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R Chandrashekhar (President, NASSCOM)
Prasanto K Roy (VP & Head, Internet, Mobile & E-commerce Council, NASSCOM)
Manishree Bhattacharya (Manager, Research, NASSCOM)
NASSCOM Research Team

Madanmohan Rao (Director, Research)
Aditya Ranade (Designer)
YourStory Research & Brand Solutions teams
Our thanks to Akamai Technologies Inc. for their support in enabling the research and
their contribution in terms of data and infographics.


We are still in the very beginnings of the Internet. Lets use it wisely.

Jimmy Wales, Founder, Wikipedia

On August 15, 2016, India celebrated 21 years of having commercial access to the
Internet. From the interminable wait for that all-too-familiar hissing and beeping dial-up
sound to the lightning speeds we have all become accustomed to today, the Internet is
now an integral part of our lives. The Internet today fulfils roles ranging from postman
to personal banker, doctor to instructor, entertainer to evangelist, and beyond.
Let us not forget that Indias IT-BPM sector was enabled by the digital foundation of the
Internet. In the flat world that it created, the Indian IT-BPM sector flourished like no
other. It is estimated to have aggregated revenues of $143 billion in FY2016, with
exports touching $108 billion, making it a global powerhouse with incomparable impact
on the economy.
The next phase of evolution in the Internet-driven ecosystem has been led by young
companies which began leveraging the ubiquity of the mobile Internet to provide more
meaningful services to Indian users across platforms such as e-commerce, payments and
mobile apps. The driving force behind the success and exponentially growing reach of
Internet-driven products and services has been convenience. The Internet has, quite
simply, made it easier to do a lot of things that were once long-drawn-out, error-prone,
frustrating and fraught with human friction at every step of the way.
And the proof is in the numbers. As of 2015, India had ~330 million internet users, which
is expected to witness a 20% CAGR in the next 5 years. Whats more, India became the
third country globally to have over five Internet companies valued at over $1 billion. And
Indian players are globalising like never before, with even smaller B2B and B2C
companies getting online customers from around the world, and setting up offices
By 2020, the Indian e-commerce industry is expected to reach $34 billion, with 200
million individuals transacting online, which is more than a quarter of the 730 million
Indians who will have access to the Internet by then. This growth in Internet usage and
entrepreneurship will be driven by Indias youth demographic, which is one of the
largest in the world.
Conversely, the Internet is also helping Indian players localise like never before. It is
expected that 75% of growth in the number of Internet users will come from rural areas,
with the vast majority of these consuming content in local languages. Companies that
leverage this extensive opportunity are the ones that will emerge as the heroes of the
Internet economy.
India is truly set to add its own flavour to the Internet and make it an engine for socioeconomic growth. We invite you to review this report on The Future of Internet in
India, which provides a panoramic sweep of its history, its evolution, the sectors it has
most impacted, the risks such growth entails, and what the future will look like.
R Chandrashekhar
President, NASSCOM

Sidharth Malik
MD & Vice President, Akamai India



The history of Internet in India

For the millennial generation, and even the septuagenarian, its hard to imagine or think
back to a time when the world had no Internet. August 1995 marked the debut of the
Internet in India. And, to say that the Internet has changed the way we live in just two
decades would be an understatement.
Launched by the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL), which was then a public sector
enterprise and now part of Tata Communications, it focused on catering to oversees
communication. People in six Indian cities could access the Internet through dial-up
services, which promised a speed range of 9.6 kbps to 128 kbps on premium leased lines
at costs ranging from INR 5,000 to INR 20,00,000 per annum. In six months, VSNL was
able to acquire more than 10,000 customers, many of whom were prominent business
A year later, in 1996, Indias first cyber caf opened in Mumbai. Over the next few years,
the Internet became synonymous with cyber cafs. People had to wait their turn before
being allotted an available computer. The slow Internet speed and computers with less
RAM did not matter as the Internet was mostly used to browse, send an e-card, or enjoy
a chat session. Using the Internet at home was considered a luxury, and therefore
uncommon. Dial-up connections were the only option available at an average speed of
10 kbps.
The late 1990s saw the Internet expanding its reach and computing becoming a part of
peoples lives. Internet adoption spread across business segments and heralded the
dotcom boom. Just as people and businesses in India and the world were getting to
understand the Internet better and leveraging its potential, an Indian entrepreneur took
the world by storm with his webmail company Hotmail. Within two years of its launch,
Sabeer Bhatias Hotmail had millions of registered users. In 1997, Microsoft acquired for $400 million, its largest acquisition at that time!
A key landmark in the growth of Internet in India is the opening up of the sector by the
Government to allow private Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to set up Internet
infrastructure. This was in November 1998. A decade ago, the industry had already
witnessed the launch of NASSCOM to promote the IT industry in the country. In the
years to come, NASSCOM led many initiatives that spurred the growth of Indias
software and services exports, and enabled the IT sector to make a significant impact to
the countrys GDP.
From Yahoo (recently acquired by Verizon) and MSN launching their Indian sites in 2000,
to Wikipedia adding Indian regional languages, and BSNL introducing the first
broadband option in 2004 there are many key milestones in the Internets journey in
India in its early years.

Changing India one connection at a time

The Internet has changed the way we live, learn, shop, work, and even the way we
connect. People no longer have to wait in long queues at telephone booths, more
popularly known as PCOs, to talk to family and friends stationed overseas for a steep
amount once a week. But, that was the reality two decades ago. With the introduction of
mobile phones and Reliance overhauling the playing field, mobile telephony became
affordable to the common man. Even today, India has some of the lowest calling rates in
the world. With the proliferation of Wi-Fi and low-cost data plans, Skype, WhatsApp and

The history of Internet in India


other VOIP options are the preferred modes of calling, especially for long-distance calls.
Today, Internet video calling is not only virtually free, but it also ensures that people are
connected to family and friends all the time. Distances of hundreds and thousands of
kilometres seem to have phenomenally reduced. Everything, from e-commerce services
and products, advertising, online content, devices, connectivity, as well as private
infrastructure and the government, as a whole make up Indias Internet economy.
Today, we can buy anything online, from clothing to groceries, even motorcycles and
cars. Online businesses are generating crores of rupees in revenue annually. Consumers
are rapidly and intuitively adapting to new modes of online sales: for instance, in 2014
the sale of Chinese smartphone manufacturers Xiaomi phones through exclusive flash
sales on Indias home grown e-commerce platform Flipkart did not last more than 5
seconds. That is a powerful example of how the Internet has changed consumer
behaviour in the country it is also testament to how speeds have accelerated
(averaging 3.5 Mbps in Q1 2016). India is also home to the worlds second-largest user
base for social media giants like Facebook and LinkedIn. And, it took less than a
decade for companies like Facebook to tap the large user base, since its debut in 2006,
followed by Twitter in 2007.
In addition, the Internet has changed the way we bank today. A visit to the bank to
deposit the monthly salary, or waiting for at least four days for an outstation cheque to
be cleared, or even having to pay to get outstation cheque cleared, are all a thing of the

The meteoric rise of the mobile Internet

And, thats not all. In the last two-three years, mobile devices are ushering in yet another
revolution by bringing the Internet to Indias hinterland, where infrastructure woes
crippled access to the Internet so far. By opening doors to the world through a four-inch
screen, Indias rural masses now have access to the Internet and the benefits it has to
offer, which was limited to the urban populace until the first decade of the 21st century.
This is because for any solution to be accessible to the rural masses, it has to fulfil three
key criteria affordability, scale, and convenience. And, the mobile Internet is a perfect
fit. From agriculture to education, business to healthcare, mobile Internet is changing
lives in rural areas for the better.
India added 88 million Internet users from 2008 to 2012, and at the end of that period,
the total number stood at 137 million, ~60% of the users connected to the Internet
through mobile. By 2014, India became the third-largest online market with significant
growth in the number of mobile internet users. And the latest report from the Internet
and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), titled Mobile Internet in India 2016, predicts
that the country is estimated to have 371 million mobile Internet users by June 2016.
While 71% of this number will belong to urban areas, rural India is said to hold the
potential to further fuel the growth of mobile Internet in the years to come. In fact, in

1 Akamais State of the Internet Report Q1 2016 (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
2 Whats it with Indians and social networks? Mint, 26 May 2015 (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
3 India effect: Facebook top social media platform, WhatsApp No. 1 messenger PTI, 6 October 2015 (last
retrieved 24 July 2016)
4 5th top smartphone user, India gaining on China, US The Hindu Business Line, 4 December 2012, quoting a
report by Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers analyst Mary Meeker (last retrieved 24 July 2016)

The history of Internet in India


2015, the number of mobile Internet users from rural areas had already doubled from
what it was in 2014.
The same report cites another interesting growth driver for mobile Internet: content in
Indian languages. In June 2015, the number of consumers of online content in regional
languages was pegged at 127 million, a 47% increase from the previous year. While
Wikipedia added a few Indian languages in 2002 and 2003, Google News launched in
Hindi in 2007, followed by Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu the next year. These moves
werent big growth drivers until mobile Internet gained traction in rural areas.

