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Standards: 10.3.3.

e: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach,
focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (CCSS: W.9-10.5)
Learning Target: I can plan and outline my narrative in order to best address my storys audience.
My Goal For This Lesson: To hit and respect most or all of the multiple intelligences. (Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal, Body Kinesthetic, Musical/Rhythmic, Naturalist, Intrapersonal). To be labeled in the plan.
Class set of Narrative Writing flash draft sheet
Three copies of Setting instructions
Class set of Setting planning Graphic Organizer
Three copies of Character instructions
Class set of Character planning GO
Three copies of Action instructions
Class set of Action GO
Printed instructions for each station (3)
of Class

What I Am Doing

11:30 Welcome students as they come in. They will

have instructions to sit where they choose, put their
laptops away. I will explain a momentary break from
routine, having them share 1-2 things theyre grateful
for with a partner or their table. I will let them know
its for sake of time. Interpersonal
11:32 - 11:36I will then ask students to complete their
Moment of Zen: Everyone has a story they like to tell
others. Whats yours? Why do you tell that story?
What is important to you about that story? What do
you want others to learn from it? How are the stories
we tell important to us? 4 minutes

What Students Are Doing

They will find a seat (their choice), put

their laptops in their desk, and share
their gratitude with a partner/their table.
For their MoZ, I want students thinking
about narratives and stories. Why they
tell the stories they do, what they want
others to learn from their stories, and try
to get to why stories are important to
Students will share their MoZ with their
tables and then a couple will share with
the class. Always working toward
building and maintaining classroom


11:36 - 11:46 I will ask the students In your opinion,

what does a good story need? Why does it need
that? What does that thing do to enhance the story?
Students will brainstorm a list individually
(Intrapersonal), then share with two partners
(Interpersonal). As they are sharing with their
partners, I will ask them to come up to the board and
write what they were talking about with that partner
(Visual-Spatial/Kinesthetic). If there is already
something they were going to say up on the board, I
want them to put a star next to it. If theres
something thats similar, I want them to draw a line
connecting the two. While they are doing this, I will
be putting a stack of the Flash Draft handouts on
each table group. Music will be playing while
students do work (ask class if you may play music.)
Once that is finished, I will help the students
understand their thinking by asking them questions
about what they wrote and why. So who is the
audience for these stories? How do these things
engage audience members? How can we use these
tools to engage our audience in our writing? (VerbalLinguistic) I will take a picture of the board to post
on Blackboard later that day. Try to keep this part
short and sweet. If you dont go 10 minutes, thats
fine. 10 minutes
11:46 - 11:56 (No later than 12:05)I will turn
students attention to the flash draft handout. I will
briefly go over the activity, then have students start
flash drafting. Two minutes per question.(LogicalMathematical) As students flash draft, I will be going
around the room, setting up Character, Setting and

Students will brainstorm a list of things

that they believe makes a good story.
They will generate a list by themselves,
then share with a partner or two. They
will write their thinking on the board,
drawing connections as they do.
Students will flash draft narrative topics
from a list of 5 questions.
Students will pick one of the five
questions they feel they can expand
upon the most. They will then use this
to complete the station rotation activity.
Students will work with different story
elements at each station. .(More
information on the instruction sheets

Action stantions for each station. Once the students

are finished flash drafting, I will ask them to put a
large star next to the prompt that they feel they can
expand upon the most. They will be using this prompt
and the corresponding story to begin planning their
narrative. 10 minutes


11:56 - 12:10 The handout has three elements of a

narrative on it Character, Setting, Action I will have
the students rate these 1-3 based on how strong they
are at each. 1 being the least strong, 3 being the
most strong. (Intrapersonal/Naturalist) I will then
ask students to look around the room and locate the
station that has their #1 (weakest) and go there. At
each station, there will be instructions and handouts
for the students to work through either individually or
with a partner also at that station. (Kinesthetic) 1012 minutes (w/ timer, depends on how fast the first
half of class moved.) I will be walking around and
supporting students during this time.
12:10 - 12:20The students will move to their #2
station after the 10-12 minutes is up. They will follow
the same direction as before. 10-12 minutes
12:20 - 12:25 If there is time (there should be,
however, its up in the air whether or not the first half
of class will take up more time than allotted) the
students will go to the station for the element in which
they feel the most confident. Repeat the previous two
bullets. 5-10 minutes

12:25 - 12:28 On a half sheet of paper, students will

respond to the learning target. Look at the learning
target. On a scale from 1-5, 5 being I could teach
this stuff! and 1 being I still need to work on this a
lot. where are you? Why do you feel like youre
there? Please write more than just one sentence.

Students are self-assessing themselves

on prior knowledge and placing
themselves into groups in which they
know they need to improve. They will be
moving about the room during these
times, using graphic organizers to
organize their thoughts and begin
planning their narrative that will have a
first draft due by the end of the week.
Many students might not have the skills
to properly plan. I want them to use this
time to work on these skills and to think
about their writing before they actually

Students are referencing the learning

target and rating themselves on it with a
scale from 1-5. They will also explain
why they believe they are where they
said they are.

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