Analysis of Abstraction Ability Students Junior High School in Mathematics Problem Solving

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Agnesya Maldini1, Syaiful Hadi2


Prodi Magister Pendidikan Matematika, PPs Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, IAIN Tulungagung

Abstract : The goal of the research in this article is to describe the ability of

abstraction grade VII MTsN Aryojeding Rejotangan on the level of Recognition

(pengenalan), the level of Representation (representasi) and the level of
Structural abstraction (abstraksi struktural) in resolving the question of the
subject matter of the triangle. At issue is how the abstraction ability of students at
each level in resolving the question of the subject matter of the triangle in grade
VII MTsN Aryojeding Rejotangan school year 2014/2015. Abstraction is the
process to obtain the essence of a mathematical concept, removing any
dependence on real world objects which at first might be inter-related, and
generalised so that he has applied more broadly-applied or in accordance with
other abstract description for symptom relief.
Keywords: Ability Abstraction, Problem Solving, Triangle
Mathematics is one of the basic science and a tool to develop a way of
thinking, therefore mathematics have an important role to support the
advancement of education and development of science. In addition mathematics
also serves to develop communication skills and the ability to reason individuals.
In everyday life, math has a big hand in use was either directly or indirectly.
Example, mathematics is used in the sale, quantifies area and volume, for
processing, presenting and interpreting data and so on. Therefore, a deep
understanding is needed, so no fault in its use.
See the current reality, mathematics is considered difficult to learn by most
students either are not learning disabilities or are learning disabilities. Based on
observations of the researcher conducted at the seventh grade students at preresearch, difficulties often arise, one of which will be based in the background by
the student's ability in solving math problems.
Basically, the mathematical ability of students to assimilate a problem to
find the correct answer is a certain level of intelligence of every student. There are

times when a person's students are able to solve problems with the process of
thinking is relatively simple, sometimes also through a long process of thinking.
The process of thinking that is the process in which a student is unable or
unwilling to change the mathematical problems into mathematical sentence.
During these still haven't realized that the ability to work on a problem with slow
or fast thinking process associated with the intelligentsia of the respective person.
Abstraction is one type of capability which is an attribute of intelligence.
Teman in Djali (2012: 64) gives the sense of intelligence as "... the ability to carry
on abstract thinking ...". From that sense, Teman tried to explain abilities related
to abstract things. A person can be categorized as an intelligent person, when
abstraction has the ability to properly and appropriately. Within each of the
students must have the ability of abstraction that will affect the success of the
According to Piaget in Paul (1997: 37-38), there are two possibilities of
abstraction, namely abstraction based on the object itself is called a simple
abstraction and abstraction based on coordination, relations, operations, use of
which is not straight out of the properties of the object itself called reflective
Reflective Abstraction refers to the ability of subjects to project and
reorganize the structure created by the activities and interpretation of the subjects
themselves to the new situation. Cifarelli in Wiryanto (2014: 572) argues levels in
abstraction reflective defined as follows: the first level is the recognition
(recognition), the second level is a representation (representation), the third level
is the abstraction of structural (structural abstraction), level four or The highest
level is the awareness of the structural (structural awarenes).
Abstract thinking is a very important attribute of the intelligentsia because
of the higher cognitive levels (intelligence) someone the more regular (and also
more abstract) way of thinking. Wiryanto (2014: 573) argues a privilege levels of
abstraction proposed by Cifarelli is that these levels a stage to describe whether

someone's problem solver consciously or not on specific concepts for problem

solving activities and help identify whether someone problem solver used
previously problem-solving methods or using new methods of problem solving.
Based on the above phenomena can be said that the abstraction capabilities
of students is very important. Each student has the ability of abstraction in solving
the problems in mathematics lessons in resolving questions that vary according to
the level of thinking ability and intelligence of the students themselves.
Desmita (2012: 107) argues the general characteristics of adolescent
thinking at this formal operational stage is to obtain the ability to think abstractly,
reason logically, and draw conclusions from the available information. Besides the
ability of abstraction students at junior secondary school level is an important
stage in the foundation of more abstract thinking. Because at this level, the
material that is presented is the basic material that is more complex and a lot of
new material that will be used in advanced levels. Referring to the role of
mathematics in everyday life that is large enough, then the researchers choose a.
Triangle of material applied in the matter. According to Janice (2004:74),
Triangle is a plane with three sides which meet to form the three vertices.
Discussion of the triangle would not stop at the level of junior high school only,
because the material these triangles will be developing more complex on the
next level. So understanding the concept of early deep about this matter is
indispensable. If from the beginning student understand and capable of abstract
thought reserved particular subject matter this triangle, it will make it easier on the
next level.
Research methods used in this research is qualitative research methods by
which to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subject of the
research is related to the ability of abstraction holistically and descriptive manner
in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing a
variety of scientific method. The subject of this research is grade VII-A

Aryojeding Rejotangan MTsN Tulungagung. Data retrieval is done with the test,
interview, observation, and documentation. Technique of data analysis, namely
data reduction, data display, data conclucion drawing/verification.

