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Configure and Maintain Industrial Control

System Networks

Student Reference

First revision October 2013

Current revision, Version 2.3, 20/December/2013
Copyright 2013 Innotech. All rights reserved.
Author: Innotech Systems Trainer

Office Address:
Brisbane Technology Park, 12 McKechnie Drive
Eight Mile Plains, QLD, 4113, Australia
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PO Box 292
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UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

control system networks. V2.3

Table of Contents
Contact ___________________________________________________________________ 2
Overview _________________________________________________________________ 7
What is a Building Management System (BMS) _____________________________ 8
HVAC system control _____________________________________________________ 8
Controls Basics _________________________________________________________ 10
The Controls process __________________________________________________________ 10
Control example _______________________________________________________________ 11

Breaking down the control process _______________________________________ 12

The Sensor ____________________________________________________________________ 12
Temperature Sensors __________________________________________________________________
Sensor locations ______________________________________________________________________
Sensor cables _________________________________________________________________________
Cable earthing and types _______________________________________________________________
Where to tie the earth point _____________________________________________________________
Network Cable Screen _________________________________________________________________
Typical wiring example _________________________________________________________________


The Controller _________________________________________________________________ 21

Staging controller ______________________________________________________________________ 22

The Controlled Device _________________________________________________________ 24

Direct Digital Control (DDC) ______________________________________________ 28

DDC Theory Basics ____________________________________________________________ 29
Common Terminology _________________________________________________________ 30
Typical Analogue inputs and output terminations to a MAXIM DDC __________________________
Input properties _______________________________________________________________________
Input scaling using the Uni Curve. _______________________________________________________
Outputs ______________________________________________________________________________
Output block properties ________________________________________________________________
User variables ________________________________________________________________________
Analogue Value User Variable __________________________________________________________
Digital User Variable ___________________________________________________________________
Auto/Off/Manual User Variable __________________________________________________________
Sample DDC Input / Output diagram _____________________________________________________
PID Loops ____________________________________________________________________________
Loop rules ____________________________________________________________________________
PID Loop Error ________________________________________________________________________
Proportional Loop output _______________________________________________________________
Large error control _____________________________________________________________________
Loop integral __________________________________________________________________________
Global points __________________________________________________________________________
Schedules ____________________________________________________________________________


DDC networking _________________________________________________________ 52

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

control system networks. V2.3

The Primary Network___________________________________________________________ 52

The Sub Network ______________________________________________________________ 54
Networking rules ______________________________________________________________ 56

DDC Programming _______________________________________________________ 60

Building Programs _____________________________________________________________ 61
Program Logic ________________________________________________________________________ 62
Block programming basics ______________________________________________________________ 67
Checking configs ______________________________________________________________________ 67

DDC Access Codes ____________________________________________________________ 68

Software Checklist _____________________________________________________________ 69
Control Logic Options _________________________________________________________ 72
Program functionality __________________________________________________________ 73
Program 1- Starting an A/C Unit _________________________________________________________ 73
Program 2 Reverse cycle AC control ___________________________________________________ 77
Other common blocks __________________________________________________________________ 80

Config Watches _______________________________________________________________ 83

Adding Watches using the Designer _____________________________________________________ 84

Config Macros _________________________________________________________________ 85

iComm and DDC communications ________________________________________ 88

iComm Simplified Topology ____________________________________________________ 89
IComm connections ___________________________________________________________ 90

Connecting to a DDC_____________________________________________________ 92
Viewing the DDC address via the HMI ___________________________________________ 92
Checking the Baud rate of the DDC via the HMI __________________________________ 92
Physical connections __________________________________________________________ 93
RS 232 Connection ____________________________________________________________________
RS 485 Connection with a USB adaptor __________________________________________________
TCP Ethernet connection _______________________________________________________________
iComm connections ____________________________________________________________________


Downloading a program to a DDC _______________________________________________ 98

Setting the iComm path in the application _______________________________________________ 100
Network Troubleshooting Guide ________________________________________________________ 103
Troubleshoot flowchart ________________________________________________________________ 104

DDC Simulation Basics _________________________________________________ 106

What is simulation? _____________________________________________________________ 106
Introduction to the simulator __________________________________________________ 106
Simulator Features ___________________________________________________________ 107
Keypad Functions ____________________________________________________________________ 108
Menu Structure_______________________________________________________________________ 108
Monitoring and adjusting I/O points _____________________________________________________ 109
UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

control system networks. V2.3

Simulating Analogue Inputs ____________________________________________________________ 110

iComm Simulator connection __________________________________________________________ 111

Using MAXMon to view a live DDC configuration ________________________________ 112

Introduction to MAXMon ________________________________________________ 114

I-Windows____________________________________________________________________ 117
I-Window Trends _____________________________________________________________ 118
Modifying Block Parameters ___________________________________________________ 120
Calibrating a Sensor __________________________________________________________ 121
Adjusting a time schedule _____________________________________________________ 121
Adjusting a Setpoint __________________________________________________________ 122
Back up the DDC Config with MAXMon _________________________________________ 123

Innotech Products ______________________________________________________ 126

IMT Series ___________________________________________________________________ 126
Micro 3000 Series _____________________________________________________________ 128
IPC & IMC Series _____________________________________________________________ 129

Digital Controllers ______________________________________________________ 130

MAXIM Series ________________________________________________________________ 130

Glossary _______________________________________________________________ 136

PRODUCT SUPPORT ___________________________________________________ 142

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

control system networks. V2.3

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

control system networks. V2.3

This reference covers the basic principles of Building Management Systems (BMS) and HVAC
controls utilising Direct Digital Control (DDC) products.
The content focuses on the basics to provide the reader an insight into the fundamental
process and terminologies used throughout a BMS.
Building management systems are constantly evolving and are becoming a common factor
when integrating a buildings HVAC installation and the control of field equipment.
The DDC recommendations in this manual revolve around the Innotech Maxim series of DDC
product. This guide can be used as an initial point of general BMS reference and should
provide the reader with a solid foundation for further learning in this field.

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

control system networks. V2.3

What is a Building Management System (BMS)

Prior to Control systems, buildings that were occupied by people, such as large office spaces,
required a building operator or manager to constantly adjust the operation of various aspects
of the building services.
Some of the building managers duties may have included,
Starting plant equipment prior to building occupancy
Shutting down the equipment during un-occupancy periods
Monitoring and adjusting the system to ensure the correct comfort conditions
were met
Performing data recording for historical reporting
Check system operation and locate faults
Switch lighting on and off
Ensure the HVAC plant did not run during weekends or holidays
Activate after hours control as required
As these tasks were manual in operation, on occasion some tasks may have been forgotten or
overlooked. Not to mention if the building manager was absent or sick, who would carry out
these tasks.
Fortunately, controls systems were being introduced that provided some form of reliable
control for the manager. Even though the early systems were primitive, they could carry out
some of the tasks and alleviate some of the decision making from the manager. Over time as
technology progressed, more and more of the tasks assumed by the builder manager became
integrated into the building via clever controls systems.
The early systems were mainly analogue and pneumatic (systems using air pressure devices),
then came the introduction of early Direct Digital Controllers (DDCs). From this point the way
in which the controls system was integrated into the building, was only limited to the owners
budget and requirements.

HVAC system control

Many aspects of a HVAC installation can be controlled by the BMS. As the popularity of
DDCs and the control methodologies they offer increase, so too are the applications that can
be integrated.
Essentially the DDC has provided an enhanced way for engineers to create simple or complex
control programs to control different aspects of the HVAC system installed in a building. A
fundamental process of this type of control integration is to provide the building manager with
wealth of information and potential energy savings. A correctly installed and engineered BMS
can provide these features.
Energy saving routines, when correctly implemented in conjunction with the appropriate field
equipment, can provide the customer with a payback sum over a period of time, essentially
paying for the initial BMS cost, then continuous future savings with correct maintenance
Other important factors for the building owner are items such as remote access, alarm
reporting and energy analysis. All these scenarios are capable of being implemented with a
BMS installation
UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

control system networks. V2.3

Section 1
Controls Basics
This section focuses on the basics of control theory
and implementation in a HVAC environment.

After this section, you will be able to

Have a basic understanding of the control process

Describe what a sensor is and its use
Understand where sensors should be located
Describe how a controller works
Describe what a controlled device is and how it can be used

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

control system networks. V2.3

Controls Basics
When controlling HVAC equipment, initial design and a control strategy can be beneficial in
ensuring the controls will suit the application. There are many benefits to installing controls on
a building or mechanical plant.
Controls can offer

Maintaining optimum control of internal comfort conditions

Possibility of individual room control
Effective monitoring and targeting of energy consumption
Improved plant reliability and lifecycle
Effective response to HVAC related complaints
Identifying potential problems ahead of time

The Controls process

When describing the controls process, we can look at a simple flowchart. The simplified
diagram below shows a continuous process of sensing, deciding and controlling various
parameters and variables. This is referred to as a feedback process or loop.

When a controls system is installed in a typical Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning

application, the controls process is utilised in many areas.
A control loop, no matter how simple or complex, always contains three essential elements,

The Sensor
o Senses the environment where it is installed.
The Controller
o The decision maker.
The Controlled Device
o Driven by the controller in response to the decision.

Figure 1 The essential control elements

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control system networks. V2.3

Figure 1 illustrates the controls process in action. Each component forms an integral part of
the process. The temperature sensor measures a variable that is passed on to the Controller.
The controller then makes a decision based on its configured parameters that in turn send a
controlling signal to the controlled device, in this case a damper actuator.
Note that the example in figure 1 shows an analogue controller in this process.

Control example


The Sensor
and Controller

Figure 2 Fan coil unit with simple temperature control

The sensor and controller can be combined as one item to simplify the installation
requirements. Figure 2 shows a sensor/controller combination that is controlling the fan coil
chilled water valve. Some devices take this a step further and allow on board time clock
control, in addition to other configurable parameters.
This control process is continually monitoring changes in temperature to ensure that a set
point is maintained. In integral part of this process is feedback. We will discuss feedback in a
later chapter.

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Breaking down the control process

The Sensor
A sensor can be described as a device providing a signal for detection or measurement of a
physical property to which it responds. The sensor, upon sensing a change in the medium
being measured will vary its output to the attached controller.
There are such a wide variety of sensors available and used in HVAC applications, it would be
beyond the scope of this document to cover them all. We will focus on a select group that are
commonly used.

Temperature Sensors
These are the most widely used sensor. Although they can be found in different shapes and
styles, they essentially perform the same function. That is to sense a temperature and provide
a signal to a controller.

