Biznet GIO Cloud-VPN Site To Site Using Mikrotik

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Biznet GIO Cloud - Build Site To Site VPN With Mikrotik

How To Build Site To Site VPN With


Biznet GIO Cloud - Build Site To Site VPN With Mikrotik

This document is intended to guide you through the necessary steps to build a site-to-site
VPN. Please note a site-to-site VPN can only be built from a VPC therefore for the purposes of
this guide it is assumed you have already built a VPC and the Remote Office site we using
Mikrotik Router for example.
In order to demonstrate the site-to site VPN we will show you how to build one between two
VPCs. Should you wish to build a site-to-site VPN between your VPC and another location the
build process and logic will be the same.
The design we are going to demonstrate can be articulated as follows:

The VPC called Cloud - VPC has been built in the Jakarta Availability Zone and the Cloud VPC - Remote is in Office The details of the VPN created are as follows:

Cloud - VDC

Cloud VPC - Remote

VPC IP Address

Protected Subnet

Phase 1

AES128, SHA1, modp1024(2)

Phase 2

AES128, SHA1, none

Shared Secret


You do not need to worry about the data in the table above for now as this document has
been designed to guide you through how to find this information and make the decisions
necessary for a successful VPN connection.

A Protected Subnet is an IPSec term used to define the IP Address range of the
those devices you wish to communicate with via the

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Biznet GIO Cloud - Build Site To Site VPN With Mikrotik

Getting Started
In order to build your VPN between two sites you need to know the public IP Addresses of both
sites and ensure the parameters between the two sites are the same and the secret key you
devise is also the same.
The starting point therefore is to find the public IP Addresses of each of the sites you
intend to connect together. In our example this is one VPC and mikrotik setting we will
explain later.
Navigate to the [VPCs] tab. From the Home screen select [Managed Resources]
followed by [Cloud]. This will bring up all the Managed Resources tabs you will need to
create your VPN.
Within our test Account you can see the two VPCs. In turn, you need to select a VPC and
determine the IP Address.

In the example above we can see the VPC and the IP Address As you may
have several IP Addresses per VPC (remember you may have added an IP Address for
each tier within the VPC) you need to confirm it is the source IP Address of the VPC.
This can be confirmed as the address is noted as the following Source NAT = true and
Static NAT= false.

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Biznet GIO Cloud - Build Site To Site VPN With Mikrotik

VPN Customer Gateway

Please note before continue to further step, VPN Customer Gateway is your Mikrotik public
IP, so we can connecting VPC to Office thru this feature.
Now that you have confirmed the IP Addresses and noted them down you need to build the
VPN gateway. As we are building our VPN to VPCs we will only need to configure the
gateway in your VPC once as well as configuring the remote site.
Open the [VPN Customer Gateway] tab.

Select [Add New]. A configuration box will popup as per

the example below. You will need to complete these details
based on your design, guidance is provided when you select
each entry.

Name your VPN Gateway. In this

example we have called it Gio VPC.
Your name should be unique and
memorable as you may create multiple
VPN Gateways in your Account and
you need to know which one is which.
Gateway IP - enter the IP Address for
the target site.
CIDR List - enter the network subnet
for the target IP Address or Mikrotik
Cidr such as
IPSec Preshared Key - this is the
secret key you will need to enter into
both gateways, your VPCs and the
target site.
Standard IPSec key rules apply. Greater than 6 characters. Alpha or numeric characters.
Case sensitive.
The remaining settings have been left as their default however you may wish to change these
as you see appropriate. By selecting the dropdown you can see the different encryption types
supported in Cloud Compute. When you have completed the form and agreed to the Terms &
Conditions, select [Confirm].

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Biznet GIO Cloud - Build Site To Site VPN With Mikrotik

VPN Connections
Once you have created the VPN Customer Gateway you now need to create the VPN
Navigate back to the VPC

From the left hand navigation select the VPC where you have created your VPN Customer
Gateway. Select [VPN Connections]
Select [Add VPN Connection]. This will open a new popup called Add VPN Connection.
Using the dropdown

menu select the appropriate VPN Gateway.

When we created our VPN Gateway we named it the same as the VPC to make
it easier to identify.

Accept the Terms & Conditions. Select [Confirm].

The VPN will now try and connect however it will fail. This is an expected result as you have
not yet created the connection at the destination site.

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Biznet GIO Cloud - Build Site To Site VPN With Mikrotik

You will note that the Gateway and Network addresses have now been populated but you will
see the error as the destination site is not ready.
Again unless you have done this in quick succession, this will be in an Error state as
the first connection will have timed out waiting for the other end to respond.
To re-establish the connection you must reset both ends of the VPN, to do this use the [Reset]
Now we will Prepare for configuration Miktorik site, we will remind again for mikrotik detail :
Public IP :
Netmask :
Gateway :
Remote Miktorik router using Winbox, and ensure that your internet connection already plug to
Eth1 and your PC for configure this miktorik plug to Eth2
You can download winbox thru this link

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Router Configuration
First at all you should setting IP address using IP menu and the choose address

And the result should be like this

After that we should create IPsec configuration in mikrotik, the main function of this part is for
handshake with VPC Cloud using Customer Gateway, so the setting must be same with VPN
Customer Gateway configuration.

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Create New Policy in IPSec, IPSec menu will be found on IP > IPSec, and choose policy tab
Then click add new.

If the policy was created so the next step is create peers, choose peers menu beside policy tab,
peers configuration must be same with VPN customer gateway, regarding encypt method

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The next configuration is proposal IPSec and should be edited on proposal tab on IPSec

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Biznet GIO Cloud - Build Site To Site VPN With Mikrotik

The next Step is Creating NAT configuration, on the mikrotik is will be on IP menu > Firewall
and the choose NAT.
Add New NAT Setting

And pick Accept on Action tab

Then we will created masquarede setting, just click new NAT rules, and click action tab, pick
Masquarade and then click OK

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So the result will be like this,

The last configuration in mikrotik is enable logging IPSec, so for this configuration you should
choose System Menu and choose logging and add new

We have to reset the connection, so we are going to CPBM again, login to your account,
Please choose VPC and VPN Connection then reset, the light will be appear for replace red
light with error description.

Now your VPN site to site is already connect.

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Biznet GIO Cloud - Build Site To Site VPN With Mikrotik

For addtional you should concern about ACL on Tiering VPC, in this moment we have 3 Tier on
VPC there are ;
Web Tier
Application Tier
Database Tier
If you want to add tier please see the VPC menu and Tiers tab then add tier.
In this moment we have 1 VM on Web Tier and 1 PC connected on eth2 Mikrotik with detail
below :
VM1 :
PC1 :
So, If your PC want to access VM you should add permission on ACL Webtier, to configure
ACL, plese go to Networks menu, choose your Tier Networks and ACL.

Now your PC can ping to your VM if you ICMP with ICMP type 8 and ICMP Code 0, for your
reference please go to this URL
After that you have to concern IPtables if you are using Centos. So please login into your
Centos VM and type cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables

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There is no ICMP blocking on this VM, if any blocking ICMP please remove temporary just for
this testing and restart IPtables service.
And if you want to permit other TCP or UDP port, kindly add on ACL permission and dont forget
to check IPtables.

Now, your PC is can Ping to your VM.

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