Northenden Village Local Plan

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Northenden Village

Local Plan

Northenden Village Local Plan


INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT .................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCING THE NORTHENDEN VILLAGE LOCAL PLAN ............................................................. 3
NORTHENDEN VILLAGE OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 5


A STAGED APPROACH ............................................................................................................. 15
DEVELOPMENT THROUGH ENGAGEMENT .................................................................................. 15
SECURING OWNERSHIP FOR DELIVERY..................................................................................... 16
STRUCTURE OF THE LOCAL PLAN ............................................................................................ 17

FUTURE INTERVENTION IN NORTHENDEN VILLAGE ............................................... 18

VISION AND OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................... 18
INVESTING IN THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT .............................................................................. 20
DELIVERING A COORDINATED PROGRAMME OF CHANGE ............................................................ 21

LOCAL PLAN PROPOSALS & DELIVERY.................................................................... 25

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 25
TAKING DELIVERY FORWARD .................................................................................................. 25
NORTHENDEN VILLAGE ACTION PLAN ....................................................................................... 29

Northenden Village Local Plan

Introduction and context

Introducing the Northenden Village Local Plan


The Northenden Village Local Plan is a non-statutory document that will provide
Northenden with a 10-15 year strategy to guide future interventions by the public
and private sectors. It seeks to address the economic and physical challenges
as outlined in the Northenden Village Baseline Report as well taking forward and
contributing to aspects of the policy framework contained in the Wythenshawe
Strategic Regeneration Framework (Wythenshawe SRF 2004).

It will inform

Council decision-making, ensuring that any proposals for change contribute to

the vision for Northenden as identified in the Local Plan to citywide objectives.

The Local Plan ensures that a comprehensive and holistic regeneration strategy
is in place to identify area-wide priorities as well as focussing on key sites. It will
inform new developments and monitor those that are already underway. The
Local Plan will sit within a suite of planning, regeneration, transport and
economic development policies that also guide investment in the local area and
across Manchester.


The plan overleaf illustrates the geographical coverage of the Local Plan which
incorporates the District Centre, along Palatine Road and runs down to the River
Mersey waterfront, including the Conservation Area. Reflecting this geographic
focus, the area is made up of a significant supply of retail premises including the
primary retail frontage of the District Centre but has a limited supply of residential
stock within the boundary.

Northenden Village Local Plan

Northenden Village Local Plan boundary

Northenden Village Local Plan


Northenden is bounded by the M60 fly-over to the east of the village and
Princess Parkway at the west which provides linkages to Manchester City
Centre, the Airport and the motorway network as well as nearby employment
sites such as Sharston Industrial Estate. In terms of residential areas the village
is bordered by Didsbury to the east and Northern Moor to the west. It has good
strategic road links which mean that it is well positioned to operate within a
citywide context and to link with wider opportunities in the sub-region.


Northenden Village has a closely defined geographical focus and a limited

number of available development sites. This has resulted in a greater emphasis
on physical interventions by ensuring the best use for available land and
identifying development opportunities on specific sites.

Through liaison with

Wythenshawe Regeneration, Planning and Corporate Property Teams and

Highway Services as well as other external partners, the plan has been able to
identify deliverable solutions and fit with existing programmes.

Throughout the process of the development of the baseline and options report,
emphasis has been placed on the engagement of local stakeholders. The local
plan seeks to meet the needs of residents, businesses and other stakeholders
whilst also attracting visitors and private investment to draw upon Northendens
assets and contribute to Wythenshawe and Manchesters wider regeneration

Northenden Village overview


The baseline study which provides the evidence base upon which the Local Plan
was developed, identified a number of different challenges and underutilised
assets as well as key opportunities in the village.

The options report was

subsequently produced to test alternative opportunities. In particular, the issues

around the dominance of roads in the village and the constraints associated with
the presence of a flood risk zone and greenbelt area were noted. Assets and
opportunities include Northendens excellent strategic location as well as the
number of active community groups and societies operating in the village.
Land Use, Built Environment and Open Space

Although there are a limited number of available development sites, a number of

key sites, particularly around Palatine Road are vacant, underutilised or suitable
for redevelopment.

Of the 115 units in Northenden, 12 are vacant, which

represents a 10% vacancy rate. The majority of these vacant units appears to be

Northenden Village Local Plan

located towards the south west of the village in the vicinity of Church Road and
Victoria Road.

Where sites do become available, there appears to be developer interest, for

example, the Car Options site, Church Inn site and the Persimmon apartment
development on Palatine Road. Manchester City Council ownership across the
Local Plan area is limited.


The environmental quality of the area is mixed. The village centre has benefited
from investment in the public realm parallel to Palatine Road to support the
Farmers Market. However, this has not covered all of the village area. Further
measures would help to enhance the streetscape, improve the environment for
pedestrians and disabled people and contribute to safety and permeability. Poor
quality surfacing, landscaping, signage and shop fronts all contribute to an
incoherent streetscene. There are limited areas of green and open space and
there is a need to put existing assets to better use. This investment will help to
exploit Northendens riverside location which is currently an under-utilised asset
and help to link the village to a wider network of walking and cycling routes.
Plans for the Riverside Park will further help to develop the leisure offer through
waterside and water-based activities.


There are some areas of the village that are in need of attention, both in terms of
the quality of buildings and the public realm. The mix of uses within the centre
was also raised as an issue of concern during consultations regarding the local

In particular, the proportion of hot food takeaways and the under-

representation of the quality independent retail sector were highlighted as issues.

The main land uses in the village are as follows:

Palatine Road is the commercial area and being the major arterial route, it is the main
focal point for the village. This area provides a good comparison retail offer.

Towards the western edges of the village, the nature of the built environment
changes to incorporate larger units with business, leisure and institutional uses.

The main gateway sites are dominated by motorway bridges which have limited
visual appeal.

In terms of open space, the area incorporates greenbelt land, is surrounded by three
golf courses and fronts onto the River Mersey. There is also an underused village
green. Some early phases of the planned Riverside Park have also recently been

The Conservation Area accessed via Church Road includes several grade II listed
buildings and an attractive historic environment.

Elsewhere, property styles are

eclectic and do not reflect the original character of the village.

There are vacant sites and 'marginal premises' in need of investment.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Access to Wythenshawe Park needs to be improved if it is to be exploited as a

valuable community asset.


The linear nature of the District Centre along a busy through-route creates a
challenge for pedestrian accessibility in the village. The Local Plan promotes the
development of a number of high quality, safe pedestrian routes across the
village for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.


The village is well provided for in terms of parking provision, and temporary
parking for events such as the Farmers Market is available at Northenden
Community School. Issues around on-street parking across the Local Plan area
require consideration to meet the needs of residents, businesses and visitors.


Accessibility issues include:

Conflicting road users due to Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) accessing the nearby
Sharston Industrial Estate and Longley Lane Recycling Centre;

Congestion at the junction of Church Road and Palatine Road;

Streets providing direct access to Palatine Road are busy and those providing routes
off the main highway are prone to rat running;

On-road parking presents safety concerns for pedestrians and cyclists;

Public transport journey times to the city centre can be excessive at peak times; and

Limited crossing points, cycle routes, poor surfacing and lack of direct linkages are
challenging for pedestrians and cyclists.

The Trans Pennine route is also

Retail and Leisure

The Quantitative Retail Needs Study (2006) identifies Northenden as a District

Centre in the Manchester shopping hierarchy, under Major District Centres and
above Minor District Centres. According to this report, Northenden is performing
well although there remain opportunities for operational development and growth
in the retail offer.


The retail study also describes Northenden as falling within a development

priority area in South Manchester and as such is identified as a priority for action.
In this context, bringing forward the limited development opportunities that exist
and complementing this with environmental improvements should be a priority.
Issues raised in both the Local Plan baseline report, Quantitative Retail Needs
Study (2006) and the draft Independent Retail Study (2010) are summarised

Northenden Village Local Plan

The Community Strategy recognises that healthy District Centres are important if
Manchester is to be the kind of place that people want to live, retaining existing residents
and attracting new ones.

The Independent Retail Study identifies the need to provide a balance of uses including
appropriate, quality independent retailers to create distinct and vibrant shopping
environments as a key element of successful District Centres.

Although offering strong comparison goods shopping for its size, Northenden is currently
performing below its optimum due to the absence of a quality food retail store which
restricts the convenience retail offer;

There is an absence of appropriate, quality independent retailers and a high proportion of

charity shops;

There is an emphasis on hot food takeaways and bars and pubs rather than restaurants.
These uses are associated with reported incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour;

The introduction of the Farmers Market has improved the independent retail offer and
attracted visitors;

The Camperlands site provides specialist retail activity although it is not well suited to the
use; and

Leisure opportunities within the village are limited despite having two hotels and the
waterfront assets.


Whilst the Local Plan boundary contains limited housing stock, the District Centre
supports a large residential catchment. Housing market issues identified in the
baseline study are summarised below:

There is potential to either increase housing values in line with neighbouring suburbs
or to market Northenden as the affordable South Manchester option. Either way, a
strategy is required to increase resident numbers;

There are pockets of low quality housing particularly above retail units on Palatine

Family housing currently dominates the market and so high density housing could
help to introduce a more diverse population and be accommodated on limited sites;

Greenbelt and Conservation Area status mean that there are limited sites available
for housing development.

Northenden Village Local Plan

Economic Base

Businesses within the District Centre and nearby Sharston Industrial Estate form
the main basis of the Northenden economy. As such it is centred on a service
economy made up of local services, office, retail and leisure uses. There is also
an emerging personal services sector which is being driven by a number of
cosmetic surgery and beauty salon businesses in the area.


