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Dynamic Communication Society

First Semester S.Y. 2016-2017


We, the Dynamic Communication Society of the University of San Carlos, under the
teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ and the guidance of San Carlos Borromeo through the University
and Society of Divine Word, do solemnly swear to commit ourselves by the virtue of love for the
unity among members, the development of mental, physical and spiritual growth and to be of
service to others, all under the enlightenment of the vision, mission and policies of this university,
do ordain and promulgate this constitution.

Section 1: Name
This organization shall be officially known as the "Dynamic Communication Society" of the
Bachelor of Science in Information and Communications Technology and the Associate in
Computer Technology and may be referred to as "DynaCom".

Section 1:
To initiate student-related activities (especially those related to Information and
Communications Technology), which shall aid the members in their total development: physically,
intellectually, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Section 2:
To encourage fellowship and camaraderie among the members of the organization, school
community, and outside the campus.

Section 3:
To establish a strong network of communication between the members of the society and
to act as a voice of the population when the need arises through the methods of referendum and
other democratic means.

Section 4:
To participate actively and provide whatever support is necessary in any university,
organization, or cross-organization activities.

Section 5:
To be active and aware citizens of the nation and to lend out a helping hand to our brothers
and sisters in need.

Section 6:
To enlighten the minds of the members such that they will become active and competent
professionals in the fields of Information and Communications Technology, and Computer

Section 1:
Students who enroll in the programs of Bachelor of Science in Information and
Communications Technology and Associate in Computer Technology automatically become part
of the Dynamic Communication Society on the moment of acceptance into the program.

Section 2:
Members are required to pay the membership fee every semester, the amount of which
shall be decided by the societys Executive Committee with the approval of the Department
Computer Science and the Student Affairs Office.

Section 3:
Students who are no longer enrolled in the programs stated in Art. 3, Sec. 1 will have their
membership cancelled unless personally stated otherwise before the start of the proceeding

Section 4:
Students enrolled in other programs may become members of the society granted that
they will abide by the rules and regulations of the society and provided that they are not allowed
to forfeit their membership before the end of a semester. The society holds right to cancel
membership/s when the conditions specified are not met. Membership request can only be done
at the start of a semester.

Section 1:
The Executive Committee is the administrative body of the Dynamic Communication
Society, which shall manage all the organizations affairs. It has the duties to propose activities and
to supervise and carry out such activities.

Section 2:
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice-President for Internal
Affairs (VPIA), Vice-President for External Affairs (VPEA), Vice-President for Finance (VPF), VicePresident for Information for ICT (VPIN-ICT), Vice-President for Information for ACT (VPIN-ACT),
Assistant Vice-President for Internal Affairs (AVPIA), Assistant Vice-President for External Affairs
(AVPEA), Assistant Vice-President for Finance (AVPF), Secretaries, Liaison Officers, Treasurers,
Auditor, and Public Relations Officers (PRO).

Section 3:
All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by popular vote by the DynaCom
members. Elections will be held before the end of each school year and facilitated by the outgoing
Executive Committee.

Section 4:
In order for the President to be elected into office, he or she must be an incoming third
year student of either Bachelor of Science in Information and Communications Technology or an
incoming second year student of Associate in Computer Technology and/or a previous member of
the Executive Committee.

Section 5:
In order for the Vice-President for Internal Affairs, Vice-President for External Affairs, and
Vice-President for Finance to be elected into office, they must be an incoming third year student
of either Bachelor of Science in Information and Communications Technology or an incoming
second year student of Associate in Computer Technology for the school year that they are
rendering service to.

Section 6:
In order for the Vice-Presidents for Information, Assistant Vice-President for Internal
Affairs, and Assistant Vice-President for External Affairs and Assistant Vice-President for to be
elected into office, they must be an incoming second year or third year student of either Bachelor
of Science in Information and Communications Technology or an incoming second year student of
Associate in Computer Technology.

Section 7:
In order for the Secretaries, Liaison Officers, Treasurers and Auditor, to be elected into
office, they must be an incoming second year or third year student of either Bachelor of
Information and Communications Technology or Associate in Computer Technology.

Section 8:
Quorum shall consist of one-half plus one of all Executive Committee members who are
not in long term absence.