The Internet economy

Untapped potential, infrastructural woes, government policies there are many factors
that need to be addressed to truly leverage the potential of the Internet. In spite of this,
Indias Internet economy contributes to Indias economic growth. In 2013, it accounted
for 3.2% of the countrys GDP, and that is likely to increase to more than 5% (~$200
billion) by 2020, according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and
This will primarily be driven by an increase in Internet-enabled businesses and
enterprises, as well as financial inclusion and extensive use of Internet-based services in
daily life. Certainly, there are risks to this growth, primarily in terms of data security,
which is covered in the Risks section of this report.
Nevertheless, the greatest disruptor of our age is all set to change the way we work,
interact with friends, family and co-workers, and live life in general. The Internet is
bringing newer experiences such as VR, AR, gaming, Smart TVs, leading towards the
Internet of things (IoT) in our very homes. As IoT continues to transition from being a
futuristic technology to one that is beginning to impact almost every aspect of everyday
life, the Internet is only bound to change the country in many, many ways. And, with the
Governments focus on Digital India and smart cities, theres no doubt that the Internet
is going to bring about a change needed for the greater good of the country.

5 IAMAI report on Mobile Internet in India 2015

6 India@Digital Bharat, IAMAI & BCG - 2015

The history of Internet in India


The history of Internet in India


The history of Internet in India


Sectors in focus

The history of Internet in India


E-commerce Growth from underserved markets

Five years ago, buying anything online (except perhaps air, rail, and bus tickets) was a
novelty. Then came players like Flipkart (2007) and Snapdeal (2010) and bit by bit, you could
buy everything online. If you had an Internet connection, you could order things that werent
available in your neighbourhood, or your city. The media covered these companies
extensively, partly because they were pioneers in their field and partly because they were
mopping up millions of dollars in funding from large global investors like Tiger Global
Management and Nexus Venture Partners. A few years down the line, Flipkart raised a
mammoth $3.15 billion from a clutch of investors, while Snapdeal raised $1.74 billion from
SoftBank, Alibaba and others.
According to IAMAIs Digital Commerce Report for 2015, travel still accounts for the biggest
chunk (61%) of the total e-commerce market in India (see section on Travel and Hospitality
on page 15). Yet, given the large sums of money at their disposal, Flipkart and Snapdeal and
the many others that followed sold the Internet story to every household. These companies,
joined by global giant Amazon who entered India in 2012, spoke about the benefits of online
shopping to millions of Indians through methods that ensured maximum visibility. Ironically
enough, the majority of communication to the masses in the initial days was offline full
page cover ads in newspapers and outdoor hoardings. Online, consumers flocked to these
sites on the promise of massively discounted pricing which they could pay for on delivery.

Online retail to drive growth

According to NASSCOM, the overall e-commerce
market in India was estimated to be worth $17
billion at the end of FY 2016, with travel
accounting for 61% of all online sales. Non-travelrelated transactions account for the remaining
39%, of which e-tailing accounts for 76%. Further,
e-tailing has grown 93% y/y, with the top three etailing giants (Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon)
accounting for over 80% of the segment in 2015.
By 2020, e-commerce is likely to double to $34
billion, mainly driven by the growth in the online
retail space, as per the same NASSCOM report.
The digital economy in India has grown on the
back of several inter-related trends; both on the
supply side and the demand side.

India: The next big frontier

Source: IAMAI, YourStory Research

India is the next big frontier of e-commerce. With

a population of more than 1.2 billion, India has the
potential to be the largest open Internet market in
the world, with a median age of 27 years. This
demographic dividend, coupled

7 IAMAI Digital Commerce Report 2014

8 CIA - The World Factbook (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
Sector in Focus: E-commerce


Sector in Focus: E-commerce



with increasing urbanisation, nuclear families and a growing middle class with more
disposable income, is leading to a digital revolution that is spurring growth in online retail.
Among all the drivers listed in the diagram above, we focus on the two that relate primarily
to the focus of this report: increasing Internet and smartphone penetration (on the supply
side) and the untapped potential in Tier 3 cities and beyond (see infographic on page 10).

Increasing Internet and smartphone penetration to make e-commerce

As of December 2015, India had around 330 million fixed and mobile Internet subscriptions.
This is expected to witness a ~20% CAGR in the next 5 years, taking the numbers to ~730
million by 2020. As per the IAMAI report, in 2015, 80% of them were mobile internet users.
India already has the second-largest market for smartphones after China; it surpassed the US
at the end of 2015, and now has >230 million smartphone users. The tipping point came
when device manufacturers dropped the price of a smartphone to less than $150, and then
to less than $100, mostly on the Android platform.
The scope for growth remains huge, given that there are over 1 billion mobile phone
connections in India already but Internet penetration remains at under 35%. For the semiurban and rural population, the mobile phone is economical and easy to carry compared to
other devices.
By 2020, India will have an estimated 702 million smartphones in use and mobile phones will
emerge as the preferred device for online shopping, accounting for 70% of total online

Semi-urban and rural areas to drive the next phase of growth

Less than 10% of Indias 1.2 billion population lives in Tier 1 cities, and Internet penetration is
soon likely to reach saturation in these cities. Outside the metros and large cities, however,
the growing presence of television is driving both awareness and aspiration, in Tier 3 cities
and beyond. Major offline retailers have very little or no presence beyond Tier 1 and Tier 2
cities due to the high setup and maintenance costs involved. Consumers in regions unserved
by these retailers are now discovering what the market has to offer through mobile Internet
Rural mobile users grew at a 5-year CAGR of 128% over 2012-2016, albeit from a lower base
compared to urban mobile users (56% CAGR over 5 years). At present, the majority of
online shoppers belong to the top 8 metros and large cities, accounting for 76% of online
shoppers (as of December 2015). Online retailers, therefore, have significant potential to
tap into from the 4,000+ smaller cities and towns in the rest of the country.

Rapid growth spurring the supporting ecosystem

The strong demographic dividends and their demand drivers are seeing ecosystem enablers
such as telcos and logistics providers drive growth. Bharti Airtel launched its 4G service in

9 Internet Live Stats (last retrieved 28 July 2016)

10 The emergence of Made in India smartphone devices ET Telecom (last retrieved 28 July 2016)
11 Internet Users In India: 354M, 60% Access From Mobile Daze Info, quoting an IAMAI-KPMG study for 2014 (last
retrieved 14 July 2016)
12 IAMAI report on Digital Commerce - 2015
Sector in Focus: E-commerce



about 300 cities in 2015, and Reliance Jio Infocomm is set to launch the high-speed data
service in the fourth quarter.
With the RBI allowing 100% FDI in online marketplaces and the introduction of level playing
rules in the e-commerce sector, competition will only intensify in this space. Alibaba and
Rakuten have already evinced interest in entering the Indian e-commerce market this year.
Overall, the future of e-commerce in India will be characterised by growth in online retail,
including growth in emerging categories such as food/groceries, furniture, and jewellery.
(See infographic on page 14.)

Indian E-Commerce in 2020


Online shopping will account for two-thirds of the total e-commerce market, edging out
travel. The fashion and lifestyle segment will emerge as the largest e-tailing category
with a 35% contribution to e-commerce GMV by 2020. (Myntra/Flipkarts recent
acquisition of rival Jabong in a $70 million, all-cash deal could well be the beginning of
a consolidation in the sector that has already begun sharpening focus on the high
growth area of lifestyle goods.)


Other categories, like online food retail and furniture are still miniscule, but are
witnessing increased traction with innovation in these areas. By 2020, online retail is also
expected to account for 3% of the total retail in India, with the number of online
shoppers likely to more than triple to 175 million from 50 million in 2015.


The number of women shoppers is likely to rise by 5x and this category is slated to
spend more on lifestyle and fashion products.


Deeper engagement and virtual reality will change the way people shop. Customers
need to be offered targeted value added services (VAS) like extended warranty and buyback in case of high-value items such as consumer durables, electronics and jewellery.
Virtual reality is still in its infancy, but will give customers a better idea about how
jewellery, clothing, colour cosmetics or any accessory will look like when they wear it.


Faster speeds on mobile will see e-commerce players spend more on securing their
online properties and assets. This, in turn, will further increase consumer confidence and
enable wider adoption for purchase of large-ticket items such as electronics, precious
jewellery, and vehicles.