In comparison with some other local centres across South Manchester, the local
business community is not closely engaged within the Local Plan process or local

There is a role for the business community to become more

involved, and the Local Plan considers how this may be achieved through
ensuring that businesses increase their stake in Local Plan activity and take on a
greater role and responsibility for the delivery of objectives.

The main challenges of the local economy are summarised below:

Office space tends to be relatively small scale, freehold, stand alone units which are
not holding their value in the current market;

Office units above retail premises are available but are not being fully utilised;

Northenden could capitalise on the quality and scope of public sector services to
improve the offer for residents and make a greater contribution to the local economy;

The village reports high levels of out commuting by the resident workforce in part
reflecting proximity to the regional centre; and

The development of existing and establishment of new business sectors should be


Community facilities and mainstream service delivery


Northenden is relatively well served in terms of community facilities due to the

provision of social clubs, churches and public sector facilities. The Local Plan
will seek to build on these as well as address the following challenges as
identified in the baseline report:

There is scope for greater coordination of local service delivery;

The library, police station and health centre are useful assets to the village, however
are located in inadequate or inappropriate accommodation;

Northenden has good leisure facilities for an older population although there is limited
social provision for young people; and

The former village green on Mill Lane is in a poor state and as such is underutilised.

Northenden Village Local Plan


The success of the Local Plan and the population that it serves are intrinsically
linked. In order to ensure that the Local Plan fully supports the local community,
there are a number of areas of policy that need to be taken into account. These
include the following:

Service delivery in Northenden needs to be tailored to its aging population without

impacting negatively on opportunities to increase economic activity and grow the
younger population;

A low proportion of young professionals within the resident population impacts on

local spending power;

Resident surveys suggest that high crime levels and fear of crime are concerns; and

In the recent past secondary schools serving Northenden performed below the
national average and presented a challenge to attraction and retention of families.
However, the addition of the Manchester Health Academy and the development of a

new school fit for the 21 century create a significant opportunity for young people
and families in Northenden.
Northenden Village Overview Summary

The Baseline Report identifies a number of opportunities and positive aspects

that Northenden could capitalise on as well as challenges to be overcome. The
primary features are summarised below:

Northenden has a significant supply of under-utilised public open space.

It also

occupies a riverside location and as such is well situated to capitalise on potential

leisure opportunities as well as building on existing ones.

Northenden has a good comparison retail offer for a District Centre of its size and is
performing well according to the Quantitative Retail Needs Study.


remain however to enhance an appropriate, good quality retail offer as a key element
of a successful District Centre.

It has a good strategic road network and is well served by public transport although
there are congestion and pedestrian accessibility issues to be overcome;

The local economy presents a diverse mix of sectors such as local services, retail,
leisure uses which could complement an enhanced quality retail offer;

Northenden serves a large residential catchment area and is located close to the
affluent area of Didsbury and there are opportunities to improve links to surrounding
areas through for example the Trans Pennine Trail.

The village has a significant number of active community interest groups and
societies; who could be engaged with to help guide the implementation of the Local
Plan; and


Northenden Village Local Plan

There is a broad issue around improving Northendens image due to perceptions as a

result of the busy through road, gateways dominated by motorway bridges and public
realm. Investment at each of the gateway sites will help to counter some of these
issues by creating a sense of arrival and identity across the area.


There are a number of challenges which need to be addressed in order for the
area to meet its potential and deliver the vision of the Local Plan. The most
significant of these which may have a potentially negative impact on the delivery
of the plan are summarised as:

The limited linkage and connectivity between the existing assets within the village;

Limited development sites available for short to medium term interventions;

The busy through route which is prone to congestion and creates challenges for
pedestrian accessibility; and

The public image and identity of Northenden.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Wythenshawe Strategic Regeneration Framework Context


The Northenden Local Plan will form part of a suite of plans under the
Wythenshawe Strategic Regeneration Framework, including the Town Centre
Masterplan and West Wythenshawe Local Plan and will ensure strategic
objectives continue to be delivered through locally specific actions.


Wythenshawe SRF identifies Northenden as a key District Centre which has an

important role to play in driving forward the transformation of Wythenshawe via
its four key policy themes;

Making the most of our economic assets

Investing in our future

Neighbourhood regeneration

Quality of life.


The Wythenshawe SRF discusses a new hierarchy of place which identifies

Northenden as having the potential to provide specialist shopping and
restaurants which will support the role of Wythenshawe Town Centre as being
the main location for civic office and leisure facilities and provides the local
community with a sustainable retailing option. Policy SL2 identifies the need to
deliver a multi-pronged shopping centre strategy which will deliver enhanced
retail / leisure facilities in Northenden to support its role as a service delivery hub
and District Centre.


Another core principle of the SRF is the concept of two Development Corridors
which will act as a focus for investment anchored by movement corridors (roads
and public transport) plus important social and economic centres.

The East







employment area, Benchill Roundabout, Wythenshawe Town Centre and existing

business areas and links them through to the Airport (as illustrated in the plan

As part of a wider transport strategy, the Wythenshawe SRF also discusses the
potential to build on Wythenshawes proximity to the airport and the regional
centre as well as improving access for local residents to employment, retail,
education and community facilities. Improved access to and from Northenden is
identified as part of this transport strategy.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Wythenshawe Strategic Regeneration Framework East and

West Development Corridors


Northenden Village Local Plan


In addition to supporting the policies and principles outlined in the Wythenshawe

SRF, the Northenden Local Plan recognises the wider policy context for
intervention in the city and will inform the development of the Core Strategy and
subsequent Local Development Framework documents.


The Local Plan is being delivered in the context of both the Manchester
Community Strategy and the Affordable Housing Strategy.

The Community

Strategy provides the overarching framework for the regeneration of the whole of
Manchester and as such the development of the Local Plan has been informed
by the three drivers or spines of the Community Strategy. The primary features
of the Local Plan by spine are:
Spine 1 - Achieving full potential in education & employment

Engagement of the business community in developing ideas and

taking activity forward

Creation of new business premises

Investment in public facilities

Generation of new employment opportunities through development

Spine 2 - Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Enhancement of existing physical and community assets

Improvement of the retail and leisure offer

Investment in the physical environment

Investment in public facilities to improve the offer for local residents

Improvement of connectivity and movement within Northenden and to

adjoining areas

Promotion of a safe and welcoming environment

Increasing housing choice

Raising Northendens profile

Spine 3 - Individual respect and collective self-esteem


Securing community and business involvement and ownership

Instilling local pride

Building existing networks to develop ideas and drive delivery

Promoting a safe and welcoming environment

The contribution of the Community Strategy spines to the Local Plan objectives is
identified in section 3 and the contribution of the spines to the Local Plan projects
is considered in section 4 of this report.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Development of the Northenden Village Local Plan

A staged approach

This Local Plan was preceded by two documents, the Baseline Report (the key
findings of which are summarised in Section 1) and the Options Report. The
Baseline Report set out the physical and socio-economic characteristics of the
area and provided an analysis of the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and challenges to be addressed by the Local Plan. The Options Report identified
a series of objectives and a vision for the Local Plan. It went on to establish a
spatial strategy for development, identified potential sites for intervention and set
out a preferred option taken forward through this Local Plan.


A detailed understanding of the issues faced by Northenden has been developed

through a combination of research methods. This includes desk based research,
site visits and the exploration of best practice in other comparable district
centres. These approaches have been supplemented by a review of existing
schemes in the area and a thorough stakeholder consultation process which is
detailed below.


This process has ensured the Local Plan has a sound evidence base in the form
of existing studies and a detailed policy framework review.

Proposals for

Northenden have also been tested throughout the Local Plan development with
key community stakeholders and delivery partners as outlined below.

Development through engagement


In preparing the Local Plan it was vital to recognise the needs of the local
community who are the primary stakeholders in this process. Therefore, a robust
consultation approach was necessary in helping to fully engage with the
community, develop an understanding of their needs and test ideas for


In order to explain the Local Plan process to stakeholders and brief them on the
work undertaken, individual consultations were undertaken with residents, local
businesses and other key stakeholders. In addition to this, baseline workshops
were held which helped to identify and explain the main issues to inform the final
version of the baseline report. These findings were then used to develop a vision
for the area which is set out in the Options Report and is taken forward in this


As the plan has developed, engagement with local residents and businesses has

This has helped to confirm that the main issues have been

Northenden Village Local Plan

understood and addressed through the Local Plan and has ensured that
proposals are deliverable and responsive to changing local conditions and

Consultation on the draft Local Plan was undertaken by Manchester City Council
between September and December 2009.

This took the form of formal

discussions with key stakeholders (including the business community), drop in

sessions in the local area, presence at prominent locations within the area (for
example at the Farmers Market and primary school) to share details of the Local
Plan and publication of material on the Council website, Wythenshawe World and
coverage on Wythenshawe FM. In addition to this, 2000 questionnaires were
distributed to residents, visitors, employees, businesses and other local

Feedback from the various consultation techniques has informed the content of
the final Local Plan. Partners will continue to be engaged as the Local Plan
moves to implementation.

Securing ownership for delivery


The preparation of the Local Plan is only the first step in the process of the
delivery of the vision. It is vital to ensure that the recommendations made in the
plan are delivered to meet the expectations of the local stakeholders and to
deliver the objectives of the SRF as well as the Local Plan itself.