Section 9:
In case of long term vacancy, an appointment shall be made by the president with the
consent of the Executive Committee to fill such vacancies and the appointed person or persons
shall serve for the remaining term of office.

Section 10:
In case of short term vacancy, an appointment can be made by the president with the
consent of the Executive Committee to assign an acting-officer to fill in the duties of the one
absent. The acting officer will serve until the assigned officer returns.

Section 11:
An officer may willingly surrender his/her position granted that there is a valid reason. The
Executive Committee will judge whether the reason is valid or not. The Executive Committee shall
then be given the task of either appointing or conducting an election to replace the vacancy
depending on the remaining length of term.

Section 12:
In the case of lack of manpower, the Executive Committee may appoint acting-officers
without positions for the temporary duration. The acting-officers are not part of the Executive
Committee but will assume certain duties and responsibilities upon appointment.

Section 13:
Before the newly elected incoming Executive Committee start their term of office, they
must recite the following oath; "I, (state name), do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and with
conscience, fulfill my duties and responsibilities as (state position) of the University of San Carlos
Dynamic Communication Society, preserve and defend it's constitution, execute its laws and do
justice to every member, and consecrate myself to the service of the organization, so help me

Section 14:
The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President or any of the VicePresidents acting in behalf of the President.

Section 1: President

Responsible and accountable for all actions of the Executive Committee and organization.
To call and preside over all meetings and to prepare agenda for such.
To supervise the activities and affairs of the organization.
To appoint people into office in case of vacancies.

To call special meetings.

To delegate powers, duties and functions as he or she may see necessary.
To represent the organization in the Arts and Sciences League. This function may be
delegated from time to time to any member temporarily.

Section 2: Vice-President for Internal Affairs

To be coordinating officer for the activities held within the campus.

To reserve places or venues of activities held inside the campus.
To propose monthly activities for the organization related to the intellectual, physical, and
spiritual aspects.
To coordinate with the Assistant Vice-President for Internal Affairs and the Secretaries in
carrying out all activities and affairs proposed by the former.
To assume all the duties and responsibilities of the President in the event of vacancy in
such office.

Section 3: Vice-President for External Affairs

To be coordinating officer for the activities held outside the campus.

To reserve places or venues of such activities held outside the campus.
To propose monthly activities for the organization related to the socio-cultural and
community extension aspects.
To coordinate with the Assistant Vice-President for External Affairs and the Liaison Officers
in carrying out all activities and affairs proposed by the former.
To assume all the duties and responsibilities of the President in the event of a vacancy in
such offices and if the Vice-President for Internal Affairs is also absent.

Section 4: Vice-President for Finance

Together with the President, has possession and control of funds of the organization and
is accountable for it.
To collect fees and contributions of students from the Treasurers.
To disburse funds with the recommendation of the President and the approval of the
Executive Committee.
To propose monthly activities related to the economic aspect.
To make a monthly financial report for the members.

Section 5: Vice-Presidents for Information

To propose and recommend activities that will increase the members knowledge of topics
related to the Bachelor of Science in Information and Communications Technology.
To take responsibility in fulfilling such activities.
To inform the Block Representatives and Block Treasurer of the upcoming activities or
meetings of the organization.
To disseminate information that would orient/update members about the status of the

Section 6: Assistant Vice-President for Internal Affairs

To assist the Vice-President for Internal Affairs in coordinating activities held within the
To help propose monthly activities for the organization related to the intellectual, physical,
and spiritual aspects.
To regularly check on and coordinate with the Secretaries so that the activities and affairs
proposed by the Vice-President for Internal Affairs will be carried out.

To assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Vice-President for Internal Affairs in the
event of a vacancy in such office.

Section 7: Assistant Vice-President for External Affairs

To assist the Vice-President for External Affairs in coordinating activities held outside the
To help propose monthly activities for the organization related to the socio-cultural and
community extension aspects.
To regularly check on and coordinate with the Liaison Officers so that the activities and
affairs proposed by the Vice-President for External Affairs will be carried out.
To assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Vice-President for External Affairs in
the event of a vacancy in such office.

