘ebuee reget flan the ame reqoenting pay wns quest Thus testy Beem Presipudle granted or dul Up the awmor geese ie, SECTION 1. Notice of Bead [Fe proces les detest dae dee rest “Who oF PA i salt mon av pena ef Sc tabs Gees 9 eevang ig rm the Joop ot tue aoe Theo rcs weoee, Toe ‘otce Sod cron eh Whe pera or pr moe ore shies we ual ahmed. Palle to ot the sepeog of tes Rie ee Cree ie el hl a ee a et so fSranebon. SROTION 13, Remedios in crass of Denil of igqens fel Acceas to taforention. th) Deal or any megnest facencesa fo iio tay be wae ie ati ‘ore at bicber io tie alia, rn precede ethic wx Secion 7 {fof ta Order Hrovide, dot ie sped gaat be fl by te sacie penn ‘aching he coqanst ibis GER [IGP WOR AES Foxe the nese of Sessa me from the lapse 09h aevast perth copa 1 Be eet (4) The speeds aceite by Ur ‘peral "ppt higner ia auibabrkty witi\in: Tat Qt eeking amen i Blo of soil seamen fgere Pra of auch Retain or offi etn $uin tor Sie stn! ped tal decmed guae f oe at reais, Ue meeting ft a Fie ‘Se propre cote ae samara Hhe Pes Cae StecTIOW Ts Hecptag of floors Riyjet texte Yrs vale. and gins, feces ips tml eB a ora ecco we seca eonglee BAA ‘of Seporac aultanetion in sajpeopeiae: forums, and implenen Tasers msdsiaeat ‘pie Bet et Raby deioaten,reicieeal and ommecgta6 of ifemnion to. mie ee SECTION 15. Adaninieenting LinbiDey: Fie tic with ie proven att Sere anay be s round ta elisistratn: tert Vocipinarycaonsingy agar any area publi other of sausloyee an prodded uncer ending OMe aF mgulitens SECHION 16. texplementing Oreule. Al gercrnmcnt oes in he Execute Hranich que Gkecel to formule thew meajeeine implementing Actes ling ito couesleratcn thes miami ane Me ature af wficmtion in thet comorly or eontcel, within one Bacal “SPRDRY (1904 da from the efviyof tie Ones 8 Uraftasne 22 Aupest 216 Presidants| Communications Oparation Office ‘SECTION 17, Soparaniity Clanse If soy section or pet of Uais Oricr i beh Tnceuattatieal oF LaNalid, The ates AectoNs oe primers rl harwine nid ala ‘remein is falltoece or eect SECTION 18 Repecling Clomer Ail anda, miler sad repuinecs, ouaucen oe any pat aevet incomsieten ih the was of Uke Scene Cer ane Beret expasied, suneuidel ur mediiod éoculiagh= Provided that the provisions of Memorandiem Circular No 7 fe sUSH), se omen, shall ct be remed cepacia pening furtber revi ead sheen. OR. Pema Pte Paap Drefeas 22 August 2an8 resdertal Communications Operation ofr ANNEX“ Recoids Offers of POUO and attached aaencles Gommuniections — Hhiestine Dustin | [opemtion omen | deste Laci | Matncatin, Mow “Geestion of | Conti’ Detail | Assigned Records Records office Ofte Preidestial | tien Nee = w Aasnust 2028 Sreridert’s Sommunieations Operation Office ANNEX “<* Rasaplinas t@ FOL 1. alarmeiow (hat directly solutes to the aatinanl reewhy er demease and its Tevelation mey caine grave damage bo tationsd ecisiy oe interbal er omteraal detense of the state. At mevey lua Rae uke rsogmes the potieun i ling than tees S porsmaenal perdege wpa ule Satta wes reper oar Sere Zensnding miliary, Speer and es nat ob eae mae lagen ueaalsehall ane be pcbslgt Wt ie jadonent of each Hla @ ae ‘eto seeuey a 4. axeutive Ota No. GOR, Remo