Figure 3 A wall mount and Duct mount temperature sensor

There are two common types temperature sensors used in HVAC applications,
A resistive sensor uses a Thermistor that has special temperature and resistance
characteristics. Depending on the Thermistor, they can be Negative Temperature Coefficient
(NTC) or Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC).
Essentially, an NTC Thermistor, or sensor, shows an increase in resistance as the
temperature decreases. For a PTC Thermistor, the opposite occurs. Figure 4 shows a sample
Temperature over resistance chart for NTC and PTC sensors.
NTC Thermistors are the most common sensors used for control processing in HVAC
Current sensors offer a different signal to the Thermistor version. Rather than a simple
Thermistor, the current sensor utilises a circuit board and emits a current signal back to the
controller. A benefit of this style of sensor is the fact they are linear in operation at all
temperature levels and suffer less from drift requiring less calibration. A drawback is the cost
of developing these sensors and the processing required at the controller input.
Current sensors are usually reserved for special purposes in a HVAC application where extra
precision is required in temperature readings.

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Figure 4 Temperature/Resistance graphs

Figure 5 Current sensor temperature graph

A special note to consider is that these sensors cannot be used in place of one another. You
cannot use a current sensor in place of a Thermistor without changing the controller input
configuration. Care needs to be taken when replacing an older sensor for a newer model.

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control system networks. V2.3

Other types of sensors include humidity and pressure. Often the signal output from these
types of sensors are 4-20ma current or a 0 ~ 10 DC voltage. They will often require external
power to operate the sensor internal circuits. A 4-20ma sensor however can be internally
powered from the controller, and only requires a 2 wire install.

Sensor locations
Sensors can only measure and report the conditions at the location they are installed. If the
sensor is incorrectly mounted, it can have a dramatic impact on the control of the effected
zone, and depending on the design, the HVAC system.
Lets have a look at the following example. The sensors in this satiation have had little thought
in their placement. Zone 2 can cause Zone 1 to either over cool or heat the space.

Figure 6 - Incorrect zone sensor locations

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Other examples of poor sensor location can be seen in the following images.
Here the sensor can pick up the
radiated heat load of the office
equipment. As the photocopier is
in operation, heat is generated
and then radiated to the sensor.
The only option is to relocate the
sensor or the equipment.

This may seem like a good

location for a sensor however,
solar loading on the wall and
window can influence the sensor
reading. The inclusion of a
mounting block under the sensor
may assist to reduce this effect.

A return air duct sensor has been

installed close to the unit.
Unfortunately, the outside air
intake will pass outside air over
the probe. In this situation, the
bend in the duct can also cause
air to bypass the sensor. This can
cause the unit to over cool in
summer and possibly overheat in

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control system networks. V2.3

When mounting a sensor on a cavity wall, the cable penetration must be sealed. Warm air
passing through the cavity can be passed over the sensor resulting in a higher reading than
the actual room temperature being measured.

Figure 7 Sensor cable penetration

This procedure is often overlooked and is a good place to check when a control issue occurs
for a problematic zone.

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When installing pressure detecting sensors to ductwork or pipe work, consideration needs to
given to correct placement.
Duct pressure sensors should sense a minimum of 6 duct diameters from the nearest bend.

Pipe differential pressure sensors should sense a minimum of 6 pipe diameters from the
nearest bend.

Both air and water have mass and inertia, when a bend is introduced to the flow
characteristics, vortices can form a dead area close to the bend resulting in poor
measurements and as a consequence, poor control.

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control system networks. V2.3

Sensor cables
An important aspect of sensor installation is cabling. Care must be taken to ensure the correct
cable is used and is installed correctly to reduce the possibility of erratic or poor operation.

Figure 8 Shielded cable on a sensor

Shielded cable is recommended for all types of controller inputs. For a complete reference and
guide, refer to the Innotech cabling manual available from the Innotech website.
The shield of the cable needs to be correctly terminated for it to actually perform its intended
function. The normal termination point for an input cable shield is at the controller end. Only
one end must be grounded. If both ends are grounded, the shield will not function and can
impair performance acting as a storage area for noise or Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF)
generated by adjacent cables carrying a voltage.

Cable earthing and types

There are three main earth types we refer to, these can be classed as,

Bonded, hard or clean


The definitions listed refer to Innotech networks, although can be used as a general guide for
most communications networks.
A Bonded or clean earth is defined as a low impedance earth point with little or no chance of
conducted noise, either already present or likely to be created when bonded to a circuit. For
our reference, we mean that there is no potential difference to true earth.
A Soft earth is where there is a path to earth via a circuit. This provides a tie to earth so
potential differences are minimised. This path has a higher impedance than a bonded earth.
Soft earth is often used in 24 V supplied devices. The tie to earth is in fact a tie to 0V as
there are no dedicated earth terminals available. It is therefore expected that the 0V is earthed
near the supply transformer. This is the most common earth type used.
Floating earth simply means that there is no path to an earth point at all, not even a soft earth
path. A floating device has no earth.

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Where to tie the earth point

It is imperative that the screen is earthed at one point only and this is defined as any point
along a network that is the best earth point along its length. The best earth point is the point
with least amount of earth potential fluctuations. I.e. A controller in the basement of a high rise
building is closest to a good earth point than a controller in the plant room on top of the roof.
While there are internal jumpers on some devices to link the S terminal internally to earth,
there are variants in hardware types and revisions, simply connect a bonded earth as shown
externally. This will suit all installations, regardless of age. If a repeater is installed each side
of the repeater is to be treated as a separate standalone network and each must have an
earth connected.
Note: when there is more than one connection point to earth the screen becomes a conductor
and no longer performs correctly. Care should be taken to ensure only one bonded earth point
is ever connected on a primary network. Refer section 1-7 for details on use of a Repeater in a
primary network.

Network Cable Screen

The screen on a primary network needs to be continuous. That means it remains unbroken along its
entire length. As there is one S terminal on a typical primary network device both the global and net
screens are to be connected to this tie terminal.

Multiple device earth connection the continuous shield is grounded at only one point.

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Note that the 24VAC transformer has a grounded secondary. This

provided a reference earth point for the controls devices and sensors.

Typical wiring example

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The Controller
Controllers have the bigger task of processing the signals from the sensor, and providing a
valid output signal to drive the controlled device.
If we look at a simple analogue style controller, we can separate the process within the device
Setpoint, the value that we wish to maintain.
Dead Band, the value around the setpoint where the controller takes no corrective
Proportional Band, the amount the variable must change by in order for the controller
to reach full demand of its controlled device.
Ramp or Alpha, an adjustment to null the controls reaction (speed or response) to
We can view this process graphically.

Figure 9 The proportional control process, Temperature example

The nomograph in figure 9, illustrates the proportional only process from a cooling and heating
perspective. The dead band is a crucial aspect of the control process, as is the actual value
used. If it is too small, the transition from the cooling and heating cycles will be too abrupt
causing erratic operation. If the dead band is too large however, the transition will take too
long and there will be a lag in performance.
The proportional band is another important aspect that requires correct setup. This of course
will depend on the control application. A large proportional band will require a greater shift of
the sensor from the setpoint to provide an output signal. A small proportional band will have
the opposite effect and result in a quicker response from the controller from a smaller shift.

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Staging controller
When a staging signal is required at the controller output, we can view the operation as in
figure 10.

Figure 10 Staging proportional control process, Temperature example

As shown, the proportional band ramps have been separated into two distinct areas (stages)
of operation. Stage 1 will provide a relay closure when the proportional signal exceeds 50%. If
the signal continues to climb, the next stage will activate when the signal exceeds 95%.
Upon a reduction of the proportional signal, Stage 2 will disable when the signal drops below
45% and stage 1 will disable as the signal reduces below 5%. If more stages are required, the
ramp is segregated into smaller segments to allow for the stages required.
As in the previous example, all other parameters such as dead band need to be properly
configured for correct operation.
Incorrect settings can cause the following symptoms in control function,
The controlled devices hunt or erratic in operation
o Proportional Band setting is too low

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control system networks. V2.3

The system quickly changes between heating and cooling

o Dead Band setting is too low

The system behaves sluggishly

o Dead Band and or the Proportional Band are set too high or wide

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control system networks. V2.3

The Controlled Device

Generally the controlled device does not make any decisions, that task is assumed by the
The controlled device can be as simple a contactor or relay, or more complex such as valve
and damper actuators, Variable Speed Drives (VSD), solid state relays, etc.

Figure 11 Controlled device examples

A relay is either On or Off and can control other relays or devices. The relay is
switched by a low voltage from the controller.
A contactor is a larger capacity relay that can switch three phase voltages to start
motors or other higher voltage equipment. The controller should use a pilot relay to
switch the contactor on and off, and is not usually directly connected. This can offer
some isolation (protection) between the low current controller output and the higher
current contactor control. (Check the controller datasheet for more information
regarding the DDC output requirements and recommended termination).
A VSD can be used to regulate a motors speed by varying the frequency being sent to
the connected motor. These devices can be enabled (Start/Stop) by the controller in
addition to the controller sending a signal (0~10vdc) to the VSD to regulate the motors
speed, hence the term variable speed.
An actuator is a motorised device that can be used to drive dampers used in HVAC
ductwork. They can come in various sizes (power and torque) to drive small to large
dampers, valves and other devices requiring rotational or linear drive methods. A 0~10
vdc signal is used to drive the actuator (modulating), although 24vac can also be used
on some models to drive open and closed.
Think of a controlled device as an item that the controller (DDC) output can control via a
signal, either analogue or digital (binary on off).
Depending on the application, the correct cabling installation procedures may need to be
observed for reliable operation.

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control system networks. V2.3

Additional recommendations
We can make some general recommendations for typical installation procedures. These can
help reduce the likelihood of problems occurring, such as operation and communications
Is my wiring correct?
o If you experience control issues, ensure the controls are wired correctly.
Sometimes incorrect wiring such as crossed polarities on the supply voltage
and communications cables can cause unreliable communications and control.
Also check the type of cable used, particularly for inputs. The cable should be
shielded and grounded at one common earth point.
Cable runs
o In addition to the above, always try to avoid long parallel runs of low voltage
cabling with high current carrying cables. Try to also keep clear of devices
known to be electrically noisy, e.g. Variable Speed Drives (VSDs).

VSDs can produce electrical interference due to the inherent nature of the way
the device operates. The installation requirements for VSDs are paramount
and needs to be correctly observed.

Control Parameters
o Ensure control parameters are set correctly and not necessarily as narrow or
wide as possible. This will not always result in the most efficient control. Most
control parameters are factory set and do not need adjustment. If you feel you
need to adjust these values, start wider and work back gradually.
Read the datasheets / manuals
o When you require more technical information about a device or product, often
the datasheet that was included with the device is overlooked. These
documents can contain important installation information that should not be
ignored. The suppliers website should provide a softcopy of the datasheets
and possibly an installation manual.
User confidence?
o Be confident in what you are doing and ensure you have a clear goal and
outcome. Having a good understanding of the product and its capabilities, can
boost your confidence. If in doubt, checking the datasheets and manuals is a
good place to start.

