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Geology, Geophysics & Environment


Vol. 39

No. 4


Characterization of near-surface sediments

based on Electrical Resistivity
Tomography measurements in thevicinity
of theWawel Hill (Krakow, Poland)

AGH University of Science andTechnology, Faculty of Geology,
Geophysics andEnvironmental Protection, Department of Geophysics;
al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland;

Abstract: TheElectrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method was applied at theSW foot of theWawel Hill was applied. Thesurvey was carried out along five survey lines (P1P5), 50m long each.
TheWenner alpha array with spacing a= 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m, 2.5 m, 4.0 m, 5.5m, 7.5m,
and10.0m was used. Thebasic electrode spacing was 0.5 m. In apparent resistivity contours andsections we can distinguish two zones, which have noticeably different resistivity values. Thelow resistivity zone dominates inthedeeper part of thesection on all survey lines, especially on theprofiles located
intheclose neighbourhood of theVistula River. Therelative high resistivity zone is probably theeffect
of complex local geology, as well as theinfluence of thelimestone of theWawel Hill. Based on ERT
inversion results, three resistivity zones were distinguished. Then theprobable lithological or/and anthropogenic character was assigned to them. The shallowest zone has the thickness of about 0.5 m
and results probably from accumulation of weathered limestone fragments derived from theWawel
Hill. It may be that high resistivity zones have anthropogenic character. Below, azone of water-bearing
sands was recorded, which may result from redevelopment andreclamation of this area. Thickness of
this zone increases towards theVistula River. Another zone, which can be identified with limestone,
was identified on survey lines P4 andP5. This could also be result of accumulation of thecalcareous
debris for thepurpose of planation of thearea. In order togeneralize andsimplify thecharacterization
of thequaternary sediments, 1D interpretation was made. Themethod allows us toestimate thedepth
of groundwater, which inthat place is about 5 m.
Key words: applied geophysics, electrical resistivity tomography, near-surface, Wawel Hill


M. wiklik

The discussed geoelectrical studies were conducted at the foot of Wawel Hill with
theResistivity Imaging method. Themajor aim of theresearch was torecognize theshallow
geology of thearea interms of electrical properties andlithology.
The Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method, often referred toas resistivity
imaging (Dahlin 1996, Loke 2003), is one of the most frequently applied geoelectrical
methods. Due toits features, such as precision mapping of geological structure andfull
automation of themeasurement process, themethod has found wide use ingeomorphology (Schrott & Sass 2008), environmental studies (Georgaki et al. 2008), archaeology
(Misiewicz 1998), engineering (Mocicki & Antoniuk 2008) and ecological problems
(Sechman et al. 2013).
The ERT method enables 2D andeven 3D characterization of subsurface. Themethod
augments the capabilities of two more traditional methods: DC resistivity sounding, also
known as Vertical Electrical Sounding VES (Keller & Frischknecht 1966) andelectrical
profiling. The DC resistivity sounding method is dedicated to the investigation of the resistivity distribution invertical direction andelectrical profiling inhorizontal direction. In
the traditional methods the results of studies are interpreted in 1D model category (VES
method) or simplified 2D quality models (electrical profiling).While theERT allows 2D/3D
geology structure recognition (Dahlin 1996).
The ERT method requires a placement of a proper number of electrodes at an equal
distance from each other. Usually about one hundred electrodes are used, which are joined
with a multi-core cable with a resistivity meter system. The meter system is linked with
acommutator, which allows plumbing inany four electrodes tothetransmitter-receiver part.
Thechoice of electrode, their connection andinitiation of measurement is usually realized by
digital control with alaptop computer. Themeasurement is carried out by assuming ameasurement scheme (module) and most frequently is beginning from the smallest one. After
the value of apparent resistivity for a concrete point has been obtained, the measurement
array is moved along thesurvey line inaccordance with theformerly defined measurement step. When thearray achieves thelast measurement point, thesame process is repeated
for alarger array. In most cases thesurvey is realized tocomplete theset of measurements
(Loke 2003).
The result of ERT study is usually shown intheso called Apparent Resistivity Pseudosection (ARP), which is afunction of thesize andtype of themeasurement array, measurement point location andresistivity space distribution. TheARP reflects andqualitatively
approximates thegeological structure. Thequantitative information is received by inversion.
Through theinversion (solution of reverse task) the2D distribution of interpreted resistivity
is received as function of depth anddistance. In thefinal survey phase, geological interpretation is carried out by an attempt toassign aprobable lithological character totheinterpreted
resistivity distribution.

Characterization of near-surface sediments based on...


The Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method in the south western part of
thefoot of theWawel Hill (Krakow, Poland) was applied. Thesurvey was carried out along
five survey lines (P1P5), 50m long each (Fig. 1). TheWenner alpha array with spacing
a= 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m, 2.5 m, 4.0 m, 5.5 m, 7.5 m, and10.0m was used. Thebasic
electrode spacing was 0.5 m. Thefield survey was performed with thelaboratory resistivity
meter system GEOMES-RR5, which was adapted tothefield survey.
The field data were interpreted with the Res2Dinv software (Loke 2003). A standard
(smoothness constrain) inversion was applied tothefield data although robust inversion options (Loke et al. 2003) were tested, as well. In order to simplify the characterization of
thequaternary sediments, 1D interpretation was done (Mocicki 2008b). In this method, we
assume that we can choose (in an arbitrary way) some windows inapparent resistivity pseudosection, where we can estimate thelocal geological structure (assuming that thegeological structure is layered inthecase). For thechosen window theaverage Vertical Electrical
Sounding (VES) curve is calculated. In thenext step, theVES curve is inverted with theuse
of standard software for 1D inversion (Mocicki 2008a). In this case, IP2Win software (Bobachev 2001) was used. Theprocedure for theP1 profile was applied.

The Wawel Hill on theleft bank of theVistula River reaches on 228 meters above thesea
level. TheHill is also adominant element inthepanorama of thecentral part of Krakow.
On thetop of theHill there is theWawel Royal Castle, which used tobe theresidence
of thePolish Crown (Rotter et al. 2005). At present theplace is on theUNESCO World Heritage List, because it has always played aparamount historical andcultural role for Poland
andEurope (

The simplified geology setting is shown in Figure 1. Structurally, the Wawel Hill is
a horst of Jurassic limestone (Tyczyska 1967). In the Miocene the area, and especially
grabens were covered with clay deposits, which subsequently were almost completely eroded.Thickness of theclay deposit inwells inthevicinity of theWawel Hill is not more than
1.5 m. TheQuaternary sediments rest above andare represented by fluvial andgracial sand
andgravel, which are covered by thesoil horizon (Kmietowicz-Drathowa 1964). Theshallowest part of geological structure is represented an anthropogenic layer. Its relatively high
thickness, especially at the foot of the Wawel Hill, is probably related to a high number
of buildings of defensive character inthearea. This type of development can be observed
inthepicture of the18th century (Rotter et. al. 2005).


M. wiklik

Fig. 1. Location of thestudy area andsimplified geology

The groundwater inthevicinity of theWawel Hill is related totheaquifer hosted by

jointed and karstified Jurassic limestone. The water table is almost on the same level as
theVistula River (Kleczkowski 1964).

Qualitative analysis
The field data was presented as apparent resistivity pseudosections (Fig. 2A) andcontours (Fig. 2B).
In apparent resistivity contours andsections low andhigh resistivity zones are shown.
Thehigh resistivity zone HR1 is visible intheshallowest part of thesection on all survey
lines (P1P5). This zone is evident on apparent resistivity contours for spacing a= 0.5m.
For higher spacing value thenext high resistivity HR2 zone dominates clearly inthesurvey
lines P4 andP5.

Fig. 2. TheERT data qualitative analysis: A) apparent resistivity pseudosection;

B)apparent resistivity contours for different spacing

Characterization of near-surface sediments based on...



M. wiklik

The low resistivity zones (LR) dominate inthedeeper part of thesection, especially on
theprofiles (P1P3) located intheclose neighbourhood of theVistula River.
The available geological data suggest that limestone should be expected inthedeeper part of the study area. As a result, the value of apparent resistivity should increase for
thelargest spacing range. Nevertheless, it is noticeable for theP1P3 profiles, only.

Quantitative analysis
The inversion data was presented as interpreted resistivity cross-sections (Fig. 3A)
andcontours (Fig. 3B).
An evident change inthegeoelectrical structure between theP3 andP4 profile might
be observed. Close totheVistula River, on theP1, P2 andP3 profiles, sediments which have
resistivity value to 150 m predominate. Closer to the Wawel Hill dominate sediments
theresistivity value of which is about 400 m.
On theinterpreted resistivity cross section thefollowing zones were distinguished:
Zone A theshallowest one. Theresistivity value reaches about 400 m. Thethickness is variable anddoes not exceed 0.5 m.
Zone B the resistivity value between 100 and150 m. Thezone reaches about 2m
below theground.
Zone C it is thezone with theresistivity value above 400 m. Thezone is thethickest on theP5 profile anddominates there. Thesituation is similar on theP4 profile. On
profile P3 thezone piches out laterally.
Furthermore, the af zone was distinguished on the profiles P1 and P2. This zone
should be identified with inversion side effects. Theresistivity values marked inthis way
are less reliable.
In order to estimate general hydrogeological setup, the simplified 1D inversion
was applied for the P1 profile, which is the nearest to the Vistula River. In the Figure
4B1 and4B2, for earlier chosen windows (W1W4) two interpreted variants are shown.
Thepossibility of existing arelative high resistivity layer (300 m) for thefirst variant was
checked. This resistivity value was fixed intheinversion. For thefirst variant (Fig.4B1)
four layers were interpreted for thefirst two windows. This sequence is different for windows W3 andW4 where we can observe only three layers. In this case theuppermost high
resistivity layer disappeared. Thelowest layer has resistivity from therange 3136m.
The second variant of theinterpretation is shown on theFigure 4B2. In this variant it
is assumed, that thewater table is 5m below thesurface. Theresistivity of thelast interpreted layers is very similar totheprevious case. Theintermediate layer, which is marked
with orange colour inthewindows W3 andW4, has greater thickness andlower resistivity
than inthefirst case. For thewindows W1 andW2 this layer has lower resistivity andis
relatively thick.