In order to achieve the vision of the Local Plan, a joined-up approach from all
partners needs to be adopted. One of the key strengths of Northenden is the
wealth of stakeholder groups such as the Civic Society, Friends of Parks,
churches and other community groups who have an active role in sustaining the
vitality of the village. There are also a number of existing public facilities in and
around Northenden such as the health centre and library as well as service
providers such as Greater Manchester Police.

In delivering the plan, it is

essential to harness the commitment and enthusiasm of such local groups and
facilities demonstrated through the Local Plans development, so that all
stakeholders have the opportunity to plan an active role in the delivery process
and to shape the areas future in accordance with the Local Plan vision and

Effective mechanisms for engaging local businesses need to be developed to

ensure their input to the delivery process. This will build on engagement ensured
through the Local Plan process.

There is also a potential key role for the

business community in taking greater responsibility for their immediate


Northenden Village Local Plan

environments and frontages, contributing to environmental improvements across

the village.

Ward Co-ordination will help co-ordinate the views of different stakeholders,

increase the level of community engagement and deliver the objectives identified
in the plan. The importance of this role has been emphasised through recent
investment in participatory budgeting processes which are looking to extend the
range of residents involved in influencing decisions.


Further engagement with land owners and developers will seek to establish
market perspectives and help to influence wider development proposals to
ensure they contribute to Local Plan objectives. Development briefs will be
produced for Council land holdings in consultation with the Wythenshawe
Regeneration Team to ensure alignment with the vision and objectives of the
Local Plan and should demonstrate a contribution to its delivery.


development briefs will also need to consider commercial viability and developer

Further to this, there is a key role for the other City Council departments such as
Planning, Corporate Property, Highway Services, all of whom have been
engaged throughout the development of the Local Plan. The views of the teams
will be sought in helping to facilitate discussions with land owners and developers
as well as exercising their regulatory powers and delivering actions through
public realm improvements and assessing planning applications against the
Local Plan.


Where other delivery partners have been identified in having a lead responsibility
for projects or actions identified in the Local Plan, it is vital that they are fully
informed and supportive of proposals and understand their role in implementing
it. This approach will ensure that all partners take full ownership in implementing
proposals established through the Plan. The next steps in the delivery of the
Plan are considered within Section 5.

Structure of the Local Plan


The structure of the remainder of this Local Plan is as follows.

Section 3 sets out the vision and objectives for the area and how these support the
three spines identified in the Community Strategy. It goes on to explain how it will
deliver a co-ordinated programme of change through the identification of character
areas and thematic interventions.

Section 4 sets out site specific and thematic aspirations and an action plan for the
area to deliver the Local Plans vision and objectives.

Northenden Village Local Plan

Future intervention in Northenden Village

Vision and objectives


An overarching vision for the Local Plan was established in the Options Report
and reflects the findings of the baseline evidence appraisal as tested with

The establishment of this vision allows for a co-ordinated

approach to the future development of Northenden Village. The agreed vision is;
'A village based on the best traditions of South Manchester - vibrant, attractive and
welcoming to residents, businesses and visitors, able to offer a range of high quality
services and facilities throughout the day and night'.


From the baseline analysis five objectives have been set out to underpin this
vision and guide delivery of the Local Plan. The objectives are:

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and distinctive centre

Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and increasing housing choice

Objective 3: Making greater use of Northenden's physical assets and attributes

Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility

Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth


These objectives recognise that a vibrant local economy will be key to supporting
the Village and Northendens role as a District Centre and service delivery hub.
This will bring benefits to local people, making Northenden an attractive place to
live, work and invest.


As well as helping to deliver the overriding Local Plan vision, the objectives have
been developed with the Community Strategy vision in mind.

Each of the

objectives is discussed in more detail below, followed by a table illustrating which

of the Community Strategy spines the objectives supports.

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and distinctive

centre The baseline identifies that Northenden currently lacks the balance and
quality of uses required for a successful District Centre with a thriving day and
night time economy. By developing a strong food retail, restaurant and quality
independent retailer offer, this will improve the number of people using the
Centre, which will be a key factor in its success, benefit local residents and help
to create more distinction and a stronger brand around Northenden Village. This
needs to be complemented by an environment in which people feel safe and
have access to a range of leisure and public service facilities.


Northenden Village Local Plan


Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and increasing housing

choice. Across the wider Northenden area, the housing offer is varied with a
high proportion of larger family housing comprising detached and semi-detached

The housing provision needs to respond to the local population

needs (older people and families) as well as appealing to new markets such as
young professionals which would increase the size of the economically active
population. Existing underused accommodation and potential development sites
within the Local Plan area could help to meet this need. Efforts also need to be
made to harness the spending power of this sector of the community within the
village, supporting local jobs and businesses and offering potential for economic

Objective 3: Making greater use of Northenden's physical assets and


This objective seeks to capitalise on Northendens available

resources such as the waterfront, heritage and conservation assets and

surrounding features such as the golf courses and Wythenshawe Park for the
benefit of local people and to attract visitors to the village.

There are also

specific sites within the Local Plan area which could be further exploited over and
above their current use.

Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility.

The village is

dominated by the busy Palatine Road which, although provides good access to
the strategic transport network, means the Village experiences heavy traffic
flows/congestion and a difficult pedestrian/cycling environment.

An improved

public realm, further measures to enhance the streetscape, an improved

environment for all pedestrians, including disabled people, and contributions to
safety and permeability can encourage walking and cycling and help detract
focus away from the busy Palatine Road. Links to neighbouring networks such
as the Trans Pennine Trail can also be enhanced to improve the offer for
pedestrians and cyclists alongside initiatives to encourage people to stop and
enjoy time in Northenden. The environmental quality of the area is mixed. The
Village Centre has benefited from investment in the public realm parallel to
Palatine Road to support the Farmers Market. However, this has not covered all
of the village area. Poor quality surfacing, landscaping, signage and shop fronts
all contribute to an incoherent streetscene. There are limited areas of green and
open space and there is a need to put existing assets to better use.


investment will help to exploit Northendens riverside location which is currently

an under-utilised asset and help to link the village to a wider network of walking
and cycling routes. The Riverside Park and its future phases will further help to
develop the leisure offer through waterside and water-based activities. There is
also an opportunity to use the public realm including signage and accessibility

Northenden Village Local Plan

improvements to provide linkages between the different character areas of the


Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth. Objective 5 deals

with the investment in the physical fabric needed to create opportunities for new
business and local enterprise (including home working), capitalising on the skills
base of the local population, as identified in MIER (Manchester Independent
Economic Review). This objective is linked with elements of Objective 2 which
aims to create the right environment to attract and sustain a professional


The table below illustrates which of the Community Strategy spines each of the
Local Plan objectives encompasses.

Spine 1

Spine 2

Spine 3

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful

and distinctive centre
Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and
increasing housing choice
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens
physical assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility

Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth

Investing in the physical environment


Investment across Northendens physical environment is important as the area

currently contains a number of under-exploited assets in both its natural and built

Effective working relationships with owners and other private sector

delivery partners will be important in order to deliver development projects which

contribute to the delivery of the Local Plan, particularly in the light of the current
economic climate. Public sector intervention may be required to guide or directly
take forward priority schemes where possible, at least in the short term. The
Local Plan forms a 10-15 year strategy during which time market conditions are
anticipated to improve, enabling the proposed development programme to take
place, led by the private sector.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Delivering a coordinated programme of change


The Local Plan comprises four key character areas which are illustrated later on
in this section, along with the Conservation Area boundary which cuts across the
character areas and sits at the core of the Local Plan. The identified character
areas and the rationale for each is outlined below:

Northenden Waterfront - To open up and make use of the Villages hidden

waterfront setting as a leisure asset;

Church Road Corridor - To support Church Road as a vibrant, mixed use area
linking the high street with the waterfront, whilst acting as a distinctive destination in
its own right;

Palatine Road High Street - To strengthen the retail heart of the village on Palatine
Road; and

Princess Parkway Commercial Area - To support future development and

management of the commercial area lying between the high street and Princess
Parkway, a key gateway into the village.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Local Plan character areas and conservation area


Northenden Village Local Plan


Northenden Waterfront represents an opportunity to connect Northenden to the

River Mersey and to capitalise on its waterfront location.

New build,

refurbishment and public realm opportunities will enhance the environment and
improve public access in and around the area. There are also longer term plans
in place to deliver a Riverside Park linking to the Trans Pennine Trail. Initial
phases of the Park have already been implemented and are beginning to open
up and make use of the Villages waterfront setting. Furthermore, there is also a
need to create a link from the high street to encourage movement between
these two key character areas through a range interventions including signage,
public realm, accessibility and encouraging complementary development and
uses between these two key areas.

The Church Road Corridor will be a vibrant, mixed use area which links the
high street and the waterfront, yet acts as a distinctive destination in its own right.
It comprises a mixture of retail, food and drink and residential uses and leads to
the Conservation Area and potential for a new village green. It is proposed that
this area should be supported to develop a high quality retail, leisure and service
offer that complement Palatine Road.

New development and environmental

improvements to public open space in this area will add value to both the public
realm and the built environment. In addition, it will add interest, focus, cultural
animation, identity and local pride.

The Palatine Road High Street will be supported as Northendens primary

retail destination. A series of potential development sites have been identified
which provide opportunities to create improved retail or commercial floorspace,
with residential, office or community accommodation provided on floors above.
Development will expand existing and introduce new floorspace to cater for both
new and existing occupiers. This recognises that the quality independent retail
sector will become more important at the local level and that it will be important to
direct future investment and development to maximise benefit in terms of the
District Centres health.


The Princess Parkway Commercial Area is adjacent to the high street and acts
as a key gateway to the village.