Easier payment options: While cash-on-delivery may remain the preferred mode of
payment for newer users, keep in mind that the use of mobile banking and e-wallets is
surging. The number of mobile banking logins has already exceeded the number of
NetBanking logins. Further, India has 135 million mobile wallet users at present, clocking
transactions worth $3.2 billion in 2015. This is expected to grow to $11.5 billion by
2022. Lets also not forget the recently launched United Payments Interface (UPI) which
allows users to carry out transactions on the basis of a virtual address, and simplifies

13 Indias e-commerce industry likely to touch $38 billion mark in 2016 Assocham
14 Fashion & lifestyle to overtake electronics in e-com: Study The Financial Express, quoting a Google-AT Kearney
report (last retrieved 01 August 2016)
15 Myntra acquires Jabong in a deal valued at $70 million (last retrieved 01 August 2016)
16 eCommerce in India Accelerating Growth, PwC 2015 PwC (last retrieved 01 August 2016)
17 Online sales to hold up even without discounts: Google-A.T. Kearney report, Mint (last retrieved 01 August 2016)
18 Online sales to hold up even without discounts: Google-A.T. Kearney report, Mint (last retrieved 01 August 2016)
19 How wallet companies like Paytm, MobiKwik, Oxigen Wallet are trying to prevent fraudulent mobile transactions
The Economic Times (last retrieved 24 July 2016)

Sector in Focus: E-commerce



the payments process by doing away with two-step authentication or IFSC codes. (More
on this in our section on Financial Technology on page 32.)

Convenience & discounts: While non-urban consumers will try out e-commerce for
novelty, access to variety and discounts, urban consumers are likely to continue with
online shopping even without the massive discounts that characterised the first wave of
e-commerce. This is, to an extent, driven by the time and money that urban consumers
spend on commuting long distances and dealing with the inconveniences caused by
chaotic traffic. For this group of consumers, online retail, which provides doorstep
delivery, is a real convenience that theyre willing to exchange for lower or no discounts.

Sector in Focus: E-commerce



Sector in Focus: E-commerce



Travel & Hospitality: Driven by the ease of booking online

Travel and hospitality is one sector that embraced the Internet more than a decade ago. The
online ticketing and room booking facilities are used by over 50 million Indians on a regular
basis. Over the last decade, MakeMyTrip and Cleartrip have been trendsetters in this space.
(Rival Yatra listed on the NASDAQ after its recent reverse merger with Terrapin 3 Acquisition
Corporation.) Both companies first used the Internet to create an inventory of tickets and
allowed travellers to book online without having to go to travel agents. They soon added
hotel bookings, holiday packages, and other services like train and bus bookings to increase
The growth of verified, peer-reviewed hospitality options has, in turn, boosted travel in India
the Ministry of Tourism estimated that Indians planned 1,290 million domestic trips in
2015, not counting the 18 million foreign trips. Whats more, traveling on a shoestring
budget is not the problem it used to be earlier you no longer need a friend or relative in a
place you want to visit. Traditional hospitality has been disrupted by the likes of professional
and verifiable homestay options, aggregators of standardised accommodation such as OYO
Rooms, Treebo and Stayzilla (which focuses on smaller towns). Startups in the travel and
hospitality sector have raised close to $300 million in just three years, the entry of global
players like AirBnB notwithstanding.

Up, up and away: 50% of travel transactions to be online by 2020

As per the India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the total addressable travel market in India
is estimated to reach $40 billion by 2020, and online travel is estimated to account for 4050% of all travel related transactions by 2020, up from 12% in 2015. The growth is being
driven by demand from across India as a larger, younger population comes online. According
to KPMG, several industry drivers are playing a pivotal role in shaping the Indian tourism
sector: government initiatives, diverse product offerings, the growing economy, increasing
disposable income levels and marketing initiatives, along with key trends such as increasing
number of women and senior citizen travellers, multiple short trips and weekend holidays,
and introduction of innovative tourism concepts and customised tour packages. (See
infographic below.)
According to IBEF, the tourism and hospitality sector is among the top 15 sectors in India to
attract the highest foreign direct investment (FDI). During April 2000-September 2015, the
hotel and tourism sector attracted around $8.48 billion in FDI, according to data from
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).
Its not just the online travel agents, even IRCTC (covered in the Public Sector section on
page 21) and travel providers are benefiting from this trend. With the rise in the number of
global tourists and realising Indias potential, many large companies have invested in the
tourism and hospitality sector. Some of the recent investments in this sector are as follows:

Fairfax-owned Thomas Cook has acquired Swiss tour operator Kuoni Group's business in
India and Hong Kong for about INR 535 crore ($80.3 million) in order to scale up its
inbound tour business.

20 The State of Early-Stage Travel Startups: Where Investments Went in 2015 LinkedIn Pulse (last retrieved 24 July
21 Thomas Cook buys Kuoni India for Rs 535 crore Business Standard (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
Sector in Focus: Travel & Hospitality: Driven by ease of booking online



Sector in Focus: Travel & Hospitality: Driven by ease of booking online




ITC is planning to invest about INR 9,000 crore ($1.35 billion) in the next three to four
years to expand its hotel portfolio to 150 hotels. ITC will launch five other hotels in
Mahabalipuram, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Colombo by 2018.


Japanese conglomerate Softbank led an INR 630-crore ($94.5 million) funding round in
Gurgaon-based OYO Rooms.

Given that the online travel & hospitality segment is a part of e-commerce, many of the
factors driving the growth in this area are the ones driving online retail too: increasing
Internet penetration and usage of smartphones, assisted by falling prices of devices and
affordable broadband data plans. Nevertheless, while online retail will be primarily driven by
growing demand in smaller towns and beyond, growth in travel and hospitality will come
from across urban and rural India alike.

Indians everywhere are traveling more

Indians love to travel and the improved connectivity thanks to bookings made easy
through online portals for rail, road and air is seeing them getting more footloose. A
National Sample Survey Organization report in June 2016 confirmed that people were
traveling a lot more now than they did at the time of the previous survey (2008-09). It also
found that there is very little difference in the number of trips taken by people in urban areas
versus the number of trips taken by people in rural areas. When it came to trips taken in the
previous year, 40% were for health and medical reasons, followed by leisure (35%). The
Governments decision to offer e-visas to citizens of 186 countries is also expected to boost
foreign tourist arrivals, and therefore domestic travel within India. An increasing number of
user-generated content online (views on social media, reviews on websites) is driving
aspirational travel, tipping the scales in favour of trips that were once only contemplated,
never undertaken.

Airline and railway ticketing becoming commoditised

A little over a decade after travel bookings moved online, online travel agents (OTAs) such as
MakeMyTrip, Cleartrip, Yatra and Goibibo have taken the app route to drive customer loyalty
(boosted by discounts, cashback offers and other sweeteners), yet first-time users are very
often driven by the best deals unless the customer experience is sub-par. Indeed, travel is
also the largest segment in Indian e-commerce (see the section on e-commerce) and there is
clearly more money to be made here in the next few years. As stated earlier in this report, the
online travel market accounted for 61% of the total e-commerce market (~$10.3 billion) as of
FY 2016
The dominant online travel player, IRCTC, sold 193 million tickets in 2015-16, accounting for
59% of all railway tickets booked that year, and expects turnover to grow 15-20% by 2020.
While it has entered into partnerships with private players like OYO Rooms, the Dabur group,
Pizza Hut, to provide hotel and catering services, it is yet to scale up operations (or
awareness) of the other facilities it offers (airline bookings, taxis and tour packages); when it
does and is able to provide a superior customer experience, it could well disrupt the playing
field for other OTAs. Read more about IRCTC in the section on Public Sector.
22 ITC planning to invest Rs 9,000 crore to expand its hotel portfolio Economic Times (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
23 OYO Rooms raises Rs 630 crore from Softbank, existing investors Business Standard (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
24 Internet Live Stats (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
25 How India Travels Mint (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
26 IRCTC Excellence on track June 2016 (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
Sector in Focus: Travel & Hospitality: Driven by ease of booking online



Budget hotel bookings are the next growth frontier in online travel
According to a report by rating agency ICRA, online hotel bookings are likely to double by
the end of 2016 from the current level of 20%. By all accounts, as much as 40-45% of all
travel related transactions in India will happen online by 2020. Online travel agents are
actively driving this, given the huge opportunity and the higher margin of 12.5% that hotel
bookings offer (against the 5.7% average in air ticketing, down from 8-9% five years back).
Leading online travel player MakeMyTrip, for instance, has stated that 45% of its revenue
comes from hotel and hotel packages, and 55% from air ticketing. Its target, however, is to
get as much as 75% of revenue from hotels and packages in the next 2-3 years.
The next few years are likely to see the competition between online travel agents and hotel
aggregators intensify to capture a larger share of the addressable hotel booking market of
$20 billion. Nearly 72% of all advance bookings made are done online, according to global
research agency Millward Brown.
It is difficult to predict at this point who will win this round, given that OTAs have just beefed
up their war chest: MakeMyTrip has raised $180 million, Goibibo raised $250 million and
much of that is set to be used to aggressively capture the online hotel bookings space. OYO,
of course, has SoftBank behind it.

