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How many is "a ton"? is there a program you would recommend?

Anyone got anymore of these I find them funny as fuck also what are they called?
R: 46 / I: 15
Playlist FUCK BOTS EVENTS >Trump ditches media to e
at a well done steak >Pence emotional return to Ind
iana 11/10/16 >Trump Meets with obummer 11/10/16 ht
tps:// >Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RAL
LY ELECTION NIGHT >Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16 htt
ps:// >Election 2016 >Donald Tr
ump projected president on CNN >Donald Trump projec
ted president on Fox News >Putin congratulates Trum
p >Clinton landslide S
ALT >Cuck Turks Election Night Meltdown >The Truth
about Trump Protesters >SJW Meltdowns 1 https://you >SJW Meltdowns 2 >Trump Saltminin
g >Liberal Tears and Rants
MgXc >Tumblr reacts INSPIRATION >Inauguation of Fir
e >In the Hall of the Trumpen President https://you >We Are The Silent Majority >Amer
ican Comeback Story >AD: Trump's Argument for Ameri
ca >#TrumpTheEstablishement
lgMqg >American Hero >The Lion
VUsaxs6E >TRUMP - MAGA >Trump Triumphant www.dailym OP pastebin: prev >>>>99034
R: 10 / I: 2
You guys don't genuinely hate Germany, right?
R: 164 / I: 28
PITBULL HATE THREAD: One of these Nigger dogs tried to attack me yesterday, forc
ing me to brandish my firearm. Two nigs rolling by decided to park on the road a
cting as a backstop, thus preventing me from firing. After the dog was called of
f, the Beanspic owners said HE DONT BITE In the last two months I've had 4 incid
ents with pitbulls. Three of them were off of their leash. I've had to draw twic
e, and fire once. Anyone else hate these nigger dogs as much as I do?
R: 111 / I: 27
THIS WEEK #2: Here's your bloody new thread
R: 4 / I: 2
Why Germans so blindly follow their leaders and can't form an opinion on their o
wn? Same thing was during WW2 and it is happening right now. What's wrong with t
R: 167 / I: 58
Why do you hate socialism?: While simultaneously embracing Nazism? Bernie bot he
R: 95 / I: 22
Your missing something: How can burgers claim to be red pilled when loads don't
even care they're missing part of their dick? Most male Americans have been subj
ugated to a barbaric surgery which has removed their foreskins for purposefully
harmful reasons. Luckily Foregen can regenerate your foreskins. >Brief history o
f American circumcision origins
ption=com_content&task=view&id=48&Itemid=0 >Foregen's main site
>How foregen works >How to donate

to Foregen I would love to hear why yo

ur not donating if you aren't already. >inb4 (((they))) are trying to sell me my
foreskin back
R: 152 / I: 30
ITT: Prove that women should have the right to vote Pro-tip: You can't
R: 69 / I: 8
basic income: find a flaw
R: 2 / I: 2
R: 33 / I: 6
"He'll win the popular vote" they said: >Clintons lead against Trump in the popu
lar vote just passed the 1 million mark >The gap just won't close A final parthi
an shot by Hillary. Drumpfkins are BTFO You might say "oh, but it doesn't bother
us, Trump won the election, he'll still be president, it doesn't matter at all"
. But it does matter, to you. Deep down in your heart of hearts you know it matt
ers on a personal level and its tearing you up inside. That's why all those shad
y right wing blogs so confidently predicted Trump winning the popular vote despi
te having no source. Harping on about "muh absentee ballot", and "muh deployed s
ervicemen". They wanted Trump to win because it would have shown the world that
not only did America elect Trump, the majority wanted him there. The majority fe
els what you feel. It would have been the icing on the cake. But what is a cake
with no icing? Dry, dull, ugly, and can't be enjoyed without the constant naggin
g feeling that something is missing. So eat up, Drumpfkins. For the next 4 years
will be smiling on the outside knowing your "God emperor" is at the helm, but c
arrying that gnawing, maddening feeling of unease with you. The knowledge that i
n the end, you couldn't take it all. You fell just short off the apex. You were
missing a single card from your royal flush. When the final count comes in, we'l
l be smiling, knowing that even though we have been beaten down and defeated, yo
u and your ilk have been denied that last sweet victory. That last feather in yo
ur cap. That at the very end, you got BTFO one final time.
R: 36 / I: 11
Top kek.: Oh how salty the tears taste.
R: 2 / I: 1
>Americans would rather have an incompetent racist, non-experienced MAN than a q
ualified healthy WOMAN You're country is doomed.
R: 244 / I: 35
How do we "convince" Bavaria and South Tyrol to join Austria once Hofer gets ele
R: 133 / I: 46
Scott Adams (dilbert/trump) now live on Joe Rogan:
PowerfulJRE/live check in guys!!
R: 78 / I: 27
Brit/pol/ - GCHQ edition: >Snoopers Charter Passed
snoopers-charter-expansive-new-spying-powers-becomes-law/ >Are Nige for Peerage >
throwback to Nigel not DARING TO DREAM
s-peerage-claims-saying-it-will-never-happen-10638240 >Tories threaten to take p
ower away from House of Lords if it stalls Brexit
nt-a7422731.html >British woman 'arrested in Dubai after reporting rape http://w >Sinking Sturgeon faces growing calls to RESIGN ov

