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Plan a fund raiser-5K walk at BHS for Leukemia

Discuss leukemia/the benefits of non-profit fund raising

Learn how to sew

Fashion design and body image

Write 13 science fiction short stories

Science fiction literature

Work as a mate on a charter fishing boat

Charter boats- decline in business-less fish and climate change

Teach Sunday school

The emotional benefits of practicing a religion

Volunteer at a daycare center

Brain deveopment in young children vs adults.

Work with a physical therapist

How effective is PT after stroke, accident or surgery?

Shadow a small business owner/create a brand

Is developing a brand worth it?

Shadow a professional stock market investor

How does one invest in the stock market?

Work with a nurse in an ER

Hospital medical tech advancements

Work in a gym

Teen fitness programs

Care for rescue dogs, promote adoption

How rescue dogs can affect new owners' health

Learn how to fish

The life of a charter captain

Take flying lessons

Fear of flying

Work at RI Hospital to learn to manage diabetes


Shadow an ESL teacher

Old vs young ESL students and also how technology assists process

Build a guitar

The psychological benefits of hands-on labor

Learning how to paint a picture

Compare oil and encaustic paintings

Learn how to photograph sports in action

Photojournalism and its relationship w/American sports culture

Produce a musical

The importance of arts in society

Shadow a dance teacher

Evolution of professional dancer

Work in a graphic design business

The effectiveness of graphic design on a business

Work w/Athletic Trainer and students

Injury prevention-concussions, ACL tears, etc.

Volunteer at Atria-Listen to residents' personal histories

The benefits the younger generation gains through interaction w/the older
Shadow a professional board game designer

The effectiveness of board games as a learning tool

Learn CAD and 3D printing

The importance of CAD and 3D printing in the business world

Learn how to fence

The evolution of swordsmanship through history

Assist in the directing of children's musical

Does performing affect the moral character of a child?

Take a photography class at RISD

Photographers in the 20th century-a history

Walk-a-thon for canine cancer/shadow vet

What are warning signs that dog is ill?

Vol. at a citizenship class for immigrants

Challenges of immigrants over the years

Learn the basics of rock climbing

The physical and mental benefits of rock climbing

Write music for a wind ensemble

The process of writing music for a large ensemble

Install large-scale visual art

Difficulties faced by modern artists.

Teach a Physical Education class

The beneftis of physical education on high school students

Investigating the destruction of the deHavilland CometDevelope a scenario re: the failure of the comet-Failure Analysis
Work in a pre-school classroom

The benefits of a pre-school ecuation

Learn mixed martial arts

How violence on tv affects children

Raise domestic chickens

Is keeping domestic chickens worth it?

Create metal jewelry

Comparing style/role of jewelry in cultures

Shadow a pre-school teacher at the Red Brick School The benefits of early education
Assistant coach Enrichment Volleyball at BMS

How do sports benefit youth?

Work w/a pilates instructor

The physical/mental benefits of pilates

Create a promotional video re:Unified Sports

The benefits of Unified Sports on all involved in the sport

Assistant coach Pop Warner Football

The positive effects that organized sports has on youth

Shadow a journalist/research building of wind farm-BI How journalism affects people and dangers of being a journalist
Student teach in a BHS social studies class

The differences in teaching styles and what is more effective

Assist with the Tormorrow Fund Fantasy Ball

The importance of fundraising for non-profit organizations

Create a theater production for disabled children

The effects theater participation has on disabled children's confidence

Work on 3D printed wrist joints

Solving problems with 3D printed prosthetics

Shadow a music producer/compose own music

How the creative process works to produce music

Work in kitchen with a head chef

Maintaining a successful restaurant

Shadow a case worker-DCYF

How abuse and neglect impacts a child's life

Shadowing a buyer-TJX Corporation

How the "buying" process works

Working w/outdoor camp children

Benefits of child outdoor camps

Mix and produce a song

How to produce a song

Shadow a volunteer fireman-Warren Fire Dept.

Day to day operations of a volunteer fire company

Learn to play the violin

Applications/impact of a violin

Shadow a chef

The benefits of cooking fresh food and eating healthy

Coach Pop Warner Football

How a coach affects the emotional, moral, intellectual development of a child

Shadow a personal trainer

The benefits of exercise and nutrition

Organize Relay for Life at BHS

Relay for Life and its effectiveness at fundraising for cancer

Test/analyze the water in Prince's Pond in town

The benefits of monitoring all bodies of water

Work in a sleep study lab

The study of the 24 hour body clock- circadian biology

Vol. at Heartworks to provide holiday gifts for children Less fortunate receive attention during holidays but not rest of year
Plan a fundraiser-STEAM

The progression of STEAM, available jobs and its importance

Shadow a chiropractor

How bodies can be improved with modern technology

Coach "Girls On The Run" runners

Young girls and their self-image

Learn photography

Impact of photography on art

Shadow a midwife

The health benefits of having a midwife vs an OBGYN

Shadow a Spanish teacher

The benefits of learning another language

Write a short, fictional mystery story

The deveopment of the mystery genre over time

Shadow a videographer

The art of cinematography.

