Appendix A - Guidelines On Payment of Fees

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OLE UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN GUIDELINES ON PAYMENT! ICABLE 0 ONLINE PRINTING OF OFFER 1. Povment ot Public Bank Branches Please complete the Multiple Cheque Depost Pain Sip (se sample below) payable ta ‘Kole Univers “Turku Abdul Rahman’ Account No 3997568821 with dank Re (1) ane Bank Ref (2) 38 Incest nthe online Ofer tete. esse presen the online Offer Letter when makiag payment Payment i stietly in CASH oly and in the exact amount as stated inthe onine Ofer Letter. ‘cHEQUE/BANKER'S CHEQUE/MONEY ORDER/POSTAL ORDER ARE NOT ACCEPTED, A service fe and commission where applicable) vl be collected by the Bank, "No payment wl be accepted aftr the due date stated in the online Offer Letter. 2. eaymens 2 slntemet Banking Service (Pub Ban Bon For payment option tough e-banking, pleas log on to we for urher information, Students/Payors ae advised to check the payment transaction carefully 20d prnt acopy ofthe Computer {Generated Recaipt containing payment confirmation number a roof of payment made ~ _-Aservice fe willbe charged by the Bonk for each succesful transaction. ‘Sample ‘*uliple cheque Deposit Pay Sip

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