It will support future development and

management of commercial premises that respond to modern requirements,

allowing Northenden to enhance its competitive position. However, the Princess
Parkway flyover does not currently provide a very positive gateway environment
to the Village. Investment in environmental quality and establishment of a strong
gateway will help to create a more positive overall environment in this area and
offer a sense of arrival.

Northenden Village Local Plan


For the village to secure maximum impacts there is a need to co-ordinate the
interventions across each of the character areas particularly through a series of
thematic interventions and site specific proposals. This would in effect provide a
string of pearls approach, allowing each of the individual interventions to benefit
from proximity to one another and provide a critical mass of investment.
Enhanced linkages is a key priority for the Local Plan, encouraging people to
move between the character areas for business, retail and leisure purposes to
generate greater footfall and trade for local businesses.


Site specific proposals are supported by thematic interventions to ensure there

is a cohesiveness of activity across the plan area which is vital to the success of
the Local Plan and the realisation of its objectives. This reflects opportunities to
be exploited and challenges to be overcome across the Local Plan area, e.g.
creating a more valuable economic base or promoting better pedestrian

The thematic interventions are summarised below and the

challenges within each are detailed in Section 1.

Theme 1:

Creating a high quality public realm and physical environment to encourage

improved outward appearance, celebrate and capitalise on local heritage and culture and
encourage movement through the area and reinforcing linkages between the character

Theme 2:

Providing a safe, accessible and legible environment with good linkages

between the character areas, including improved access for the disabled, where people
are happy to explore and enjoy the Northenden offer.

Theme 3:








employment opportunities and secure the engagement of the business community in

planning future interventions to create a local economy that will support business and the
local community.

Theme 4:

Raising Northendens profile, its role as a District Centre and service delivery

hub and celebrate local assets, heritage and culture to the benefit of residents and the
attraction of visitors.

Theme 5:

Village management to create a village environment that protects

investments, supports the local economy, creates a sense place for local people and
visitors and in which all parties are engaged.

Theme 6:

Manage transport and movement including access, parking and access for

the disabled. Encouraging sustainable and active travel to increase pedestrian footfall and
pedestrian dwell time in the village centre as well as movement between the character


Northenden Village Local Plan

Local Plan Proposals and Delivery


The Northenden Village Local Plan will deliver tangible results through a series of
specific projects and overarching themes. Each provides a package of activity
that will contribute to delivering the vision and objectives of the Local Plan and
will deliver physical transformations alongside ongoing mainstream service

These will include social and economic improvements as well as

physical maintenance and enhancements.


The plan on p28 illustrates the location of key project sites and the plan on p29 is
a proposals plan indicating character areas, potential linkages, and existing
assets. This plan highlights the approaches proposed through the Local Plan and
is supported by an action plan, the Northenden Village Action Plan.


The action plan identifies a number of aims to deliver the Local Plan objectives
and sets out the proposed delivery timeframes and the nature of activity to be
supported on each project site and under each theme.

Taking Delivery Forward


The vision and objectives of the Local Plan will be delivered over the next 10
15 years. Although there will be a medium term strategy that will guide activity
both directly referenced through the Local Plan and across a broader range of
sites and interventions, early activity will be required to demonstrate the
commitment to the future of Northenden Village and the strong support for
delivering the changes proposed through the Local Plan.


Whilst Manchester City Council will be responsible for overseeing delivery of the
Local Plan, responsibility for the delivery of each intervention will vary. There will
be a focus on effective and sustained engagement with the private sector in
helping to drive forward the plan, particularly with the local business community,
landowners and developers. This engagement between the public and private
sector will take different forms depending on the intervention but more focus is
needed on developing partnerships, facilitating discussions with key landowners
and regulating and monitoring the activity of the private sector.


Further to this will be greater engagement and partnership work with existing
community groups and networks in Northenden.

These stakeholders have a

valuable role to play and so the City Council will seek to establish open and
direct communication channels with each group.

This will build on the


Northenden Village Local Plan

relationships established through the Local Plans development to ensure there is

ownership for improvements as they are delivered.
4.7 The Local Plan supports the Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy
and subsequent LDF documents and sits beneath the Wythenshawe SRF. The
Local Plan is a non-statutory document. However, where the plan relates to
matters which are material considerations in a planning sense, these will be
given weight by the Council in future planning decision making. In doing so, it
can provide an important guide to the physical development of the Village as well
as the delivery of services and investment in the area by the City Council and
partner agencies. The Local Plan will therefore continue to inform intervention
over a significant period of time, informing the assessment of proposals for
physical change.

Funding to deliver both the site-specific and thematic interventions will be

identified from a number of sources. The City Council will look at ways in which
mainstream funding can be utilised to meet Local Plan objectives, whether
through local or city-wide initiatives. In addition to this, it will also continue to
seek out contributions from other public sector agencies and the private sector.


The delivery of the Northenden Village Local Plan will be managed by the
Wythenshawe Regeneration Team who will bring together relevant partners to
progress the commercial and development aspects of the plan. Other aspects
relating to service delivery and neighbourhood management will reflect the ward
plan and progress will be monitored and reported on via Ward Co-ordination. A
review / planning meeting with local members and key stakeholders will take
place on an annual basis.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Location of Project Sites


Northenden Village Local Plan

Proposals Plan


Northenden Village Local Plan

Northenden Village Action Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)




Gateway improvements to create a sense

of arrival into the Village:

M60 Gateway (Project 1) Public

realm enhancements to mark gateway
where Trans Pennine Trail enters
Village and links to the Riverside
Park. Funding sources to be
identified and discussions with
Highways Agency to commence.
Princes Parkway Gateway (Project 7)
Public realm enhancements along
with installation of public art. Funding
sources to be identified and
discussions with Highways Agency to

MCC Regeneration,
Highways Agency

Local Plan

Local Plan





Northenden as a
successful &
movement &


Creating a high
quality public realm
& physical
Northendens profile
and role as a District

of choice

Greater definition
of gateways into
increasing footfall,
overall vitality and
the identity of the

MCC Regeneration,
Highways Agency


Northenden Village Local Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)




Create a new visitor destination focussing

on the waterfront:

Tatton Arms (Project 2) Explore the

potential to create a pedestrian link
along the frontage of the site allowing
for extension of the Trans Pennine
Trail along the waterfront. Discussions
with property owner to commence.

MCC Regeneration,
MCC Planning, land

Local Plan

Local Plan






Northenden as a
successful &
Making greater
use of
physical assets
movement &

Creating a high
quality public realm
& physical
Northendens profile
and role as a District
Transport &

of choice

of one of the
Villages greatest
assets. Increased
levels of activity to
the waterfront
helping to realise
potential as a
popular leisure


Northenden Village Local Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)




Create new uses for vacant land and

under-utilised sites:

Car Options site (Project 3)

Development of site for ground floor
retail use with upper floor residential.
Discussions with land owners to
Tatton Arms (Project 2) Maintain
ongoing monitoring of the condition of
the site and building taking
appropriate enforcement action if
necessary. Bring landmark building
back into positive use.
Church Inn (Project 5) Development
of a long term vacant landmark site.
Liaison with site developer to
establish development timescales and

Private developer,
MCC Planning

MCC Regeneration,
MCC Planning,
MCC Building
Control, land owner,
private developer
Private developer,
MCC Planning (if
current permissions
amended or lapse)

Local Plan

Local Plan






Northenden as a
successful &
Creating a
of choice &
housing choice
Making greater
use of
physical assets

Creating a high
quality public realm
& physical

Achieving full
potential in
education &

Providing a
business friendly

of choice

Northendens profile
and role as a District

Realising the
potential of
prominent sites.
Improved image
and profile of the
centre secured to
enhance prospect
for future

opportunities for


Northenden Village Local Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)




Exploit existing and underutilised open

space and public realm opportunities:

Homewood Road Open Space (The

Dell) (Project 6) Environmental
enhancements and installation of
public art. Funding sources to be
identified including private sector
Village Green/Spread Eagle/Church
Hall (Project 10) Short term
aspiration to create a village green on
an underutilised site at the heart of
the Conservation Area. Funding
sources to be identified.
Consider opportunities for public
realm and environmental
improvements to reflect local heritage
and culture and provide opportunities
to engage local people.

MCC Regeneration,
MCC Leisure
MCC Highways,
MCC Regeneration

Local Plan

Local Plan





Northenden as a
successful &
Making greater
use of
physical assets
& attributes
movement &


Creating a high
quality public realm
& physical

Achieving full
potential in
education &

Transport &

of choice
respect &
collective selfesteem

Improve and
increase the use of
local assets by
residents and
visitors. Instil local
pride, increase
vitality and
establish new entry
points to the
District Centre.

MCC Highways,
MCC Regeneration


Northenden Village Local Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)




Improve community facilities and retail


Tesco Metro (Project 8) Extension

of existing retail floor space to front of
current store. To be considered and
discussed with operator in the context
of Wythenshawe-wide retail provision.
Continue to support the development
of the Farmers Market Engage with
stall holders and work with them to
identify ways in which the success of
the market can be built upon.
Consider opportunities to provide an
improved library facility that can
support service delivery and reinforce
the role of Northenden as a District

MCC Regeneration,

MCC Regeneration,
market stallholders

MCC Libraries,
MCC Regeneration,
MCC Legal, MCC
Corporate Property

Local Plan

Local Plan






Northenden as a
successful &
Creating a
of choice &
housing choice

Providing a
business friendly
Northendens profile
and role as a District

Achieving full
potential in
education &
of choice

Improved retail
offer and
community facilities
for residents and
visitors increasing
footfall, spend and
the vitality of the

opportunities for


Northenden Village Local Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)




Increase community and stakeholder

engagement through:

Engagement of the business

community Ensure businesses are
involved in decision making and play
a role in the future development of the
Village Management Develop a
strategy and framework for village
management to include existing Ward
Co-ordination mechanisms and
establishing strong links with
community and private sector
stakeholders. Initiate contact with key
community groups and potential
private sector partners.