Naso Secibly, manne Sciam for rr eee a S. Executes Prtiioge invcining mEDInOHA sling 3 the Posey commence ‘i saponins, pondering sol dinomalpomeig? ee 4% Inlermtion pertaining ‘He ihe leveign afiies of the Remwbiia of ms Phnippines, when Ha reeshtiog- snail) may-eaduly woken the ocgotiating ppotcion of the growromont fe aa aapatng biiteral o andlilateral negoction Se serieunly Jeoperion the diflowaeie Cetttons 6f'e Pasippiacs with on at 1 exibarigrs prep the conchasion of kewliry saad {10 Present Cocemuniciin's Prackege: 1. heen dons Caine = F 2E-The Infersutlogregbested pertaias to taternal andioy extireid deftase, thw ‘enforcement end Berder eofeol, when the disclosure thereof mag: (& Comproitine 2 aanerrore With amy legitimate sutitony) of tow enforcement operation. or b. Comprosise of toteriare wih the legitimwts groveation, detection or amppreasion of crimiaal activity, or he Iegitinste implementation of immigration controls and border security, or Ey ate scat augiar aie Presigants Communications Operation Gifice © Lead to the disctonmre of the identity of s confidential source, inetneing, lagoversment, oF foreign agency or saclority or aay private imetination ‘wich fuuatched imfuriution on = eoutomttnl beats, ama Se the ona #f ‘record ar information coapilid by 4 law enforcement matizority inthe sourse of an investlvation at by az agtecy soadacting « Lewfal national comity intelligence tnvestigation, tafocsution facaiahed by casfidcatial source, of A. Disclose iegftionsl© terbeiqeas oud prosetaren Ger ine eatircement ‘investigations 8: premecalions, ar Z ‘paldelines for law colorcement tnvestigetions ———— ‘a scesonebiy be engin ta ieee oF Sar e Eodanger the iMe or physica! snity of any iasiesaaah ar © Dapeive pernom of sl far inl nd impaitl adjdcetion. fs cine ceca in etme, ech we thon The agprenensicn,-the 3m Fecal oul mat ot lnguire ato prior to sachs oc eR DE aah RS Cee ee eae eects cares ee ees f= lg pera fpr sate eveligeacd favertipation, comfdentnl information fumaiehed only by me Sama cane epnety Skee came eiecn = = pA En les ab cit | pa ea preliminary investigation. vis mer pic ory pbk oth Conic i we id i sit eet ee ee eee \abmbibt so acini on fees poe ste tosis can ot ‘oto thw bs chagrin a 8 [ Dent at 22 August 2016 Presiden ial Communcabans Opsrition Ose 2a.Penustor te reause it KBP te cone eomenge of te Ret ithe Steivaeqot trevor rg! the aude Seal pro. 21. Paintin ox Alyce: of focus aa moll pot che Ho ray is tnaesi in nensnen age: 22.The Infermotion eequested conctets of drfte of orders. cowlutions, dectslous, ‘mevernada or suait repects by any sremutive, aiulaisrative, regulatory, ougititiessl, jadletd or quasi fedicid Mody ia the sumeue of thelr Fequuacery adit ond ndjedicary fawetion. 25, Pasting Leki, or iirwoilan 4 praca ob any governs series itmael, howd, oF oie, whi unex a apipetove rue of mp ation ‘Pevted sa enna ae arg s 17 Cansceatia iafieaton eeeallt seftrs tration Dot gel mie maths a pobic toot reaing # pencng cieye ich so oom, dry senses paper ‘Eeemal ciacisanns interne! memargide scars of Spun! dliterntona, rnd sitar pepe ren che he cag ronan, ocala cate: Ps oul ‘ateomste thes jvm or de ee pan em Ste reas eral ‘content! 