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UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial


control system networks. V2.3

Section 2
Introduction to the DDC
In this section we discover the Direct Digital Control
device and briefly look at how they function.

After this section, I will be able to

Describe what a DDC is and have a basic understanding of
the functions they can perform
Describe several common terminologies used by a DDC
Understand the fundamentals of how PID Loops function
Describe some basic programming blocks used in a DDC

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial


control system networks. V2.3

Direct Digital Control (DDC)

In this section we will focus on the DDC and how it operates in a Building Management
System (BMS) when controlling HVAC equipment.
Analogue vs. DDC
When comparing analogue control processes to DDC, the methods used to achieve the
desired functions are very similar. Several differences between the two technologies are,

The advent of the DDC allows a much greater scope of building integration extending into high
level applications that would be difficult or impossible to implement with analogue controllers.
Projects such as High Level Interfaces (HLI) and energy management and analysis become
achievable with a BMS installation.
Building integration has been an important part of many DDC projects. Remote access and
alarm reporting are also important for building operators, service providers and BMS
engineers. A correctly installed BMS can offer remote access via internet connection opening
a new level of access and control for the operator.

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DDC Theory Basics

To understand how a Building Management System (BMS) controls a typical HVAC system
via a DDC, we need to breakdown some of the fundamental terminologies and functions used.
We will focus on some key areas of a controllers functionality. Covering the basics of a DDC
should provide a solid foundation for further research of these types of systems.
Generally DDCs from various manufacturers have common functionality. They may be
programmed in different ways, although the end result will often involve similar processes and
functions. We can look at a DDC as a microcomputer that can be programmed to perform
many functions. This often involves analysing inputs and controlling field equipment via
outputs, as shown in figure 12.

Figure 12 A Maxim DDC

Figure 13 A simplified view inside a DDC.

A DDC out of the box comes in a factory default state. Essentially, it only contains the
information for basic operation. The engineer configures the DDC for the required operation.
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Common Terminology
There are many acronyms and terms used with building automation systems. We will focus on
some of the most common expressions used with DDCs.
Inputs field devices wired into the controller
Outputs field devices controlled from the controller
User variables user adjustments such as a setpoint
Loops a feedback process that will control an output via a input and setpoint
Global points the ability to share information from one DDC to another DDC
Schedules time clocks inside the DDC
Inputs can be either Analogue or digital (binary). Typical inputs used are,
Temperature Sensors Thermistor
Current Sensors/Transducers 4-20ma
Binary Status Digital On/Off
Voltage 0-10vdc

Typical Analogue inputs and output terminations to a MAXIM DDC

Analogue input

A standard analogue input, in this example a temperature sensor is wired into the DDC. Note
the use of screened/shielded cable for the sensor input. The 24vac powers the DDC.
Analogue output

A standard analogue output. The 0-10Vdc signal can control many different styles of field
devices. The 24vac powers the DDC.
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Input properties
An input on a DDC contains various properties that enables the engineer to configure the
required characteristics of the field device (sensor) to suit the application.
As an example, a temperature sensor which is usually a resistive type of device, will require a
different setup to a pressure transducer, which can provide a voltage signal to the DDC.
Without these configurable properties, this operational difference could not occur.

Figure 14 The universal input properties window

The input type must be correctly configured to provide a valid reading via the DDC. The
example in figure 14 shows a temperature sensor connected to input #1. The Offset data field
provides a calibration point. Often sensors require calibration to ensure the actual reading
corresponds to a manual reading taken with a certified analogue meter or device. The offset is
entered as a value calculated from the observed actual reading and the indicated DDC value.
The offset can be positive (add to the DDC reading) or negative (take away from the DDC
The fault limits can be used to generate a fault when the sensor connected to the input
exceeds these limits. If a fault occurs, the operator can be notified that a fault exists, and then
take corrective action. This needs to be programmed into the DDC.
What if the sensor provides a voltage or 4-20ma signal?
An example of a voltage signal could be a humidity sensor. The output signal of the device
can vary from 0 to 10 Vdc, where zero volts indicates 0% humidity and 10 volts indicates
100% humidity. We need to somehow tell the DDC how this sensor is scaled. This is referred
to as a sensor curve or scaling characteristic.
Typically, we cannot directly use a 0-10vdc or 4-20ma signal from a sensor in the DDC
program. If the signal is 4.9890 volts, how does the DDC know what the real world value
should be?

A configurable input can be classified as a universal input as it can be configured for

different types of field devices. Never connect high voltage or current signals directly
to the DDC input, damage will occur to the DDC.
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Input scaling using the Uni Curve.

Uni Curves provide the ability to convert or rescale a 0 ~ 10vdc input signal from a sensor, to a
real world value that can be used in the DDC program.
Uni curve example
If we take a humidity sensor that will provide a 0~10vdc signal, the data sheet for this device
indicates that at 0 volts the reading should be 0 % RH and at 10 Vdc, the reading should be
100% RH. Knowing this piece of information is crucial to setting up the Uni Curve parameters.
The first step is to configure the DDC input.

The input is a standard 0~10vdc signal into the DDC, therefore the input type has been set to
0-10 Volts DC. The next step is to add the Uni Curve block.

The input and output fields of the Uni Curve are configured with the required scaling values for
the sensor. In this example, the inputs are 0 and 10, and the outputs are, 0 and 100.

As this is a linear scale, we can interpret any value from the input axis to the output axis.

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An output from a DDC is used to drive or control a field device via internal decisions made by
the DDC. Outputs can be either analogue or digital. Some common types of controlled devices
can be listed as,
VAV Damper Actuators 0 to 10vdc
VAV Heater Relays or Solid State Relay Digital or 0 to 10vdc
Chilled Water Valve Actuators 0 to 10vdc
Chiller Enable Relay Digital On/Off
Pump Enable Relay Digital On/Off
Fan Enable Relay Digital On/Off
Caution needs to be taken when controlling high voltage (240vac) equipment. The DDC
should not directly control a high voltage directly. Damage can occur to the output if a voltage
is connected to the output. Normally a pilot relay will be used to interface to the voltage as
required. This provides a buffer point and isolates the DDC output from high currents and

Output block properties

The analogue output contains several configurable properties.

In this example we have an analogue output. The input can be any signal that varies from 0 to
100, although the output will be a signal that varies from 0 to 10. At the DDC physical output, 0
is 0 Vdc and 10 is a 10 Vdc voltage. An output cannot provide a negative signal.
Two configurable fields are the Disable and fault values. The disable value is sent to the
output when the enable input signal (binary point) is Off. The fault value is sent to the block
output when the fault input signal (binary point) is On. Both these parameters can offer many
programming advantages For example, the fault signal could be derived from a fire mode, and
then drive the VAV closed.

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A Digital output has slightly different properties.

As with the analogue output, the digital block also contains enable and fault values. The
engineer selects the mode for each as required.
The force values can be used for testing purposes during system commissioning. For normal
operation, the block is not forced.

User variables
User variables provide a way for an end user or operator, to make manual value adjustments
to a program. This can be made from the DDCs display (HMI), or a software application.
Typical applications for a User Variable are,
Set points
Adjustment of a system variable
Auto/Off/Manual switches - Software
A setpoint is a value that you wish to maintain. When controlling a rooms temperature, we
need to set a value or set point. This is then used as the reference point for the control
User Variables can be Analogue or Digital (binary) and can be used wherever user input is
required in the DDCs configuration.

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Analogue Value User Variable

The Min and Max values, set the Lower, how low can the operator set the setpoint, and Upper,
how high the operator can set the setpoint. These values should be set wisely.

Digital User Variable

Basically provides an On/Off control variable. This type of user variable can be setup to
provide a pulse, i.e. turn on for a brief period then turn off, handy for a reset switch.

Auto/Off/Manual User Variable

Upon each press, the Variable status cycles between On, Off and Auto providing a software
selector switch.
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Sample DDC Input / Output diagram

The image below depicts a typical DDC termination diagram or footprint. The Input and Output
names are displayed via the actual names given to the Point name during the Config creation
Each DDC variant or model have Input/Output (I/O) limitations. As shown here we have only
one Universal Input (UI) and two Digital Outputs (DO) spare. This needs to be taken into
consideration when designing the DDC installation.

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control system networks. V2.3

PID Loops
The PID loop, forms an essential part of the control process. To begin to understand how we
utilise this block, we need to breakdown the operation behind the loop.
What is a Loop and where is it used?
A Loop is a software block that will allow the control of an output while monitoring the status of
an input and compare it to a setpoint. If we were to look at how a loop thinks, lets visualise the
task of filling a bucket with water so that the water level is exactly at the brim and wont
Our first task is to open a valve (the Output/Controlled Device) to start filling the bucket with
water, and then monitor the level of the water (the Process Variable) until it has reached the
top of the bucket (the Setpoint). We must then close the valve once the top has been

Figure 15 Understanding the PID loop process

The process of filling a bucket has many variables,
How fast do we fill the bucket?
How quick do we turn the tap off before reaching the top of the bucket?
If the bucket had a leak, how often do we need to open the tap to refill the bucket
to the top or desired level?
If we need to empty the bucket, how fast do we need to react?
If the water pressure increased while filling the bucket, how do we handle this
We need some form of adjustment to control these variables. The PID bloc has many
properties to help us obtain good control. Of course, if the properties are not correctly
configured, the PID loop control may be erratic.

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The PID control process can be applied in many HVAC applications, such as,

Controlling a rooms temperature

Staging compressors

Heater control

Chilled water valve control

Cooling tower fan control

A loop can be used in any situation where you need to

control an output, to a setpoint while monitoring an input.
Controlling a rooms temperature seems like a simple procedure. When you break down the
tasks required to achieve this, you find that the overall process is made up of a number of
decisions and is repetitive.
Lets have a look at the control sequence required to control a rooms temperature with a
chilled water Fan Coil Unit (FCU).

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Temperature control task list

Figure 16 Feedback control task flowchart

The Loop provides the decision process of the flowchart. We need to advise the loop of the
required parameters and how to use them. A basic proportional loop operates in the same
manor as the analogue control process we observed earlier in this guide. There are other
parameters we need to be aware of.
P Proportional. The Proportional factor gives an immediate response that is directly
proportional to the error. The larger the error in magnitude, the greater the Loop response will
I Integral. The Integral factor is the term that allows the PID Loop to eliminate steady-state
errors. Increasing the value will allow the error to be eliminated more quickly, although may
also result in overshoot of the desired Setpoint value.
D Derivative. The Derivative factor gives the PID Loop a forward looking input since it is
based on the slope of the error. A larger value will reduce overshoot and settling time,
however will also make the system less responsive to short term fluctuations.
In HVAC applications, P and I loops are the most common type utilised.