MCC Regeneration,
local business
MCC Ward Coordination, local

Local Plan

Local Plan






Northenden as a
successful &
of choice

Village management

of choice
respect &
collective selfesteem

Creation of a sense
of ownership and
responsibility for
management and
foster greater civic


Northenden Village Local Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)




Raise Northendens profile:

Develop a brand for Northenden To
include design guidance to be used
alongside physical development
schemes and thematic interventions.
Discussions with local community
stakeholders to be held to help
identify appropriate brand.
Publicise Northendens events and
year round offer Via the web and
other resources e.g. Trans Pennine
Trail events calendar. Draw up
calendar of events and ongoing
attractions to be distributed.
Consider the contribution that
heritage, culture and local art can
make to raising Northendens profile.
Address parking issues for residents and

Review options to increase

opportunities for off-highway parking
and release kerbside space for short
stay parking for passing trade.

MCC Regeneration,
local community

Local Plan

Local Plan





Northenden as a
successful &

Northendens profile
and role as a District

Achieving full
potential in
education &
respect &
collective selfesteem

MCC Regeneration,
organisations e.g.
Trans Pennine Trail/
Mersey Valley

MCC Regeneration
movement &

MCC Highway
Services, MCC
Regeneration, MCC
Planning, local


Transport &

of choice

Creation of a new
and coherent
image for the
Village, linked to
the Real Lives
image campaign, to
raise awareness,
attract investment
and encourage
movement around
the area. Increased
visitor numbers and
expenditure to be
secured as a result.

opportunities for
short stay parking
on highways with
longer term parking
accommodated offhighway.
Reduced impact of
parking on adjacent
residential areas.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)




Tackle congestion through:

Encouraging modal shift to bus travel,

cycle and walking to connect to
onward travel by Metrolink once
airport line in place
Supporting sustainable and active
travel choices

MCC Highway
Services, MCC
Planning, MCC
Transport Policy,
MCC Regeneration,
local community

To help support effective village

management and a responsible business
community we want to:

Address the issues of hot food

takeaways Carry out an inspection
programme to ensure providers
comply with licence terms. Prioritise a
programme of inspections in
Ensure that businesses take
responsibility for maintenance within
their frontage. Business community to
be engaged on this matter with a
range of potential responses to be

MCC Licensing/
Services, Local
MCC Environmental
Services, Local

Local Plan

Local Plan






movement &

Providing a safe

of choice

Transport &

Northenden as a
successful &
of choice

Creating a high
quality public realm
& physical

Achieving full
potential in
education &

Providing a safe

of choice

Increased footfall
and pedestrian
linger time in the
Village leading to
an increased
presence and
sense of place
within the District
Reduced instances
of anti-social
behaviour linked to
take away outlets
and improvement
in environmental
standards and
appearance in the
District centre.

respect &
collective selfesteem


Northenden Village Local Plan

Short Term (2010-2015)

To provide a safe environment:


Local Plan

Local Plan






Northenden as a
successful &

Providing a safe

of choice

Creation of safe
and secure spaces
to encourage
frequent use,
reduced fear of
crime among local
residents and
visitors and higher
levels of trade and
investment across
the Village.

Consider appropriate lighting, signage MCC Regeneration,

and landscaping when delivering
GM Police, local
Providing a
physical regeneration projects to
business friendly
avoid crime hotspots. Teams
stakeholders, MCC
respect &
delivering physical interventions to
Highways / lighting
collective selfliaise with lighting engineers, GM
Police, local community.
Sensitive development of the evening GM Police, local
economy to ensure efficient use of
business community
policing at closing hours.
Maintenance of physical improvements introduced through the short term programme will remain a priority over the medium and longer term. Delivery of
thematic interventions, including Raising Northendens Profile and Providing a Business-friendly Offer will also remain as rolling priorities. The
requirement for ongoing investment in such activities should remain under review based on conditions across the village and amendment of associated
responses as necessary.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Medium Term (2015-2020)



Local Plan

Local Plan







Exploit existing and underutilised open
space and public realm opportunities by:

Continued phased delivery of the

Riverside Park enhancing links to the
Trans Pennine Trail. Delivery will be
based on the Masterplan and future
funding opportunities. Consider
opportunities for heritage, culture and
public art.

MCC Leisure
Services, MCC
Highways, MCC

Making greater
use of
physical assets

Creating a high
quality public
realm &
profile and role
as a District

of choice

Creation of an enhanced,
branded asset for
Northenden that exploits
one of its greatest assets.
Increased use of local
assets by residents and
visitors, instils local pride
and increases vitality of
the Village.

Transport &


Northenden Village Local Plan

Medium Term (2015-2020)



Local Plan

Local Plan







Create a new visitor destination focussing
on the waterfront:

Camperlands (Project 9) Mixed use

redevelopment of this council owned
site close to river to include the
introduction of ground floor active
uses. Outline development brief to
be reviewed in light of local plan and
flood risk implications. Market test
development to determine
appropriate uses and potential
interest amongst the private sector.
Consider opportunities for heritage,
culture and public art.

MCC Planning,
Agency, private

Northenden as a
successful &
distinctive centre
neighbourhoods of
choice &
increasing housing

Creating a high
quality public
realm &
profile and role
as a District

Achieving full
potential in
education &
of choice

Increases levels of activity

and visitors along the
waterfront helping to
realise Northendens
potential as a popular
leisure destination.

Making greater
use of
physical assets
movement &
opportunities for
economic growth


Northenden Village Local Plan

Medium Term (2015-2020)



Local Plan

Local Plan







Improve community facilities and services

Considering opportunities to support

service delivery and reinforce the role
of Northenden as a District Centre
and service delivery hub.
Through NHS Manchester and MCC
Joint Health Unit (JHU) processes
seek to be ready to take opportunities
to develop health provision if they
should arise.

Ward Coordination.

Northenden as a
successful &
distinctive centre
neighbourhoods of
choice &
increasing housing

Providing a
friendly offer
profile and role
as a District

Achieving full
potential in
education &

Improved community
facilities offer for residents
and visitors increasing
footfall and the vitality of
the village.

of choice

opportunities for
economic growth


Northenden Village Local Plan

Long Term (2020+)



Local Plan

Local Plan







Create a new visitor destination focussing
on waterfront

Caravan Park (Project 4) Explore

potential to create a pedestrian route
along this section of the waterfront to
allow for continuation of existing
walkway and create a loop connecting
the waterfront to other village
attractions. Consider opportunities for
heritage, culture and public art. To be
delivered in conjunction with pedestrian
route adjacent to the Tatton Arms
(Project 2).

MCC Regeneration,
MCC Planning, MCC
Legal, land owner

Spread Eagle (Project 10) Introduce

new residential-led development at the
site of the new village green. Engage
initial discussions with land owners and
identify potential private sector
developer. Consider opportunities for
heritage, culture and public art.

profile and role
as a District

of choice

Increased levels of
activity to the
waterfront helping to
realise Northendens
potential as a
popular leisure

Providing a
friendly offer

of choice

Improved image and

profile of the centre
to enhance prospect
for future
Increased housing
choice to cater for a
wider range of
potential residents.

neighbourhoods of
choice &
increasing housing
Making greater
use of
physical assets

Create new uses for vacant and underutilised sites

Northenden as a
successful &
distinctive centre

MCC Regeneration,
MCC Planning, land
owner and private

movement &
Northenden as a
successful &
distinctive centre
neighbourhoods of
choice &
increasing housing

profile and role
as a District


Northenden Village Local Plan

Long Term (2020+)



Local Plan

Local Plan







Create a sense of arrival into the village
Airport Hotel (Project 11) Investment
in key landmark building at major village
gateway. MCC to engage with hotel
operator about this aspiration and
explore how any refurbishment /
redevelopment plans could be
Petrol filling station (Project 12)
Residential or retail-led development to
complement enhancements to M60
Gateway (Project 1) and Camperlands
(Project 9) sites. Private sector to be
engaged in relation to this aspiration.
Provide a business friendly offer

Provide an appropriate portfolio of

premises for potential business
investors through bringing into use and
effectively marketing underutilised upper
floors along the high street. Initial
discussions with property owners,
agents and business community to take

Hotel operator, MCC

Regeneration, MCC

MCC Regeneration,
site owner /

MCC Regeneration,
MCC Economic
business community,
property owners /

Northenden as a
successful &
distinctive centre
Creating a
neighbourhood of
choice &
increasing housing

Creating a high
quality public
realm &
profile and role
as a District

Achieving full
potential in
education &
of choice

Greater definition of
gateways into
increasing footfall
and overall vitality of
the Village.
Contribute to a
distinct new identity.

opportunities for
economic growth
Northenden as a
successful &
distinctive centre
opportunities for
economic growth

Providing a safe
Providing a
friendly offer
profile and role
as a District

Achieving full
potential in
education &
of choice

A vibrant high street

with a critical mass
of retail and
business premises
to encourage further
Improved feelings of
safety due to
increased natural


Northenden Village Local Plan

Moving to project delivery


The tables in the following section set out an action plan for each of the project
sites illustrated on the location of projects plan on p28 and the themes identified
in paragraph 3.18. They detail the rationale and delivery arrangements for each
project/theme along with its strategic fit in terms of the community strategy spine
and contribution to Local Plan objectives.