The Indian Online Travel & Hospitality Industry in 2020

Online travel bookings currently account for 61% of the total e-commerce market in India.
While the share of travel bookings within e-commerce is likely to fall owing to the boom in
27 MakeMyTrip aims to dominate half of online hotel booking space Business Standard (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
28 Only 25% hotels booked online The Economic Times quoting a study by Millward Brown (last retrieved 24 July
Sector in Focus: Travel & Hospitality: Driven by ease of booking online



online retail, the e-commerce market in itself is set to grow to $34 billion. Domestic air and
rail ticketing accounted for the majority of online travel transactions in 2015, with 50%
penetration. However, this is likely to change with hotels and holiday package bookings
witnessing a higher growth, which currently has a low penetration of 25%.
Travel across India, for social visits, leisure, shopping, holidays and more is all set to increase
and more people will be booking online, taking advantage of competitive pricing offered by
OTAs and aggregators, assured by online peer reviews and the additional exposure to travel
destinations through online mediums.
Tourism is set to grow. The total contribution from the travel and tourism sector to Indias
GDP is expected to increase from $136.3 billion in 2015 to $275.2 billion in 2025. Barring
socio-political instability or serious deterioration in macro factors, the World Tourism
Organisation estimates that foreign tourist arrivals in India will touch 15.3 million by 2025
from the current 7.1 million, in part driven by the liberalised visa-on-arrival policies and
medical tourism.
Senior citizens are all set to travel more. Traditional holiday package providers are seizing the
opportunity and offering tailored trips for senior citizens; the exposure to these packages
and bookings are often done online, by their children.
Growing urbanisation and emigration has also seen more seniors traveling than ever before
to meet their children or relatives. A Frost & Sullivan and Amadeus report pointed out that
there will be 7.3 million outbound senior travellers from India by 2030.
As women become financially independent, the market for women travellers is likely to
emerge as a high-value market given their discerning nature. In rural India too, women will
travel alone more, although this may be for social, medical and other reasons such as
shopping, rather than leisure. And the growing acceptance of smartphones means much of
the booking whether for road, rail or air will be done online.

29 Only 25% hotels booked online The Economic Times quoting a study by Millward Brown (last retrieved 24 July
30 Careers in tourism and travel industry, Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management (last retrieved 24 July
31 Senior citizens drive up travel business The Times of India quoting a Frost & Sullivan and Amadeus study (last
retrieved 24 July 2016)

Sector in Focus: Travel & Hospitality: Driven by ease of booking online



Sector in Focus: Public Sector



Public Sector Technology for bettering a billion lives

Traditionally, the public sector Government services and Government-run companies
lagged behind when it came to exploring and adopting technology. All that has changed and
today, technology is the primary driver of delivering citizen services, with its widespread
adoption by many state governments as well as the Union Government.
Impactful initiatives such as UIDAI (Aadhaar), the Indian Railways website,, and have been in the spotlight for a while now. A recent entrant in this space is the
United Payments Interface (UPI) from the Reserve Bank of India, and waiting in the wings is
the proposed Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), which promises to make digital bill
payment a possibility for those without access to NetBanking. The list is longer if you include
the digitisation of land records, and tax filings and refunds. The common denominator
driving this change is disruptive technology. Not only are these innovations driving
convenience, they are also driving greater transparency and creating widespread impact by
the sheer number of people they affect. Heres a quick look at the key public sector initiatives
which have, or are in the process of, changing the way the Government brings about change.

At the heart of this digital transformation is Aadhaar the worlds largest biometric
identification system from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). In less than six
years since its inception, as of April 2016, over 1 billion cards were issued, covering 93% of
the adult population. The UIDAI authenticates over 4 million transactions each day. Its
simplicity lies in the fact that it verifies, biometrically, that you are who you claim to be. And
the publicly available APIs, layered on top of Aadhaar, make it the key to accessing 10
important public services, including the direct cash transfer of subsidies for LPG and
kerosene, applying for rural job guarantee schemes as well as accessing monthly pensions,
digital life certificates for pensioners, and employees provident fund. Aadhaar has also
simplified the process of opening a bank account. Beyond that, the UPI, also layered on top
of Aadhaar, promises to do away with the two-factor authentication for service providers.
The end result is a less-cash system that is more transparent, faster, more efficient, and
above all, convenient. Its adoption is aimed at bringing more people into the formal financial
system than ever before simply by making it convenient for them to be within the system
rather than outside it. The UIDAI aims to issue an Aadhaar identity to each adult Indian by
March 2017.

Indias rail network is the largest in the world, and IRCTCs online ticket booking facility has
truly transformed what was once a lengthy, frustrating process involving a lot of planning
and waiting in queues at railway stations. Once it enabled an online booking option, the
process of booking a train ticket became easier and more transparent. In 2014, it introduced
a cleaner interface, streamlined the process, and is Indias biggest e-commerce site,
accounting for 59% of all railway tickets booked. Ironically, its biggest challenge today is an

32 PMO turns to UIDAI to ensure Aadhaar for all citizens by March 2017 The Economic Times (last
retrieved 01 August 2016)
33 PMO turns to UIDAI to ensure Aadhaar for all citizens by March 2017 The Economic Times (last retrieved 01
August 2016)
Sector in Focus: Public Sector




excess of traffic (15-18 million users a month) despite expanding its vast base of servers. In
May 2016, media reports claimed that the personal data of 10 million customers had
allegedly been stolen from IRCTC servers, but the IRCTC issued a statement denying this.
However, the incident highlighted the vulnerabilities in the infrastructure supporting digital
platforms in the public sector, especially one as large as the IRCTC.

Digital India
The Digital India initiative aims to bring to citizens transparent services. The idea is to
transform India into a digitally-empowered society and deliver government services to
citizens electronically. To do so, it aims to provide high-speed Internet in all villages of the
country, and across all national highways, which would enable the rural population to access
government services transparently and quickly.
This would make it easier for Indias population to apply for and get various certificates
(birth, death, school-leaving, scholarships, etc.) online. The e-kranti service aims at delivering
services such as telemedicine and mobile healthcare, education, relevant services for farmers
(e.g. real-time price inputs, loans), in addition to justice, security, and financial inclusion
through digital payments. Beyond that, it aims to bring all records pertaining to land, tax,
insurance, citizens, pensions, and posts onto a single platform.
And to ensure that citizens can in fact access these proposed services, there is the National
Digital Literacy Mission, which plans to train aanganwadi and Asha workers, among others, to
make citizens digitally-literate. As of July 2016, 9.8 million people had enrolled for digital

In 2014, the Government of India set up, a citizen engagement platform, aimed at
getting citizens to actively participate in governance and development by evaluating
government projects and plans, and contributing their ideas. For now, it links to over 6,500
government websites, from the Union level to the district level and beyond, and has become
a repository of data on the work and performance of every government department.
The sites participatory nature is reflected in the fact that ahead of the 2016 Union Budget
presentation, it received over 70,000 suggestions on improving processes, transparency, and
reducing corruption through closing loopholes. Many of these ideas found their way into the
Union and Railway budgets.

34 FAQTLY (last retrieved 24 July 2016)

35 IRCTC denies hacking, data leak in e-ticketing system The Hindu (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
36 India takes digital leap, (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
37 National Digital Literacy Mission (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
38 Open data initiatives in India and Ukraine - World Bank (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
Sector in Focus: Public Sector



Passport Seva Kendra

Less than a decade ago, getting a passport issued was usually a long-drawn and complex
process. Long queues, unscrupulous agents and confusion over documentation were
common, as also the uncertainty over appointments and outcomes. In 2008, the Government
took the public-private-partnership route and awarded the Passport Automation Project to
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to reduce the time for passport issuance after police
verification to just three days. The digital integration of police districts has reduced the
number of days needed to complete verification from 49 in 2013 to 34 in 2015.

39 Liberalization of Police Verification procedure for passport issuance and launches Mobile App to cut delays in
submission of Police Verification Report, Ministry of External Affairs (last retrieved 24 July 2016)

Sector in Focus: Public Sector



The e-appointment facility has, to a large extent, discouraged the public from approaching
agents. People are able to schedule their appointments at the passport office and there is
little wastage of time. The entire process inside the passport office now takes just a couple of
hours from the time the applicant enters the office.

Public-Private Partnerships
Studies across the world have found that there is significant co-relation between broadband
connectivity and economic growth. On an average, it was seen that GDP saw an increase of
3.19% correlated to a 10% increase in broadband penetration.
The economic and social consequences of having an extensive and reliable broadband
network include creation of jobs, increase in productivity, more innovation, and easier access
to healthcare, education, banking and other essential facilities. However, the fact remains
that for the Government to do this on its own is a major challenge. Collaboration between
the Government, private telecom players and mobile companies in the form of a publicprivate partnership can play a crucial role to run initiatives such as these.
By setting up multi-tenant telecom towers, especially in rural areas, to ensure the crucial lastmile connectivity, making affordable broadband phones available to the masses, focusing on
content plans for rural households, and other such measures, the public-private partnership
model can bring to life the digital villages envisaged under the Digital India plan. In the
urban space, the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC)
another public-private partnership plans seven smart cities along its 1,500 km route across
6 states with a total investment of $100 billion.