Fig. 3. Results of theERT data inversion with Res2Dinv: A) interpreted resistivity cross section;
B)interpreted resistivity contours for different depth levels

Characterization of near-surface sediments based on...



M. wiklik



Fig. 4. Analysis of theERT data for theP1 survey line: A) apparent resistivity pseudosection;
B1)andB2) variants of thesimplified 1D analysis; C) results of theERT data inversion

On apparent resistivity contours (Fig. 2B) andsections (Fig. 2A) thelow andhigh resistivity anomaly zones were revealed inthequalitative way. Thelow resistivity zones dominate

Characterization of near-surface sediments based on...


on profiles P1P3 located intheclose neighbourhood of theVistula River. Partially it may be

theeffect of influence of water from theVistula River. Thehigh resistivity zone dominates on
survey lines P4 andP5. It is probably theeffect of superposition of local geology andtheinfluence of thelimestone Wawel Hill.
The ERT interpretation may be explained intwo ways. For thefirst variant respective
zones A, B andC were assigned only alithological character.
The first zone was marked as A. In term of resistivity value, it may be assumed that it
is thezone of accumulation of theweathered limestone fragments from theWawel Hill. It is
also possible that high resistivity zones have an anthropogenic character related totransformation of thevicinity of theWawel Royal Castle.
For the zone B resistivity value is 100 m. Considering the geological information
shown inFigure 1 water bearing sands can be expected at this depth (Kleczkowski 1964).
On the interpreted resistivity contours and pseudosections zone C was distinguished.
Itmay have alimestone character. Thehigh value of resistivity inthis place can be explained
as theeffect of influence of thecalcareous hill.
In the second way it was assumed that the interpreted geoelectrical zones not only
result from theinfluence of thelocal geology. This situation is probably much more complicated andit is connected with an existence of people inthis area for hundreds years.
The next variant assumes that zone B is related to anthropogenic activity in this
area. In general, thezone may be theeffect of redevelopment andreclamation (importing soil or other materials from other areas). Relatively low resistivity value may be
the effect of rising dampness of this zone. The C zone may be the effect of evolving
morphology of thearea. Thezone does not have tobe identified with theappearance of
limestone. Probably it results from accumulation of calcareous debris inorder toflatten
this area.
Identification of sharp geological boundaries from the results of 2D inversion
is difficult. It is related to the chosen inversion method, smoothness constrain least
squares method, which was applied. Themethod assumes smooth resistivity distribution (Loke2010).
The first interpretation variant (Fig. 4B1) shows that C zone may have acontinuation
on theP1 profile. For theP2 andP3 profile thezone seems tobe absent. It may be theeffect of theappearance of an underground infrastructure, which may give alow resistivity
anomaly. Theanomaly can mask presence of theC zone.
In thesecond interpretation variant (Fig.4B2) it was assumed, that theground water table is approximately on the Vistula River level (Kleczkowski 1964). Therefore
in1D interpretation thetop of thelayer, which is identified with theaquifer (5m below
thesurface), was fixed. Thenumber of theinterpreted layers is identical as intheprevious case. The resistivity and thickness of the shallowest layer are almost the same as
inthefirst variant. That is related tothenarrow range of equivalence for thefirst layer
(Koefoed 1979).


M. wiklik

The analysis of theERT results suggest thefollowing:
An evident change inthegeoelectrical structure between theP3 andP4 profile is observed.
The shallowest zone has the thickness of about 0.5 m and resistivity value about
400m. From thegeological point of view, these are probably zones of accumulation
of weathered limestone fragments from theWawel Hill. It may be possible that high
resistivity zones have anthropogenic character.
Deeper, thezone of water-bearing sand was distinguished. Its thickness is very variable.
On theprofiles P4 andP5 thezone is about 2m below thesurface. For other profiles
thethickness is probably even bigger. Thezone may be also theeffect of redevelopment
andreclamation of this area. Relatively low resistivity value may be theeffect of rising
dampness of this zone.
On profiles P4 andP5 below thewater bearing sands lie thehigh resistivity zone. From
thegeological point of view it may be limestone. Thetop of limestone complex continues up to1.5m below thesurface. On profiles P1, P2 andP3 thetop lies at least 5.0m
below thesurface. This zone might be theeffect of accumulation of calcareous debris
inorder toflatten this area.
For theP1 profile average depth of water table was estimated. It is about 5.0m below
The simplified 1D inversion shows also that C zone may continue on theP1 profile.
The resistivity distribution inthis area is theeffect of thelocal geological structure as
well as has connection with an anthropogenic activity.
The author is grateful to dr. Wodzimierz Jerzy Mocicki for sharing the field data
(project no. as well as for his help, useful advice andsupport during work
on theproject.
The work was financially supported by Deans Grant no.

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