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Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Alejandro Rodrguez Castao

Written English III
Saint Seiya: The Will of Pegasus, the one who never gives up
The story
There is always a knight stronger than the others, that one is Seiya. The
Knights of the Zodiac appear in an 80s, 90s and 2000s (decades)
Japanese manga and anime. It was one of the most popular stories
among past century children.
The story occurs in a world where the god Athena and her knights fight
against evil. Every part of the saga has a boss with his own minions, and
the work of Athena and the knights is defeating them to save the Earth.
There are 3 classes of knights in this world. In the first place, we have
the gold knights. They are twelve and live in the sanctuary along with
Athena. Also each one of them represents one of the twelve zodiac
symbols guarding its own house in the sanctuary. If you want to meet
Athena, you have to pass through the twelve houses, obviously to go
through one house the knight which guards it has to give you the
permission in otherwise you will have to defeat him. Also the knights are
leaded by a character called The pope who becomes a bad character in
the Silver knights season.
The second class of knights are the silver ones, these are not so
important in the story; their mission is to protect Athena too. But they
have their own saga during the complete series, where Bronze knights
had to fight against them. The reason was that the pope ordered them
to murder Seiya. (Episode 23, 1987)
Finally, we have the bronze knights who are the principal characters in
the story, Seiya and his friends belong to this category. Here we have
the closer characters to Athena during all the series. Pegasus Seiya,
Cygnus Hyoga, Dragon Shiryu, Andromeda Shun and Phoenix Ikki.
Those brave men are the ones who fight till the end against evil and
never doubt if they have to sacrifice themselves to take care of Athena.

Although there are a lot of knights, Seiya, the Pegasus knight, is the
most important. He isnt the most important because of his strength or
speed, may be his sense of humor, but that is not the principal reason;
the real reason why Seiya stands out is because of his will. He is the
character that always is moving forward even if he has broken all his
bones. He is who motivates his mates to keep fighting to protect
Athena. Currently, there are two stories of Saint Seiya with different
characters as the Pegasus knight. Pegasus has this special characteristic
of will of steel, in this case of bronze, but why?
The character of the Pegasus knight is known since the myth epoch as
the unique knight with the ability to hitting Hades, the underworlds god.
As he has this mission of life, he is declared as the most important
warrior in the holy war. Although the Gold knights are extremely
powerful, neither of them could defeat Hades. Some people tend to say
that Shaka, the Virgos gold knight, could win a battle against the
underworlds god, but when he was going to fight Athena stopped him
because it wasnt his destiny. But Seiya have had to face to face Hades a
lot times, even in Lost canvas series, and in all of these opportunities
he had injured the underworlds god.
Pegasus will
It is not just Seiya the one with a will of steel, as the manga shows it,
every knight with the constellation of Pegasus will have all the
characteristics of Seiya. If you compare the main character of Saint
Seiya: Lost Canvas Tenma and Seiya, they are plenty similar, even in
physical appearance. Also they play the same role during the complete
In the case of Tenma in Lost Canvas in the episode 7 th, Unicorn Yato
and Grus Yuzuriha tell Tenma that without him they couldnt do anything
against Hades minions. Tenma is considered important that after He dies
in the episode before, Yato gives his own life to save him, because of his
importance for the Holy war.
Both of this Pegasus knights have the ability to raise their cosmos (The
internal power which is closely related with the stars and the universe)
till the maximum even if they are almost to die. There are some points

