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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Seorita Cupery

Date November 10, 2016

Subject/ Topic/ Theme Active Participation (Participacin Activa)

Grade First

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This is the introductory lesson, which also includes the first character trait of good citizenship.
cognitiveR U Ap An E C*

Learners will be able to:



Comprehend what it means to be an active participant

Respond to the participation skits
Describe how they can be good citizens in the context of active participation
Demonstrate that they can be an active participant in a group setting


Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:

Civics and Government

C5: Roles of the Citizen in American Democracy

C5.0.1 Identify situations in which people act as good citizens in the school community (e.g., thoughtful and effective participation
in the school decisions, participation in the school decisions, respect for the rights of others, respect for rule of law, voting,
volunteering, compassion, courage, honesty)
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

Having the ability to discuss why they like their favorite books

Pre-assessment (for learning):

KWL (s, quiero saber, aprend) about good citizenship: have students fill out the know and want to know columns

Formative (for learning):

Students write how they can be good citizens, revolving around the character trait of active participation (being an active

Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)

Students talk in groups about their favorite book. Causes them to participate in a conversation.

Formative (as learning):

Students talk in groups about their favorite book. Causes them to participate in a conversation, which will show them whether or
not they are able to participate.

Summative (of learning):

What barriers might this

lesson present?
What will it take
emotionally, etc., for your
students to do this lesson?


Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for perceptionmaking information perceptible
Reading the e-book while also
having it projected on the

Provide Multiple Means of Action

and Expression
Provide options for physical actionincrease options for interaction

Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for recruiting
interest- choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats

Provide options for language,

mathematical expressions, and
symbols- clarify & connect

Provide options for expression and

communication- increase medium of
Having the students discussing their
favorite books

Provide options for sustaining

effort and persistence- optimize
challenge, collaboration,
mastery-oriented feedback

Provide options for comprehensionactivate, apply & highlight

The small exercise where I ask the
students to respond to a question or
Having the students participate in a
small group discussion about their
favorite book allows them to apply
the concept of active participation

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and are they ready to

Provide options for executive

functions- coordinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, and
modify strategies

Provide options for selfregulation- expectations,

personal skills and strategies,
self-assessment & reflection
Having the students fill out the
podemos ser buenos ciudadanos
al worksheet

**NOTE: three-hole punch all papers

Activo coloring sheet
Podemos ser buenos ciudadanos al worksheet
KWL chart
Soy un buen ciudadano e-book (by Sharon Coan)
Colored Pencils/Crayons/Markers
The classroom will be set up as normal. The students will be seated at their tables while I am standing
in the front of the classroom.

How will your classroom

be set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan







(the largest
component or
main body of
the lesson)

Describe teacher activities

student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
Introduce the topic of good citizenship and
being a good citizen (buen ciudadano)
Mention how you know that Sra. Wolf has
already talked a little bit about being a good
citizen with them
Students fill out the first two columns
Give students a KWL chart, and have them
of the KWL chart (Tabla SQA)
fill out the know and want to know
columns (3 minutes per column) (preassessment)
Tell the students that during my time teaching
in the class, I will be teaching about good
Talk about how being a good citizen includes
many qualities or characteristics (ask students
if they know what caractersticas means
because we will be using that word all
throughout the unit)
Students say caractersticas
Ask the students to say caractersticas
Give examples of character traits of a good
citizen/good friend/good student
o Respeto
o Responsabilidad
o Dependable






o Leal
o Preparado
Read the students the soy un buen
ciudadano e-book (projected onto
Tell the students that in the lesson, we are
going to be talking about being un
particpante activo
Ask them if they know what it means to
If they dont know what it means, explain that
it means to do things like asking questions,
answering questions, doing your work,
contributing to the class conversation, and
doing things with the class. Even if they do
know, still explain it.
Have them practice participating. Ask a
question or give them instructions to do
something, and have them demonstrate what
actively participating would look like in
response to the question or instruction.
o Cul es la respuesta para 2 +2?
o Voy a darles instrucciones y tienen
que seguirlas: Levntanse y agarran
sus lapices y ponganlos en sus sillas
(s, eso fue chistoso, pero eso es la
idea de participacin hacer lo que
te pidan)
After finished with that small exercise, tell
the students they can sit back in their seats if
theyre not already sitting down
Ask students to raise their hands if they have
a favorite book
Call on a student and ask why its his/her
favorite book
If needed, teacher gives an example of her
favorite book and gives a few reasons why
(models what they need to do in their table
o Harry Potter:
Tiene magia
Me gusta la fantasia
Es un poco cmico durante
algunas partes
In their table groups, have each of the
students pick their favorite book and
explain/give reasons why its their favorite.
This activity allows them to participate in a
group conversation.
Teacher walks around while students discuss

Students respond to the question

Students respond by either raising their

hands/answering the question or by
following the instructions

Students talk about their favorite books




After the students (or most of them) have

finished discussing, give each table group the
podemos ser buenos ciudadanos al
worksheet. Based on the lesson, have them
write how they think they can be good
citizens, or have them list some ideas about
how they can be good citizens.
Place the activo coloring page on the bench
(el banco). Tell them once theyre done with
the worksheet, they can grab the coloring
page. After the lesson is done, tell them they
can put both of their sheets in their binders.

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
I planned for this lesson to be 30 minutes, but it ended up being about 35 and I still wasnt able to accomplish everything I
had hoped to accomplish. I had to eliminate the podemos ser buenos ciudadanos al worksheet.
The activity where everyone talked about their favorite book also didnt go as planned.
E-book: occasionally stop and check for comprehension ask students what the people are doing in the pictures
Binders: have students grab them at the beginning of the lesson, before sitting in their seats. Limits transitions while also
keeping the Tabla SQA from being a distraction (having the papers on the tables throughout the whole lesson was a
distraction for some students).
Students were engaged while I was reading the e-book because I had them repeat each sentence after me. As I said before,
Sra. Wolf mentioned how it would have been helpful if I stopped every once in a while to review and check for
Sra. Wolf suggested that I demonstrate how to fill out the Tabla SQA chart under the hovercam. She said students dont
necessarily know how to fill in small boxes. She also suggested writing some examples in the boxes.
When I asked students questions, I heard their answers, but it was hard for other students to hear them. Sra. Wolf suggested
that I repeat what the students say so that everyone can hear.
Its not necessary to fill each lesson with so many activities. Sometimes (and in this case), its possible to drag out a lesson
with minimal amounts of activities to be an hour long (Sra. Wolf said that this lesson could have easily been an hour long.
and in my opinion, if I used her suggestions, I can see it being an hour long).
When students were discussing their favorite book or when they were working on their Tabla SQA, I went around making
sure they were on task or answering any questions. Sra. Wolf said that touching base with each table helped keep them on
Sra. Wolf also suggested that whenever theres a speaking activity, I should write the prompt on the board: Mi libro
favorite es porque This probably would have helped that activity go more as I had planned. It would have helped the
students discuss more and participate more.
Sra. Wolf mentioned that if I fly through activities, the lesson might get lost. So, I feel as though I went too fast through
some of the activities that the students didnt really learn what active participation is or what it means to be an active
participant. I did have activities requiring them to participate, but Im not sure if they noticed that that is what they were
doing or if they noticed that participating means to contribute ideas, ask questions, answer questions, do you work, etc.


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