Smart Cities

40 World Development Report Exploring the Relationship Between Broadband and Economic Growth World Bank
(last retrieved 24 July 2016)
Sector in Focus: Public Sector



India is drawing on the development of smart cities at the global level. Prime Minister
Narendra Modis Digital India envisages building 100 smart cities across the country.
Broadly speaking, a smart city is an urban space that seeks to use technology and the Internet
of Things (IoT) to seamlessly connect and integrate multiple components such as homes,
buildings, transport networks, hospitals and classrooms, to drive up efficiency and productivity,
make them more sustainable, bring down costs, and vastly improve the quality of life for the
The 2014-15 Union Budget allocated INR 70.6 billion ($1.2 billion) for development of smart
cities, and work has been launched in 20 cities from the list. The smart city plan involves
greater connectivity and ease of life using the Internet of Things.

Towards transparent public sector services

Accessing information and tools, especially in Indian languages, will be key to deciding the
success of digital initiatives in the public sector. One area where going online has brought
about significant change in attitudes and approach is the filing of income tax returns. The
process became virtually seamless after the CBDT merged the PAN and Aadhaar databases
and allowed assessees to verify their filing through a one-time password over email or SMS.
This effectively ended the need to make a paper filing. While the debate over large sections
of the population evading taxes continues, this is certainly one way of ensuring that people
dont avoid paying taxes because it was too cumbersome to do so.
Initiatives like MyGov, Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), UPI, and Aadhaar, among others,
are showing results by taking tangible services and practical, useful information to the
masses like never before. The public sectors role is to ensure that non-commercial areas that
private operators may eschew are not left uncovered for lack of profit, be it in agriculture,
nutrition, healthcare (preventive and otherwise), education, and citizen services. (See
infographic on page 26). McKinsey suggests that the adoption of key technologies across
sectors spurred by the Digital India initiative could help boost India's GDP by $550 billion to
$1 trillion by 2025.

41 List of 98 cities selected under Smart Cities Mission PIB (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
42 Profile of 20 smart cities (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
43 Digital India plan could boost GDP up to $1 trillion by 2025: McKinsey The Economic Times (last retrieved 28 July
Sector in Focus: Public Sector



Sector in Focus: Public Sector



Media & OTT all moving online, one app at a time

Until a few years ago, TV and print media were considered indispensable to capturing the
Indian consumers mind and timeshare. The numbers spoke for themselves. Daily newspaper
circulation stood at 100 million copies and growing, while TV penetration was at 900 million
with over 690 satellite channels. But those dynamics have now begun to change. Digital
advertising, though growing rapidly, simply did not have the reach of traditional media.
The availability of affordable smartphones and tablets, together with falling data prices, has
changed all that. It has fuelled the second-screen (and in many cases, third-screen)
phenomenon. With the rapid adoption of smartphones and 3G/4G networks, content
consumption patterns and consumer engagement channels are rapidly evolving. Delivery of
media and entertainment is set to become personalised like never before.
While India will no doubt continue to have a robust print market owing to still-growing levels
of literacy and the affordability of print (a single newspaper could be read by more than a
dozen people) in semi-urban and rural markets, online is where media is moving to on the
back of several factors. (See infographic on page 28.)

Print vs. digital

Traditional media houses are well aware of the challenges posed by the rapid growth of digital
advertising and to keep up with changing times, are investing in digital media to provide news on
the move. Most national dailies now have a dual presence in traditional and digital media either
through e-papers or through mobile apps. Many regional newspapers have also progressed to
capture online readers in recent years, with Malayala Manorama being one of the early entrants.
Living Media put its flagship India Today magazine online more than 15 years back and now has
the online-only opinions site, DailyO. For standalone magazines, which do not enjoy economies
of scale, digital distribution is expected to bring down the cost of operation significantly.
Monetisation, however, remains a challenge as the subscription model hasnt worked and people
are still largely unwilling to pay for digital content.
The television industry has also been evolving through advanced systems including
digitisation and changing TV consumption practices. Set-top boxes, smart Blu-ray players,
and Wi-Fi enabled TVs are redefining the way we consume content, and how advertisers
reach out to viewers. DTH service providers like Tata Sky/Dish TV, with their "on-the-go"
mobile apps, are providing a more personalised viewing experience.

As per a report on Indian media and entertainment by KPMG and FICCI, the industry was
valued at $15 billion in 2014, with TV at $7 billion and print media at $3.9 billion. Advertising
revenue for TV stood at $2.3 billion and $2.6 billion for print media. Digital ad revenue stood
at $1 billion. However, we are in a world where Internet advertising spend will eventually
catch up with TV advertising.

OTT, the new kid on the block

The chief new medium of personal entertainment that has emerged is undoubtedly OTT,
which stands for over-the-top, a term used to describe the delivery of entertainment
including TV programmes and movies via the Internet, without having to subscribe to a
cable or satellite TV provider. People already have a screen in their pockets, prices of data
plans are falling, and
44 #shootingforthestars FICCI-KPMG Indian Media and Entertainment Industry Report 2015 (last retrieved 24 July
Sector in Focus: Media & OTT



Sector in Focus: Media & OTT



connectivity is getting better, which means OTT is set to become the medium of choice for
entertainment for both existing and future users of smartphones.
It promises to merge the worlds of television and digital media once content providers figure
out what their audiences want to watch and distributors figure out how best to deliver it to
them (subscriptions, transactions, or free, but ad-supported, platforms).
With growing interest from traditional TV broadcasters, film producers are currently
leveraging this opportunity to port existing TV content and movies to digital platforms and
launch their own OTT platforms. According to a Media Partner Asia (MPA) report, India had
12 million active OTT video subscribers in 2014. And given the launch of more than half-adozen personal entertainment apps from large media houses since then, the number of
subscribers has been steadily increasing. Media companies like Star, Sony Pictures Networks,
Zee, Eros and Reliance Entertainment are already present in the OTT market. Similarly,
platforms like YuppTV, Hotstar, Press Play TV, Viu, and Netflix are also in the race. Viacom 18
entered the OTT play earlier this year with the launch of its digital platform, Voot. In the wings
are Arr, owned by former Network18 executives B. Saikumar and Ajay Chacko, and Balaji
Telefilms' ALT. As a result, even though the video-on-demand (VOD) market in India is nascent
it is already highly competitive.
In parallel, social media is fast evolving into a personal online identity. Earlier, it was used
to connect with friends and update your status. Now online citizens especially millennials
routinely use social media to tap into the pulse of the world around them. Social media is
deeply intertwined with VOIP-based OTT players like Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, and SnapChat,
which are changing the revenue game in telecom. As on January 2015, as per TRAI, SMS
traffic in India fell to 4,367 million in June 2014 from 5,346 million in June 2013, a decline of
18.3%, and is likely to show further decline y/y. WhatsApp topped the messaging application
market with 52% of all users using OTT messaging services in India.
Messaging platforms are clearly evolving into destination-content portals and have a great
deal of leverage in promoting and drawing viewers. In the US, NBCUniversal signed an
agreement to create mobile, short-form versions of a number of its popular shows for
SnapChat for its OTT audience. In 2015, Thailands instant messaging and chat app LINE
launched LINE TV, a YouTube-style video service integrated into the app. Closer home,
evolving service models like Gaana and Saavn, among others, allow users to download
content that can be viewed offline without consuming the device resources.
Together, the combination of affordable devices, affordable access to online content, the
availability of original content and millennials preference for personalised media and
entertainment is driving the growth in OTT.

Monetisation remains a challenge

While OTT may be the future of media and entertainment, it still faces the same challenges that
traditional media faces monetisation. Getting in the way of monetisation are a number of
obstacles. Piracy remains a huge challenge, not just in India, but worldwide. Hollywood loses
hundreds of millions of dollars due to piracy each year and Indias massive entertainment
industry suffers just as badly. Content providers are currently unable to charge premium rates

45 How OTT Can Speed Up Digital India's Success (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
46 #shootingforthestars FICCI-KPMG Indian Media and Entertainment Industry Report 2015 (last retrieved 24 July
48 NBCUniversal is bringing mini TV shows to Snapchat Tech Crunch (last retrieved 08 August 2016)
Sector in Focus: Media & OTT



for content that they potentially can for personalised content because the market is
fragmented and competition is intense. Data prices are falling, but they are still too pricey
for many to spend on entertainment even though entertainment is what most people want.
While the next wave of Internet users will come from rural areas, their adoption of digital
media will heavily depend on affordable data plans and better connectivity. The income
disparity needs to be bridged before we can expect the vast majority of Indias citizens to pay
for online entertainment. It is only once these aspects are addressed that the matter of how
much theyre willing to pay for original content will crop up. Subscriptions have so far never
worked in India. Advertising, and native advertising to be precise, still remains the best if not
the most adequate source of revenue for media companies.