Teaching pottery to young children

Art development in young children

Work with police

Police and Autism

Shawdow SPED Lifeskills Teachers at BHS

What transitional services are available after BHS?

Oyster restoration

Oyster gardening

Study the biomechanics of kicking a soccer ball

What is the effect of human training on performance?

Assist in mock trial

Research sentencing bias

Prepare vegan recipes

A vegan diet is healthier than an animal diet

Ballet as a workout

The physical and mental benefits of ballet

Vol at Mobile Loaves and Fishes distributing clothing Why do people become homeless, what is being done for them?
Build a scale model boat

The intricate process naval engineers undergo to design a boat

Cook healthy food

How to make healthy food choices

Teach adults and children to horseback ride

Analyze horseback riding styles and also riding as a stress reliever

Teach/choreograph Irish dance

History/modernization of Irish dance

Build a composite foot bed for runners' orthotic insolesHow orthotic insoles aid runners
Asst. coach Pop Warner Cheerleaders

Cheerleading as a sport

Assist BHS science teacher in her forensics lab

Evaluate unsolved murders of celebrities

Assistant coach a PeeWee Cheerleading Squad

The positive effects of childhood participation in sports

learn how art therapy helps depression

art therapy helps depression

Assistant coach a Special Olympics bowling team

The history of the Special Olympics organization

Train to become a lif guard

Discuss the lifeguard training preparedness level

Vol. at therapeutic horse riding ctr

The benefits of therapeutic horse riding

Learn to weld

Dev. of welding for artistic/vocational purposes

customize a vehicle

personalization of a vehicle

Coach youth basketball

Women's sports less important

Take boxing lessons

Discuss the health benefits of boxing-positive of negative?

Shadow BHS Student Resoource Officer

How to prevent school tragedies

Work with a weight trainer

The positive mental/physical results of weight training

Learn sign language

How do deaf people express themselves?

Work with a corporate film producer

The Yiddish cinema and Yiddish culture

Learn American sign language

The various treatment options available to the deaf that may aid in hearing

Learn how to kitesurf

The physical benefits of kitesurfing

Learn how to play the guitar

Write a Jimi Hendrix informational paper

Shadow a stage makeup artist

Expose the use of "Photoshop" in the media

Shadow a PE teacher to understand autism

How to deal with autistic children and how they learn

Shadow a cobbler

The lost trade of cobbling

Training at Icon Boxing Club

The dangers of weight loss for boxers prior to a match

Fundraiser/Mission vol. one week in Jamaica

The effect that poverty has on Jamaican children

Design a kitchen

The importance of a kitchen over time

business and economics

business and economics

Create a survey on vaccinating children

To vaccinate or not vaccinate.

Shadow resource officer at BHS

Law enforcement and community relations

Assistant coach a Pop Warner Football Team

The benefits of youth sports

Learn shambhala meditation-take class

Shambhala meditation and its affect on one's well-being

Compose a piece of music

How chords and dissonance are perceived by humans

Shadow a licensed art therapist-classes for children

What impact does art therapy have on children over time?

Shadow a personal trainer

The importance of physical activity in elders

Organize the AfterProm 2016

The benefits of school-sponsored activities

Shadow a personal trainer

How fitness has changed over time

Learning yoga

Yoga as a stress reducer

Create a blog about rebellious youth and fashion

How is the fashion industry inspired/effected by the youth rebellion?

Shadow a librarian/paint a mural in the library

The cognitive function of children regarding literature illustration

Construct and design a boat

Methods of commercial fishing

Shadow a stock broker

Investing in the stock market is beneficial to a client's economic success

Take voice lessons/observe choral groups

Is the ability to sing a gift or a learned talent?

Volunteer at TAP-IN

Food insecurity in Rhode Island

Film/produce a film to accompany original piano solo The impact of film and music in culture
Shadowing an Ava Anderson Skin Care Consultant

How to promote, market, sell a product

Composing music-various genres

The effect of globalization on music

Plan/participate in a Rape Aggression Defense CourseThe effectiveness of participation in this course

Working at the Brown University Graphics Lab

The evolution of computer interfaces

Build two 3D printers

The RepRap Project and for what it purports to strive

Volunteer at RICC Golf Camp

The beneftis of children learning to golf-improved etiquette, social skills

Learn to play the piano

The correlations between math and music

Shadow a Lithuanian history teacher in Lithuania

How Lithuanians have been affectd by post WWI-present events

Work with Unified Volleyball athletes

The benefits of unified sports

Volunteer at the RISPCA

Adopting an animal vs buying from a breeder

Learn sign language

The methods of education for the deaf and hard of hearing

Investigate the 1:1 initiative

The importance of tech in learning

Coach a youth basketball team at the Bayside YMCA How proper coaching affects self-esteem of young players
Create a non-profit arts organization

What are the benefits of a thriving arts/music scene

Shadow associate coach of PC men's basketball

The correlation between high spending a success of a team

Shadow an automobile mechanic

The importance of repairing and servicing a car for safety on the road

Build a dog house that replicates a house

How to build a house

Create a video game

What are the positve/negative effects of video games?