Section 8: Assistant Vice-President for Finance

To assist the Vice-President for Finance in coordinating activities held outside the campus.
To help propose monthly activities for the organization related to the socio-cultural and
community extension aspects.
To regularly check on and coordinate with the Treasurers and Auditor so that the activities
and affairs proposed by the Vice-President for Finance will be carried out.
To assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Vice-President for Finance in the event
of a vacancy in such office.

Section 9: Secretaries

To keep the records of the organization.

To take minutes of every meeting.
To comply the necessary requirements and secure such permits from the appropriate
To keep records on the attendance of members in meetings and activities.
To prepare the needed correspondence when the need arises.

Section 10: Liaison Officers

To coordinate with out-of-campus persons and organizations regarding the organizations

activities and the promotion of such.
To take charge and coordinate with the Vice-President for Finance and Treasurers in the
purchasing of prizes, tokens, and the like.

Section 11: Treasurers

To collect fees and contributions from the Block Treasurers and be accountable for it until
he or she turns it over to the Vice-President of Finance.
To keep records on students.

Section 12: Auditor

To conduct examination and audit of all the financial reports.

To formulate income-generated activities.
To conduct census of print design of the batch shirt.
To take charge on canvassing and distribution of the batch shirt.

Section 13: Public Relations Officers

To publicize activities and achievements of the organization.

To coordinate with campus persons and organizations regarding the organizations

activities and the promotion of such.
To an regularly update the bulletin board and forum for information and announcement
to the members.
To come up with a publication that would inform organization members/faculty
members/administration regarding the status of the organization.


Section 1:
Special Committees may be formed upon the initiative of the President or any of the
Vice-Presidents in the event that an activity or occasion is in need of such to assist the Executive
Section 2:
In line with Article VI, Section 12; officers of formed special committees are appointed by
the executive committee. These positions will have no bearing within the Executive Committee
and are only temporary.

Section 3:
Each Special Committee shall be headed by a committee chairman appointed by the

Section 4:
A Special Committee may not be retired, except through a majority vote by the Executive
Committee, at an executive meeting convened by the President, for the purpose in mind.

Section 5:
Only individuals, who meet the qualifications set forth in Article IV, Section 7, shall be
eligible to serve as standing committee chairs.

Section 1: Block Representatives

To represent the voice of the block.

To help promote all the activities and projects of the organization.
To report and announce the decisions made by the Executive Committee to his or her
To attend general meetings of the organization and his or her division, if the President
and/or the Executive Committee requested it.

Section 2: Block Treasurer

To collect fees and contributions of his or her block and be accountable for it until he or
she turns it over to the Treasurers.
To issue receipts and tickets when the need arises.
To attend general meetings of the organization and his or her division, if the President
and/or the Executive Committee requested it.

Section 1:
Each year level block representatives may choose a head officer among themselves noted
by the Executive Committee.

Section 2:
The chosen head officer of the year level shall attend the regular meetings of the Executive
Committee and will disseminate information to the other block representatives of his or her year

Section 3:
An outgoing officer of the Executive Committee may be appointed as a Senior Advisor.
Section 1:
The first regular meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held at least two weeks
before the first final exam for non-graduating students.

Section 2:
During the first regular meeting, the outgoing members of the Executive Committee shall
be present together with the newly elected officers to familiarize the new officers with their duties
and responsibilities.

Section 3:
Regular meetings shall be held at least twice a month unless otherwise deemed necessary.

Section 4:
The Executive Committee, Special Officers, Block Representatives and Block Treasurer shall
attend general meetings.

Section 5:

The first general meeting shall be held a week after the election of Block Representatives
and Block Treasurer.

Section 6:
The President shall call general meetings when the need arises.
Section 1:
The election of the Executive Committee officers shall be held within the last two weeks of

Section 2:
The election shall be supervised by an election committee consisting of members of the
Executive Committee not running for re-election.

Section 3:
The election of the Block Representatives and Block Treasurer shall be held within the third
and fourth week of each school year.
Section 1:
All the members of the Executive Committee may be impeached on the following grounds:
Neglect of duty, specifically non-participation in the major activities for no acceptable reason.
Actions that are contrary to the policies of the university, objectives and constitution of
the Dynamic Communications Society.
Gross misconduct and immorality.