An estimated timeframe for the delivery of each of the projects has also been
identified. Timescales are broken down into the following:

Short term delivery is one to five years;

Medium term delivery is five to ten years; and

Long term delivery is beyond ten years.


Project proposals have been colour coded to reflect the timescales for ease of
reference. Green shading represents short term opportunities, orange medium
term opportunities and red for long term opportunities. By dividing activity across
timeframes, the Local Plan presents a deliverable programme with clearly
identified priority schemes to be taken forward by partners.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Site Proposals
Project 1

M60 Gateway

Character Area

Northenden Waterfront

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful

and distinctive centre
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens
physical assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility

Community Strategy

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

This unused site beneath the highway is proposed as

a public realm improvement scheme which will
provide a more appropriate gateway with potential
leisure uses related to the Riverside Park.

Description of scheme

Public realm enhancements should seek to mark the

gateway where the Trans Pennine Trail enters
Northenden to help create a positive first impression
and sense of arrival to users of the trail as they enter
the Riverside Park area.
Examples of other areas of best practice to be drawn
upon in implementing this scheme include the M62
Rocket Junction Gateway into Liverpool and
Mancunian Way southern gateway to the City Centre.
The site forms a strategic gateway into the village and
waterfront area but does not provide a welcoming
environment for visitors to the Village.

Rationale / Opportunities

Partners / delivery

Next Steps


There is a significant opportunity to invest in highways

and public realm to substantially enhance the
environment and reflect the Villages heritage and
Manchester City Council and the Highways Agency.
All proposals will require early consultation with the
Highways Agency.
Manchester City Council to identify funding sources,
including contributions from other public sector
agencies and the private sector and to lead
negotiations with the Highways Agency.
Short term subject to funding being identified.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 2

Tatton Arms

Character Area

Northenden Waterfront

Local Plan Objectives

Community Strategy Spine

Objective 1:Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical
assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility
Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice
This scheme aims to create a pedestrian link to allow for
extension of the Trans Pennine Trail along the waterfront.

Description of scheme

The scheme provides an opportunity to attract greater

levels of activity to the waterfront which will help realise
Northendens potential as a popular leisure destination for
residents and visitors.
The enhanced route will create improved pedestrian /
cycle access between Sale and Didsbury and will also be
an important element of the walking/cycling route for
Northenden itself.

Rationale / Opportunity

There is currently no public right of way along the river

immediately in front of the property as the car park is in
private ownership. As a result the Trans Pennine Trail
currently cuts through the residential area providing a
point of disconnection that does not fully celebrate
Northendens waterfront setting.
The scheme can link to the refurbishment of the property
and ensure it is accessible to customers.

Partners / delivery

Next Steps


Manchester City Council to monitor condition of site and

building and lead detailed negotiations to create new
pedestrian route.
Maintain an ongoing monitoring of the condition of the site
and building and if necessary take appropriate
enforcement action. Initiate discussions with property
owner to understand comprehensive investment
proposals for the property and surrounding land.
Negotiations to focus on exploring the potential of a
pedestrian route along the course of the river as a first
Short term subject to land owner agreement


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 3

Car Options Site

Character Area

Palatine Road High Street

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and
increasing housing choice

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 1: Achieving full potential in education and

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice
This vacant site in the heart of the retail area of
Northenden is being developed for ground floor retail use
with upper floor residential.
The scheme is being
progressed by private sector developers in accordance
with current permissions and developer timescales.

Description of scheme

In the instance of proposals being altered or permission

lapsing, there may be the opportunity for public sector
intervention and as such progress on site will be tracked.
In the event that development does not occur in
accordance with the current permissions, scope for
development of a comprehensive solution for the whole of
the site will be explored to allow for the creation of a
landmark development which supports the vision for the
Local Plan.

Rationale / Opportunity

This is a priority site for development in Northenden. The

site is currently vacant and represents an under-exploited
opportunity to create a new focal point on a prominent site
along the high street.

Partners / delivery

The current scheme is being taken forward by the private

sector with possible scope for intervention by the City
Council if proposals are altered or permission lapses.

Next Steps

City Council to engage with owner to determine proposed

timescales for delivery and encourage joint working
between the two land owners.


Short term, subject to developer timescales


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 4

Caravan Park

Character Area

Northenden Waterfront

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and
increasing housing choice
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical
assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 1: Achieving full potential in education and

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Description of scheme

The objective of this project is to create a pedestrian route

along the waterfront to allow for the continuation of the
waterfront walkway and to create a walking loop with
other village attractions.

Rationale / Opportunity

There is currently no public right of way across the site.

Public access through the site is required to allow a
walking route to be established. This will form an
important part of Northendens future leisure offer and
help to celebrate the villages waterfront setting.

Partners / delivery

Manchester City Council to look into the possibility of

creating a new pedestrian route. Scheme to be delivered
alongside Tatton Arms scheme.

Next Steps

Explore potential for creation of new pedestrian route.


Short term subject to site owner agreement.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 5

Church Inn

Character Area

Church Road Corridor

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical

assets and attributes
Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

A residential development is proposed on this site with
current permission for the provision of 14 apartments and
the erection of four 2 storey dwellings with associated car
parking, landscaping and vehicular access.

Description of scheme
Due to its central location close to the proposed village
green, the redevelopment of the site will support the
connection of the Conservation Area, waterfront and
village centre.

Rationale / Opportunity

The property has been vacant for a number of years and

there is a strong desire to see it brought back into use.
This is a key development site for the village that can
combine new development with acknowledgement of
Northendens heritage assets.
The proposed scheme will diversify housing choice in the
area, attracting new households to support an extended
programme of local services.
Private sector lead.

Partners / delivery

Planning Department to monitor scheme and engage with

developer if current scheme is amended or lapses.

Next Steps

Manchester City Council to liaise with site developer to

understand proposed development timescales.


Short term, subject to developer timescales


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 6

Homewood Road Open Space

Character Area

Princess Parkway Commercial Area

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical

assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Spine 3: Individual respect and collective self-esteem

Description of scheme

This site close to the Parkway gateway represents an

opportunity to make environmental enhancements and
use public art to create an attractive public open space in
the west of the Village. These proposals will help improve
the appearance of this area, strengthen its position as a
key gateway site in to the heart of the Village and
encourage greater public use of this valuable piece of
open space. Heritage, culture and education links could
be developed as part of the scheme.

Rationale / Opportunity

Homewood Road Open Space is a key strategic site on

the main road which is currently over-looked as an area of
any value. It currently provides a negative impression for
people travelling into the area and presents an underutilised asset for local residents.
The scheme responds to the recognised under-utilisation
of open space across the village and provides an
opportunity to create an asset that instils local pride.

Partners / delivery

The scheme is to be taken forward by Manchester City

Council potentially working with an environmental partner
such as Groundwork or Parkway Green Housing Trust as
part of their greening programme.

Next Steps

City Council to identify funding sources, including

contributions from other public sector agencies and the
private sector.


Short term subject to funding being identified.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 7

Princess Parkway Gateway

Character Area

Princess Parkway Commercial Area

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical
assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Description of scheme

This gateway scheme consists of a series of

environmental improvements around Princess Parkway
bridge. These improvements will include enhancements
to the public realm, lighting and public art to this important
gateway location which will help to create a more positive
first impression of Northenden Village.
Planned works will recognise the narrow width of
walkways to provide a solution that can
accommodated within the limited available space
offers a more attractive and safer environment
pedestrians and cyclists as well as vehicles.

Rationale / Opportunity


The bridge provides an important point of arrival into the

village and the constrained width and unattractive
structure is unappealing for pedestrians, cyclists and
motorists and has been the location of a number of
As well as creating a more attractive gateway feature,
intervention is considered necessary to encourage
movement into the village and improve access to
Wythenshawe Park.

Partners / delivery

Next Steps


Activity in this location should be taken forward by

Manchester City Council in consultation with the
Highways Agency.
Manchester City Council to engage in early consultation
with the Highways Agency and identify funding sources,
including contributions from other public sector agencies
and the private sector.
Short term subject to funding being identified.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 8

Tesco Metro

Character Area

Palatine Road High Street

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and
increasing housing choice
Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 1: Achieving full potential in education &

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Description of scheme

This scheme proposes the extension of the existing

Tesco food store which is Northendens primary food
retailer and is therefore an important asset to the area.
The scheme would involve expansion to the front of the
current store to potentially accommodate greater retail
floor space.
The site is currently constrained in terms of its scale and
access arrangements for both shoppers and deliveries.
In addition to this, according to the Quantitative Retail
Needs Study (2006) a high degree of food retail leakage
is reported.

Rationale / Opportunity

Therefore, clawing back trade into the centre will be

dependent upon creating new floor space or improving
the quality of the centres offer in order to attract
additional visitors and expenditure.
By expanding the store forwards the building line will also
be enhanced to fit with the surrounding streetscape.

Partners / delivery

Tesco to lead delivery of any expansion plans in

consultation with MCC Planning and Wythenshawe
Regeneration Team to ensure fit with area-wide

Next Steps

Wythenshawe Regeneration Team to discuss with Tesco

in the context of Wythenshawe-wide retail provision.


