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The Supreme Court justice

Current supreme court member

Name of supreme
court member
John G. Roberts, Jr.,
Chief Justice of the
United States


The president that

elected them
George W. Bush

Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, Associate

Bill Clinton

Stephen G. Breyer,
Associate Justice

Bill Clinton

Clarence Thomas,
Associate Justice

George H. W. Bush

Samuel Anthony
Alito, Jr., Associate

George W. Bush

Anthony M. Kennedy,
Associate Justice

Ronald Reagan

Sonia Sotomayor,
Associate Justice

Barack Obama

Elena Kagan,
Associate Justice

Barack Obama


Supreme Court members, requirements, and term length

There are nine Supreme Court members
There are there for live in less they break the law
They need no experience to be in the Supreme Court

Constitutional facts
Supreme court member are nominated by the president
o Approved by the senate
Landmark court cases

Marbury v. madison
o Judicial review
McCulloch v. Maryland
o The court expanded congress powers to include those
implied by the constitution
o Established the inferior status of the states in relation to
the union
o Set the constitutional sovereignty of the federal
Miranda v. Arizona
o Miranda rights: you have the right to remain silent
Plessy v. Ferguson
o Segregation
o Separate is equal
Brown v. Topeka board of education
o Segregation
o Separate is NOT equal

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