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All rights reserved with INDIA MBA BOOKS
Application in business & Management, Classification of Data, Diagrammatic &
Graphical Presentation of Data.
Forecasting Techniques
Time Series Analysis- Trend Analysis, Cyclic Analysis, Seasonal Analysis,
Irregular Variations, Correlation and Regression Analysis.
Probability and Testing of Hypothesis
Introduction to Probability Theory, Probability Distributions, Sampling and
Distribution, Null Hypothesis, T-Test, F-Test, Annova and Non-parametric Tests
Decision Theory
Introduction to Decision Theory, Decision Environments, Decision making under
Uncertainty, Decision Making under Risk, Decision Tree Analysis.
Operations Research
Introduction to Operations Research, Scope and Models, Introduction to Linear
Programming, Formulation of LPP, Solution of LPP Graphical Method, Simplex
Method, Duality, Dual Simplex Procedure, Transportation Problem, Assignment

Time Series
Q 1 Suppose the straight line trend equation

Y a bX is

Y 110 1.5X
The origin is 1975. Time unit is one Year
Shifts the origin to 1980.
The origin has to be shifted from 1975 to 1980 i.e. 5 years hence .
The required equation would be
Y = 110+1.5(x+5) or
Y = 110+1.5x+7.5 or
Y = 117.5+1.5x
Q 2 The trend equation in a problem is
Y=50+2X : origin is 1980 : Time unit is one Year
Shift the origin to 1977.
The origin has to be shifted from 1980 to 1977 i.e. 5 years backward.
The required equation would be
Y = 50+2(X 3) or
Y = 50+2X 9 or
Y = 44+2X. product
All rights reserved with INDIA MBA BOOKS
Q 3 Given the exponential trend equation

Yc A.Bx or

Yc 25(2.5) x
(Origin 1981. X unit =1 year unit=annual profit)
Shift the origin to 1983
For shifting the origin by 2 years X will be replaced by X+2.
The new equation will be.

Yc 25(2.5) x 2
25(2.5) 2 (2.5) x
(25 6.25)(2.5) x
(156.25)(2.5) x
Q 4 Given the following equation

Yc 80 6X
(origin 1980 X unit= 1 year)

Change the origin to 1977 (ii) to 1st Jan. 1981


To Shift the origin from 1980 to 1977 i.e., 3 years backward X will be
replaced by X 3. The equation would be

Yc 80 6(X 3)
80 6X 18
62 6X
(origin 1977, X unit=1 year )


To shift the origin to 1st Jan. 1981 X has to be replaced by X+5 (.5 year is the
difference between 1st Jan. 1981 and 1st July 1980). The equation would be

Yc 80 6(X .5)
80 6X 3
83 6X

(origin 1st Jan. 1981: X unit = 1 year )

Q 5 The parabolic trend equation for the profit of a company (in 000 Rs.)is a

Yc 10.4 .6X .7X 2

Origin is 1975 ; X unit is one year ; Y unit is annual profit. Shift the origin to 1980.

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