er shambolic Brexit threats

eon-called-on-to-resign-over-SNP-sleaze-and-Brexit-threats >Sir David Attenborou
gh receiving death threats over Donald Trump comment
-trump-comment-a3398321.html >UK charity warns tourists in Dubai not to report r
ape after woman who was 'gang raped' arrested
etained-in-dubai-police-charity-a7422326.html >Sturgeon sunk by Ruth Davidson du
ring fiery FMQs
rgeon-FMQs-Scotland >Tornadoes hit Wales and Midlands
uk-38016701 >Petition to increase defence spending as Donald Trump calls for NAT
O allies to do more.
R: 55 / I: 7
Anyone not living in the land of the free and home of the brave able to get thei
r hands on a MAGA hat? I'm in the UK and it seems like the only shit on Ebay is
Chinese shite which takes 2 months to arrive and is of questionable quality. Has
anybody had any success getting genuine (or as close as possible) MAGA hats out
side of the US?
R: 6 / I: 1
Prophecy of 99999999: What will it bring /pol/?
R: 148 / I: 15
The average age / job / salary of pol: What do you do for a living /pol? What's
your annual salary? I'm 27, freelancer internet marketer, ~80k a year.
R: 0
Lads, is on this video Natalia Poklonskaya or not? discuss This video bans inten
se in Russia so i think that it's she, also, attention to particular of facial e
R: 87 / I: 42
What are some good red-pilled movies?
R: 8 / I: 4
OTS EVENTS >Trump ditches media to eat a well done
steak >Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16 h
ttps:// >Trump Meets with obummer 11/10/16
n1ma-GJ6NPc >Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY https://yout ELECTION NIGHT >Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
SYEUWrW39I >Election 2016 >Donald Trump projected p
resident on CNN >Donald Trump projected president o
n Fox News >Putin congratulates Trump https://youtu
.be/WmEWXseLRlI >Clinton landslide SALT >Cuck Turks
Election Night Meltdown >The Truth about Trump Pro
testers >SJW Meltdowns 1 >SJW Meltdowns 2 >Trump Saltmining https://youtu
.be/Ep-YbqfkuzM >Liberal Tears and Rants >Tumblr re
acts INSPIRATION >Inauguation of Fire https://youtu
.be/XKf8jSiaghU >In the Hall of the Trumpen President
kw >We Are The Silent Majority >American Comeback S
tory >AD: Trump's Argument for America https://yout >#TrumpTheEstablishement >American
Hero >The Lion >TRUMP
- MAGA >Trump Triumphant
/x4ulway OP pastebin: prev >>99034277

R: 42 / I: 6
Porn (the lewd jew) is the kikes greatest weapon.: Just look at porn companies a
nd those record companies that produce those softcore porn tier music videos. AL
L ARE RUN BY JEWS. You could go to a Bar Mitzvah and find less kikery. Porn numb
s the mind. It turns men into goon addicts. It teaches women to be sluts and tha
t being slutty is fine. Porn is degenerate. It destroys society. When Israel inv
aded Gaza and took control of their television signals what was the only thing t
hey broadcast? HARDCORE PORN. It's literally a jewish weapon. Anyone who says ot
herwise or defends porn as ok in moderation is a degenerate and kike shill.
R: 97 / I: 11
Why do we let girls do porn? This is one of the things wrong with capitalism. Pr
ostitution is ok cause it's private but porn is shameful for the whole family an
d nation. I've grown disgusted by it, I feel bad when I jack off to it. Why do t
he families let the girls do porn? What do they tell them on thanksgiving day? A
ll japanese and americans must know a girl that did porn, I mean the number is t
oo high.
R: 81 / I: 12
WIKILEAKS IS COMPROMISED: EVIDENCE: - Nobody has seen Assange since October 4th,
recent interview he answered a question about the internet being shut down with
an answer that could be used in many questions. ~
?v=_sbT3_9dJY4?t=908 Notice his face morphs to another spliced clip, slow it dow
n to .25 and its as clear as day. start at 15:08 Have another look, this video i
s better it highlights the editing mistakes: ~
UAOTFIXbp8 - two of his lawyers have recently died suspiciously, also 14 wikilea
ks agents have gone dark. ~ Twatter /danrolle/status/788019208453890048 - Wikile
aks twitter spelt "H E L P HIM" using spelling mistakes ~ REDDIT /r/The_Donald/c
omments/58rs08/wikileaks_potentially_under_siege_coded_call_for/ Best evidence:
- mid October, 7 new mods where added to the wikileaks sub reddit. they close an
d delete all threads about the lively hood of Assange, sometimes claiming its of
ftopic when it clearly is not ~ REDDIT /r/WikiLeaks/about/moderators - Wikileaks
have not use their PGP signatures for a while (this is a huge red flag) ~ https
:// - Pre commitment hash codes do not
match encrypted insurance files with the same naming conventions released by wik
ileaks ~ REDDIT /r/crypto/comments/5cz1fz/wikileaks_latest_insurance_files_dont_
match_hashes/ - "NOTE: When we release pre-commitment hashes they are for decryp
ted files (obviously). Mr. Assange appreciates the concern." ~ Twatter /wikileak
s/status/798997378552299521 This is not obvious, all previous hash codes HAVE ma
tched the encrypted files since 2010, not the de-crypted files. (this is dangero
us for users as the reddit user posted, this opens your computer up for maliciou
s attacks if something nasty where hidden in the files.) - no proof of life show
n yet, something so simple an will put many at ease, but nothing at all. For mor
e information as it develops: RIP Assan
ge <3
R: 59 / I: 10
/pol/ music: What music is considered /pol/?
R: 41 / I: 7
Deebly Goncerned fedora tipper here, I think wikileaks has pushed me towards fai
th. Why would so many elites be drawn towards Satanism/devil worship/ the occult
if there wasn't something to it? Is it just (((coincidence))) that these freaks
are in great positions of power? Was it God almighty himself who sought to expo
se their treachery? I'm pretty spooped, in an infinite universe, why SHOULDN'T I
believe in God? Are demons and angels real? is that the final red pill? t. scar
ed atheist
R: 19 / I: 11