Short to medium term subject to private sector timescales


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 9


Character Area

Northenden Waterfront

Local Plan Objectives

Community Strategy Spine

Description of scheme

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 2.: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and
increasing housing choice
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical
assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility
Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth
Spine 1: Achieving full potential in education and
Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice
This scheme promotes appropriate redevelopment of a
key strategic Council owned site close to the river with
frontage onto Palatine Road. The scheme could include
small scale mixed use residential, leisure, retail and a
limited degree of specialist retail premises for
living/working accommodation on the site to be vacated
by Camperlands and the adjoining vacant land. It will be
designed to encourage greater public access to and
usage of the waterfront and ensure that retail trade is not
drawn from the village centre.
Consideration will also be given to the potential
refurbishment or redevelopment of the sites current shop
frontage, allowing the development scheme to be clearly
linked to both the waterfront and Palatine Road.
This site provides a key development opportunity for the
Local Plan area. It is one of a very limited number of
potential development sites with any Council control and
provides an important site for landmark development.

Rationale / Opportunity

This proposal will address the lack of active village

frontage to the river and encourage a flow of people from
Palatine Road into the Waterfront area, therefore acting
as a strategic link between these two character areas.
This will promote greater use of the Riverside Park for
leisure use (with wider links to other networks such as the
Trans Pennine Trail) and help to celebrate one of
Northendens greatest assets.
The current occupier leases the site from the Council.
Council ownership of the site provides the opportunity to
control the timescales for development and proposed mix
of uses. The introduction of a mix of uses will enable the
site to secure maximum benefits for the local community


Northenden Village Local Plan

and residents through residential, employment and leisure

uses. This will greatly increase footfall generating benefits
for local business.

Partners / delivery

The scheme will be taken forward by a public / private

partnership, utilising Council owned land. Environment
Agency consultation will be required due to the flood risk
on the site.

Next Steps

Review the sites outline development brief in light of the

Local Plan and consider the flood risk implications for
acceptable ground floor uses. Begin to market test the
development opportunity to determine potential interest
and the most appropriate time for site release.


Medium term, subject to market conditions


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 10

Spread Eagle / Church Hall / Village Green

Character Area

Church Road Corridor

Local Plan Objectives

Community Strategy Spine

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and
increasing housing choice (medium to long term)
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical
assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility
Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice
Spine 3: Individual respect and collective self-esteem
The scheme will, in the short term, invest in the quality
and utility of existing public open space by creating a new
village green that is in keeping with the areas character.

Description of scheme

Medium to longer term aspirations for the wider site would

see the introduction of a new development on the site of
the current pub and church hall that respects the
surrounding built environment and can generate greater
footfall for the area. This would take the form of a
residential led scheme with the potential for limited mixed
use provision. The church hall would also be re-provided.
This is a prominent, under-used asset within the Village.
Northenden is currently lacking a village green and the
site is at the heart of the Conservation Area whilst
providing an opportunity to improve links to the
surrounding character areas.

Rationale / Opportunity

The current premises do not contribute to the historic

nature of the area. New development could be
encouraged in a sympathetic style to celebrate one of
Northendens currently under publicised features and
address current challenges regarding housing choice
within the Local Plan area.
Manchester City Council to deliver the environmental
improvement scheme over the short term, subject to
funding availability.

Partners / delivery

Longer term interventions will require the support of land

owners and potentially a private sector development
partner to implement works on site. Manchester City
Council should engage in initial discussions to understand
land owner and occupier medium to long term plans and
assess the appetite for redevelopment of the component


Northenden Village Local Plan

Next Steps


Manchester City Council to identify funding sources for

creation of the village green and engage with the Spread
Eagle site owner and operator and the church to
determine the scope for intervention.
Short (subject to funding availability) then
medium to long term (subject to private sector timescales)


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 11

Airport Hotel

Character Area

Princess Parkway Commercial Area

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 1: Achieving full potential in education and

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Description of scheme

External refurbishment of this prominent hotel property,

situated at a strategic gateway site into the village centre.

Rationale / Opportunity

The Airport Hotel provides a significant source of local

employment. The property occupies a prominent site that
is visible to visitors to the Village and users of the
strategic road network.
The building is currently
unattractive and so provides a poor initial perception of
the Village. By investing in this location perceptions of
Northenden can be greatly enhanced.
The site provides an important link to the airport which
could inform Northendens future economic opportunities.
Any physical investment in this site should be coordinated
with the promotion of greater linkages to the rest of the
Village, for example by promoting the local leisure offer to

Partners / delivery

Delivery will be led by the hotel operator. Manchester

City Council should engage with the private sector
operator to gain a fuller appreciation of their aspirations
for the site and to explore how any plans for
refurbishment / redevelopment may be supported.

Next Steps

City Council to initiate discussions with hotel operator.


Long term


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 12

Petrol Filling Station

Character Area

Palatine Road High Street

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and

increasing housing choice
Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Description of scheme

This key strategic gateway site is to be retained in its

current use although there is a potential opportunity in the
long term (subject to a private sector decision to vacate
the site) to link to a new gateway to the Village. This
could potentially comprise residential or retail
development and would be delivered in conjunction with
improvements to the M60 Gateway and Camperlands

Rationale / Opportunity

In the short term the site will stay in its current use as an
active petrol station site reflecting the ongoing operation
of the site. In the longer term, however the site may have
development potential, subject to the intentions of its

Partners / delivery

The long term aspiration would be private sector-led,

although there would be a significant role for the City
Council in helping to bring this site forward for

Next Steps

City Council to engage with the site owner regarding the

long term aspiration.


Long term


Northenden Village Local Plan

Project 13

Library Feasibility

Character Area

Dependent upon feasibility.

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 2: Creating a neighbourhood of choice and
increasing housing choice
Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 1: Achieving full potential in education &

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Description of scheme

Consider opportunities to provide an improved library

facility that can support service delivery and reinforce the
role of Northenden as a District Centre.
The current library building is a temporary structure and is
no longer fit for purpose.

Rationale / Opportunity

The opportunity to consider provision of a new facility that

can greatly enhance the service offer and quality of
premises for delivery is significant within the Village.
To enhance the Villages role as a District Centre and
service delivery hub and bring an increased number of
visitors and footfall to the Village.

Partners / delivery

Manchester City Council, MCC Libraries, Regeneration,

Corporate Property.

Next Steps

Undertake feasibility study and financial appraisal to

identify options for consideration (short term). If a viable
option can be identified progress towards delivery
(medium term)


Short to Medium


Northenden Village Local Plan

Thematic Proposals

The following tables summarise the thematic interventions that will be considered
alongside the site specific proposals. Thematic interventions will be undertaken
throughout the Local Plan period, ensuring that activity is delivered to link with
the site-specific proposals and provide a coordinated approach to intervention
that improves the way Northenden functions.

Theme 1

Creating a High Quality Public Realm

and Physical Environment

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful

and distinctive centre
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens
physical assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility

Community Strategy

Spine 1: Achieving full potential in education and

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice
Spine 3: Individual self-respect and collective selfesteem
This theme sets out a strategy for investment to
create a high quality public realm and physical
environment across Northenden. This investment will
help to create a more desirable area to live, work and
visit. Investment will include ongoing delivery of new
paving, shop front improvements and enhanced
signage to create a unified feel to the area.

Description of theme

Investment will provide a clear identity for the Village

including prominent signs of arrival and linkage
between different elements of the village offer.
Incidental open space will receive investment allowing
it to form part of the wider network of provision to
complement investment in the new village green and
open space at Homewood Road.
A recreational walking and cycling route, building on
the existing Trans Pennine Trail will be created. This
Northendens character areas and key areas of
investment. This theme also promotes protection of
Northendens heritage assets and there will also be
an opportunity to reflect the villages heritage and

Rationale / Opportunity

The District Centre currently contains a number of

under-exploited assets in both its natural and built
form including high quality historic premises, public
open space, and gateways which could be utilised

Northenden Village Local Plan

more effectively. Limited linkages between uses

within the Village has been noted as a particular
challenge, as well as improving Northendens ability
to build on its position on existing trails including the
Trans Pennine Trail.
Investment is required to ensure assets are effectively
signed, accessible and of a high environmental
quality to promote greater use by residents and
visitors. Improvement of the physical environment will
provide an important sign of outward change and the
commitment to take forward the Local Plans
Improved public realm will be aligned with
investments under the providing a safe environment,
Management themes. It will also support
development on some of the villages key
development sites including Camperlands and the
Church Inn.

Partners / delivery

To be taken forward by Manchester City Council

potentially working with an environmental partner
such as Groundwork. Engagement with the private
sector will also be important in taking this scheme
forward over the longer term. The Wythenshawe
Regeneration Team will work closely with MCC
Planning and Highways to ensure that all works to the
physical environment, whether through public realm
improvements or new build development within the
conservation area, support rather than compete with
the Villages heritage assets through use of a
common palette of materials.

Next Steps

City Council to identify funding sources, including the

identification of any mainstream funding that could be
utilised along with contributions from other public
sector agencies and the private sector. Routing and
design of the new walking and cycle route to be
determined as an early action.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Theme 2

Providing a Safe Environment

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Spine 3: Individual respect and collective self-esteem
Activity under this theme will fall broadly under crime and
community safety licensing and road safety. There will be
a focus on the efficient co-ordination and management of
current service provision. This includes existing CCTV,
PCSO patrols and community policing and parking
enforcement. Existing services will continue at current
levels but will remain alert to changing issues to ensure
that resources can be effectively targeted over time.

