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Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you

Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,
I have made this place around you,
If you leave it you may come back again, saying Here.
No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost. Stand still. The forest knows
Where you are. You must let it find you.
David Wagoner
Hope is the thing...
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
- Emily Dickinson

On the inside--looking out..
From comfort or a prison,

On the outside--looking in..

With envy or derision.
Two sides to every wall
as well as to a penny..
The other side a mystery
not known to very many..

On the inside--looking out..

"It's greener over there!"
On the outside--looking in..
"Life is just not fair!"

The wall is what divides us,

Like truth apart from fiction,
Opinions that are based upon
our private predilection!

On the inside--looking out..

Rahab sought the Truth!
and welcomed the two witnesses
who led her way to Ruth. Mt1:5
On the outside--looking in..
Wondering "What's behind it all?"
Never knowing, until going
'round until they fall!

The English prisoner-poet Richard Lovelace (1618-57) was no doubt

thinking of mental walls when he penned the familiar lines: "Stone
walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage". Seen as an
allegory, this account in the Book of Joshua parallels "Thy Word
have I hid in my heart", Ps119:11, and "I and my Father are one",
Jn10:30, with the two unidentified spies hidden by Rahab. She
married Salmon and they had a son Boaz, so she became mother-inlaw to Ruth, and ancestor of David. Her physical house was in the
wall when the wall came down, but the House of David offers "the
sure mercies of David", Acts13:34. The salvation precept is stated

plainly in Josh6:25 --"And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive,

...because she hid the messengers which Joshua sent to spy out
Jericho." The allegory says she had the faith, Jas2:25, to oppose and
defy her whore of Babylon worldly culture!
A great man of God was ole Moses,
from his head all the way to his toes'es
The Law that he gave us, allowed Jesus to save us,
So we'd come up smelling like roses!


Consider the Egg

Consider, if you will, the egg: and how it's good to eat,
whether sunnyside or scrambled, it surely is a treat...
Hard-boiling it will keep it from making such a mess,
and everybody knows you can't return it to the nest.

Consider, if you will, the egg: and its astounding age,

Only three weeks from creation, it begins the chicken
First it must escape the plate, and other gruesome deadly
But victory is very sweet to eggs which have no hands or

Consider, if you will, the egg: and how it's like a seed,
With all that gooey mess inside becoming a new breed.
The yolk and white together forming fuzzy little chicks,
So kids the world wide over can rejoice and get their
But only if the Rooster has equipped the egg for life,
Otherwise the egg is only fit for fork and knife.

Consider, if you will, the egg: in all its rounded glory,

but if the egg is on your face, that's quite another story.
The blood of Christ is offered: eternal life is true,

Read all about it in the Bible, or get prepared to rue...

You'll kill the chick if you pry open the shell for it -w/o the struggle and exercise, the chick will die!

As "seeds", mankind can be planted in the grave but will arise in the
resurrection, assuming they really do contain that new life, and in
this sense the seeds are pregnant; whether male or female. Jacob's
trouble. It's a logic which agrees with how Jesus is the "seed" (John
12:24, 1Pet1:23) whom God planted on the earth for the purpose of
obtaining and gathering a harvest of sons and daughters. This poem
aims at the comparison between seeds and eggs, emphasizing how
unfertilized eggs will never develop life or become caviar, but are
only good for scrambling. Figuratively it applies to individuals who
refuse to accept the whole truth of what Jesus said, and how his
blood on the cross is crucial for eternal life.

Click here for more about the blood covenant.

Anyone for Flying?

Come fly with me and let us see
if the hold on this earth we can shake..
For just an hour, or maybe two,

a heavenly voyage we'll take!

Up through the clouds, escaping the crowds,
we'll look down through the rarified air..
We'll bank and we'll turn, and gravity spurn,
and for a while we won't have a care.

We'll soar and we'll swoop,

We'll dive and we'll loop,
With the wind in our face, so sublime,
On the wings of delight, up high where it's
bright, we'll throw caution away for a time.
And when it's all over and we glide down to
earth, where everyday troubles abound,
We'll remember the skies where intrepidy flies
In the face of those stuck on the ground.

Ducks in a Row 2Cor11:19

To suffer fools gladly is a daunting endeavor,
And I surely won't do it for long or forever..
A mistake now and then, or occasional lapse,
Is human, but keeping it up is for saps!
Everything in its place, and a place for all
Not knowing the Word(s) is what laziness
Whether giving directions, or singing the
Not knowing the Truth is emphatically

The climb up the Mountain of Learning is tough,

and the slide down the Valley of Error is rough..
But unless you perspire at least eighty per cent,
Sound thinking is just what you gave up for Lent!

The computer goes tilt when the info is wrong

and if you're off key it just ruins the song.
The Mountain of Logic will certainly grow..
But for sure you must have your ducks in a row!

So my email name is "duxrow" .. O.K.?


Life Poems & Narrative Poetry


Lee Emmett, Australia

Viewed 982times


how much more you throwing into that filthy sink?
six seasons of summers, most of accumulated savings
love, reserve, creativity most of best qualities and
whatever else - still nowhere near stopping cravings
pour self like water into sand - senseless, no end to it!
about time took long hard look, see into suffering soul
start giving bounty to more deserving, productive ends
better take control, change warped ways taking toll
what you think family going say when see futility?
spent all those winters training for better schemes
what strange bedfellows mixing with nowadays
time and again replaying same old movie, dreams
just get on with the real game, bite bullet hard, now
forget whisperers wanting you chained to their track
make choice what youre good at, and then stick there
grow, invest, monitor progress, and watch your back!

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