Organize the AfterProm 2016

The benefits of the AfterProm on the community and students

Build a greenhouse with BHS Environmental Club

The GMO debate and sustainability

Shadow a jewelry maker to learn the technique

The history of the jewelry industry in Providence

Work at Education Dev Ctr

Improving education for girls globally

Work at a juvenile detention ctr

Juvenile detention vs prison for youth

Shadow a cardiologist

The harmful effects of E-Cigarettes on the heart

Coach a CYO Youth Basketball team

The mental/emotional/physical benefits of youth sports

Mission trip to Honduras (10 days)

Poverty in Latin America-living conditions, lack of medicine and education

Vol. at Mobile Loaves and Fishes

How and why do people become homeless and the problems they face

Visit Boston hospitals with mentor and therapy dog

The affect therapy dogs have on trauma patients

How to train an animal to bring into a school setting

How interacting w/animals changes how kids interact w/each other

Shadow a personal trainer

The benefits of having a personal trainer vs training alone

Shadow a detective-Warren Police Department

The importance of gathering evidence in an orderly matter for court case

Create a natural birth plan

The pros and cons of natural childbirth

Take a Tai Chi Martial Arts class

The legitimacy of tai chi as an alternative medicine

Assist in senatorial campaign

Public participation w/its electorate

Shadow a cardiologist

Interventional cardiology-caterization

Shadow a swim coach at the Bayside Y

A study of different coaching techniques

Take a lifeguard certification course

Does lifeguard training adequately prepare lifeguards for rescues?

Learn to play the guitar

The evolution of rock music through the usageof the guitar

Learn how to knit

Knitting as a stress reliever

Learn ballroom dancing

The benefits of music related activities for the disabled

Participate in an athletic training program

The benefits of weight training for women

Learn how to play the guitar

Does playing an instrument strengthen brain function?

Organize a "Miles For Max" 5K run for Tay-Sachs research

Informational paper abour Tay-Sachs disease.
Shadow a corporate lawyer

Compare/contrast different law practice types

Shadow a photographer

How photography is being effected by technology-cell phones, social media

Attend an engineering camp/intern at engineering firmThe lifecycle of an engineering project

Shadow a therapeutic riding instructor

The benefits of therapeutic horseback riding

Intern at Congressman Langvin's office

Why learning about our goverment is important at a young age

Shadow a DCYF case worker

How/why are children neglected and how does it affect them?

Create a comic book

Race and identity in comic books

Shadow an orthpedic surgeon

Advantages of operating or not on spine issue patients

Work with a photographer

Compare an analog and a DSLR camera

Shadow a radiologist (digital imaging)

Teen use of modern tech can contribute to career in modern med

Shadow a radio event planner

Various types of events and how they are planned

Learn to play the piano

The effect of music on the brain.

Volunteer at Dorcas Institute

Immigrant assimilation

Film a documentary about the sport of rowing

Why are some movies successful and some not?

Civil engineering

Technology in Civil Engineering

Travel on a mission trip to Haiti

The positive effects of the One Egg Haiti project-eggs for children

Design a costume for Arts Alive-The Little Mermaid

The importance of costume design in theater

Shadow a mechanic

The evolution of the automobile

Studying/practicing Islam

Relationship between Islam and ISIS

Learn sign language

The causes of progressive deafness-Meniere's Disease

Shadow a Western Religion Philosophy Professor

Why do people believe in a spiritual deity?

Take shallow/deepwater aerobic classes at the YMCAThe benefits of water exercise for pain management
Teach ESL to immigrants

Effective immigrant education in RI

Assistant coach Pop Warner Cheerleading

How cheerleading benefits young girls

Research public art

Public/Street art history

Follow different diets for 2 wks each. Cook healthy

Compare diets. What is best for weight loss, craving satisfy?

Learn to play the accordian

The accordian's impact on culture

Run a "Halloween Town" in NH for charity

Why businesses should donate to charity

Create 3-D model-water filtration

Industrial water pollution

Shadow yoga instructor/learn to meditate

The effectiveness of meditation to alleviate stress

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