Open Letter To Pastor Robert Jeffress

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Open Letter to Pastor Robert Jeffress & First Baptist Dallas Church

Dear Pastor Jeffress I am writing you this letter to address a few issues. First, I am no thug. I
am but a sinner saved by grace. As are you. Every saint has a past. And, thankfully, by Gods
amazing grace, every sinner has a future, if they are willing to turn from their wicked ways.
I would like to ask you to repent for your despicable comments towards the minority community
and the LGBTQ community. Your endorsement of Donald Trump has brought out the deepest
and darkest hate this country has seen in a very long time. During the campaign, Mr. Trump
said extremely derogatory things about the LGBTQ, Latino, Black, and Muslim communities.
And, perhaps most disturbing, was his demeaning sentiment toward women. You stood by
Trump while he openly admitted to sexual assault, but you condemned Bill Cosby of his actions.
While most people fondly remember the founder of First Baptist Church Dr. W. A. Criswell, we
also remember some of the hateful comments he made during his life and it seems to me that
your church was founded on the separatist culture. Currently, in America hate crimes have
gone up tremendously since the election, bringing Americas dark past back to hunt her.
God IS LOVE. Is your ministry spreading a message of love & unity throughout our country?
How does your message of hate help to heal America? It is time for evangelicals in America to
spread a message of love and peace, not hate. Jesus spent his time on earth teaching a message
of love for one another.
I would welcome the opportunity to have a conversation with you regarding race and religion.
We have a few questions for you.
1. What is your churchs commitment in addressing the hate crimes committed towards
the LGBTQ community and how do your message help people understand people that
may be different than them?
2. What is your churchs commitment towards addressing the issue of sexual assault
victims today?
3. What is your churchs commitment towards bridging the gap between Muslims and
Americans today?
4. What is your churchs commitment towards the promotion of economics growth in the

southern sector?
5. How does your church plan to combat the child poverty rate in the City of Dallas?
I look forward to hearing from you and to possibly scheduling a sit-down meeting regarding
these matters.

Minister Dominique R. Alexander

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