General space temperature
Space temperature (VAV)

Loop Control Mode


Supply Air temperature

Chiller Staging or temperature control


Static Pressure


VSD Control


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PID loop analogy

Imagine that you are in a boat heading for shore. Just off the shore will be the desired setpoint
so that the front of the boat will just meet up with the dock. You can see the shore from the
boat and the wind is blowing you away from shore.

Loop rules
A loop must have an input Process Variable (PV)
A loop must have a setpoint (SP)
An output signal will only exist at the loop output, if there is a difference between the
PV and SP (error), either positive (Direct Acting) or negative (Reverse Acting)
Essentially, a loop when in operation is constantly correcting an error between the process
variable and the setpoint. How quickly it corrects this error can depend on the application. In
HVAC systems, not a lot will happen in 60 seconds, so most of the control processes are slow
to change over time.

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PID Loop Error

The error component of loop operation is important in the overall operation and calculations
operating inside the loop. We can break down this observation as three separate items,
If there is no difference between the PV and the SP then there is nothing to calculate,
the loop error is zero.
If the difference between the PV and SP is positive in value, then the loop will provide
a Direct Acting signal to correct the error back to zero.
If the difference between the PV and the SP is negative in value, then the loop will
provide a Reverse Acting signal to correct the error back to zero.

Figure 17 Loop error graph

The graph in figure 17 shows how the Process Variable can change over time. One constant
that normally does not change, until it is changed by the operator, is the setpoint. As the PV
drifts above and below the setpoint, an error of difference is generated. This is pure
mathematics that is programmed into the Loop block.
All we need to remember is that if an error exists, the loop will attempt to correct this over
time. The loop will constantly monitor this state over time, hence the name Loop.

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Proportional Loop output

The most common loop used is the proportional loop. We can view this type of loop in the
following graph.

In this example, the loop output is directly proportional to the Error between the PV and SP.
This is referred to as a Proportional loop. Note that this graph can be interpreted as direct or
reverse acting.
If we have an error of 1 (one), the Loop output will be 100%. An error of 0.5 will provide a 50%
Loop output, hence the linear nature of the Loop.
When the difference between the PV and SP are small, as shown in the graph, the
proportional only control will suffice. However, when the error grows and is rapid in operation,
a proportional loop can not provide adequate control. To overcome this we need to introduce
another factor to the loop calculation, Integral.

The proportional
band in this example
is adequate for
normal temperature
variations in HVAC

The PID properties window

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Large error control

An example of large error control is static pressure. An error of 1 Pascal (Pa) would be
negligible in the overall control process. Generally we may encounter errors of 50 Pa or more.

If this were a Proportional only Loop, the error is so large that the loop cannot function

You may be tempted to increase the PB out to 100 to slow down the control process and
improve the Loop operation, in practice however, this method will not provide the best
General Rule: for large error offsets, the PB should be 1.5 x the setpoint. Start the
integral at 5% then tune both values from there.

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Loop integral
Think of the Integral Constant as a box that the loop stores all the measured error values in.
As the error can be positive or negative, the box is either filled or emptied over time.
When the Integral Constant functions correctly in the control loop, the box is nearly empty.
When the error is so small that the proportional factor is no longer effective, Integral is busy
collecting the error until it is large enough to take effect.
An inherent part of the Integral action is to eliminate error over time.

As long as an error state exists between the SP and the PV, no matter how small, the integral
component will increase the Loop output to correct the error.

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Even though the error has dropped to zero, as it has not fallen below the setpoint, gone
negative and past the dead zone, the loop output will provide a signal.

The PV has now fallen below the setpoint, the loop reacts by driving the Loop output to zero.
An important factor that must be taken into consideration is that all this is occurring over time.
The PV would normally be varying constantly as the environment it is located changes.
A static pressure sensor in a duct will be changing value as the system is dynamic. If the
system did not change or remained constant, we would not need to control it.

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Global points
When DDCs are connected together, or networked, we have the opportunity to share
information around the system. This feature can impact on the performance of the BMS and
reduce cost of the overall system as we can reduce our physical inputs and cabling
This sharing of information is possible with the use of Global points. Global's are used when
you require sending common (Analogue or Binary) information around the network. This could
be a temperature or a binary ON/OFF status.
Global's can save time and installation costs as you are using the BMS topology to share this
information around the network.

Figure 18 Global signals

The way we use or program Globals is fairly simple. We need a Global Transmitter and a
Global Receiver. Figure 18 shows the elements required to make global signals work.
A Global Transmitter can be located at any DDC on the network. The blocks label, in this
example OA Temp is critical for the operation to succeed. The Global Receiver can be on any
other DDC that requires this value in the configuration. Hence, only DDCs that require the
signal would have a Receiver, any which did not require it, would not have that Global
Receiver programmed.
Note that the Receivers text label is identical to the Transmitter. This is commonly referred to
as label matching. For the Global data share to work both block labels, block names, must be
identical, in this example we have OA Temp as the Global Transmitter block name. The
Global Receivers block name in another DDC, must also be called OA Temp for the data to
be shared.
For more information on DDC networks, refer to the networking section of this

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control system networks. V2.3

Global blocks

Each block has its associated properties. The most important property is the block name. For
the receiver, we can set a fail value. This is important as if the network fails we need to advice
the local DDC a failsafe value.

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Comparing installations
We can compare two systems, one that does not use Globals and another that does.
System 1 No Globals used.

Each DDC has its own temperature sensor to advise the outside air temperature. This type of
common information is what Globals are intended for.
System 2 Using Globals

By using our Global points, we can share the outside air temperature sensor with all other
DDCs installed on the network. Over a large BMS installation, this can equate to considerable
cost savings as we do not require a large number of sensors to be installed.

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Schedules allow you to set and adjust operation times for selected HVAC equipment such as,
AHU/AC fans, lighting, exhaust fans and other equipment requiring time clock switching.
Holidays and exceptions can also be easily adjusted by the operator.
Think of a schedule as a time clock inside the DDC. A DDC can contain many schedules for
controlling a wide range of field equipment.

Figure 19 An example weekly schedule

Weekly schedule editor

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Yearly schedule editor

Schedules are often used together to allow the operator flexibility for the unit being controlled.
Feeding the Yearly Schedule into the Weekly Schedule allows the week day programming and
holiday programming. If a holiday (or exception) exists in the Yearly Schedule, it will override
whatever is programmed into the Weekly Schedule.

Note that you can have more than one Yearly Schedule feeding into each
other. This can provide multiple years of holiday scheduling.

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Section 3
DDC Networking
This section focuses on how we connect DDCs
together and form networks.

After this section, I will be able to

Have an understanding of why we network DDCs
Understand how DDCs communicate and share information

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DDC networking
To enable a collection of DDCs to share information, or to be monitored via an operators
terminal, we need to connect them to form a valid network. Two or more DDCs can be
networked and very large networks can have many devices installed.
Why network DDCs

Share information, such as Ambient temperature / Humidity

Energy management cost savings $$$
Monitoring and remote access via the internet
Alarm handling
Chiller plant control
Many more..

The Primary Network

The Primary Network is the main network that connects DDCs together. Global
communications are used to share program information around the network.

Figure 20 Networked DDCs

A large BMS installation can have many networked DDCs. They may consist of different types
of controllers, as shown in figure 20, however they will all communicate to each other once
The DDCs must be connected, wired together, correctly for the network to function. There are
other rules that also apply which we will discuss further in this section.

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The Primary network consists of two different communications channels,

Net Comms
Enables each DDC to communicate with each other, this is referred to as Peer
to Peer communications.
All DDCs must be connected as per the installation procedures. This is a daisy
chain topology.
Baud rates must be the same for each DDC on the network.
Each DDC must have a unique physical address.
Global Comms
Enables information to be shared across the network between devices
Must be connected as per the installation procedures.
Receive and

Figure 21 DDC primary network connection

The Primary network must be correctly cabled, this includes the polarity of the connections.
Any cable not terminated correctly, will cause the DDC not to communicate or fail the entire

Figure 22 - Multiple device primary network connection

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The Sub Network

Sub networks are used to segregate parts of a primary BMS network. This can improve BMS
communications efficiency as local communications stay within the local group. Multiple sub
networks can coexist on a large BMS installation.
Essentially, all devices included on the sub network, are still part of the BMS network,
although local communications are handled by a gateway then distributed to the primary
network for all other DDCs to share if required.

Figure 23- Sub Network

An advantage of using a sub network as shown in figure 23 is if this were a typical site, the
VAVs (VM01s) would normally be located around the floor. The Primary network connects
the DDCs together and is normally connected at the plant room. If the sub network cable was
cut between the VAVs, it would only effect that connection and not the Primary network, thus
provides a buffer helping to prevent comms loss on the main network.
All devices on the sub system network have End of Line (EOL) termination jumpers and must
be correctly set as shown below. The first and last devices will have the EOL jumper set to the
enable position.

Figure 24 Sub System Network End of Line terminators

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If the subsystem network comprises of more than 32 devices, a repeater device must be
installed on the network, after the 31st device. Note that the repeater will account for a sub
system device and thus will take one address location. Up to 64 devices can be installed on
the Sub network.

Figure 25 Sub System Network with a repeater

Network Topology
The diagram below shows a Topology (installation map) of the Innotech DDC products.

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Networking rules
Some rules we need to consider when networking multiple DDCs are,
The primary network has a maximum number of allowable DDCs. With Innotech
devices the allowable address range is 1 to 128.
All DDC addresses shall be unique. No two DDCs are to have the same address. If
two devices exist with the same address, they will cancel out and not be seen on the
Each DDC on the network needs to be set to the same baud rate. The baud rate,
determines the speed at which the communications are sent around the network. The
allowable baud rates are,
Net 9600 / Global 4800, or
Net 57600 / Global 38400
If a device is set to a different baud rate, it will cease communications and not be seen
on the network.
All interconnecting cables for Primary and Sub networks shall be installed according to
the manufacturers recommendations. This includes cable specification and installation

Network Specification

Maximum Devices.
(prior to a repeater on
the Sub Network)

Baud Rate



Not normally required.

If required 31.


Sub System




Network Type

Cable Length.