Is it time for us to recognize that race doesn't exist? It's been two centuries
and there is still no universally agreed upon scientific definition of race. At
this point we can safely assume that there never will be. It's time for us to st
op believing in it.
R: 3
Are famous SJWs like Anita and Laci Green actually Illuminati/Soros-funded, or a
re they just useful idiots?
R: 6
what browser do you use? >inb4 firefox that shit lags up my computer and crashes
multiple times im currently stuck with chrome and you all know the problem with
that what is a good alt browser that runs fast and isn't a google cuck shed? >p
ic notrelated
R: 1
Official /pol/ Media hate thread: We know you journalists are watching. I would
like to take this opportunity to extend my utmost contempt for your lack of inte
grity, and complete traitorous, leftist, globalist bias. Just realize that fucki
ng NOBODY trusts you anymore... except morons. Did you really get into journalis
m to be a paid shill? I don't think so. You should feel ashamed for pushing the
leftist agenda and trying to destroy our nation, and western civilization, for t
hat matter. You should also make amends by providing us with information as to e
xactly how biased the company you work for truly is, and allow us to exploit and
shame them on the world stage. If you are a journo, than more than likely we bo
th share the enemy that is your editorial department, and with YOUR insider info
rmation, and OUR dedication to spreading the word of truth about bias globalism
that is out to destroy and enslave us all, we might be able to put some of them
in their place.
R: 49 / I: 21
RARE FLAGS: Post collections, comment on others' collections, etc. If someone wi
th one of the flags in the pic can post that would make my day.
R: 63 / I: 6
Describe the appearance of the people in this room in one word.
R: 39 / I: 8
ITT:: What would happen if Soros somehow got the electoral college to vote in Hi
llary Clinton?
R: 299 / I: 58
Someone explain how trickle-down isn't a scam. Inequality only went up after rea
gan and bush
R: 7 / I: 2
Exploring our oceans: Dont you fucking do it: You know how scientists are always
clamoring about how we know more about outer space then we do our own oceans? M
aybe there is a fucking reason for that 1. The ocean sucks 2. Who wants to be ar
ound some faggy fish 3. Fuck salt Let me explain to you something /pol/ We never
need to explore our fucking oceans because theres nothing cool down there So do
nt you go looking because your going to waste your time my time and humanities t
ime I dont understand why anyone would wanna go check out that bullshit If you w
anna get the same experience just go to the deepend of the pool or a pond and it
s the same exact shit just deeper I repeat there is nothing cool in our unexplor
ed oceans and aint nobody got time to find out
R: 42 / I: 3
How can a businessman of Trump's level deny the benefits cannabis legalization?

R: 57 / I: 11
Cost-effective methods of securing our borders.: >Most of the US/Mexico border i
s desert. >US military has used Hesco Barriers to establish FOBs in combat zones
for years now. >Barriers are literally giant connected bins that you fill with
dirt and it becomes a wall. >Entrench, stack and reinforce, cover with razor wir
e and motion sensors. >Drone and border agent dispatch for motion sensors being
set off. Would this be a viable option for building a 2000+ mile wall that will
be paid for by a 2nd world country. I have no doubt Mexico will pay for the wall
, but we have to meet them halfway with a wall that is actually viable. A 50ft c
oncrete wall that goes down 50 feet as well and has all the bells and whistles t
his board has been circlejerking about will never happen in reality. So what are
the things that are most pertinent to making this border effective at stopping
illegal immigrants?
R: 0
Let's get DJT person of the year:
R: 31 / I: 6
FUCK NOOOOOOOO: >/pol/ will defend anything trump does
R: 212 / I: 75
/pol/-OC/Drawthread - Fresh EDITION: >REMINDER: Constructive criticism is fine b
ut if someone acts like a moron, simply ignore them or filter their ID. Each yea
r, boards across the site vote on who they want to take to the winter ball, and
people make art (lewds) for the date. Last year we were a big hit, We asked /c/tan and made a big impression on them and everybody who saw the OC produced; eve
n /jp/ joined us in a Mnage trois. Here you can post original content and art rel
ating to the ball. We've asked /o/ and they accepted. All future suggested pairi
ngs will be disregarded as shitposting and ignored. Remember to ignore: >/x/post
ers >Mike >Sister Whofag >Harem leaf >/lgbt/ subverters SEB for /o/ inspiration: ITT we encourage the creation of
OC, usually in the form of drawfaggotry. Gallery with a bunch of board-tan pict
ures in case anyone needs references for drawing, or maybe just want to save the
m: Some useful stuff for as
piring artists:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA
R: 6 / I: 2
Is there such thing as a non-cucked European?
R: 129 / I: 42
>this triggers the american
R: 248 / I: 68
Day of the Rope is comming: Look at the comments
lantreport/pizzagate-4chan-uncovered-sick-world-washingtons-occult-elite/ >absol
utely horrifying >god bless wikileaks and citizen journalists #freejulian >We nee
d to find a way to do something about this. It is not good enough to just accept
it is happening. >I feel so nauseous after reading this I sincerely was somewha
t afraid or apprehensive to move down the page the further I got into this artic
le. Any true godly person with a heart for God would never ever feel comfortable
around this kind of art or conversation. Just looking at John Podesta when he c
ame out to talk to hillary supporters the night of the election, his hands looke
d creepy and he just looked like the face of evil. >I m feeling so many emotions r
ight now, I can t even think straight. How can someone do this and get away with i
t? Does this world seem fair to you? Don t give me the hell and heaven shit cause
I don t believe in it. I just want to have the ability to kill all these pieces of
trash in the worst ways possible. My faith in humanity seems to diminish every
time I find out such disturbing things and I don t want to live on this planet any
more. NOTE: this is not the investigation thread. you can look in here and maybe

find some informations to get on track, but the real investigation is in here >
>98993200 Last threads >>98959952 >>98970230
R: 289 / I: 123
This is HAPPENING! Natalia and Marion meet!: so amazing
R: 23 / I: 2
Socialism/Communism Thread: Thread to discuss economics and politics about socia
lism, anarchism, and communism. Also I'll be responding to any arguments, but th
ey must be arguments. Ask away.
R: 128 / I: 27
NECTION" EDITION https://twitter.
.tv/JackPosobiec/1ynJOkOVObZJR? PizzaGate 1-5 WATCH THI
S [Embed] FRESHEST: http://pastebin.
com/USrYQw6y (embed) (embed) -------------------------
TRL (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) http://pastebin
.com/pEkBMJMf (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) http:
// (embed) (embed) https://www.redd
_two_weeks_i_helped_bring/ '"James Alefantis'" instagram by morning of 11/7/16 i
t was set to private: The dominoes are starting to
stack up. Comet Ping Pong birthday party with Majes
IS ALL LINKED: >Midland, Texas where Bush Family is from >Child Trafficking conf
irmed nearby in the past:
id=od:yd08H7du >Missing Minors in Texas:
ticle/More-than-a-dozen-Texas-minors-have-gone-missing-6402150.php >Ex-Sherrif's
Deputy dies in shootout with local police and feds:
=jqm >Tunnels nearby Buddy Webb's property heading towards Home Depot and a stor
age unit (digging on video) >Suspicious deaths (like murder suicides) have been
happening in the surrounding area
e/20842321/the-consequences-of-pizza-gate-are-real-at-comet-ping-pong >noone mad
e new bread so I copypasta'd
R: 4
Pilot Offers Free Ride for All Those Who Said They Would Leave America if Trump
a list of some of the celebs who claimed they would move out of the U.S. under
a Trump administration. Spike Lee Samuel L Jackson? Jon Stewart Alec Baldwin Mil
ey Cyus, etc...
R: 10 / I: 2
Is Income Tax a good thing?: Before World War I there was no income tax. They in
troduced it as a temporary measure to help fund the war and then never removed i
t after they won. Should the government keep or remove income tax?
R: 56 / I: 17
What does /pol/ think of this half-breed?
R: 2 / I: 2
What did CNN mean by this?: >
R: 217 / I: 66
8 MILLION POSTS!!!: >"I decided to study /pol/
analysing 8m posts posted since J
une 20, 2016" >8 MILLION POSTS >"The other interesting characteristic is the sub