5 a Wequectet snibinistind pening _goneeratent ccna ty eitinesince coeenial FS ee = Saas ee ee oe Fam not wid ends to cmt toxinmey thom SPeigy, mud fs @aclonere woud woastutate an Seems ‘etwacy, eblas ie formas port of 2 ees te Wie other pute hinetion or the porsem how the @scloghpe ofthe informacion ‘ai odie Mla Seamed hy serpenciin res ak MLV ane te Pipes anit we contacts 22 Dats rmabed Philippine Steaics Ambac (SA) by sn saditual corporate, parted, tstiation ve buses eamrpien, cmp i will Stiged to otimoriid empioyee ot 8A or a punished i ie fn of stam Pacrteal mele wih ne mlernee t smeminl cmponinn suanon or ‘esnene expe, 3h Reamnds ofa persons birth 24 Heer ond cooollntion cases ofits eae aly canes eal eer peace of ‘oer faeobes as peoeee ner the army Onur of 197 5,Al moans. books and papers range denerstn: lupin ches Whe Sie of the court. the Department of Social Wellowe und Devekamiest (YSWID, oF AED ather 20 rattor-of 22 auguie 7918 Presidantat Communscationi Oderation Oca ppeney o ixcinatios putiipaing ix be domsene areprion: provement the court Hina that tne dutty of i nnataon om thane peso tary for purposes comnscont wal or arising out of ioe adepinn Sd wu be To the bat mterest of the nope Ob Records of e chil, Ro/her nacre! yaecots and hiner wioptie paren ‘otereounty adopted, weiuting muri, docsenm and Communications of -sioptbus aspliaious, cases ana seoomsses 47-Infocmition concerning the application, Hee aati AE Gir Secods, documents ~sasomnssiices shiny tetra fo gememcaianneesslaht imtoo conceTEE Se onic, eal Se eeany of the ‘pear Perens and acopoie paerats alae 40: Contideamatey oF inbesaos Coming taco “Be pemension of tbe Commission (4 Epp semi Sermon acer antl ype lig tn a <2 Rsguenie latest peri io GGipiorment ihcores setigepors supimines by ‘the employer cr casper to the Social Speuripy ayprem [SSE Mes is ompiiase with = schpernse doce ieetin af thE “Gout @e wis he SES /Alssintstors pemstea or any S05 uly natvarms ie Aceieontewior ‘kemeomis ans septs aby" fA ht’ to the Sonid) Seer ‘Ste bythe per mens 2 Drath ws of 22 gust O26 Prasicential Communications Cgeratian Other A: Gousteatb0 Yasuers information, gothorst BF cen) GEA gncics Ot Nee opera; tome, peida ct proaie verti aod Barieoncs pet eau be mae Sebo cn matiskiual rae eee thal, gute ey the Banga Seas ng Pie Sf ve a Bale Orsi SF Ra tac cummin bepeane stibores under the Faetan tency Beret Ae! of eee ae antandea by PP 1005; ns wel oF coRTy vepesit Seer Hb 1004 (owe pen the rae pornisan ofthe Sci ancy suermatn more 1s Reata oy motrin baipsieg ° Deka tal, “gurpenalinns, of amy other entiry ax the wwtody oi tie bale. Si nmes cnte thoeign cumauey depostis of chet ith ony ‘bamicag dnesintins taeepi upon wien perenne ego on, Guntamiamy al tahoe 1 cmt otoumacon lt he Crt timate. Corpora G2. ABE Mower Lomerdering concerns, clined her mis ras ee c.count unrest he Slasaceii. tie cts, Se iaie at secioone saiteamen der Wi fod foe Peden Ge Ge tronitatigg on tar dontrule efecto infants tader the Wasaga etenal eva Cae : acto once seg bs em ee 5 z. Spee Bas abe hen Se Hayne Bascom of eran Beane Spas greet ou ter mats, pd et a roma eo