Cable Specifications
Primary Network Minimum Requirements
2 twisted pairs AWG24 (0.205 mm2) Equivalent to the Belden Part #8102
Stranded core type is recommended. (7 strands of 0.193 mm)
Conductor resistance 80 Ohms / km or less
Overall Foil screened cable with a wire drain
Less than 50pf capacitance per metre between conductors
Less than 80pf capacitance per metre between conductor and screen
Impedance 100 120 Ohms
Sheath thickness 0.8 mm

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Cable Specifications
Sub System Network Minimum Requirements
1 twisted pairs AWG24 (0.205 mm2)
Stranded core type is recommended. (7 strands of 0.193 mm)
Conductor resistance 80 Ohms / km or less
Overall Foil screened cable with a wire drain
Less than 50pf capacitance per metre between conductors
Less than 80pf capacitance per metre between conductor and screen
Impedance 85 115 Ohms
Sheath thickness 0.3 mm

Innotech recommends the use of cables specifically designed for RS485 networks. There are
many cables on the market that meet the specifications for RS485 networks. Best reliability is
achieved through a cable consisting of 2 individually shielded twisted pairs of low capacitance.
Such cables also provide excellent mechanical strength and lowest electrical resistance,
which is beneficial for maximum length cable runs.
CAT6 STP (Shielded Twisted Pairs), where each pair is individually shielded, are suited for
use with multiple RS485 communications channels such as the Innotech Primary Comms
network. Shielding is required because of increased pair to pair capacitance, which is the
primary culprit for Global/Net channel cross talk.

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control system networks. V2.3

Section 4
DDC Programming
In this section we look at how a DDC can be
programmed to perform control functions.

After this section, I will be able to

Describe a DDC program
Understand the basics of configuration logic
Understand how a program functions

Usually when quoting a job or attempting to understand how to control specific HVAC
equipment, we require a structured specification to work from. This may be a simple
text based description or as a wiring diagram depending on the complexity of control
The main objectives are to,

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DDC Programming
When a new DDC is powered up for the first time, it is at a Factory Default state. To create our
control programs we need to write them then transfer the completed program to the controller.
To create our program or Configuration (Config), we use a software package called MAXCon,
the configuration tool for MAXIM DDCs. MAXCon allows you to configure the DDC for any
suitable application. All programming is done via the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The software uses various blocks that are linked together to form the program logic. This is
commonly referred to as graphical programming. Once completed, the program can be
transferred to the DDC then the operation can be confirmed by careful monitoring and testing.

Figure 26 MAXCon Screenshot

We require a specific reason to create a program. Graphical programming tools, such as
MAXCon, enables the quick generation of simple or complex program strategies in an easy to
understand fashion.
What is a Configuration (config)?
A configuration is all of the information necessary to provide a DDC with instructions on how it
should operate. Before you can begin creating a configuration, you must know what you want
to achieve by using the DDC. Only then can you instruct the DDCs function by its program.
Remember that a DDC out of the box is a blank controller with only the basics for initial
operation, or Factory Default.

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To create the initial program or perform system modifications, we must have some information
to build from. This should include,

A specification or system description of operation

A completed and current points list

An equipment list with locations of equipment

Any notes you have about the installation, e.g. what scheduled times the AC
needs to run, afterhours run times, any user adjustment requirements.

Building Programs
Depending on the application, we use a config to instruct the DDC on how we need to monitor
inputs, and then control outputs to suit the control operation. We could view the DDC program
and logic in a simple example.

The input, Switch room temp, is being monitored via a comparator block. This is compared to
a User Variable, Switch Rm SP. The Digital output, EX1 Fan will enable if the conditions are
met at the Comparator. The Off Delay block will delay the fan off, providing a run on time.
Although this is a simple program, all can be read in a similar manor, they just contain more
parts or areas of program logic.
Most programs are read from left to right (Inputs to Outputs). When fault finding
however, you are usually working from right to left!

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Program Logic
In this example, we have a mechanical representation of a simple control circuit. The
temperature controller provides a signal to the delay timer, which then controls the fan

Once wired, any control changes needs to be carried out physically. i.e. the control operation
is set and if we need to add a new operation parameter, such as a time clock, it will need to be
installed in the appropriate location.

With DDC control, we can modify the control operation on the fly. Any control or operation
parameter changes can be easily made and tested.

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The fan is enabled via the DDC pilot relay R1. Any changes in how the relay is enabled can be
easily modified via the DDC program. Note the use of the low voltage relay. Never switch high
voltage directly via the DDC relay.

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To construct a program, we use various blocks available to create a logical flow of control
We start with our required Inputs and Outputs, or I/Os, then add in the logic to make the
control flow occur.
One method to determine our control logic is to write our control requirements in a plain
English language description. For example,

The switch room temperature shall be monitored.

If the room temperature raises above a setpoint (adjustable), initially set to 23C, the
switch room fan shall start.
When the room temperature falls below the setpoint, the fan shall be disabled then run
on for 60 seconds.

When reading this type of control description, with experience you will start to build the
program in your mind and forms a basis of good programming skills.
So from this description above, we know that we will need,

A temperature sensor input.

A Digital output to control an external relay.
A user adjustable setpoint.
A method to check or compare the temperature to the setpoint and make a decision.
Provide an off delay when the control signal is disabled.

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Using Labels
When designing the program, using a logical layout and labels will go a long way when trying
to fault find and diagnose a problem.
If the program is too complex or the layout is messy, the program may be difficult to read or
trace. For example, connectives (labels) can help simplify the look of a program. Take the
example below.
Although this is a simple example, it is demonstrating that lines are used to link blocks
together. We can eliminate cross page links by using labels.

In this version the link from the Fan Enable output to the XOR logic block has been replaced
by a Label. This can help simplify the config when attempting to work out the logic flow.

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One aspect of creating a program is to ensure that it will actually do what was originally
intended. The DDC does not care how the program will function, it is only concerned with the
fact that program syntax is correct for download and operation. If your program makes no
sense but has the correct programming rules, it can be transferred to the DDC.
A good starting point when creating programs, is to keep them simple and to the point. The
following example is case in point,

This program may initially look very complex, however, upon closer inspection we can see that
both outputs and the alarm are being fed from the same point, the comparator, which is begin
fed from the Emergency Press Input. The logic in-between these points, is over complex
probably not required. We could revise the program as follows,

The revised program is much easier to read and understand the function. If we needed a
delay between the input and output, we could add one extra delay block.

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Block programming basics

Some general rules when connecting or thinking about logic functionality can be simplified as,
A Blocks Digital (Binary) Output is either On (1) or Off (0)
There is no in-between
A Digital Output should be enabled from a Binary signal
Binary outputs expect to see a binary value of 1 or 0 (zero)
Selected Blocks Analogue Outputs can be any floating value, including negative,
zero or a positive value.
This can be tested in the simulator
Some Block Analogue Outputs can only range from 0 to 100
The PID is one such block
An Analogue Output should not be directly driven from a binary value
A value of 1 wont drive an output very far
A DDC Analogue Output can only provide zero to ten volts dc
A DDC cannot provide less than 0 or more than 10VDC at the output terminal
The list presented here are the mere basics and many more common sense rules could be
created. As your programming experience grows, your common sense knowledge will also
grow as to prevent unavoidable programming mistakes.

Checking configs
During the configuration creation process, apart from continuously saving your work, the
config should be checked for errors. There are many types of errors that can be generated
during the build process.
Common errors are,

Missing or incorrect label connectors between pages

Missing watches on blocks

Incorrectly connected lines between blocks, dangling lines

Deleting a block and not removing the connectives used elsewhere

We can check our program using the built in tool in the config editor and a few other methods,

Using the check config command in the editor

Using a simulator to test the operation and logic

Running the program through all scenarios

Have an experienced staff member check your work

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When you have a live site with multiple DDCs running, you must ensure that you
follow some common sense rules,
Ensure that you download configs to the correct DDC
Check twice and recheck, if you download to the wrong DDC you will
need to recover from a backup, this will also cause issues with
equipment operation
Backup all configs prior to downloading
Prevention is better than the cure
Upon downloading, ensure that the correct baud rate is selected
Check iComm to make sure that the DDC is alive after download
If you loose power during a download, the controller could become corrupt. If
this occurs, usually you can recycle power then re-download the program.

DDC Access Codes

For a majority of DDCs, you have the option to add access codes to the DDC config. Adding
these codes can help prevent unauthorised access and modifications to certain DDC
parameters as any modifications would require the user to enter the correct pass code.
Use Access Codes
When this option is checked the access codes on device will be enabled. It is unchecked by
default, which means that access codes will be ignored.
Only Supervisor code required
If this option is selected access is allowed to the User level without any restrictions but to get
to the Supervisor level the user has to enter the appropriate access code (Supervisor code).
Both User and Supervisor codes required
If this option is selected access to both User and Supervisor level is allowed only after the
appropriate access code is entered (User and Supervisor code respectively).
Default access codes
When you create a new configuration, MAXCon fills in two default access codes - one giving
access to a User level, and the other giving access to a Supervisor level. Access codes are
disabled by default.

We do not recommend adding access codes to the config. If you

forget your access code for a controller, you will need to contact an
Innotech office to retrieve the lost code. This may incur costs.

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Software Checklist
The following software checklist will assist the engineer ensure that the required software is
available and used when creating a DDC program.


Create and modify DDC
Configurations, New or existing.

5.70 or higher


Monitor and commission DDCs

installed standalone or on a

5.70 or higher


Innotechs communications
server. Required for Innotech
software to communicate to
Innotech hardware.

1.30S or higher

MAXim Bundle

Installs all of the software

products listed above.

5.70 or higher

The above software can be downloaded and installed via the combined installation file, Maxim
Bundle, available on the Innotech website under the software downloads page,

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Section 5
Programming Logic Fundamentals
This section focuses on the logic of a simple program
to form an understanding of how programs function.

After this section, I will be able to

Describe several common DDC blocks functionality
Understand how to make user adjustments from a HMI
using watches
Describe a config macro and how they are used

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Control Logic Options

We have many control logic operations available to us when designing a program. For
example, to control a Supply Fan output on a DDC.
Here are some options that are possible for the above scenario.
Digital User Variable. Although this could work, it does not offer the best control method as it
relies on an operator input to decide when the fan should run.

Weekly Schedule. A better option would be to control the fan output via a weekly schedule to
time clock. This allows an automated start and stop function.

Weekly Schedule with user input. In this version we have the weekly schedule OR the
Digital User Variable controlling the fan. At first glance this may appear to be good program
although taking a closer look we can see some problems.
The weekly schedule will provide a start / stop signal in addition to the Digital User Variable.
The decision is made by the OR logic. If the User Variable stayed ON, what would the fan

In the revised version below, the user now has the option to activate the after hours via a
pushbutton, which provides a timed run period, OR the fan will be controlled via a
programmable Schedule. This includes holiday programming offered by the yearly schedule.

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Program functionality
In this section we will look at some common program scenarios when controlling HVAC
systems. We will look at each example and breakdown how they work at a block level.

Program 1- Starting an A/C Unit

In this sample program, we are enabling a Supply Fan. This enable is derived from a Time
Schedule or an afterhours request. If initiated from the after hours, the signal will be held on
for 2 hours. The fan status will be monitored and if there is a mismatch between the fan status
and the OR Block (AC1 Supply Fan label), the alarm block will be activated.
The control enable is derived from both the fan status and the signal from the OR logic block.
This signal is used to enable cooling or heating control for the unit and acts as a safety
A Log block will Log or record the status change of the fan status. As the fan transitions from
Off to On, this is logged as a state change and stamped with time and date. When the fan
transitions from On to Off, this will also be logged as a state change. This can be used for fault
finding or troubleshooting the system control.