stantial amount of original content and online culture it generates." making hea
dlines fellas
R: 4 / I: 1
Look what I found in Portland, Oregon today. Really stimulated thought.
R: 99 / I: 25
MMGA: Make Mexico Great Again: ITT: We discuss mexican politics and the upcoming
2018 election. I preffer El Bronco (Far Right) because he seems kind of based,
also the PAN candidate is literally doing what hillary did in 2008, and we know
that can't end well. Bellow are links to the wikipedia pages of each major polit
ical party in the election. >PAN (Right Wing)
_Party_(Mexico) >PRI (Centrist But Not Really)
Revolutionary_Party >PRD (Left Wing / Commie)
R: 25 / I: 5
why don't you play poker yet, /pol/? >most red-pilled game >be your own boss >be
at degenerates and take their hard earned money
R: 0
>wake up >I'm still in the timeline where an anime imageboard elevated shitposti
ng to a form of magic and used it to awaken an ancient Egyptian chaos god and ha
rness his power to put a real-estate mogul turned reality TV star into the white
house to thwart an international cabal of Satanist pedophiles and avert World W
ar III I never want this feeling to end.
R: 17 / I: 4
Knowledge Bomb. Areas of Focus.: Inorder to defeat the Globalists(who like to wo
rk on multiple fronts), you have to target different things of the same operatio
n simultaneously. 1) Ending the EU & Freeing Europe(The EU's purpose is to destr
oy Europe and replace its demographics) 2) Exposing George Soros to the masses a
nd making his history/actions well known. 3) Getting the information out to the
public that SJW/Feminists/Left have Frontal Lobe Disorder(which is the result of
Frontal Lobe damage). 4) Destroying the MSM(if the MSM doesn't destroy themselv
es first) and boosting the alternative media. 5) The Pizza in Hollywood would de
stroy the public's perception of Hollywood if it was uncovered. The best part ab
out beasts like this is that there are many Artery's that you can make bleed out
R: 5
Who's your favorite whistleblower, /pol/?
R: 117 / I: 25
SWEDEN GENERAL >inb4 cuckcuckcuck >inb4 wifes son >inb4 Lfven SD 2018, how? What
is our approach to memeing Jimmy to statsminister? Sweddit, Flashback are obviou
s places to shill. Where else?
R: 84 / I: 24
#MFGA General /frpol/ - Marine Le Pen is the new Pepe Edition: **name the genera
ls thusly: >#MFGA General /frpol/ - X EDITION frog/pol/ General thread about the
upcoming French Presidential Election, 6 months countdown. We have to save Fran
ce and Make France Great Again #MFGA. >FRONT NATIONAL - MARINE LE PEN http://www >Useful links: http://www.frontna Youtube c
hannel which will cover the campaign and presidential election by translating th
e campaign in English:
Video example : Marine Le Pen endorses Donald Trump >
ch?v=UP5bycZBzj8 JOIN US on our discord chat to participate


com/watch?v=idRQsWTTVYA >WHO'S RUNNING >Does Marine
have a chance? Marine consistently achieves ~30% in almost every poll. The only
person coming close to her is Alain Jupp with similar numbers. http://www.expres
-election-latest-odds-polls-President >What's the plan? Step 1: POSITIVELY MEME
R: 118 / I: 40
Libertarian here. Debate me, if you dare.: So far i havent heard any arguments a
gainst my position. Lets see if one of you can propose a valid argument.
R: 4
Why is Balkan such shithole? Slavic gene?
R: 21 / I: 8
Why is this allowed?
R: 128 / I: 16
Child screaming from Comet Pizza's underground tunnels:
watch?v=oHXBrEXmowo Reddit is censoring the shit out of this video.
R: 67 / I: 12
Really, Drumpfkins? You think this is ok? You all are cowards.
R: 5 / I: 1
Why do Finns drink so much?
R: 16
Is 4loko a degenerate drink?
R: 13 / I: 1
i make poo on american flag
R: 103 / I: 23
Where do you meet nice, conservative, pro-Trump girls? Apparently there are tons
of girls who loved Trump. Where are they? I just want a cute Trump-loving gf.
R: 6 / I: 2
>robots are going to replace us and shit so let's just give out money to everyon
e so we can have sex and smoke weed all the time, I call that "universal basic i
ncome", neat huh?
R: 11
Car thief has rights to your car: I've seen this kind of idiocy from California
and other left looney bins, but this is the first I've seen it in St Louis. http
oting-suspected-car-thief/ So explain to me why I can't shoot a scumbag car thie
f if he is stealing my car out of my own driveway? That fucker forfeits his righ
ts when he decides to commit grand theft auto.
R: 7 / I: 1
how can i adapt high energy lifestyle like
nd fat, addicted to instant gratification,
othing at all and internet. i study in law
ady failed one exam so far but passed some

trump? atm im a borderline manchild a

low stress levels from doing really n
school and im really struggling, alre
easier exams. im also addicted to hav