in the story when Pegasus Seiya is injured many times but he obtains
stand up and attacks again. One of these situations occurs in the fight
against Geminis Saga in the episode 72 nd Go Seiya! Get over the death
of friends, Saga attacks Seiya constantly and removes him all his
senses, but Seiya stands up one more time and use his technique
Pegasus meteorites, this attack doesnt affect in the least Saga who
attacks Seiya again and sends him anew to the floor.
The will of both Pegasus knights allows them to raise their cosmos, and
some of Athenas blood, till convert their cloths into the divine ones.
Only the most powerful knights reach this stage. Tenma gets this special
cloth after have escaped from the ability of deep sleeping that the god
Modeler Morpheus used on him. Tenma raises his cosmos to the
maximum and obtains defeating Morpheus. After he becomes normal
again, he doesnt remember the moment when he got the divine cloth
and defeated Morpheus.
It is different in the case of Seiya because he is conscious of what it is
happening, when he got the divine cloth also all his friends (Shiryu,
Shun, Hyoga and ikki) did it. They were also confronting Gods, in this
case Hypnos and Thanatos, in the Elysium fields. Thanatos tries to kill
Seiyas sister, but he fails when all the bronze knights on earth protected
him to show Seiya that they were supported him. Also Athena talks to
Seiya telepathically and quarrel him saying Whats wrong with you? Im
surprised because of the way you resign, you are not like that, and you
had never given up. Then, Seiya is the first one who stands up and gets
the divine cloth and he bears down Thanatos by himself. This scene was
so amazing, emotive and emblematic that was compared with the first
transformation of Goku into Super Sayajin, even the god Thanatos was
amazed by this event. After Seiya had recovered his moral all his friends
and he go to face to face Hypnos and to win the fight against this god all
the bronze knights had to mix their cosmos in only one attack, so this
way Hypnos is defeated and they can move on and confront Hades.
(Episodes 141-143, 2008)
Another aspect to take into account is the relationship that is between
Pegasus knight and Athena. In the Lost Canvas series Tenma, Hades
and Athena grow up together until Sagittarius Sisyphos carries Athena
to the sanctuary. It doesnt like to Tenma who promise her that when he
grows up he will go to be next to her. Then Hades is kidnaped by

Pandora who reminds her that he is the underworlds god and again
Tenma do a promise saying that he will rescue Alone (Hades) even if he
doesnt remember him.
When the Saint Seiya series starts, all the knights are sent to different
parts of the world to get one of the bronze cloths. Seiya since the
beginning is the nearest person to Athena, but Tatsumi, Athenas butler,
always punished him because none of them could be near to Saori
(Athena). However Seiya keeps being near to her and thanks to it,
Athena always supports Seiya to move forward. And this is the reason
why Seiya looks like a leader because Athena always takes him as a
main reference. Also, they are so close that they look like a couple. In
the Episode 30th Seiya rescues Saori (Athena) after she had been
kidnaped by Jamian, a silver knight. However he is cornered by Shena
Shaina and Jamian, so he decides to jump off the cliff with Saori, in the
deep Saori thanks Seiya and in the exactly moment when she is going to
kiss him, Shaina appears and prevents so.
Athena is always shouting Seiya waiting for Seiya to save her, and
Seiya cant avoid to stands up and keep fighting to accomplish his
mission, that is guard Athena. One of the most popular scenes when
Athena shouts out aloud the name of Seiya is in the movie Saint Seiya:
The legend of crimson youth where the god Apolo characterized by Abel
kidnaps Athena and Seiya and his friends go to rescue her. Abel and his
minions defeat all the group of bronze knights and in this moment is
when Seiya listens to Athena shouting his name. Seiya is the unique one
who obtains to be on his feet and without strength to stay on them, he
start to burn his cosmos and it produces that the Gold cloth of
Sagittarius appears and dresses him. Also the Libra cloth and the
Aquarius cloth appear and they are dressed by Shiryu and Hyoga
respectively. Then these three knights run to bear down Abel, but Abel
beat Hyoga and Shiryu using just one hand. Hyoga says to Seiya that
everything depends on him and that he has to rescue Athena at any
price. So, Seiya uses his technique Pegasus meteorites but these are not
enough to hit Abel who using a technique returns the meteorites to
Seiya who fells down time after time. Seiya perseverates burning his
cosmo as high as he can, alike Abel scares because he thinks that Seiya
could overpass the power of a god, and the fight go on until Seiya takes
the arrow of Sagittarius and points to Abel. Abel doubt of the power of

Seiya for a while, and this release the arrow with all his cosmos
contained inside going across his chest and killing him.
Finally, Seiya is as important as any Pegasus knight before or after him.
But here we demonstrated that in the series Seiya is who carries the
responsibility most representative that is motivate his team, showing
them that there is always hope. Also he taught to a complete generation
of children that you never have to give up even if you have no energy to
continue and If you are alive, you have to keep fighting.
-Saori/Athena (Episode 143, 2008)

f_Crimson_Youth_.281988.29 (I couldnt find it

in English) (I couldnt find

it in English)

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