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Logic breakdown
The Latch block.

The Log Block

The Log block is used when data logging is required. Any property or block value can be
logged. If the point is digital, it will log on Change Of Value (COV). An analogue value can be
set to log at a variety of intervals from one second to one hour. The logged data can be
extracted and viewed with software.

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The Logic Block

Logic blocks provide a way of making a decision. There are different logic calculations to suit
various applications. We typically use Logic blocks to decide what to do upon the state of

In this example, the XOR Logic is monitoring the values of both the supply fan enable, and the
actual fan status. If they are both on, as they would be in a normal situation, the alarm (AC1
Fan Fault), will be off.
However, if the fan status dropped off, then the mismatch between the two status inputs will
trigger the alarm after a short delay. This will also be true if the fan status remained on and the
fan enable was off. This could occur if the fan was placed in manual.

Logic comparison table

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The Delay Block

Delay blocks allow you to delay points On or Off like a timer. A Typical use for a Delay Block is
to run the fan on upon time clock shutdown. You are free to use this block anywhere a delay
operation is required.
The delay time can be Seconds, Minutes and Hours. If required, the delay time value can be
input as a User Variable, which can be adjusted from the HMI or software application.

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Program 2 Reverse cycle AC control

A PID Loop is monitoring the Temperature for AC1 and the corresponding setpoint.
Depending on these values, the PID may provide a signal to either the Direct Acting or
Reverse Acting loop outputs. The PID is enabled from the control enable derived from the AC
unit start program, monitoring the fan status and time signal. If this enable is Off, the PID will
not provide a control signal.
The Multiplexor (switch) monitors both the outputs from the PID. The function of the switch is
to enable the compressor for cooling or heating, as this is a reverse cycle unit. The switch is
controlled via the heating mode signal. If the hysteresis that is fed of the reverse acting signal
from the PID, is active and the reversing valve is energised, the same signal will switch the
PID value through to the compressor and will start after a short delay.
The temperature sensor is logged to allow historical analysis.

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Logic breakdown
The Hysteresis Block
The Hysteresis block converts an analogue signal to a digital signal. This is typically used
when you need to drive binary outputs, from a PID analogue signal. The OFF and ON point
values depend entirely on the type of signal is being fed into the block Input.

Refer to the Config Block reference for a more detailed description.

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The Multiplexor Block

The Multiplexor block provides a signal switching function allowing you to switch the output
between any of the Input signals. The inputs are analogue signals and are selected by the
value of the Switch input.
In this example, when the heating mode is active, the value of 1 will switch the Multiplexor to
input 2, which in turn feeds through the heating signal from the PID to the reversing valve and
Note that the delay block is required to allow the reversing valve to energise prior to the
compressor start.

Refer to the Config Block reference for a more detailed description.

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Other common blocks

The Calculator Block
The Calculator Block allows you to create a mathematical calculation based on two analogue
inputs. This can be useful for many applications, such as scaling a pulse meter value where 1
pulse equals 5 litres of water.

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The Selector Block

By using the Selector block, we can choose between the Maximum, Minimum and Average
of 2 to 4 analogue inputs. Typically, we can feed in temperature Inputs, then average these to
provide the average room temperature.

We can feed any analogue signal into the selector, up to 4, and then derive the Maximum,
Minimum and Average, as shown below. If you need more, simply cascade them.

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The Alarm block

The alarm block allows a monitored input status to be triggered as an alarm. The alarm output
can then be used to trigger other events and also be seen on the controllers HMI or other
software application for alerting an operator to a fault condition.

Note that this block will only announce on the local DDC via the HMI or when using the
monitoring tool, MAXMon. If you need an audible alarm or strobe, you would need to configure
an output to drive these external devices. Some BMS software will also monitor these alarms
and display them on a graphical interface on a computer terminal. All these aspects need to
be considered when designing the project.

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Config Watches
What is a Watch?
A watch represents the current value of a block's output node - that is, the value at one of the
output nodes on any block on your configuration. You can display this value on one of the
function (Watch) pages of the MAXIM. On the MAXIM Series I and II, MINIMAX, VAVMax and
MicroMAX Controllers, each page can contain up to 5 of these watches and on the MAXIM
Series III and MAXIM 1010 Controller it can contain up to 10 watches.
It is possible for you to be able to see the current values for either 25 (MAXIM Series I, II,
MiniMAX, VAVMax and MicroMAX ) or 80 (MAXIM Series III and MAXIM 1010) different block
outputs. You can only assign one watch to a block's output node, although you can display
that watch on as many MAXIM function pages as you like.

Once you have added the required Watches to the Config blocks, we can open the Watch
page designer to configure our watch pages. The information is then available via the DDC
HMI and application software.

The Watch can be seen on the

DDC HMI, as shown in this

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Adding Watches using the Designer

To access the Watch page designer, select Watch Pages from the Config menu.

We can then add the watches from our config to the required pages in the designer. One of
our workshops will cover this design process.

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Config Macros
What is a macro?
A config macro is a prewritten segment of program that can be used to quickly create more
complex programs.
When you install MAXCon, it comes preloaded with some common macros ready to go. These
can be added to and customised over time as required.
Sample macro

The Macro number and version or Revision, is displayed under the macro name.
The advantages of using macros are,
Saves engineering time
Less chance of your program not working
Use trusted routines that work
You can build on the library for rapid future design

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Common Config Blocks

Refer to the block reference manual for more information.

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Section 6
iComm Fundamentals
This section focuses on the communications server,
iComm. This forms an integral component of DDC
communications to application software.

After this section, I will be able to

Describe what iComm is and how it works with DDC
When we need to use iComm

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iComm and DDC communications

Once a DDC is programmed and we are ready to transfer the configuration, we need to
communicate with the DDC or network. For us to achieve this connection, we need to use the
communications server, iComm.
iComm is the communications server used by application software to communicate with
Innotech DDC hardware. iComm needs to be installed on the computer that will connect and
communicate to the DDC or network of DDCs
Different types of connections exist within iComm, which provides different connection
Essentially, if you require communicating with Innotech products via a computer running
Innotech software, iComm is needed.

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iComm Simplified Topology

The diagram in figure 27 illustrates that the Application Software, such as MAXCon, will
communicate to the Hardware Devices via iComm. The application cannot link directly to the

Figure 27 Simplified iComm topology

Figure 28 iComm communications

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IComm connections
Essentially, iComm makes use of different connections to communicate to devices and
application software. The type of connection you use depends on how the computer will
physically connect to the DDC or network. The next section expands on DDC connectivity.
The Connections tab on the main screen of iComm displays all your connections and other
network related information. Highlighting any connection will display the devices installed and
their status.
The Connection types that are available are,

In the example screenshot above, we can see some actual connections used in iComm. The
connection ID 3 is currently connected and contains one MAXIM III simulator DDC. The list in
the screenshot represents the default connections when iComm is installed.

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Section 7
Connecting to a DDC
In this section we look at how to physically connect to
DDCs using various connection methods.

After this section, I will be able to

Connect to a DDC via different methods
Configure an iComm connection
Configure an application to connect to an iComm connection

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Connecting to a DDC
To connect to a DDC we require a few items of information to enable us to create a valid and
working connection in iComm. If the DDC has a HMI, we can easily find this information.

Viewing the DDC address via the HMI

Checking the Baud rate of the DDC via the HMI

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Physical connections
There are several methods of connecting to a DDC and can be determined by the available
connection types available on the actual DDC. Each model of controller can have the following
types of connectivity,
RS 485 Net comms
o Requires the use of a Gen2 USB converter
o Uses a USB connection in iComm
TCP/IP Ethernet
o Uses Ethernet patch leads and adaptors
o The computer must have a working Ethernet port
o Uses a TCP connection in iComm
RS 232 Serial
o Requires a Serial adaptor and lead
o The computer must have a serial port or serial port adaptor
o Uses a serial connection in iComm
Each connection requires a specific method to achieve communications from iComm to the
controller. We will have a look at these methods and how we can connect. As we have
previously covered, the computer must have iComm installed and operational.

RS 232 Connection
Used for Maxim I or some older controllers. The serial adaptor used is a DC01 patch lead.
This connection is for a standalone, non-networked, controller.

Note that the MAXIM I DDC is a standalone controller and cannot be networked.

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RS 485 Connection with a USB adaptor

This connection utilises a Gen2 USB converter. This is a special adaptor that wires into the
controllers communications port, and then connects to the computer via a USB connection.
The computer must have a USB port.
The USB converter uses driver software that must be installed prior to connection. The
software is included when the adaptor is purchased.

The advantage of this type of connection is that once you have established connection, you
can see the entire network of controllers. Typically, this style of connection is used on site
computers that are permanently connected to a BMS or by a technician who needs to
temporarily connect to the device or network.

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TCP Ethernet connection

A TCP connection takes advantage of the Ethernet port, if fitted, on the controller. An Ethernet
connection offers several advantages over RS485. Especially when dealing with remote
communications. One drawback with a TCP connection is for the operator or user, to have an
understanding of Ethernet and IT principles.

On a site installation with many controllers, the TCP connection will communicate with the
controller, and iComm will see all other networked controllers.

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iComm connections
Once the correct connection type is added in iComm, we need to configure the connection
properties. Below are some examples of connection properties.

Direct serial and USB

The network range tells

iComm how many DDCs
are connected on the
network. If we had four
DDCs connected, the start
or first device would be 1,
and last device would be 4.
In this example we only have
one DDC, so the first and
last devices are set to 1.

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For a TCP connection, we must enter the IP address of the DDC that we are connecting to.
This will then communicate to the controller using Ethernet communications.

Figure 29- A sample site with 2 DDCs and a TCP connection

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Downloading a program to a DDC

To enable the transfer of a program to a DDC from our computer, we must have a few items in
Once you have completed your program, we need transfer (download) this into a controller. In
this case we will be using a simulated environment. From the Innotech folder we will start up
the MAXim simulator and power it on.

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When the simulator is operational and we have the correct iComm connection created, the
device under the connection should indicate that it is alive.

If the simulator is not powered up, the device will appear as dead in the iComm connection.

To transfer the config to the simulator, we will need to setup the iComm path in MAXCon. To
achieve this, is a simple exercise.

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Setting the iComm path in the application

The application that we are using, in this case MAXCon, requires to be configured to ensure
that the correct iComm path is set. This step is important to make sure that we are sending
any configurations to the correct DDC on the correct site.
Keep in mind that we can connect to remote computers running iComm, and we do not want
to send information to the wrong device on another site.
The first step is to open the Communications setup panel from the application software.