The medias growth story for 2019-20 will be scripted by user experience
According to analysts, Indians consume around 750 MB of data per user every month. This
indicates the huge business opportunities for VOD players. An MPA report adds that Indias
OTT video subscriber base is expected to grow to 105 million by 2020. Such projections
explain why OTT firms in India are betting on this market. As of now, bigger players are either
betting on current revenue from traditional media (TV) or on an advertising-led model;
however, it will be interesting to see how the revenue model shapes up: subscriptions,
transactions, OTT and telco/ISP partnerships, or free but ad-supported platforms? Ultimately,
the model that delivers a superior experience in terms of quality and delivery of original
content will be the winner.
For now, the advantage firmly rests with the telecom providers and ISPs for the simple
reason that they have both digital and brick-and-mortar touchpoints. A partnership between
telcos/ISPs and OTT content providers would be a revenue opportunity for the former and
drive customer loyalty in an industry that is fraught with customer churn.

And lets not write off traditional media just yet

In spite of digitisation, TV and print media are witnessing decent growth. The media and
entertainment industry in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 14% by 2020, as
per the KPMG-FICCI report. Media revenue in TV is projected to grow at a 15.5% CAGR,
reaching $14 billion in 2019 while print media revenue is set to grow at a CAGR of 8% to
reach $5 billion by 2019. In spite of the linear growth, traditional media advertising revenue
remains significant, riding on the back of growth in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, rising disposable
income and literacy rates. Digital advertising revenue is also set to grow significantly to INR
162.5 billion ($3.8 billion); yet it will still contribute only around one-quarter of total
advertising revenues in India.
Traditional media will use social media to create brand visibility online. For instance, 65% of
American adults today use social networking sites, up dramatically from the 7% tallied in
2005. Social media is fast evolving into a personal online identity. Earlier, it was used to
connect with friends and update your status. Now online citizens want to stay plugged into
the online world around them, a world they have personalised through various media. They
want to belong to the online communities of their choice, be recognized and have a voice.
And they will use the platforms that give them the best even if it is not the most affordable
user experience to do so.
49 How OTT can speed up Digital Indias success CXO Today (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
50 #shootingforthestars FICCI-KPMG Indian Media and Entertainment Industry Report 2015 (last retrieved 24 July
51 #shootingforthestars FICCI-KPMG Indian Media and Entertainment Industry Report 2015 (last retrieved 24 July
Sector in Focus: Media & OTT



Sector in Focus: Media & OTT



Financial technology Disrupting India

E-commerce would never have taken off in India the way it did if key players hadnt offered a
cash on delivery option. The reason was simple: Indian consumers were just getting
warmed up to shopping online and the last thing they wanted to do was pay up over a
medium most scarcely understood and deemed risky. Today, an increasing number of
consumers are happy to use e-wallets to pay for their purchases, if not credit cards or online
banking options.
Mobile banking is here to stay, opening up unprecedented opportunities and allowing
players in the fintech space to build new verticals (both in B2C and B2B) on this foundation.
But thats just one part of the story. Fintech solutions reduce costs while increasing speed,
convenience, accuracy and transparency. Little wonder then, that financial institutions across
verticals are investing in financial technology in a big way either setting up their own
research and innovation centres or partnering with startups working in this space.

Mobility to drive growth

The move to use the Internet as a primary mode of retail payments began eight years ago
when 10 banks formed the National Payments Council of India (NPCI) to set up a single
affordable payments platform or payment settlement switch for the country. The Institute
for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) played a central role in the
development of this financial platform. The aim of the NPCI was to end the domination of
international financial payment settlement switches like MasterCard and Visa, and bring
down the cost of financial settlements, which may be bad news for card companies but is
music to the ears of a new generation of financial service providers like Paytm, Mobikwik,
FreeCharge, Ezetap, and PayU. In fact, Vijay Shekhar Sharma, founder of e-wallet and ecommerce company Paytm, believes that India will skip the plastic (credit/debit card)
generation and move directly to mobile faster than any other country.
Today, fintech is disrupting financial services just like e-commerce changed the face of retail,
and is likely to have far more widespread impact on society and the Indian economy, both
directly and indirectly. The sector is relatively young, and therefore smaller compared to
others covered in this report: NASSCOM estimates that in 2016, the fintech market in India
will be worth $8 billion, having grown 20% over 2015. The fintech software market within this
was pegged at $1.2 billion (13%). The remaining 87% focus on services, primarily in payments
(60% of the market, including ATM/Point of Sale [PoS]) and core banking services.

Enabling fintech = enabling disruption

This is Indias moment, using the network and the smartphone to make all Indians benefit
from new age banking services, says Nandan Nilekani, co-founder and former CEO of
Infosys and the man who helped set up what is now the worlds largest biometric-datadriven platform, Aadhaar. Currently, ~1 billion people have already registered under Aadhaar.
Beyond the public sector, a striking example of Aadhaar-driven banking is mobile-only bank
accounts offered in India by the Singapore-based DBS Bank, which hopes to open 5 million
such accounts with digibank and wallet services.

52 How technology is disrupting financial inclusion in India (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
54 DBS launches mobile-only bank in India The Hindu Business Line (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
Sector in Focus: Financial Technology



As of 2015, India still had an unbanked population of ~233 million. The Governments target
of bringing down financial exclusion to <10% of the population can only be achieved with an
ensemble cast comprising some smart policymaking, public-private partnerships,
proliferation of smartphones, affordable access to the Internet, and in the lead role,
innovation in financial technology. These are the factors that have helped drive growth of
financial technology in the first phase of its growth. (See infographic on page 34.)
Driving growth & efficiency at the enterprise level: Fintech makes financial services more
customer-centric by using technology-driven innovation. Large banks are viewing fintech as
an enabler rather than a disrupter. They are tapping into the start-up ecosystem to incubate
and create alliances on a variety of platforms such as wallets, investment intermediation,
online client acquisition etc. They are not only developing platforms for such startups to
thrive, but are also beginning to invest in such platforms. And as the table below shows,
private banks have been implementing such changes and innovations a lot faster and more
extensively than their PSU counterparts.




Conducted Appathon and shortlisted 10 from 2,000 applications and 3

winners to be given a chance to integrate their services on to the bank's
mobile banking platform to be offered to customers


Organised Digital Innovation Summit, chose 5 ideas among 30 in

artificial intelligence, marketing, quality assurance and payments

Axis Bank

Launches the first innovation lab Thought Factory to identify, mentor

and possibly invest in fintech startups
Focusing on startups and e-commerce as a business segment and has
created a new business vertical within the corporate banking system
Experimenting with emerging technologies such as blockchain, cloud
Hack for Hire programme to identify and hire talent
Working with NASSCOM 10,000 Startups, various technology and VC
partners, global banks and academia to create a vibrant ecosystem
which transcends beyond India


SBI inked a deal with IIT-Bombay business incubator SINE to promote

innovation by fintech startups

Kotak Mahindra

Kotak fintech mobility hackathon has partnered with NASSCOM 10,000

Startups to identify founders developing apps around banking innovation

Yes Bank

Yes Bank is collaborating with T-Hub and three academic institutes to set
up a centre of excellence and app store for the fintech start-ups

Fintech is also enabling enterprises to tackle major business challenges (e.g. online presence,
more efficient operations management, improved risk management, and a larger customer
base through better sales force productivity). With increasing focus on mobility and
analytics-driven offerings, fintech solutions remove intermediaries, making systems and
processes more efficient and transparent.
Government backing for innovation: The Government is the most important catalyst for
the success or failure of fintech as a sector in a heavily regulated financial services sector.

Sector in Focus: Financial Technology



Sector in Focus: Financial Technology




Separately, the Governments largest digital initiatives have been largely focused on
financial inclusion (UIDAI/Aadhaar, Jan Dhan Yojana, Bharat Bill Pay System, etc.), or are
related to finance in some form (online filing of taxes, linking of Aadhaar and PAN
databases, etc.). (See section on Public Sector on page 21.)


One of the biggest recent developments in financial services is the launch of the Unified
Payments Interface (UPI) by the RBI and NPCI. Together, NPCI and Aadhaar have kept
smartphone banking at the centre of the financial services universe. UPI is a homegrown
financial switch to enable consumers to use their mobiles to settle payments with
merchants and retailers, and further, allow startups to integrate their payment solutions.


The Startup India policy announced in January 2016 includes a $1.5 billion fund to
support startups, as well as income-tax exemptions and rebates on patents.


The Government has proposed tax breaks and waiving of service charges/convenience
fees to encourage electronic and card transactions at merchant establishments. It has
also proposed changing authentication requirements through the UPI to enable greater
convenience and thus, adoption of electronic and mobile payments.