Description of theme

Interventions will also be linked to the delivery of a safe

and secure public realm including improved lighting,
connectivity and appropriate landscaping to avoid crime
hot spots and no-go areas.
Sensitivity around the development of the evening
economy in Northenden is required in terms of ensuring
an efficient use of policing at closing hours and around
hot food takeaways. Greater reporting of issues between
agencies will be encouraged to allow effective responses
to be developed where necessary and for issues to be
understood in further detail.
In terms of the safety of pedestrians and cyclists,
Northenden is served by the busy Palatine Road which
results in conflicting demands, i.e. passing trade requiring
short term parking and commuter through-traffic. Within
the 1km stretch of Palatine Road forming the Village,
there are 4 crossing points with controlled pedestrian
facilities. One of these crossing points on the Trans
Pennine Trail is also suitable for cyclists to cross.

Rationale / Opportunity

Perceptions of crime in Northenden are high, particularly

in relation to the evening economy with a significant
number of businesses in the area operating late licences.
Anti-social behaviour has been identified as a particular
issue for residents. Increasing feelings of safety for
residents, businesses and visitors will help to alter
perceptions and support wider opportunities for change
across the Village, including the potential to attract higher
levels of trade. A higher footfall and pedestrian presence
will assist in creating this more positive environment.

Partners / delivery

A package approach is required to ensure the effective

co-ordination of service provision from Greater


Northenden Village Local Plan

Manchester Police, business owners and the Manchester

City Council Licensing Team.
Any public realm or environmental enhancement
schemes should also consider this thematic intervention
to ensure that public safety is considered in the design of
all improvements.

Next Steps

Wythenshawe Regeneration Team to liaise with partners,

including Highway Services, the Central Licensing Team,
Greater Manchester Police to consider approaches to
improve co-ordination of activity.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Theme 3

Providing a Business Friendly Offer

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 1: Achieving full potential in education and

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice
Interventions under this theme will ensure an appropriate
portfolio of premises is available to business to increase
levels of economic activity and vibrancy. Consistent use
of planning powers will help to secure a balanced
business community and premises offer, with quality retail
and office (particularly on the upper floors) uses to be
prioritised along the high street.

Description of theme

Further activity will seek to secure the engagement of the

business community in planning future interventions and
ensuring that investment in the centre and its
management are sustained in the long term. Management
of vacant units will also be ensured through ongoing
liaison with property owners to ensure they return to use
as quickly as possible and can be matched to inquiries
received by Manchester City Council as well as through
local agents.
Currently there are a high proportion of upper floors along
the Palatine Road High Street which are out of active
use. This limits the level of natural surveillance available,
which links to the safe environment theme, and
represents an under-utilised asset. In addition to this, the
supply of business units is limited in terms of the choice of
size and quality of accommodation.

Rationale / Opportunity

The current level of engagement with local businesses

could be improved to encourage them to play a greater
role in the success of the village through active
engagement in driving forward initiatives and continued
maintenance and upkeep of their immediate environs.
This will build on recent engagement secured through the
development of the Local Plan to ensure ownership of
and support for new proposals.
Furthermore, the current economic climate has raised
concerns about the potential loss of retail units in the
main high street and there is pressure for retail units to
convert to other uses.

Partners / delivery

Initial discussions and activity will be led by the City

Council, including greater engagement with the local
business community. The private sector will be key in
driving the agenda forward.

Northenden Village Local Plan

Activity to secure a balanced business premises offer

would be undertaken in consultation with local estate
agents, property owners and developers as well as public
sector agencies promoting small business growth.
Responsibility for delivery will lie with private sector
property owners and developers under the guidance of
the City Councils planning team.

Next Steps

City Council to engage with local business community,

potential developers and agents to initiate discussions.
Testing of demand and a greater understanding of growth
sectors should be prioritised to inform provision through
both refurbishment and new build and the willingness of
the private sector to take schemes forward.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Theme 4

Raising Northendens Profile

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice and

increasing housing choice
Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical
assets and attributes
Objective 5: Creating opportunities for economic growth

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice

Spine 3: Individual respect and self-esteem
Activity under this theme will focus on investment in the
physical branding of Northenden which is required along
with raising awareness and publicising of the new identity
for the District Centre. Activity will be aligned with
proposals under the high quality public realm theme
which will create a coherent physical image for the area
and encourage movement between character areas.

Description of theme

Wherever possible this should link to wider activity taking

place under other schemes and thematic interventions,
whether as part of the recommendations arising from the
Wythenshawe Real Lives work or as part of a city-wide
programme. Commercially, there may also be benefits in
emphasising the associations between Northenden and
the adjoining Didsbury, which is amongst the most
aspirational neighbourhoods in the City.
There are also opportunities to publicise Northendens
events and year round offer through partner websites
such as the Trans Pennine Trail events calendar.
As the programme of wider change is delivered through
the Local Plan there is an opportunity to celebrate
investments and ensure they are widely recognised to
help enhance perceptions of Northenden and encourage
greater pride amongst residents as well as increased
visitor numbers.

Rationale / Opportunity

Northendens image is currently mixed and is lacking in a

strong and positive brand and identity. There is a need to
advertise Northendens assets more widely to encourage
inward migration and investment. Building on the
Wythenshawe Real Lives approach will be key to delivery.
There is currently limited celebration of Northendens
positive features as a place to live, work and visit and this
will limit the economic benefits being captured.

Partners / delivery

The City Council will have a key role as Campaign

Guardian for Real Lives Wythenshawe and working with
relevant organisations and developing better links with the


Northenden Village Local Plan

The Council will identify appropriate actions for delivery in

Northenden Village which will also consider the scope for
further activity that supports delivery of the Local Plans
Next Steps

Delivery arrangements and funding requirements will also

need to be determined. This could potentially draw in
private sector resources associated with developments
across the Local Plan area with place-making activity to
be coordinated by the City Council in consultation with
local residents and businesses. Opportunities to align with
existing initiatives should be explored to reduce the direct
costs to be incurred.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Theme 5

Village Management

Local Plan Objectives

Objective 1: Establishing Northenden as a successful and

distinctive centre
Objective 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice and
increasing housing choice

Community Strategy Spine

Spine 3: Individual respect and self-esteem

Ward Co-ordination currently plays a strong role in coordinating activities across Council departments and other
public sector agencies.
Through this thematic
intervention, efforts will be made to build on this
mechanism to establish strong links with both community
and private sector stakeholders.

Description of theme

The preferred option focuses on capacity building work

with existing community groups; a detailed review of
community membership of village groups, improved
communication channels including meeting dates set well
in advance and minutes circulated effectively, and finally,
the establishment of a clearer and more comprehensive
structure so people are able to understand how they can
engage with, influence and feed into the ward coordination process.
These measures will encourage a sense of ownership
and responsibility for village management and help to
foster a greater sense of civic pride.
The private sector will also be encouraged to play a key
role in both the management of the District Centre and
also the delivery of the key schemes identified in the
Local Plan.

Rationale / Opportunity

The delivery of the Local Plan will require effective

engagement with the private sector, local community
Departments. Case studies of best practice from other
District Centres have demonstrated that this approach
has worked effectively and could be improved in the
Northenden context.
Given the scale of intervention proposed through the
Local Plan, ensuring that change is effectively managed
will be a key challenge. This intervention will ensure that
engagement is secured through the process. This will
help create ownership of the proposed changes and
direct involvement in implementation where appropriate.

Partners / delivery

Village management will be delivered through the existing

ward management mechanisms in place although it is
anticipated that the local business community and other
private sector stakeholders such as land owners and

Northenden Village Local Plan

developers will play key roles in achieving effective


Next Steps

Wythenshawe Regeneration and Ward Co-ordination

teams to initiate contact with key community groups and
arrangements for future village management.


Northenden Village Local Plan

Theme 6

Local Plan Objectives

Community Strategy Spine

Transport and Movement

Objective 3: Making greater use of Northendens physical
assets and attributes
Objective 4: Improving movement and accessibility
Spine 2: Creating neighbourhoods of choice
Intervention under this theme will include investment in
improved accessibility for both leisure, retail and other
essential services and employment opportunities. This will
incorporate appropriate surfaces, signage and features
along the routes and include road safety.

Description of theme

To encourage sustainable and active travel for onward

journeys after arrival by car or bus and to connect
pedestrians to key leisure offers such as the Trans
Pennine Trail and Wythenshawe Park.
To promote road safety opportunities.To maintain safe
footways and improve short term parking opportunities by
active parking enforcement. To support pedestrian
movement on narrow footways by managing overhanging
vegetation and improve linkages by appropriate signage
and publicity.
Well publicised links to the future Metrolink stops (to be
constructed as part of the airport line) will facilitate
onward travel to Wythenshawe Town Centre and the
airport via the Benchill stop, or to Manchester City Centre
via the Northern Moor stop. Both stops will be situated
approximately 1.5 miles away which will involve
connecting by cycle, foot or bus.

Rationale / Opportunity

Establishment of circular pedestrian leisure route.

On-street parking provision in the Village is limited and
the private ownership of some shop forecourts along
Palatine Road result in inappropriate parking in an area of
apparent public realm.

Partners / delivery

Next Steps

Encourage innovative use of off-Highway parking

Delivery arrangements and funding requirements will
need to be determined. This could potentially draw in
private sector resources associated with developments
across the Local Plan area with place making activity to
be co-ordinated by MCC in consultation with local
residents and businesses. Opportunities to align with
existing initiatives should be explored to reduce the direct
costs to be incurred.
Development of circular leisure route options and seeking
funding. Close co-ordination with GMPTE will be required.
Highway Services can serve enforcement notices
Wythenshawe Regeneration teams to identify areas of
public concern.


Northenden Village Local Plan

For more information, contact:

Wythenshawe Regeneration Team
Manchester City Council
Alderman Downward House
Wythenshawe Town Centre
M22 5RF

Phone: 0161 499 7778

Fax: 0161 274 7287
Textphone: 0161 437 2358


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