For this example, we are using simulator devices. On a real site you would select the
connection that was physically connected with actual hardware devices.

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Next we can begin the transfer process.

On the next popup window, we click the Send button. This should open the confirmation
window. We can enter the device name, address and select the correct baud rate for the

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Once the transfer is complete, click the OK button to finalise the process.

Once you have clicked the OK button, we must reset the device and reboot the DDC. This
involves selecting the Reset MAXIM checkbox, then click OK. On the next screen, clicking OK
reboots the DDC and completes the process.

In a real world situation, the process is identical to the one described here, although you will
be dealing with live and running DDCs and equipment.
For other software applications such as MAXMon, the connection process is similar, iComm
will form an integral part of the software installation.

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Network Troubleshooting Guide

When you have issues talking to a device, or the device status is shown as dead in iComm,
there are some common steps we can take to resolve the issue. The tasks can be broken
down into logical tasks.


The troubleshooting cycle image above helps us to take a logical step by step approach to
help identify network or device problems. Usually we can identify a problem due to being
unable to communicate to a device, or a network of devices via a software application such as
iComm or MAXCon.
Any one of the items above can present a problem or a break in the chain of communications
or operation. Knowing how to approach the task of identifying a problem comes with
experience, although we can formulate a plan diagnose the problem as per the flow chart
illustrated on the next page.

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Troubleshoot flowchart

Although this flowchart may appear to be simple, it illustrates the most common
problems and items to check when resolving a device issue. In most cases, the issues
revolve around incorrect device settings and cabling / connection issues.

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Section 8
Simulation Basics
This section focuses on the basics of DDC simulation, which
is essentially running a program in a software virtual DDC.

After this section, I will be able to

Describe what a simulator is and how it is used
Make manual adjustments to a running simulator
Simulate analogue inputs for testing
Look at a simulator via MAXMon

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DDC Simulation Basics

What is simulation?
Simulation provides a method to test a DDC program in a software environment, prior to
actual download to the actual physical controller. This allows the program logic and
functionality to be fully tested in a virtual DDC on a computer. The benefits of this feature are
many, including,

Simulate analogue input readings to see how the program logic reacts
Test PID loop operation and sensitivity
Tweak parameters and make adjustments on the fly
Test logic operations and fault signal paths
Apply user variable adjustments and see the effect of the program operation
Reduce the change of damaging equipment due to erratic switching while testing

Introduction to the simulator

The simulator is a useful tool for program checking and diagnostics. To utilise the software
correctly we will need to understand some basic principles.
A simulator,
Behaves like a real device
Can simulate sensor readings
Can pass global points like a real network (using iComm)
o Only available with Gen2works Simulator Manager
Must have a valid program to function correctly
Are available for each Maxim and Genesis DDCs

Figure 30- A sample MAXIM 1010 Simulator

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Simulator Features
Each simulator has properties that can be adjusted or set to assist the programmer when
testing. These include,

Adjust Setpoints
Override Inputs
Override Outputs
Adjust User Variables
Modify Schedules
Navigate the Device looking at various parameters

The user can navigate the Simulator DDC using the HMI and keypad just like a real DDC.

The HMI can also provide visual cues as to the status of certain aspects of a running program.

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Keypad Functions
Each key on the simulators front panel has a function. These are listed below and
mimic the actual function on a real DDC.

Menu Structure
The menu structure that can be accessed from the HMI is listed below. All sub menus
are accessible from the main home page. Use the navigation keys to locate specific
areas and make adjustments.

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The Home Page is the initial screen you are presented with once the Maxim Series
Digital Controllers are powered up. This is home page from where you can navigate to
view or access other operations.

Monitoring and adjusting I/O points

Once the Simulator has a valid configuration, clicking the I/O button displays the Input
and Output panels. The panel content will vary according to the inputs and outputs
programmed in the Config.

We can make manual adjustments/overrides to Inputs by using the up and down

arrows in the relevant panel. The current value is displayed in the field adjacent to the
arrow buttons.

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Simulating Analogue Inputs

Another useful feature is the ability to simulate and automate analogue inputs. This
can provide a realistic way to test your projects. The feature needs to be enabled and
configured. This is a simple task.
First open the editor window by accessing the Configure Analogue input devices

Next we need to add the simulation parameters for the required inputs.

Once configured, the simulator will remember these settings even when the
application is shutdown then restarted.
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iComm Simulator connection

To transfer or download a configuration to the running simulator, a simulator
connection in iComm will be required.
Refer to section 7 on how to configure an iComm connection.
The device must be running for it to be seen in the connection Device list, as shown in
the example iComm image below.

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Using MAXMon to view a live DDC configuration

MAXMon provides a way to view a DDC program while it is in operation. This provides
numerous benefits for the engineer. Testing can be carried out and is often used as a
commissioning and service tool.

We will look at MAXMon in detail in the next section.

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Section 9
MAXMon Basics

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Introduction to MAXMon
MAXMon is a live monitoring and commissioning tool used to test and commission
Innotech MAXim DDCs via a graphical user interface.
MAXMon features,

Test Config functions using information windows (I-Windows)

Backup DDC configurations for safe keeping
Make minor modifications to Config Block parameters
Add live Trend graphs to any available I-Window
Provide a safe monitoring environment

MAXMon can be launched by accessing the shortcut located in the Innotech programs
group folder.

Once started the main screen will be displayed. To monitor a DDC, we will need to
setup the iComm connection.

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As with previous sessions, we will need to ensure that the iComm connection is
configured and the device we are going to monitor is alive. For this example, a MAXim
1010 DDC Simulator will be monitored.

The next step is to setup the communications path in MAXMon to view the DDC. This
is achieved via the Communicate menu in MAXMon.

Select the correct iComm connection that the DDC is installed on in iComm. For this
example, we have selected the simulator connection.

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We recommend performing a network search to ensure we are looking at the correct

controller network.

Next click the play button to select the device to monitor.

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In this example, MAXMon is monitoring a live DDC Config.

Once we are in a live session, we can place information windows or I-Windows in certain
areas to assist us in checking the controller logic operation.
Placing an I-Window on the Supply Fan Output

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I-Windows can be placed in the following locations.

I-Window Trends
Once an I-Window has been placed, we can open a live Trend graph to monitor values.
Simply double click the I-Window then select the Trend button.

The Trend has several adjustable parameters that can assist in the monitoring process. Right
click in the Trend window to open the Trend Window Settings panel. In addition to setting the
sample time and Min Max scale values, we can alter the trace colour. Make your adjustments
then click OK.

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Digital On Off values are also displayed via the Trend graph. As these are on or off, the graph
displays as a square wave, the on state is at the top then once the state changes, the off state
will be at the bottom of the graph.

Numerous Trends can be added during a monitor session.

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Modifying Block Parameters

During a Monitor session we can make minor adjustments to block parameters. Double
clicking a block opens the block properties window. Any values that are not greyed out can
be adjusted. To modify a value, simply enter the new values, and then click the OK button to
send the values to the DDC. To learn more about a blocks parameters, click the help button.

Use caution when making major adjustments to the Config. Certain parameters can have an
adverse effect on the operation of running equipment. Always make a backup of the config
prior to making adjustments. To back up the controller follow the steps further into this

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Calibrating a Sensor
A common task when servicing a DDC, is to calibrate a sensor. In this example we will
calibrate AC1 Temperature sensor.
In the Offset value field found in the input properties window, enter the measured offset. This
is derived from the actual reading taken with a thermometer at the sensor location, and then
compared to the DDC reading. Here I have found the DDC is reading 0.3 degrees to low, as a
result I will need to enter the offset of 0.3 to raise the DDC reading to the actual reading.

Adjusting a time schedule

When a time schedule is available, we can edit the schedule by double clicking the schedule
block. This opens the schedule editor. Make the desired modifications then click the OK

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Adjusting a Setpoint
To adjust a setpoint, double click the required setpoint, and then enter the new value into the
Value field. Click ok to apply the change.
Note that the Range, sets the upper (max) and lower (min) allowable adjustment range.

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Back up the DDC Config with MAXMon

We recommend backing up the DDC Config prior to and after making any config block
modifications. This is achieved from the File menu. Select the Save Config to file option.

If you have made any modifications to the Config, the following window is displayed. Choose
the correct button.

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Click the Recv button to begin the transfer process.

Type in a file name then click the Save button. The Configuration information window will then
be displayed. Enter the details then click OK to save the file.

You now have a local backup of the DDC Configuration.

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control system networks. V2.3

Section 10
Innotech Products

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Innotech Products
Innotech design and produce two different styles of controls. They can be classed as
Analogue devices and Direct Digital Controllers or DDCs.
Each style has its own application and segment in the HVAC market. We will look at the most
popular options.

IMT Series
The Innotech Modular Thermostat is an analogue controller that regulates temperature of a
conditioned space by switching heating and cooling systems as required. Tailoring of the
control algorithm is made via screw adjustments that are accessible via the front panel. A
knob on the centre of the front panel sets the desired temperature. The unit is DIN rail
mountable, and has screw down terminals for all external connections.

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Micro 3000 Series

The Innotech Micro 3000 Series Controllers are designed to be used in hotel and light
commercial applications to provide complete control for air conditioning systems. The Micro
3000 is a new generation of stand-alone digital controllers, combining the best of the MicroController and Micro 2000 range of products with more advanced capabilities.
The Micro 3000 enhanced capabilities meet the needs of todays eco-friendly specifications,
including time clock/holiday programming, economy cycles and variable compressor control.
The Micro 3000 Control Station is a simple, yet intuitive LCD interface providing enhanced
commissioning capabilities and complex fault display and control routines.
The most popular variant is the MK203 controller, which includes a 365 day, programmable
battery backed time clock. Other features include,

Integrated Temperature Sensor

Auto/Heat/Cool/Vent Only Modes
Economy Control (Digital Input, or Temperature based)
365 day Battery Backed Time clock & After Hours
Daylight Savings Ready
Dual Stage Control or 3 Speed Fan (Model specific)
Analogue Signal (0-10vdc) for:
Cooling Control
Heating Control
Economy Cycle Control
Variable Compressor Control
Standby Control for unoccupied modes
Key Switch or Door Inputs
Advanced User Interface for Commissioning (View the status of output relays,
variable signal and input parameters)

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IPC & IMC Series

The Innotech Package Controller (IPC) and Innotech Modular Controller (IMC) series of
Analogue controller are designed for small scale HVAC applications. Offering simple setup
and installation procedures, they can be suited to many varied applications.

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Digital Controllers
MAXIM Series
Innotechs Maxim DDC series are an advanced Building Automation solution that can adapt to
many varied applications. The range has been developed to make selection of the right
controller for the right situation an easy process.
The range encompasses the MicroMAX to the Maxim III Direct Digital Controllers.
Maxim III 40 Control Points.

