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Web Quest rationale:

Language teachers and education researchers have learnt and

develop methods and theories ought to be applied and understood in
a classroom context. On recent years, special attention has been put
on the approach and how it is based on a classical theoretical point
of view [Blooms Taxonomy and Costas Levels of Questioning are
great examples], on such a critical way that adapts to students needs;
This web quest intends to bring closer some of these adaptations on
an integrated fluent set of activities developed to be accessed by any
language teacher. The main challenge on developing a useful web
quest was making it flexible enough to be easily adapted to any
teaching style, this is because each teacher in its complexity is very
specific on the pros and contras that one can find on an specific
teaching method [Classical or not], so it will be up to the teacher to
be creative with the resources and the transitions proposed between
this web quest lessons, the main goal should lead students to
communicate and all approaches/methods are tools for the teacher
to create knowledge among the students, but after all is their quest to
find how to get students motivated and involved.
As I grew up in the States and Colombia Ive experimented different
teaching styles, different methods to approach English, which led me
to design a web quest based on interests I have found highly
attractive to students but at the same time flexible enough that there
can be an involvement of specific and measurable dynamics such as
grammar and writing topics or comprehension and critic thinking, the
idea is to get rid of the concept of an steady and framed lesson.
This kind of resources are appealing for educators that want to think
their lessons differently integrating different areas as technology,
poetry, rap and pop music, hot /trendy topics which are easily
connected on a web quest. Some of these allows teachers to left preconceptions behind and develop interesting learning experiences,
which by the time students start to develop, will be potentially a
useful thing to set a difference on a classroom, even though some of
the methods are very precise on the aims and the way to obtain
them. English teaching is an ever-evolving subject and for that matter
it will be accurate to innovate in the right contextual conditions, as
this web quest has been developed as a way to approach a second
language, it is very important that the potential of the exercise get
the teacher to brake traditional language practice. Students every
day surroundings, and perspectives are useful from to make a
difference between following a regular lesson through a web based
resource or make from it a whole experience.

In order to achieve this goal, any teacher should have a base

knowledge on how to effectively bound planning and connection
between lessons with intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that are
going to be added to the project from the core, and hybridize this with
solid goals derivate from all the classic methods that any language
teacher should master. There are so many different knowledge that
can be implied in the Web quest that you cannot possibly just do it
about Grammar rules that are easy to learn deductively; Colombian
students have learnt grammar rules by memory, and then practice
this rules by doing grammar drills and translating sentences to and
from the target language. Some researchers have concluded that
more attention is been paid to the form of the sentences being
translated instead to their content. When Colombian students reach
more advanced levels of achievement, they may translate entire texts
from the target language, average tests often consist on the
translation of classical structures. There is not usually any listening or
speaking practice besides the same mechanical listen and response
and very little attention is placed on pronunciation or any
communicative aspects of the language. For our actual context this is
not enough in order to get through students that are facing changes
in the way we understand bilingualism, and education, so this must
be take in to account when planning uses for this web quest, cause
were not in the 90 anymore, There is more to be implied than just
some fixed methods, all methods are created with a very specific set
of things on mind. Another important matter in the process of making
the web quest is that the role of teacher in the web quest is like an
orchestra leader, directing and controlling the language behaviour of
her/his students. She/he is also responsible for providing her/his
students with a good model to realize the Quest. The role of the
students is they are imitators of the teachers model directions and
respond as accurately and as efficiently as possible. So it would come
helpful to the teacher that his/her students know a second language
in order to get the patters that are needed to provide models
through innovative ways. This web-quest may seem at first hand
simple somehow, but I have learned that the use of the word
"Quest" is also significant, as is based on the premise that the teacher
should be a guide in the quest in order to encourage the learner to
produce as much language as possible. But yet again when teachers
meet educational reality; if you stare a web quest with no soul the
students are not going to take you seriously arent they? So it comes
inn pretty handy to know when to be silent, but when to speak and be
a director of an orchestra involved in the dynamic response to all
those methods gladly these methods and approaches are not a politic
party, so any teacher can use them freely in order to get this
groove to their own unique version resulting from this web quest,
and most importantly to the students that are learning how to
effectible communicate in the real world in order to get in touch with
a foreign language.

Finally a conclusive statement for this Quest would be for any

teacher interested in the use of this resource is that its ok to use any
common sense as a teacher and even use intuition in order to
effectible make a cool web-quest, An enjoyable experience for
successful language learning. First language acquisition takes place in
a stress-free environment, according to Asher, whereas the adult
language-learning environment often causes considerable stress and
anxiety [that I personally dont consider this mandatory to be
generalized]. The key to a stress-free learning is to tap into the
natural bio-program for language development and thus recapture
the relaxed and pleasurable experiences that accompany first
language learning by focusing on meaning interpreted through critical
thinking, rather than on language forms studied in the abstract. In the
end, is what you take out from all the experience you get as a teacher
and build with it your own web quest what matters, beyond a quest
that proofs that a teacher knows all of these theories crystal clear and
can repeat them all over and over, which seems to be some modern
orthodox teachers goal, specially on Colombian education faculties.
As a result of this, students are expected to be at least interested in
the way the web quest is connected with urban and pop culture
trends, as well as the braking point which can be set by the teacher
involving students in new ways on topics that could have been seen
through all their school education, these topics presented in the web
quest are to be related in a variety of ways, depending on the teacher

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