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ECON 241 Dr.


Homework #1

What is the size of your household? (That is, in your current living situation, how many people do you
live with?) Please list each household member by their relationship to you (e.g. roommate, husband,
daughter, etc).

What is the size of your dwelling in square feet (the place where you currently live)? List the number
and type of rooms in your dwelling.

How many hours do you spend in class or studying per week? How many hours do you spend working
per week?

What is your most valued possession?

How many of each of the following do you own?

music player (radio/i-pod/CD player/etc) ___________
TV __________
telephone _________
other electronics __________ Please list:

Do you own an automobile or motorcycle? Please list make/model.

What is your monthly income? What percentage of it do you spend on food?

What are your wishes for the future? (can be possessions or other types of wishes)
ECON 241 Dr. Sauer

Now, page through the book Material World by Peter Menzel.

- It is on reserve at the Rice Library.
- It is available in Dr. Sauers office during her regular office hours.

This book documents the lives of statistically average households from countries around the world.

Choose a family that you find interesting (not the one from the US) and compare/contrast your life with
- Write one paragraph on the differences you notice.
- Write one paragraph on the similarities you notice.
- Write one paragraph on your reaction/reflection and what you learned.
- Please type your paragraphs. (single space, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins)

Now, look at the statistically average family from the US (page 136). In your experience, how does
this family compare with the typical family in the tri-state area?

Extra Credit (Due 3/17): Create a material portrait of your household. Photograph your belongings
with the members of your household. Submit an 8x10 photograph (an 8x10 costs about $3 at WalMart)
with your name written on the back in permanent marker.

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