Section 2:
An impeachment proceeding may be initiated by the petition filed by at least one- third of
the members with the approval of the adviser/s.

Section 3:
After the impeachment proceeding is initiated, a special meeting is then called to
deliberate the merits of the case to impeach.

Section 4:
The impeachment of any member of the Executive Committee shall become final if the
majority of the members present during the special meeting vote such.

Section 1:
Any amendments to or revision of this constitution may be proposed by one-half of all
Executive Committee officers.

Section 2:
The body through three-fourths vote of all officers present during the meeting called to
decide such should approve the proposed amendments.

Section 3:
All amendments and revisions shall take effect immediately after the approval and shall
supersede all existing rule regulations of the organization.

Dynacom 5.0 Officers

Arrissa Niimi BS ICT 4


Internal Affairs

Lesly Jean Go BS ICT 3

Francis Chino Lopez BS ICT 2

Vice President for Internal Affairs

Assistant Vice President for Internal Affairs

Quezel karm Cabahug BS ICT 2

Melody Abigail Cuenco BS ICT 2

Cyrene Ernest Bacol BS ICT 2





Maria Imelda Velez BS ICT 4

Charmine Cana BS ICT 4

Vice President for Finance

Assistant Vice President for Finance

Nidalyn Bercero BS ICT 4

Joyce Kristine Berdejo BS ICT 3



Jamaica Ybanez BS ICT 4

Diana May Ancajas BS ICT 3




Gypsy Ecarma BS ICT 4

Jake Nildo Giangan BS ICT 2

Vice President for Information

Assistant Vice President for Information

Czarina Olandria BS ICT 2

Aubrey Yu BS ICT 2

Public Relations Officer

Public Relations Officer

Adrian Kim Dy BS ICT 3

Daniel Echavez BS ICT 2

Public Relations Officer

Public Relations Officer

External Affairs

Lecarre Gavini BS ICT 2

Oscar Benjamin Ledesma BS ICT 2

Vice President for External Affairs

Assistant Vice President for External Affairs

Zester Quinn Albano BS ICT 3

McPaul Wee BS ICT 3



Dynacom 5.0

Joan Tero

Erwin Sarmiento

Don Brahyan Singh

PC Rigs Exhibit

February 09,2016

C Wizards

February 10,2016

PHP and Code Igniter


May 14,2016

Carolinian Summit

June 6-7,2016

Bangga sa Banggiitan

June 15,2016

Orientation Seminar

July 01,2016

Bayani ba to?
Heroism X Pagibig

August 20-26,2016

Seminar: Rivan IT

August 21,2016

February 09,2016

Intellectual &
Intellectual &
Intellectual &
Intellectual, PsychoEmotional,
Physical &
Intellectual &
Intellectual, PschoEmotional &
Intellectual &

Sponsorship (Yellow
Gadja (Yellow form)
Gadja: The Carolinian
Persona (Green



August 26-27,2016


August 27,2016


August 27,2016


CC Leads

April 11-13,2016

Physical, & PscyhoEmotional

Conference on
Advance Computing
of Information and
Sciences (ICCACI)

May 27,2016


Team Building

May 29,2016

Back to School
SO Booth -WOW
WOW Movies
Pasigarbo sa USC

June 13,2016


Turn Over Ceremony
62nd USC Grand
Alumni Homecoming
Abilidaray sa SAS

June 13-15,2016
June 14,2016
June 16,2016
July 17,2016
July 09,2016
August 20,2016
August 24,2016

Physical, PsychoEmotional
Interpersonal &
Physical, PsychoEmotional
Interpersonal &

Mass (WOW
First Friday Mass
Pageant (CES)
Pageant (CES)Talents Night
Pageant (CES)Coronation Night
Photoshoot (SAS
Celebration of the
Birthday of Mama



June 13,2016


July 01,2016

Physical & Intellectual

July 02,2016
July 18,2016

Physical & Intellectual

July 23,2016

Physical & Intellectual

July 05,2016

Physical & Intellectual


Interpersonal &


Significant Activities and Achievements


August 13,2016

Paghulagway 2016

August 24,2016

Blood Drive

August 19 &

Physical, PsychoEmotional
Interpersonal, PschoEmotional

CC Leads XIV

Most Interactive Booth WOW Week

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