20 configurable universal inputs

12 digital relay outputs
8 analogue outputs
Fully programmable to suite the application
Data logging 2MB, up to 300,000 event based
Programming and commissioning software
available at no cost
Ethernet Link

Maxim 10/10 20 Control Points

10 configurable universal inputs

10 universal outputs
Fully programmable to suite the application
Data logging, up to 300,000 event based
Programming and commissioning software
available at no cost
Ethernet Link

Maxim II - 16 Control Points

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

6 configurable universal inputs

6 digital outputs
4 analogue outputs
Fully programmable to suite the
Data logging, 512KB up to 50,000 event
based readings


control system networks. V2.3

MiniMAX - 11 Control Points

100 millisecond cycle/scan time.

7 x independent configurable Universal
4 x 24 V AC TRIAC Outputs.

VAV Max - 7 Control Points

Differential Pressure Sensor.

100 millisecond cycle/scan time.
1 x dedicated Thermistor input.
2 x independent configurable universal
4 x 24 V AC TRIAC Outputs.

MicroMAX - 7 Control Points

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

100 millisecond cycle/scan time.

1 x dedicated Thermistor input.
2 x independent configurable Universal
4 x 24 V AC TRIAC Outputs.


control system networks. V2.3

innSIGHT is a web based version of Innotechs
Supervisor software. The common features of
innSIGHT are,

5 concurrent users can access the innSIGHT

WebPages at any one time

The web pages use the Silverlight application

embedded on the device. When connected the
plug-in is downloaded to the local computer.

User adjustable site name, location and service

contact details.

Password protection to prevent unauthorised


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control system networks. V2.3

The Innotech innTOUCH Smart Sensor is a wall
mounted remote Human Machine Interface (HMI)
panel that provides a user interface for supported
Innotech MiniMAX, VAVMax, and MicroMAX
controllers (MM01C,MM02C,UM01C, VM01C, C =
innTOUCH comms).

The innTOUCH Smart Sensor has a single communications channel, with data
transfer occurring through the power supply interface. Therefore power and
communication are provided through the 2-way Combicon connector.
One innTOUCH Smart Sensor can interface with one supported MAXIM Series
controller. All data points on the innTOUCH Smart Sensor are updated at the same
rate as the MAXIM controllers.

For more information on any Innotech products, please visit the Innotech website,

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UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial


control system networks. V2.3

Section 11

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial


control system networks. V2.3



Ambient Air

The air external to a building or device.

Ambient temperature

The temperature surrounding an object.


Analogue Signal



BAS (Building Automation System)

BMS (Building Management System)


Central Air Handling Unit (Central AHU)

Chilled Water Valve

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

A continuous signal for which the time varying

feature (variable) of the signal is a representation
of some other time varying quantity, i.e analogous
to another time varying signal. It differs from a
digital signal in that small fluctuations in the signal
are meaningful
A type of signal whose level varies smoothly and
continuously in amplitude or frequency.
Traditionally, analogue devices such as pneumatic
controllers, transducers, relays and actuators have
performed HVAC control.
American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineers.
BACnet is an ASHRAE building automation and
control networking protocol, was designed
specifically to meet the communication needs of
building automation and control systems for
applications such as heating, ventilating, and airconditioning control, lighting control, access
control, and fire detection systems and their
associated equipment.
An integration of digital, electronic, and/or
pneumatic controls and devices to provide
unattended and automatic operation of buildings
systems. Systems may include HVAC, elevators,
fire suppression, smoke control, security, lighting,
and other subsystems.
A system for centralizing and optimizing the
monitoring, operating, and managing of a building.
Services may include heating, cooling, ventilation,
lighting, security, and energy management.
Ability of a circuit system to store electricity. The
capacitance of a capacitor is measured in farads
and is determined by the formula C = q/V, where q
is the charge (in coulombs) on one of the
conductors and V is the potential difference (in
volts) between the conductors. The capacitance
depends only on the thickness, area, and
composition of the capacitor's dielectric.
This is the same as an Air Handling Unit, but
serves more than one area.
A mechanical valve which provides a variable
water flow to an air-conditioning chilled water coil.


control system networks. V2.3




A cooling system used to cool water or brine.

Closed Loop

Conditioned Air
Conditioned Space
Constant Air Volume Systems
Cooling Capacity
Damper Motor

Deadband / Deadzone


Direct Digital Control (DDC)

Digital Signal

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

A signal path which includes a forward path, a

feedback path and a summing point, and forms a
closed circuit.
Air that has been heated, cooled, humidified, or
dehumidified to maintain an interior space within the
"comfort zone." (Sometimes referred to as
"tempered" air.)
The interior space of a building that is heated or
Air handling system that provides a constant air flow
while varying the temperature to meet heating and
cooling needs.
The quantity of heat that a cooling appliance is
capable of removing from a room in one hour.
HVAC term for controls that vary airflow through an
air outlet, inlet, or duct. A damper position may be
immovable, manually adjustable or part of an
automated control system.
An actuator which will drive a mechanical damper
variably or 2 position.
A Deadband (sometimes called a neutral zone) is an
area of a signal range or band where no action
occurs (the system is dead). Deadband is used in
voltage regulators and other controllers. The
purpose is common, to prevent oscillation or
repeated activation-deactivation cycles (called
'hunting' in proportional control systems).
Used to refer to more than one concept. It can refer
to discrete-time signals that have a discrete number
of levels, for example a sampled and quantified
analogue signal, or to the continuous-time waveform
signals in a digital system, representing a bit-stream.
Direct digital control is the automated control of a
condition or process by a digital computer. DDC is
often used to control HVAC (heating, ventilating, and
air conditioning) devices such as valves via
microprocessors using software to perform the
control logic. Such systems receive analogue and
digital inputs from the sensors and devices installed
in the HVAC system and, according to the control
logic, provide analogue or digital outputs to control
the HVAC system devices.
Representation of a numerical quantity by a number
of discrete signals (not continuous) or by the
presence or absence of signals in particular
positions. Binary digital signals have two states, (0
or 1) On or Off.


control system networks. V2.3






HMI - Human Machine Interface



A controller in which the absolute value of the output
signal increases, as the absolute value of the input
(measured variable) increases.
Any departure from a desired or expected value or
Enthalpy of air is a measure of airs heat content in
Kilojoules per kilogram of dry air.
The algebraic difference between the indication and
the true value of the measured signal. It is the
quantity, which algebraically subtracted from the
indication gives the true value.
Control action in which a measured variable is
compared to its desired value to produce an
actuating error signal which is acted upon in such a
way as to reduce the magnitude of the error.
Code or basic set of instructions that allows a
controller to perform its basic operations between
hardware and software. Firmware can be
considered an operating system with the minimum
instructions required to perform power up and self
A network gateway is an internetworking system
capable of joining together two networks that use
different base protocols. A network gateway can be
implemented completely in software, completely in
hardware, or as a combination of both.
The Human Machine Interface is the communication
between machines and humans. A HMI can be a
display panel on a DDC.
When used as a performance specification, the
maximum difference for the same input between the
upscale and downscale output values during a full
range traverse in each direction.
HVAC is an acronym that stands for "heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning". HVAC is
sometimes referred to as climate control and is
particularly important in the design of medium to
large industrial and office buildings such as
skyscrapers and in marine environments such as
aquariums, where humidity and temperature must all
be closely regulated whilst maintaining safe and
healthy conditions within.


Indoor air quality.

Indoor Air

The air the people breathe inside a built


Open Loop

A signal path without feedback

Outdoor Air

Air taken from the external atmosphere and,

therefore, not previously circulated through the

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Outdoor Air Supply

Pressure, Static
Pressure Dependant VAV
Pressure Independent VAV


Proportional Band

Proportional Integral Derivative


Relative Humidity
Return Air

Return Duct

Reverse Acting

UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

HVAC term for air brought into a building from the
outdoors (often through the ventilation system) that
has not been previously circulated through the
system. Also known as "Make-Up Air".
In flowing air, the total pressure minus velocity
pressure. The portion of the pressure that pushes
equally in all directions.
The quantity of air passing through this VAV is
dependant of the inlet static pressure.
The quantity of air passing through this VAV is independant (within design limits) of the inlet static
Two quantities are said to be proportional if they
vary in such a way that one of the quantities is a
constant multiple of the other, or equivalently if they
have a constant ratio. Proportion also refers to the
equality of two ratios.
The change in input required to produce a full range
of change in the output due to the proportional
control action. Or simply, it is the percent change of
the input signal required to change the output signal
from 0% to 100%.
A proportionalintegralderivative controller (PID
controller) is a generic control loop feedback
mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial
control systems. A PID controller attempts to correct
the error between a measured process variable and
a desired setpoint by calculating and then outputting
a corrective action that can adjust the process
accordingly and rapidly, to keep the error minimal.
A communications protocol is the set of standard
rules for data representation, signalling,
authentication and error detection required to send
information over a communications channel.
A measure of the percent of moisture actually in the
air compared with what would be in it if it were fully
saturated at that temperature. When the air is fully
saturated, its relative humidity is 100 percent.
Air that is returned to a heating or cooling appliance
from a heated or cooled space.
The central heating or cooling system contains a fan
that gets its air supply through these ducts, which
ideally should be installed in every room of the
house. The air from a room will move towards the
lower pressure of the return duct.
A controller in which the absolute value of the output
signal decreases, as the absolute value of the input
(measured variable) increases.


control system networks. V2.3

Static Pressure

Supply Duct

Temperature Zones




UEENEEI157A Configure and maintain industrial

Any device that receives a signal or stimulus
(such as heat, pressure, light or motion etc.) and
responds to it in a distinctive manner.
An input variable which sets the desired value of
the controlled variable.
A collection of computer programs, procedures
and documentation that perform some tasks on a
computer system.
Condition that exists when an equal amount of air
is supplied to and exhausted from a space. At
static pressure, equilibrium has been reached.
HVAC term for the duct(s) of a forced air
heating/cooling system through which heated or
cooled air is supplied to rooms by the action of
the fan of the central heating or cooling unit.
In HVAC individual rooms or zones in a building
where temperature is controlled separately from
other rooms or zones.
A device, usually electrical, electronic, electromechanical, electromagnetic, photonic, or
photovoltaic that converts one type of energy or
physical attribute to another for various purposes
including measurement or information transfer
(for example, pressure sensors).
A terminal unit that can be pressure dependant or
independent, that controls or regulates the
amount of air introduced to a zone or area, via a
damper and actuator.
In HVAC an area within the interior space of a
building, such as an individual room(s), to be
cooled, heated, or ventilated. A zone has its own
thermostat to control the flow of conditioned air
into the space.


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control system networks. V2.3

Direct support and product information can be obtained by Internet, Email, Fax or Mail:
Fax: (61) 7 3841 1644
P.O. Box 292
QLD 4109

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control system networks. V2.3

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