The word abstraction (Grey & Tall, 1994) has two meanings, first as a
process of 'depict' a situation, and the second is a concept as a result of a process.
Meanwhile, according to Ferrari (2003: 1225), "If we take into account the
development of mathematics, from the standpoints of both history and learning,
we can see that very often abstraction is a basic step in the creation of new
concepts" meaning that abstraction often the basic steps in creating new concepts
and often appear new objects.
Abstraction began as a set of objects, then grouped based on the nature and
important relationship, then aborted and the nature of the relationship is not
important. Results of abstraction consists of the set of all objects that have
properties and the important relationship that abstraction is a process of

This linear process, starting


the heading

on the

objects of the class or structure and is called the object at a higher level.
Abstraction itself is closely associated with the process of abstract
thinking. Abstract thinking ability of intelligence is one which every individual.
Intelligence is the ability inborn, that allows one to do something in a certain way
(Ngalim, 2011: 52). Teman in Djaali (202: 64) give a sense of intelligence as "...
the ability to carry on abstract thinking ..." from such understanding, Teman tried
to explain the ability associated with abstract things. A person can be categorized
as intelligent, if have the ability to abstract thinking correctly and appropriately. In
general, the higher the level of cognitive (intelligence) someone the more regular
(and also more abstract) way of thinking (Hamzah, 2006: 11).
In relation to the Primary theories of Mental abstraction Ability
(Thurstone) tried to explain the organization of intelligence abstract, by dividing

the intelligence being the ability primer, which consists of the ability of
numerical/mathematical, verbal or language, abstraction, visualization or thinking,
making decisions, inductive and deductive , recognize or observe and remember
(Djaali, 2012: 73).
Abstraction in mathematics is the process to obtain the essence of a
mathematical concept, removing any dependence on real world objects which at
first might be mutually, and generalized so that he has applied-applied broader or
corresponding with an explanation other abstracts for symptoms of equivalent.
Herschkowitz et al. defines an abstraction "an activity of vertically reorganizing
Previously constructed mathematics into a new mathematical structure,"
(Mitchelmore & White, 2004) that abstraction is a vertical reorganization activity
mathematical concept which had been constructed before through a new
mathematical structure. From that sense it is known that in the settlement of
mathematics cannot be separated from the process of abstraction.
The Levels of Abstraction
Wiryanto (2014: 572) argues levels in abstraction reflective according
Cifarelli (1998) defined as follows: the first level is the recognition (recognition),
the second level is a representation (representation), the third level is the
abstraction of structural (structural abstraction), level to four or the highest level is
the awareness of the structural (structural awareness).
The first level is the recognition (recognition), Ciffareli in Petty (1996: 9)
explains that "Recognition At this stage, the problem solver encounters a new
situation, and recalls or Identifies activity from previous situations as being
appropriate" means identifying a mathematical structure that been there before.
Identifying a mathematical structure occurred when students realize that a
structure that has been used previously on math problems faced today. In this
introduction, students do not necessarily represent the structure of an already
known into something whose structure can be represented.
The second level is a representation (representation) Cifarelli in Petty
(1996: 20) explains

"Representation. The problem solver Utilizes a diagram in resolving a

problematic situation to aid reflection. The problem solver is operating at
this level if more control over the solution activity is demonstrated or, more
precisely, if the solver solution represents this activity. This reflective level
requires the individual to demonstrate a Certain degree of flexibility and
control over the prior activity in the sense that the activity could mentally be
"run through"
means the activity of students at this level, students use the diagram in solving a
situation to help translate a mathematical structure by using all possible solutions
or possible solutions. The purpose of the statement above, at this level the students
started to represent a matter of mathematics into a form that can be operated in
accordance with the request. Changing reviews these problems into mathematical
models can associate the previous problems with the things that have been
obtained earlier students.
The third level is the abstraction of structural (structural abstraction), ciffareli in
Petty (1996: 20) defines
"Structural abstraction. At this level, a problem solver is Able to distance
himself or herself from the activity in such a manner that he or she could
reflect on and make-abstraction from the re-presentation of solution activity.
This Also Suggests that the problem solver is Able to reflect on potential, as
well as, prior activity "
that is, at this third level students are able to make to make abstraction and
representation settlement activity. Students are also able to tie things from
previous activities. Students can describe and reorganize all the thinking activities
then interpreting into new knowledge. The structure, activity and the new
knowledge is constructed so add into the knowledge of the students themselves.
This abstraction activity happened sometimes not realized by the students, but
sometimes there is conscious.
Level four is the awareness of the structural (structural awarenes) by
Cifarelli in Petty (1996: 20) "Structural awareness. A problem solver at this level
will demonstrate an ability to Anticipate result of potential activity without having
to run through the activity in thought ". At this level, students will be able to
demonstrate the capability and resolution of a mathematical problem without