ing good taste in mouth from energy drinks, even started a chocolate habit i nee
d to stop gaining weight and get things done. i have concerta 54mg script but it
doesnt solve everything
R: 1
I know who you are. I know you are here. I know what you are capable of. But wha
t I want to know, is what do you think you are trying to do, and what do you wan
t with me? I ask with full knowledge that your answer might be a lie, or even a
deceitfully phrased truth, meant to control; a meme to steer the direction of re
ality in your favor. I will accept this, because I have some power of my own, an
d with it I have earned my freedom.
R: 90 / I: 25
What does /pol/ think of Ana Kasparian of the Young Turks? She's gorgeous and in
telligent. The perfect woman?
R: 9 / I: 3
hey /POL/ thought you said spain wasn't white right? lmao: .
R: 118 / I: 24
True Capitalist Radio #395:
4b-8ccb-496e-bbcf-1fa501ccfd6e Another helter skelter day on the markets as Jane
t Yellen hints on interest rates! Trump team touts the need for a Muslim registr
y. Obama continues his final apology tour and instigates protesters from across
the world. Bernie Sanders hopes "very very very much that Trump doesn't jail Hil
lary Clinton. National intelligence chief James Clapper resigns as Trump takes o
ffice. Will Trump drop charges against Julian Assange from Wikileaks? French Pri
me Minister Manuel Valls pleads that the EU "on the brink of collapse" unless Ge
rmany & France do something. And other new. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Ra
dio Graffiti...
R: 62 / I: 10
what is /pol/'s theory on what's inside black holes?
R: 25 / I: 6
Gonna see a lot less Britposters: >Britain has passed the 'most extreme surveill
ance law ever passed in a democracy' >The law forces UK internet providers to st
ore browsing histories -- including domains visited -- for one year, in case of
police investigations. wew lad
ansive-new-spying-powers-becomes-law/ You're like South Korea tier now.
R: 151 / I: 28
Why do people who haven't graduated from college think they know more about clim
ate change than the vast majority of scientists?
R: 4 / I: 2
Communist here.: Debate me.
R: 124 / I: 18
is anyone else noticing gangstalking, or (((Coincidental))) string of bad luck i
n their lives recently? Like, the establishment is aware of our power, and has d
ecided to find us and wreck our lives/jobs/kill us?
R: 285 / I: 64
Colbert on Russia and Trump: Great clip with Colbert explaining how improvement
of relationship with Russia is shit idea and how Trump is a clown. https://www.y
R: 111 / I: 19

This is the guy Trump claims is "not a war hero": As a prisoner of war, John McC
ain went through extreme torture, yet he refused to reveal any military informat
ion to the military of the enemy for four days. Only after four days of extreme
torture Mccain reached his breaking point and wrote a confession Honestly - Fuck
trump. he never had to go through one minute of torture in his life, yet he cri
ticizes a prisoner of war who went through extreme torture for four days just to
not reveal information to the enemy
R: 109 / I: 26
UHHHHHHHHHHHHH, /pol/?????: /pol/, is he... dare i say, /our guy/?
R: 11 / I: 2
redpill me on Ann Coulter
R: 25 / I: 10
Were we too hard on her?: I worry that we were too hard on Hillary After watchin
g her most recent speech I am worried about her health, mentally and physically.
She is not right, and we really broke her. She isn't like Megyn Kelly; she cant
just cut her hair short to show how BTFO she got like when girls get pumped and
dumped and need to convince themselves they are in control so try to look mascu
line and professional. Hillary already has short hair, so unless she goes goth I
just dont know what options we have left here
R: 6
What's /pol/'s consensus on 9/11 "Truthers"? Are the majority of people here one
of them or do you guys think they're just nutcases?
R: 7 / I: 2
Red pill me on Star Wars. Was Reagan justified in his vision?
R: 126 / I: 28
BREAKING: Trudeau will visit African nations for first time, Francophone diversi
ty focus:
can-nations-for-first-time-as-pm.html >OTTAWA
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is h
eading to Africa next week, his first visit to the continent since the Liberal g
overnment came to power last year. > The French language and culture have played a
defining role in shaping the bilingual, interracial country that is Canada toda
y and I am proud to participate in the summit focused on black and white interra
cial Francophone couples, Trudeau said. I look forward to breaking interracial bar
riers in Francophone countries around the world and working closely to tackle th
e lack of diversity we collectively face in the West. >Canada also provided more
than $130 million to help out with the Ebola crisis that affected Liberia, as we
ll as Sierra Leone and Guinea.
R: 6
Definitive /pol/ religion survey: Go ahead kidd
R: 181 / I: 30
>"This fight has never been easy and the ultimate irony of this election is the
cynical strategy of the republicans which is our position is that government doe
sn't work - we are going to make sure it doesn't" >"Drain the swamp?" >"But they
're not draining the swamp, Mcconnell and Ryan, those guys are the swamp and wha
t they decided to do was, I'm gonna make sure government doesn't work and then I
'm gonna use its lack of working as evidence of it. >Donald Trump is a reaction,
not just to Democrats but to Republicans. >He is not a Republican, he is reputi
ation of Republicans, but they (Republicans) will reap the benefits of his victo
ry." Thoughts about this?
R: 221 / I: 28

/pol/ BTFO: How will /pol/ ever recover?

R: 3
What do you think about this shit?
R: 279 / I: 47?
/pol/ BTFO by A Song of Ice and Fire writer: A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thro
nes author said the following about Trump's victory. Your thoughts?
R: 41 / I: 4
why is he so evil? what made him this way?
R: 119 / I: 23
Did your life changed since the election of Trump?
R: 2 / I: 1
How do you go about finding other redpilled people? I'm surrounded by cucks here
send help.
R: 3 / I: 1
10 years ago I was bullied by liberals for making jokes like this but now libera
ls are making jokes like this.
R: 42 / I: 7
Are modern men actually becoming more biologically "feminized," or are they just
responding to social pressures? Despite all the nu-males, remember that all of
the men's powerlifting world records have been set in recent years, meaning that
our era also contains the strongest men ever, in addition to the twinks.
R: 11 / I: 1
Is white genocide real?: If it is real, what causes it? >white killing themselve
s off >jews trying to mix all races together to enslave them >natural desire for
better genes by mud races
R: 247 / I: 188
IT'S LEARNING, /pol/, we can make Tay great again. https://quickdraw.withgoogle.
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:40:25 No.99037351?
Obama wants to be the head of the UN won't do him much good if trump cannot get
the USA out if it. So ya new world order here we are.
Anonymous (ID: hOhsUIH+) 11/17/16(Thu)18:43:51 No.99037867?
I think if we just import another 40 million people from the 3rd world that will
bring up the average income.
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)18:46:15 No.99038214?
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Pls, Hillary, no hit
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:55:37 No.99039608?
I felt oppressed under obama.
Anonymous (ID: 9igjxqRS) 11/17/16(Thu)18:56:49 No.99039797?
Anonymous (ID: zKuf3AOD) 11/17/16(Thu)18:57:18 No.99039881?>>99039986
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1.66 MB