eer Sons wpe ora ae oa ‘s gc ass ate Cpa mE (oe af Crewe sine Desiet Cutler under the Bre-Heed (rs snes ite unc Cmts unis fe lurunan Coh ‘Geter Sagenson oats aod sa eecoenes sion he Securitin PARAS 2. Ora of sito al roms TE onter of Sanpeagae oC Denner, Genes, asowvind. porn of slccme's revoriekoa rier Oe Scanian Region Clade 74 Ceeioninl basioess iabenatan wemind Ey iGi25 ‘onda the: Sereton Regulate cade “7s lumcaica op comps forthe famance fo Conta ami Dent rer wie! te Seren Regalo Ce. “re Puen oa ar rorlaton of re sere presen na appr sport ov document fin with the Gecusten and Exckionpe Commision. e-Raguenmed dbranton aca tls # reveal ibe ade preter pomcrsacs ofa Jonoe fy aay agaiwatin, sport or Socemiete fed wih @e Series and 2 Drafts? August ate President) Cormuications Operation Office Hrslane OSaimti le whe Chinois ae tt 3 dima oud ‘afin sie in te ac Ee or rn pee ee ‘peso ean 0 made mete ay oe Eee oy pee legen tees 7A Trede Geonn sade Csi Ato ne Pape 75/Taate Secs enc te iclesrad Reese Co A taemacsn mbing petal moe pee gp. 81.Mowpont infemation tot might vf we br seats of Kaito te ‘tskgpes Para iChat or Se casmerelwauetessee tcc {82 Appliotincs and supperang dmmwmenty Te ade eit ar Genus (scan Z Shinienasin tt sw cations ce gippge oni woul qetjutbe Kegiimace “cemameria| interests or compdlitie eign of the muir or oe. inert Ze Decent dace gh te Cyetmt keel wrcens Syne c a % sS.Trepcieagy imate koe! reveals te Pua pest eo.Copecaiee et (cf constimers anit bieiaene nae to Sg to 107 ia ostinato wits UBS the Commer act, informating srquied ia musueion oc wsbiernsom beens SS-AS ons] os wollen Matiainet caode or wich epauns dering eillaton or tir PURDeS of coualenng. coutiucang, pertninatsie inibatuy crinaiog, cs secomvening medion oc ietaiomig a medinder, ‘36. Plociings, mocon, Tatitions, wives suecmments, spurs fet or wibmiisd [iL ablation or for ampert eveoaion, F- Pttvicy sed Costitetnity of matters involved in ineaton Hinde Motiation. 88. Ashitrsinm coverel fy the ONCIFRAL Mules on ‘mapercocy is Treated Tovestorstam Arnaut, Bx Dries of 22 pucr 2076 Prescamt't Communizations Qpeation Office SB. athitraion peocuninge Heine the Counteuesion. fadimtcy Mubiteating Comunberie WOINGL wich inches commantcailons tp or fiom he CIAC, the pleadings, spolications ani wahee pape fi wth the CAC: ene wists, teen tay Sad tertile creda, ieporle and miunloe lake of te preening, and othe: vrders, decznon, acard or reson tamed By the arbitrations 100, "Iniernationsl commescisl aubitrtion peoonstings, iachoding the seconds ccfilince anit the arcu amata jeep it with tne comseat of the parses, or br the Maite paper ot cueriamg th’ the ooUEE of selevaRt CBCURENS covey where Tesort to tle est Haga), om well ge anormstion sel Yammy meisiog, TTSCTRSEE fatlom wrod ie fe w eeyshtng emcng Uy he hctiier and the medission patties: 1 Baclading any miprenten, mite to ed be enecarion, capes; intenied iy the sowie nC be Bectowm, oF obeaioed unde! ivummtmees mat weal coum qpssounle aipennton oa nt of te se thet the infraasoe shal 68 don, sca: Geena s wie eens Poeentings ncnbth soy memerence, tf oc wich ped ‘Oye sewn pone ct Son pare arisen 4) woes peregrine ‘mediation itor press of —chusileng.conmoctng Perse sane ee rome Cte Syma iremelg ‘mess sateen, Popes ies spun a SN —— woL. Lakcewiabinn rece fo rela is the scccebtetion of Uoteln, Tours fans, ois, specu apy Oey en Ercbiohaca- we sn ees ae ema ot Pro < tee, stn a ti et DEN Spars ‘ibe monct’Giee secre, procera or anes oes oi Bap. ste, ‘uasmus io manulscturr processor or deiner SS Geall otherwiow rnd sade? odverseir the compesione postion of onc wont ori tibobe: a solid br ube coetraeter te the Desarment of a Nag Beene (DENA othe rene nme he 2 5: reat mgning restate or mviow of bike ur peopasats Dela ‘SeaBertahen by she billing or review suenmitie: whisky wre et Jet cueicred mp “oficiad sem. TaBsaeRions, oc deci” on "De MM OF prope oF “Meine properitens’ oe Meer! ofthe periment 206. Information considered a3 prittlgged comiimaalcations ta legal ptoceedliags by bay or bythe Rules of Com. 107 Fuwilegat commiiekation incr one fake f Gaur (la meapect of ‘govevmiont vwytre, SOTERER? Attar, Aud ster PubLE eeSrere ane eERPMEVEEE: % ratty of 22 miged 2Oe Prestlentia Faremusications Speration Office 8) Alosney-cieni.peimnege to cimmmanticatins cade hyo clinmt to am sttonncy a hii/ber afviee yiven Ghat im the cou of, ax wis ie ty penton] mpioNonent, machiding cit fect the Sugai a ‘viet Bs Bate cuted by the aunrays peemetay, strana or ‘i in Such eapsaioy 1B) physkiee pation privege or saty acs or treatment gen By @ person mibersel in practic radicine or soy initiation hich efshe muy beet acquire i aticaling to s patie! in a pmioritead ‘opacity, Which anfoemntis wa neceawery t anc im|tier so oct Gotha capacity, or wiich wash bislien the reputation af me pant commuiedoes mace <= pilieapiir in atic! outa wtp ble intetescena eae RS Da done 8 A sae aces emp coein dae i sen of ate or Sasrania, we eomipiicares manic m Epos ‘hep the cour Gin Cie the publi intr echin - CFE pram No sGtherwiee hat ah ates Ee fas a — Secommcos aa aici oe pene BSPSEORA fries ant coer ithe infommation tunic fomvhA ete 115, Com tae SS ee ect i ait oy the by abe Cont mr ciird ofthe Courts semiea cnacts pxsiperesies SS Em pecr Str Pogue inten ow Ibe meple of the ral afte came = 116, Court detronioos oF Setemnpn Gf Hie ReBccs Sout ‘asain 6a ‘cers mnt mare prong befor te Coast 117 Chart moms which are enlaces edt “Eras” neo, in PAPC, docuttatn ad ote cmnrmancatame MSGR a Balt of or ele ae 6 Draft atof 22 August 2016 ‘bresisunal Commauricstions Qheration OF the aitersiiee proceed, Le, notes. dah exareh papers, apirra! dincuscboms, {eomal meraocanda, eronivef imeraaé deliberations, and semibo papers 1d. Canidetal imormevion cecared ly jastice, jatess, court atcha sud ‘emagleces iy the ooure their atta fyucions, oven wed tc ta af Lig Peoada of cases tha are 26 peadimg for deovmon ac privileed movi ‘isl canine be icine capt on fiw Ble, obters wit reunions dnt Fw ged made aye Se art t-te gence fabs 120. fubimetion on laiaraamn preracings. Tak Theinformativa royeccteg fe onemptod from Hiaclosurc by IAW or Ey Se ‘Couatitutlon, im addition 26 thane prvvided to Eiaectiom. sat Cmittentiatiy of Reeds and Precentzige Gioommng

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