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An Introduction to

The Healing Chalet in the Woods

(The unspeakable comfort of becoming who you are)

Those of us who have survived the death experience and come back know we
are changed. (In my case it happened twice for I am accident-prone on the
operating table the first time I was twenty, the second time thirty-five.) And
inevitably there is a lot of pain and suffering, which alters your perspective on
life for you have to live as an invalid.
But there are compensations. Sadly these tribulations do not make you into a
better person I wish! but you do get to know who you are, for there is no
avoiding the daily encounters with your own shortcomings. And you must
channel a source of inner energy in order to survive.
This is the process of Individuation, beloved by Jung. It is a non-judgemental
acceptance of your deepest self, light and shadow, which releases the golden
thrust of the Life Force, the elemental energy the Chinese call Chi. And the
practice of this descent into the unknown is what we call GROUNDING.
Here we come home. We discover Atman, the Self, and the unspeakable
comfort of being who we are. There are no words to describe this you have to
do it. And it is easy. It seems to come naturally like breathing only some
part of us has forgotten how to do it. We use Gravity to earth the electrical
energy in our heads, for the number of potential connections between neurons
in the brain is far greater than the number of particles in the universe. (The
experience of this downward pull is so marked that people have complained of
bruises on the bottom not true of course!)
But here I must pause a moment to deliver a Health Warning.
This process is powerful. It takes you deeper into yourself than you have ever
been and can release blocked energies and hidden complexes. If you are not
ready to change at this deep level, it will not work. I can assess your state of
readiness by studying your birth-chart. (Time, Place and Date of Birth needed.)
And my diagnosis is recorded for you. Usually people do not ask if they are not
ready, but in some cases I have had to suggest putting it off until a later date.
(There is no point in pushing at a closed door.)

And it requires time. You will need to make space in your life for it to happen:
give yourself a week during a holiday period, and make sure you can rest deeply
go to bed if necessary and NEVER drive after a Grounding Session. (You may
need a friend or partner to look after you.)
Also it must be paid for. The only times Grounding has not worked have been
when I gave it away to a friend in dire straits because they needed it. Of
course they didnt take it seriously, and it was reduced to a foolish exercise in
deep relaxation or something and I felt a fool. (In every other case it has
worked surprisingly well, and after fifteen years I had to leave England in
exhaustion as I had a six-months waiting list.)
My first thought was to offer it on SoundCloud as a Healing Therapy, but then I
realised it would not be safe. I have always depended on tuning in to the
experience of the person sitting with me to accurately gauge their needs, and I
am able to assess their deepest reactions, sometimes before they know
themselves what is happening. This can not be done by phone, and I need to
confirm that all goes well in the follow-up session, where a true experience of
deep irreversible Grounding is confirmed.
So it looks as if a visit to our little Healing Chalet in the Forest is indicated
with a weeks stay in the Holiday Cottage in the forest. Easter is a good time to
come, and the season extends through to October.
If you are interested, do write to me at
with your landline telephone number and an appropriate time to ring you back.
Please include your date, time and place of birth.
If you send me your email address I can send details of travel arrangements,
accommodation and prices:
EG: I week self-catering in Holiday Cottage for two 100
Birth Chart analysis with diagnosis 100
Grounding plus recording of 2 hour session 100
Follow-up session (essential) 100 Total 400
Please note: A follow-up session completes the Grounding Process
THE HEALING CENTRE is homely, but clean of course, and comfortable . . .
like Little Grey Rabbits house or Snow Whites cottage . . . . with everything
within reach: silly holiday games and odd ill-assorted literature from jumble-
sales, and lots of cookery books to look at the pictures . . . and posh cooking
gear you never use . . . and a rocking-chair by an open fire that you can cook
on and gaze into the flames as people have done for the last four hundred
years . . and pure spring water from the well . . . and a huge bath with constant
hot water . . . . and a sink with a view of the pond to cry into as you begin to
unwind . . . . and no uplifting books for Gods sake, just the birdsong from the
forest outside . . . so that imperceptibly the heart opens and the immense grief
we have carried all our lives is slowly - oh so slowly released . . . and gently -
oh so gently - healed . . . as we come to a standstill and our life begins again
and nothing is as it was before . . .
. . and when you open the cottage door, the fairies have been in the night and
are there to welcome you . . . . (because fairies know a lot about grief believe
me) . . . and they have left the place in a bit of a mess and rather lush and
abundant . . . . so you find your feet are wet with dew and all sorts of ill-bred
plants and bushes are brushing up against you with an intimacy you hadnt
invited . . . but thats alright really because thats what gardens do when no-
ones looking . . . . so it makes you laugh . . . and you soon begin to relax and
take it easy

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