The Reserve Bank of India has also set up an inter-regulatory Working Group to study the full
spectrum of regulatory matters related to fintech and digital banking. The Group will review
and appropriately reorient the regulatory framework, and respond to the dynamics of the
rapidly evolving fintech scenario.
Having said that, many believe that the regulatory norms conveyed by RBI have been open
to interpretation leaving a lot to be desired in terms of security compliance norms. So it
remains to be seen how these evolve to keep step with the dynamic nature of fintech
Funding innovation: Funding has gained momentum in the Indian fintech industry.
NASSCOM estimates peg funding in fintech startups in 2015 at $420 million, 10x the $40
million invested the previous year. 2015s biggest deal was wrapped up by FreeCharge ($80
million, it was later acquired by Snapdeal) and BankBazaar at $60 million. Mobile payments
service provider Ezetap Mobile Solutions has raised $24 million in Series C funding from
existing investors. The company is set to clock $1 billion worth of transactions this year, and
also made it to CNBCs Disruptor 50 list for 2016, right behind Uber and AirBnB.

Overall, Indias fintech market is expected to grow 1.7x between 2015 and 2020, according to
NASSCOM. A recent Google/BCG report estimates that by 2020, half of all Internet users will
use digital payments, driven by the high levels of functionality and a seamless user
NASSCOM estimates that payment processing and trading solutions will increase their
market share to 55% by 2020. Greater demand from telecom, media & entertainment,
government and defence will generate more demand for fintech solutions, with mobility,
analytics and security solutions dominating this space. Enterprises will increasingly leverage
analytics-based solutions to spot high-yielding business opportunities.
The governments push for financial inclusion (e.g. Jan Dhan Yojana) will help fintech
companies become data-rich, strengthening the unique national identity system (Aadhaar)
and the ubiquity of mobile phones in India. Indeed, a large clutch of fintech companies are
working on making sense of dark data and making it usable for the benefit of the larger
55 PM Modi announces tax relief, other sops for startups (last retrieved 24 July)
56 The 13 biggest funded fintech stars of India (last retrieved 24 July)
Sector in Focus: Financial Technology



Sector in Focus: Financial Technology



Security & Risk


Sector in Focus: Financial Technology



Security and Risk Management in Internet Adoption

Widespread diffusion of the Internet in India will be contingent on trust in the medium,
which in turn is dependent on provisions and perceptions of security of the medium. As with
other parts of Asia, mobile data traffic is projected to witness spectacular growth, and could
reach 1.7 Exabytes per month by 2020.
Content access and transactions will be defined by the processes, systems and technologies
for security. Unfortunately, the size, frequency and vectors of threats are increasing globally.
There is a growing number of web application and DDoS (distributed denial of service)
attacks. It has become easier for attackers to launch or participate in an attack, and
knowledge of application vulnerabilities is spreading. The number and availability of attack
tools are proliferating, and DDoS-based extortion is on the rise in the BFSI sector.
Attack tools have continued to grow more sophisticated, and many attack patterns are being
replicated by copycat entities, according to Akamais State of the Internet Report, Q1 2016.
The most common attack vectors include, CHARGEN, DNS, HTTP Get, ICMP, NTP, SSDP and
SYN floods; target sectors are business services, education, financial services, gaming, hotel
and media. India unfortunately figures in the list of Top 10 source countries and Top 5 target
countries for web application attacks in Q1 2016 (see figures below).


Akamais [State of the Internet] Q1 2016 report (last retrieved 01 August 2016)

The Future of Internet in India



India data from CERT-In also indicates a threat increase from 2013 to May 2016. Legislation
around cybersecurity had been slow and open to interpretation, leading to check in the box
solutions across the board. Attack types include not just website defacement but more
sophisticated attacks (see trend in the figure below).

The Future of Internet in India



Source: CERT-IN, PwC58

These forms of attack include cybercrime, political hacktivism, espionage and cyber terrorism.
The attacks are actioned with the following vectors:

Application, endpoint, infrastructure threats

DDoS threats targeting the network and application layers

Application layer threats that cause data theft

Direct to origin threats, that are easy to execute have been common occurrence in

These forms of attack incur serious financial losses to companies and the economy, in terms
of loss of revenue, consumer information, and damage to identity and brand. Some of these
losses are directly quantifiable, others have broader qualitative impacts.

58 Turnaround and transformation in cyber security India Update PwC (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
The Future of Internet in India



Industry-specific security threats to the internet

Broken down by sector, for example, threats to the BFSI sector occur in forms such as DOS
attacks, ransom attacks, defacements, data theft, and data exfiltration. For example, Union
Bank of India reportedly had one of its offshore accounts breached in a cyber attack From
the year 2011-12 to 2014-15, the rise in mobile banking transactions has been accompanied
by increasing cyber-frauds.
In the media sector, the digital arena opens up higher levels of piracy as compared to
traditional media, according to the FICCI-KPMG 2015 report, Shooting for the Stars.
Among government agencies, websites that have been hacked include TRAI, Indian Army,
ISRO and CBI as well as those of Indian states such as Assam and Andhra Pradesh.

Government initiatives to hasten internet security

A number of government departments are involved in the process of hastening internet
security, and cooperation between them helps align and harmonise the legislation. These
include Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), National Critical
Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC), CERT-In, the Telecom Regulatory
Authority of India (TRAI), Education and Research Network (ERNET), National Informatics
Centre (NIC) and the Data Security Council of India (DSCI). DeitY has released notifications on
the National Cyber Security Policy, and is preparing policy papers on cybercrime and the
international law framework, including recommendations on what the Indian approach could
be. DeitY is also directly responsible for institutes like UIDAI and National Internet Exchange
of India.
NCIIPC tracks and alerts government agencies (e.g. banks, railways, power, defence) about
potential cyber-attacks. Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) (under the
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) addresses a range of cyber security
threats to infrastructure and coordinates cyber incident response activities.
ERNETs security activities include providing government agencies with the latest antivirus
signature. NICs offices in each state of India provide anti-virus support and security services
at state and district levels on a regular basis. The Data Security Council of India (DSCI), set up
by NASSCOM, develops best practices and frameworks on security, and publishes studies
and papers on the topic.

Corporate Initiatives
Akamai has set up a new Security Operations Center (SOC) in Bangalore as part of its global
cyber defence network, and is expected to become the second largest Akamai SOC in terms
of human resources outside of the US by the end of 2016. Symantec has also opened a new
global Security Operations Center (SOC) in Chennai, along with SOCs in the UK, USA and

59 Union Bank of India reports cyber breach on offshore accounts (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
60 #shooting for the stars FICCI-KPMG Indian Media & Entertainment industry report 2015 (last retrieved 01
August 2016)
61 Indian websites that have recently been taken down by hackers (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
62 Govt websites hacked (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
63 An overview of ndias cyber security agencies Medianama (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
The Future of Internet in India




Microsoft has launched a cyber security engagement centre in India, with solutions like
cyber monitoring, use of machine learning-based detection technology, and ensuring rapid
response and resolution to cyber threats to enterprise customers in India. The Gurgaon
centre is one of the seven centres globally, and will serve as a dedicated hub for Microsoft in

Security solutions that scale with the internet adoption in India

With the increasing profile of the SMAC stack in business, government and consumer lives,
cloud providers need to do more to improve their security procedures. They can draw on the
intelligence and protection measures from security product suites such as Akamai.
In India, internet traffic will reach 60.5 Exabytes a year by 2020. In India, mobile data traffic
will reach 1.7 Exabytes per month by 2020 (the equivalent of 430 million DVDs each month),
up from 148.9 Petabytes per month in 2015.
With proper preventive and responsive measures, activities across the board
communication, content access and transactions can become more secure and robust.
Device proliferation including smartphones and IoT will continue to open up new forms
of risks alongside opportunities, and government and industry will need to come up with
creative solutions to make Internet access secure as well as convenient and user-friendly,
especially for the new wave of rural users.

In sum, security and risk management will have to become key considerations across a wide
spectrum of users parents, children, SMEs, corporates, educational institutes and
government alike. Responses will range from high-level policies and technical committees to
industry guidelines, consumer education and investments in technology.
Implementation of Cloud Services is relevant considering the various cost benefits that Cloud
Computing offers to the companies to achieve economies of scale, according to TRAIs
Consultation Paper on Cloud Computing (June 2016). The paper also refers to security and
data protection acts from countries such as Singapore and New Zealand, in response to
threat patterns like data theft, steganography attacks, botnets, phishing, malware and DDoS

64 Microsoft launches cyber security engagement center in India (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
65 VNI Mobile Forecast Highlights, 2015-2020 Cisco (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
66 Consultation paper on issues related to digital terrestrial broadcasting in India TRAI (Consultation Paper No.
8/201) (last retrieved 24 July 2016)
The Future of Internet in India



The Future of
Internet in India

The Future of Internet in India



The Future of Internet in India

India to remain the fastest growing internet destination
Indias internet user base has already surpassed the US, and today is second largest after
China. Globally, the number of internet users is expected to touch 4,170 million by 2020,
growing at a CAGR of ~6%, and adding ~960 million in the next five years. However, internet
user growth in India is expected to be 3x the world average, growing at a CAGR of ~20%.
India will add ~400 million users, which is over 40% of incremental internet users worldwide
in the next five years.