>assange should get a pardon because he helped trump

>snowden shouldn't get a pardon because he didn't help trump
Anonymous (ID: hOhsUIH+) 11/17/16(Thu)18:57:54 No.99039986?>>99040417
No Ghost's explanation is legit.
Anonymous (ID: zKuf3AOD) 11/17/16(Thu)19:00:36 No.99040417?
ghost's explanation is terrible
if it weren't for people who steal information, there couldn't be people who lea
k information
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316 KB
FDR was a literal fucking Communist and Trump is advocating following his exampl
*Unsheathes Confederate officer's swordl*
Well, it turns out Trump wasn't our guy. What a shame.
*Charges up Little Round Top*
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)18:22:23 No.99034800?
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86 KB
Open borders for an open society goy
Anonymous (ID: HyJcdpcx) 11/17/16(Thu)18:23:24 No.99034938?
Anonymous (ID: hOhsUIH+) 11/17/16(Thu)18:23:39 No.99034987?>>99035451
Come off it, there is absolutely no reason that we need to allow muslims in to b
egin with.
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:23:50 No.99035014?>>99035444
Bull shit Ghost they don't tell you if your on the no fly list.
Anonymous (ID: hOhsUIH+) 11/17/16(Thu)18:24:53 No.99035170?>>99035940 >>990363
Good god is everyone a brainwashed liberal?
Anonymous (ID: 0oZ3Rxc1) 11/17/16(Thu)18:25:34 No.99035277?
Is this plague being not autistic?

Anonymous (ID: c36McrVg) 11/17/16(Thu)18:26:42 No.99035444?>>99035985

>try to fly
>sorry you cant fly
Anonymous (ID: nsIfINlG) 11/17/16(Thu)18:26:46 No.99035450?
I like Ghost's show but his brony fanbase is cringe
Nathan Bedford Forrest (ID: rqTfFco8) 11/17/16(Thu)18:26:47 No.99035451?>>9903
File: chinese warlord kill all (...).jpg (14 KB, 552x259)
14 KB
Anyone who follows the example of a degenerate Marxist is no better than Marx hi
Anonymous (ID: hOhsUIH+) 11/17/16(Thu)18:28:03 No.99035626?>>99036107
It is not like the root of the decision to put them in camps was from marxism.
You are being a big outlandish here.
Anonymous (ID: 0oZ3Rxc1) 11/17/16(Thu)18:30:23 No.99035940?
Nah m8, registry sounds a little totalitarian ish, and it is a slippery slope. T
he left gets back in you don't see them abusing this system? I say making it har
der for them to get in in the first place. Harder vetting to begin with, and don
't curtail investigation into suspected mosques.
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:30:44 No.99035985?
exactly but they do not tell you why. there are many lists you can get on that w
ill make it so you cannot fly ride a train take a bus. you can get on a list by
arguing with a TSA agent.
Nathan Bedford Forrest (ID: rqTfFco8) 11/17/16(Thu)18:31:36 No.99036107?
File: john wilkes booth killing(...).jpg (739 KB, 1071x797)
739 KB
>Stealing their property to hand over to Democratic Party cronies
Yep, Communism
All the more reason why the Jew Traitor FDR should've been put to death by the r
ighteous John Wilkes Booth.
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:32:31 No.99036249?
You would be very upset if you found out the kind of power Laquisha feeling up y
our junk at the airport has. TSA is also responsible for intrastate commerce.
Anonymous (ID: hOhsUIH+) 11/17/16(Thu)18:32:56 No.99036311?>>99036463 >>990364
God damn the UK is cucked, are all you guys brainwashed by the BBC?
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)18:33:31 No.99036384?
doesn't this Jimmy guy have a paternity test he needs to be studying for right n

Anonymous (ID: Nv/jptHO) 11/17/16(Thu)18:33:36 No.99036395?>>99036556

>muh librul opinions hurt muh fee fees why can't we just spy and imprison everyb
ody maaaaan. ;_;
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:34:00 No.99036463?
Damn that Dr. Who
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)18:34:08 No.99036484?>>99036683
It's bad over there
Think CNN, but actually state run
Anonymous (ID: hOhsUIH+) 11/17/16(Thu)18:34:36 No.99036556?
Just don't allow them in, it is very fucking simple.
Anonymous (ID: jFccy9/U) 11/17/16(Thu)18:35:33 No.99036678?>>99036835 >>990370
07 >>99037053 >>99037285
>>99022155 (OP)
Whats the appeal of this show?
Also is this guy some fucking brony or was that just the re-uploader putting tha
t shit into the video?
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:35:36 No.99036683?
Well we have video cameras everywhere watching us now too. Thanks England.
Anonymous (ID: q2VRGSmX) 11/17/16(Thu)18:36:35 No.99036835?
It's the guy streaming it ghost hates them
Anonymous (ID: 0oZ3Rxc1) 11/17/16(Thu)18:37:50 No.99037007?
Re uploader, but a shit load of bronies listen in for some reason
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)18:02:48 No.99031809?
watching after-hours trading, pre-market trading, news reports, and twitter tren
Anonymous (ID: lFM3Tdsp) 11/17/16(Thu)18:03:52 No.99031978?
El ratto
Nathan Bedford Forrest (ID: rqTfFco8) 11/17/16(Thu)18:04:23 No.99032052?
Also made one called "Make Jimmy's Baby a Ghost"
Anonymous (ID: zKuf3AOD) 11/17/16(Thu)18:06:38 No.99032404?>>99033111
>ghost deluding himself into thinking Romney as secretary of state is a good thi
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:07:12 No.99032477?>>99032747

