T337. Discussion 2 Roman Theatre

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Discussion number 2: Roman Theatre

The purpose of this Discussion is to dig deeper into one topic found in chapter 3, reflect on Thyestes and to share your
information with your classmates.
Points: 90 (65 for initial posting and 25 for responses to peer postings)

Click on Modules in the Canvas Navigation bar and go to Act 2, Scene 2.

Find the Roman Theatre discussion topic either under Assignments in the first document within the Scene
(note this document must be viewed), or locate the separate discussion listing in the Scene and click on it.
To participate in the discussion and to receive a grade for your submission, click on reply at the bottom left of
the page. Once the response is completed, click on post reply at the bottom right of the text box.
In the submission box, post the following information: (Type directly into the submission box or create your
response in Word and then paste the content in to the text box.)
o First, select any topic of interest found in chapter 3 and research it, seeking information not found in the
text book such as one of the theatre practitioners (Plautus, Terrence, Seneca, Horace) genres (comedy,
tragedy, Atellan farce) other popular Roman entertainment (mime, chariot racing, equestrian
performances, gymnastics, gladiatorial combat, naumachiae). The topic must be derived from chapter 3
and the discussion needs to focus on this period of Roman theatre. (Both the textbook and one credible
source beyond the course material must be used in the response, see below for source requirements.)
(25 points)
o Second, answer the following questions on Thyestes: (20 points per question)
How does Thyestes relate to our culture? (In other words, how does it speak to us?)
Our textbook discusses Stoicism. Define what this philosophy is. Which character in Thyestes
advocates it? Do his actions reflect adherence to Stoicism? Please explain why or why they do
o Specific guidelines for the initial posting
Use at least one credible written source (versus a graphic) beyond our course materials in
responding to the First topic on Roman theatre, although the textbook and play must also
be used as sources. Other course content such as the material within the Acts and plays may
also be used in your research, but they are not considered sources beyond our course
materials. The credible source used must enhance the information found in the course
materials by providing information NOT found in the required reading material. An additional
graphic or media link may also be used and included in the discussion but the required
source must be a written one (NO WIKIPEDIA or student study guides such as Spark Notes or
The minimum length for this posting is 400 words, excluding the Works Cited.
Cite sources (including the text book) in-text at the point you use the information gained from
each source and provide a Works Cited at the end of discussion, using the MLA 2009 or 2016
editions to format all citations.
See the MLA handout in Modules/Writing Assistance to assist you in the correct use of this
citation style. However, if using a website, do include the full URL in the Works Cited citation
(which is not part of either MLA format).
After the initial posting has been submitted, no further content may be added (see the
syllabus, Discussion postings for further information).

Third, read and respond to at least five of your classmates postings by the discussion closure deadline.
Your responses should be conversational, validating, and thoughtful. (To respond to a peers posting,
click on Reply which is located at the bottom left of the posted content.)
For responses to peer postings, please fully develop your responses, which would mean a
minimum discussion of at least 50 words on each posting. Postings like Good job will not be
included in a minimum word count as it doesnt develop the discussion begun with your
classmates initial posting.
At least one of the five responses to your classmates initial responses must include a nonrhetorical question. Asking a question is worth two points.
o As the syllabus discusses in both Discussions and Participation, at least four
discussions must have the question posed no later than the Tuesday preceding
the Wednesday deadline.
Fourth, read through your classmates comments on your initial posting and at a minimum respond to
those that pose a question(s) by the Wednesday closure deadline. By keeping the conversation going,
participants (including the full class) can dig deeper into the key discussion points. Two points will be
deducted for not responding to questions asked by classmates.

Plagiarism will result in failure, review the definition of it provided in the syllabus and take the quiz located on the
toolbar on the left tool bar to review your knowledge on the topic.
See Schedule for due dates

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