The type of internet users in India is set to change dramatically

Less than 10% of Indias population lives in Tier 1 cities. Internet penetration in these areas
has already reached saturation, and we estimate that 75-80% of new user growth will come
from rural areas in the next five years. Internet businesses will have newer set of customers
who will:

Access content via mobile phones and not laptops and desktops,

Want content in local (Indic) languages and not in English,

Prefer to consume content via videos, rather than text

This poses a huge opportunity for companies developing local language apps and sites,
search interfaces, video streaming and broadcasting, download managers, among many
others. At the same time, it presents challenges to prevalent go-to-market models and will
require significant retooling of approach for Internet-centric businesses.

The Future of Internet in India



- Samiran Gupta
Head of India, ICANN

The Future of Internet in India

Even though the Internet has been

around for more than 20 years, it
currently caters only to 4% of
Indians who are online. In the next
decade alone, local language
content will be produced and
consumed in explosive quantities.
The Indian Internet policy must
regulate and standardise the
usage of Indic-language fonts for a
clean foundation. Safe search for
local language content must also
be regulated.

From 22 top-level domains

(TLDs) such as .com, .net,
and .org that existed for
many years, the Internet
now has over 1,000 new
gTLDs such as .dabur, .paris
and .club, both in English
and in other languages. The
IDN programme will enable
the global community to
use a domain name and
access content in their
native language or script.

- Vivekanand Pani
Co-founder, Reverie Technologies



Last-mile connectivity to be enabled by government, telcos and technology

Multiple stakeholders will need to work in tandem to bring the next generation of Internet
users (rural, mobile-centric, and local-language consumers) online in India.
While the Governments Digital India initiative aims to deploy the National Optical Fibre

Deep Kalra

Today, everyone is focusing

on delivering services over
low speed networks. The
startup community should
lobby to have faster
networks and building
great services for
businesses and consumers.

Startups are yet to

figure out how to
use the Internet to
scale up their
services. The hardest
thing to do is to get
people to discover

Abinash Tripathy
Founder & CEO, Helpshift

Network (NOFN) providing broadband connectivity to cover 250,000 gram panchayats, the
onus of bringing this Internet to end users falls on telcos and technology companies. The
NOFN will have to be linked with telecom towers to deliver wireless broadband services to
rural households, but setting up telecom infrastructure in remote areas remains a challenge.
So companies such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft are coming up with unconventional
methods. While Google wants to use a network of Helium balloons to relay signals to remote
areas, Facebook plans to use drones as an alternative. Microsoft plans to use unused
spectrum in frequencies used by TV channels to carry data. The pilot projects are expected
to start in 2016-17. Telecom companies, state governments and the Union Government will
need to partner with Internet-based technology giants to drive up adoption.

67 Drones, balloons, white spaces: Google, Facebook, Microsoft vie for Modi's smart cities plans Firstpost (last
retrieved 9 August, 2016)
The Future of Internet in India



Founder, Stayzilla

There is a need to
enable people to use
service consistently.
The Government has
the building blocks
to make the Internet
available in all
schools and public

Vijay Shekhar
Founder, Paytm

The Government
has launched so
many initiatives.
Efforts must be
doubled to
increase network

Governments should
ensure connectivity
is available in rural
regions so that the
power of the
Internet and
smartphones can be
enjoyed by all.

Rohith Bhat
Founder, Robosoft

Businesses and consumers to come online, creating an ecosystem of SMBs

and micro-entrepreneurs
Today, there is an Internet business for almost everything selling old furniture, shopping
online, booking travel, networking with friends, making payments, consulting doctorsthe
list goes on. Even offline businesses are trying to get a part of their value chain online.
Google plans to bring 20 million businesses online by 2017 and train over 2 million Indian
developers in Android.
Where there are businesses, thats where customers will flock. By 2020, the number of online
shoppers are likely to cross 175 million, growing 3.5x over 2015. Technology will enable easy
and efficient transactions. The launch of new devices such as Samsung Galaxy Tab Iris,
featuring an iris scanner that is Aadhaar and STQC-certified, will enable cashless and
paperless services for banking, passport, taxation and healthcare among others. We will
continue to see adoption of payment solutions such as mobile wallets, cash cards, platforms,
and POS (point-of-sale) services, dawning the age of well-connected digital economy. At the
same time, the Internet is creating a network of SMBs, and micro-entrepreneurs/startups an
ecosystem, with the potential to create thousands of direct and indirect jobs.

From an Internet Economy to the Internet of Things marching ahead to

connect India
Prime Minister Narendra Modis Digital India envisages building 100 smart cities across the
country. For creating smart cities, India needs a balanced focus in terms of modernising city
infrastructure and leveraging technology to improve the efficiency and capacity of city
services. In terms of city infrastructure, investments are required to modernise city services
like water, energy, public transportation, roads and sewage. Investments are also required to
take up technology initiatives in core city subsystems like energy, water, transportation,
public safety, citizen services, city governance, healthcare and education, and overall at the
city level to improve collaboration amongst these subsystems, improve citizens participation
and to wring out efficiencies from infrastructure assets. The essence of smartness in a city lies
in integrating core city subsystems and carrying out a deep analysis of the resultant data in
68 Google aims to train 2 million Indians on Android platform The Economic Times (last retrieved 9 August 2016)
The Future of Internet in India



ways that are meaningful to all stakeholders. All of this can be facilitated by leveraging
advances in Internet technologies as well as by synergising with several investments already
made in creating technology infrastructure.

Dawn of an era of digital literacy

The Internet is redefining literacy in India. With so many tech startups enabling local
language content, digital literacy across India is becoming both possible and significant. The
goal is to create one e-Literate person in every Indian household by 2020. The Government,
NASSCOM, and the private sector have joined hands to form the National Digital Literacy
Mission (NDLM) which is working towards making the goal a reality.

Role of cyber security to become paramount

With digital connectivity, the risks of cyber-crimes increase. With multitudes of people using
e-commerce and transacting online, there is a huge need for technologies that can prevent
data theft. India features in the top 10 source countries for DDoS attacks an attempt to
make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources].
There has been a significant increase in Internet scams and hacks, with IoT devices being
most vulnerable, as they are the major sources of data. The RBI is directing banks to deploy
cyber security policies, and cyber crisis management plans. Going forward, these policies will
get more stringent and prescriptive with broader issues in cyber security being covered
under its ambit.

Consumption has changed because of the Internet and with that the way
people are targeted has also changed. The Government is already talking
about Digital India and Startup India. The Internet is the key to making
these initiatives change the country into an economic powerhouse.

Naveen Tewari
Founder, InMobi
India is also collaborating with the US to develop a complete framework on the India-US
cyber relationship. The spending on cloud-based security solutions will continue to increase
across verticals, leaders here being the BFSI and online retail companies. The Government
too has set in motion a number of initiatives that will take effect in the coming years. Among
these the focus is on protecting national critical information and infrastructure. This would
aim to protect key installations and systems across different verticals.
Corporates such as Microsoft and Akamai are also establishing specialised centres to develop
machine-learning based detection technologies. Specialised teams trained in mitigation of a
variety of attacks are also being actively deployed by these technology giants in India. We
need more such initiatives to be able to tackle cyber threats in the country. What it boils
down to is indigenous talent and resources with the right skill-sets to execute such projects.
India is witnessing a huge demand for such security professionals (technologists and
analysts, alike). In line with these growing demands, security has become one of the key
focus areas for NASSCOMs Sector Skills Council, which working towards creating the right
cybersecurity skill sets among Indian IT professionals.

The Future of Internet in India



Abhijit Bose
CEO, Ezetap

The risks are in securing data

and making sure that the clinical
data is protected. The
Government should embrace
the smartphone to help access
healthcare services through the

Payments have been

revolutionised thanks
to the Internet. The risk
is in data protection
and making sure that it
is accessed by the
necessary teams.

Rohit C A
MD, CloudNine

Specific policies and regulations need to be created to drive growth of

Internet in India
The Government will need to continue to build momentum in creating new policies to drive
Internet adoption and to support the growth of Internet businesses. Whether around
broadband spectrum, Internet adoption/availability, data protection, or cyber security, what
was applicable five years back is no more relevant in todays context, and new policies will
need to be futuristic. They will also need to be cognizant of Indias challenges and figure out
ways to mitigate those challenges. The goal, then, is to create a sustainable environment of
public-private partnerships where the ultimate beneficiaries are the citizens of India.

We have continued to witness significant growth in the number and

frequency of DDoS and web application attacks launched against
online assets, and Q1 2016 was no exception. Interestingly, nearly 60%
of the DDoS attacks we mitigated used at least two attack vectors at
once, making defence more difficult. Perhaps more concerning, this
multi-vector attacks functionality was not only used by the most clever
of attackers, it has become a standard capability in the DDoS-for-hire
marketplace and accessible to even the least skilled actors.

Stuart Scholly

Senior Vice President and General Manager,

Web Security, Akamai

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The Future of Internet in India




The Future of Internet in India



The Future of Internet in India


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