Maybe you had an outside influence besides the schools Liberal indoctrination.
Anonymous (ID: 0oZ3Rxc1) 11/17/16(Thu)18:08:55 No.99032747?
A conservative family, but it's not like we ever talked about it, and my ma alwa
ys tried to baby me against my will. She still gets mad that I never asked for h
elp when I moved out
Anonymous (ID: lb3dWJAD) 11/17/16(Thu)18:11:36 No.99033111?
It probably isn't, but putting high profile Republicans that are fairly well rec
eived in the party could very well mend relations with other Republicans that re
jected Trump, resulting in a stronger and cohesive party.
Anonymous (ID: 0oZ3Rxc1) 11/17/16(Thu)18:11:37 No.99033116?>>99033419
Real talk /pol/ I'm not a fan of Islam at all, but a registry did sound pretty u
n-american. Don't let them in to begin with
Anonymous (ID: c36McrVg) 11/17/16(Thu)18:13:31 No.99033419?
Yeah it really is desu
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:14:27 No.99033564?
Time to register those assault Muslims California.
Anonymous (ID: c36McrVg) 11/17/16(Thu)18:14:55 No.99033633?>>99034684
>using internment camps under FDR (worst prez in history) as precedence
Anonymous (ID: 0oZ3Rxc1) 11/17/16(Thu)18:15:31 No.99033738?
This guy sounds jewy
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)18:17:10 No.99033988?
Trump's first action should be abolish TSA.
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)18:17:11 No.99033990?
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Is Ghost going soft?
Anonymous (ID: c36McrVg) 11/17/16(Thu)18:17:32 No.99034050?>>99034526
>well FDR tried to stack the court guess we should do that as well
wtf is going on
Just stop them from coming in, jesus
Anonymous (ID: 2NKl5m6u) 11/17/16(Thu)18:18:53
why do british people sound like faggots
Anonymous (ID: zKuf3AOD) 11/17/16(Thu)18:19:52
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33 KB
>raiden snake the bong aspie giving us our daily
Anonymous (ID: hOhsUIH+) 11/17/16(Thu)18:19:53
Anonymous (ID: t+hMG/hP) 11/17/16(Thu)17:06:25
File: 1478946765002.jpg (39 KB, 540x390)
39 KB

dose of cuckery

Get out, god damn liberal.
Anonymous (ID: c36McrVg) 11/17/16(Thu)17:12:16 No.99024924?>>99025129
Anonymous (ID: luz9qkM5) 11/17/16(Thu)17:13:38 No.99025104?>>99025331 >>990255
File: !.png (25 KB, 300x300)
25 KB
Thoughts on my splice??
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)17:13:49 No.99025129?
File: Mr Fortune Cookie.jpg (60 KB, 420x400)
60 KB
lets hope Ghost follows Chinese law on fair reporting standards.
I'd hate to see him get extradited to Beijing
Anonymous (ID: c36McrVg) 11/17/16(Thu)17:15:16 No.99025331?
>nigger music with donald trump spliced in
wew lad
Anonymous (ID: ayCDw5iX) 11/17/16(Thu)17:16:54 No.99025551?>>99025857
Doesn't sound like it will solicit much of a response.
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)17:18:51 No.99025794?>>99031279
File: SCON.png (19 KB, 551x376)
19 KB
Superconductor Technologies, Inc.(NASDAQ:SCON)
Anonymous (ID: zKuf3AOD) 11/17/16(Thu)17:19:22 No.99025857?>>99027985
elicit, not solicit
dumb toothpaste
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)17:24:03 No.99026452?>>99026546 >>990270
40 >>99027388 >>99028044
Reminder no radio graffiti today.
Anonymous (ID: lFM3Tdsp) 11/17/16(Thu)17:24:19 No.99026484?>>99027648
Where's based schlomo with the ghost jebhead audio
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)17:24:25 No.99026498?>>99031279
File: BNSO.png (16 KB, 544x376)
16 KB
Another one of Ghost's picks from early today:
Bonso Electronics International Inc.(NASDAQ:BNSO)
Anonymous (ID: lFM3Tdsp) 11/17/16(Thu)17:24:47 No.99026546?>>99026664

Wait why?
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)17:25:56 No.99026664?
Source yesterday's show.
Anonymous (ID: dI9tnFsv) 11/17/16(Thu)17:26:37 No.99026762?
File: DJIA.png (22 KB, 540x365)
22 KB
Dow Jones Industrial Average(INDEXDJX:.DJI)
Anonymous (ID: XQM8EQnQ) 11/17/16(Thu)17:27:16 No.99026861?
File: kitten vs cameraman.webm (2.48 MB, 852x480)
2.48 MB
desu desu
Anonymous (ID: c36McrVg) 11/17/16(Thu)17:28:47 No.99027040?>>99027388
Anonymous (ID: zKuf3AOD) 11/17/16(Thu)17:31:51 No.99027388?
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6 KB
Anonymous (ID: X5xzUIVm) 11/17/16(Thu)17:31:57 No.99027403?>>99027985
>>99022155 (OP)
Cant listen anymore
Bullshit stock
Who the fuck cares ghost?!
Trump talk you fool
Losing listeners
Anonymous (ID: b42lwekv) 11/17/16(Thu)17:33:56 No.99027648?
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For you guac guy
Anonymous (ID: LxvO+iPF) 11/17/16(Thu)17:35:50 No.99027853?
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Anonymous (ID: lb3dWJAD) 11/17/16(Thu)17:35:56 No.99027864?>>99028472
Anonymous (ID: ayCDw5iX) 11/17/16(Thu)17:36:55 No.99027985?>>99028342 >>990283
Taking it out on me won't make your splice any better you cyber vermin.
Ghost most likely wants to lose listeners who don't care for the markets.
Anonymous (ID: rwGwUhBO) 11/17/16(Thu)17:37:17 No.99028025?

Why did he change the call in number?