having to complete all of the activity of thinking. It is associated with the ability
of students' metacognition. At this level, students are able to think about the
structure and flow of the settlement and make a decision without having to make
the completion of a physical or mental shape represents the settlement method.
Because at level four, which is the level of abstraction of structural (structural
abstraction) is the level of a high level because the students will be able to
demonstrate the capability and resolution of a mathematical problem without
having to complete all of the activity of thinking in this study only took the three
levels, namely the level of recognition (recognition) , level of representation
(representation), structural abstraction level (structural abstraction) which then
created a criteria in which to measure the ability of abstraction students in solving
Illustrated on three levels of abstraction students the recognition criteria
(recognition), the second level of representation (representation), the third level of
abstraction structural (structural abstraction), which is divided into three levels,
three indicators, 8 descriptors, and 24 classification. Score abstraction criteria will
be processed using a percent or correction percentages. Scores were obtained by
the students is the percentage of the maximum score ideal that should have been
achieved if the test is done with a 100% correct result.
Resolving Problem

Problem-solving in the analysis of abstraction is as follows:

Diketahui luas sebuah segitiga adalah 165 cm2 dan panjang alasnya 22 cm.
Hitunglah tinggi segitiga!
: L. = 165 cm2
Alas = 22 cm
: tinggi segitiga?
L. = x alas x tinggi


165 cm2 = x 22 cm x tinggi
165 cm2 = 11 cm x tinggi
tinggi = 165 cm2/11 cm
tinggi = 15 cm
jadi tinggi segitiga adalah 15 cm


Analysis of abstraction: from the question above is widely known a

triangle is two cubits in length and 165 cm2 22 cm. From here students required to
remember and associate the problem with previous activity being the King. After
that, students identify previous activities relating to the issue, such as identifying
things things that have been known in a matter that is broadly triangular and
pedestal (activity (1), (2) and (3)). After the event, beyond the students have been
at the level of abstraction of recognition (recognition). Then state the results of
previous thoughts into the form of mathematical symbols (activity (4)) and
transforming the structure into the mathematical model (activity (5)). After that
run method or an alternative solution that might (activity (6)). When students at
this stage, then students are at a level of abstraction representation
(representation). Then reflect on the previous activity to new situation and
develop a new strategy for a given problem, where not previously used (activity
(7)). After that the organizing structure of math problems be devised, organized
and developed into a form of settlement (activity (8) and (9). Students have been
at the level of structural abstraction (structural abstraction) and can be inferred
was able to finish a matter on the levels of abstraction.
The following will be inferred the ability of abstraction the students at
each level of abstraction that is the level of recognition (recognition), level of
representation (representation), and structural abstraction level (structural
1. The Level of Recognition

The ability of abstraction grade VII A matter of subject matter in

completing the triangle on the level of recognition (recognition) average students
are able to properly remember previous activity and associate with the problem
that is being faced with a true and able to identify previous activities with regard
to the problems being faced with a third problem of. Some haven't been able to
properly remember previous activity and associate with the problem that is being
faced with a true and able to identify previous activities with regard to the
problems being faced with a third problem of.
2. Level of Representation(Representations)
The ability of abstraction the student in resolving the question of the
subject matter of the triangle on the level of representation (representation) the
average student is able to properly State the results of previous thoughts in the
form of mathematical symbols, words, graphics properly, able to transform the
structure into the mathematical model and is capable of running alternative
solution methods that might work properly from the third reserved. most other
students haven't been able to properly State the results of previous thoughts in the
form of mathematical symbols, words, graphics properly, able to transform the
structure into the mathematical model and is capable of running alternative
solution methods that might work properly from the third reserved.
3. Level of Structural Abstraction
The ability of abstraction the student in resolving the question of the
subject matter of the triangle on the level of Structural Abstraction (Abstraction
structural) portion of the average students are able to properly reflect the previous
activity to new situation correctly make abstraction and representation the
completion of math, able to develop a new strategy for an issue, which has not
been used previously, and is able to organize the structure of mathematical
problems in the form of drafting, organizing, and developing properly. Some
haven't been able to properly reflect the previous activity to new situation
correctly make abstraction and representation the completion of math, able to
develop a new strategy for an issue, which has not been used previously, and is

able to reorganize the structure of mathematical problems such as collate, organize

and develop properly.
This research is the first step to gauge the ability of abstraction the students.
Advanced research about the need the ability of abstraction the students, so that
solutions would be found to cope with students who have less ability in
abstraction these thinking in solving a math problem.
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