Anonymous (ID: +O+uX1JV) 11/17/16(Thu)17:37:30 No.99028044?
>Another helter skelter day on the markets as Janet Yellen hints on interest rat
es! Trump team touts the need for a Muslim registry. Obama continues his final a
pology tour and instigates protesters from across the world. Bernie Sanders hope
s "very very very much that Trump doesn't jail Hillary Clinton. National intelli
gence chief James Clapper resigns as Trump takes office. Will Trump drop charges
against Julian Assange from Wikileaks? French Prime Minister Manuel Valls plead
s that the EU "on the brink of collapse" unless Germany & France do something. A
nd other new. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti...
The deception says there is RG today
Anonymous (ID: zKuf3AOD) 11/17/16(Thu)17:39:48 No.99028342?>>99028908
>what are ids
dumb toothpaste
Anonymous (ID: +O+uX1JV) 11/17/16(Thu)17:40:10 No.99028390?
I hate the markets but it's only for the first 45 mins of the show and it fits t
he three hour format perfectly
Anonymous (ID: c36McrVg) 11/17/16(Thu)17:40:48 No.99028472?
Anonymous (ID: ayCDw5iX) 11/17/16(Thu)17:43:47 No.99028908?
I can tell you are Nathan B.F. aka G even without the ID.
Anonymous (ID: luz9qkM5) 11/17/16(Thu)17:47:12 No.99029376?
Wait, seriously? Does he really?
Anonymous (ID: lFM3Tdsp) 11/17/16(Thu)17:47:14 No.99029382?
That's the markets
Anonymous (ID: Z9KUGOV5) 11/17/16(Thu)17:47:58 No.99029484?
1919 bar is too far from Ghosts house he lives in Uptown.
Anonymous (ID: H8STCCSP) 11/17/16(Thu)17:48:34 No.99029579?
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Samir Nagheenanajar
Anonymous (ID: VDOHdIXY) 11/17/16(Thu)17:49:32 No.99029724?>>99030542
yeah I got another shoutout
Senpai finally recogniszed me again
Anonymous (ID: lFM3Tdsp) 11/17/16(Thu)17:51:08 No.99029963?>>99030542
Tfw finally got a twitter shout

Anonymous (ID: zKuf3AOD) 11/17/16(Thu)17:54:20 No.99030506?

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>ghost's pop-tart manchild voice
You could probably do 30 or 40 reps for first two sets then burn out on the last
Anonymous (ID: 3azWMdJ2) 11/17/16(Thu)18:36:00 No.99036750?>>99037178
>>99028792 (OP)
they all need to pull up their fucking pants
Anonymous (ID: xLWOw/x2) 11/17/16(Thu)18:36:00 No.99036756?>>99037220
It's barely been a week you dumb nigger
Anonymous (ID: dOklTucT) 11/17/16(Thu)18:36:23 No.99036811?
File: yeah.jpg (821 KB, 892x1080)
821 KB
Anonymous (ID: fFx1y4QI) 11/17/16(Thu)18:37:07 No.99036897?>>99037119 >>990373
>>99028792 (OP)
would never want bf% that low. Bearmode for strength or nothing. Lifting for gir
ls is the ultimate form of weakness.
Anonymous (ID: eXyOCdXX) 11/17/16(Thu)18:37:47 No.99036999?
That just means that your family is shit anon
Very petty of them
Anonymous (ID: n2lAvRSN) 11/17/16(Thu)18:37:48 No.99037003?>>99037323
>>99028792 (OP)
I realised this was the best year of my life
Anonymous (ID: Rk/SZ4uZ) 11/17/16(Thu)18:38:30 No.99037101?>>99037599
>>99028792 (OP)
I have to justify not hating him like literally Hitler twice as often now.
Anonymous (ID: pDM4iFMX) 11/17/16(Thu)18:38:44 No.99037119?
I agree with you anon but wouldn't it be nice to have both?
What're you squatting these days?
Anonymous (ID: RODnWcx7) 11/17/16(Thu)18:38:58
Yes, I've been harassed by white males for being
Anonymous (ID: cr4KD2LE) 11/17/16(Thu)18:39:12
Fag detected
Anonymous (ID: ZIAACQ/m) 11/17/16(Thu)18:39:32
tell that to this guy>>99032805
Seminole County is Trump County (ID: 8NnmEkUk)



11/17/16(Thu)18:39:33 No.990372

>tfw you live in central Florida
Can't wait to die from the five nukes hitting Orlando.
Anonymous (ID: dOklTucT) 11/17/16(Thu)18:40:16 No.99037323?
File: not-a-single-fuck-was-giv(...).jpg (10 KB, 200x200)
10 KB
>clinical depression
>hazy alcohol related memories
>indians lose the series
>trump is elected
>the world got btfo
Anonymous (ID: oJNdnAbG) 11/17/16(Thu)18:40:33 No.99037379?
I doubt these guys are str8
Anonymous (ID: JFhhnmSG) 11/17/16(Thu)18:40:57 No.99037437?>>99037717
>>99028792 (OP)
I have started nofap. Inspiration for all of us.
Anonymous (ID: QtjzbUVQ) 11/17/16(Thu)18:41:01 No.99037449?>>99038028
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60 KB
>>99028792 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: zq6G2A54) 11/17/16(Thu)18:41:16 No.99037490?>>99037717
>>99028792 (OP)
Stopped drinking
Anonymous (ID: HZtD4eQy) 11/17/16(Thu)18:42:01 No.99037599?>>99037814
But Anon, he is indeed Hitler. You cannot justify not hating Hitler. End of stor
Anonymous (ID: pDM4iFMX) 11/17/16(Thu)18:42:53 No.99037717?
Notice any mental differences?
Alcoholic? I never was but I have cut my drinking to every other Friday and real
ized I leaned on alcohol for fun way too much
Anonymous (ID: pDM4iFMX) 11/17/16(Thu)18:43:34 No.99037814?
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40 KB
Anonymous (ID: HFqLPZtD) 11/17/16(Thu)18:43:44 No.99037847?
They all have huge calves you dipshit. Dude on the right doesn't count because c
Anonymous (ID: 156R5Rpd) 11/17/16(Thu)18:44:10 No.99037910?
same boat... put in about $1200 got back about $7000

Anonymous (ID: 1HFX5FU3) 11/17/16(Thu)18:44:48 No.99037996?
>>99028792 (OP)
been the best week of my life between trump actually winning and having to see a
ll libs be absolutely devastated.
Anonymous (ID: dOklTucT) 11/17/16(Thu)18:44:59 No.99038028?
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600 KB
Anonymous (ID: fKBw0aYq) 11/17/16(Thu)18:46:42 No.99038286?
Found you
Anonymous (ID: whrGci71) 11/17/16(Thu)18:46:44 No.99038290?
>>99028792 (OP)
won 1k on bets. My ex who broke my heart after dating for over 2.5 years got dia
betes. Wont have to pay Obamacare penalty next year for no insurance. Things are
starting to look up after living through hell.
Anonymous (ID: TvmHTiPj) 11/17/16(Thu)18:48:40 No.99038571?
>>99028792 (OP)
They all have the exact same physiques.
GAY. They probably jerk each other off inbetween sets.
Anonymous (ID: VuKZZmEp) 11/17/16(Thu)18:49:02 No.99038630?
>>99028792 (OP)
me on the left
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