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Why you shouldnt learn Japanese Japan Today: Japan News and Dis...

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Why you shouldnt learn Japanese

by Ken Seeroi
OPINIONS MAY. 13, 2013 - 06:29AM JST (

126 )

TOKYO Anyone with an interest in Japan should learn a little Japanese, I really
believe. Daily life is much better when you know a few key phrases: Hello. My name is.
Please. May I? No really, please. Why not? Oh come on, please. You sure? Last chance.
Well fine, be that way. Sorry for causing a scene. Even if I pay you? No? Hmph, well I
didnt want to anyway.
But when I say a little of the language, I mean it. Beyond a handful of survival
sentences, you should give a really good think to whether or not you want to continue
learning Japanese.
So this is Phase II of the Japanese Rule of 7 Learn Some Japanese project. Phase I was
here. Phase III? Well, okay I havent written that yet. Hey, what can I say, Im lazy.
Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, Phase II. The selection phase. For this, youre
going to want to find yourself a really tall mountain. The taller the better, preferably with
a sturdy pine tree. Climb to the mountaintop and sit there. If there is a pine tree, then
climb to the top of that and sit there instead. Then stay there for exactly one week. You
should probably pack some sandwiches, now that I think about it, and maybe some beers
too. Just think how refreshing theyd be. And while youre there with your pine cones
and sandwiches and beer, ask yourself: Do I really want to study Japanese? No, really.
Because heres what its all about.
Its Going to Take Time. A Really Freaking Long Time
I want to tell the world that learning Japanese is easy and fun. Because that would be
great and the world would like that, and then I could sell the world some secret method
that I dreamed up and Id be rich and the world would be happy. But on a scale of 1 to
Hot-Tub-at-the-Playboy-Mansion, learning Japanese slots in somewhere between
soldering together your own black-and-white TV and copying the Bible by hand while
wearing a Medieval monk outfit. Plus, it takes a long time.
Look, everyone thinks they can learn Japanese quickly, fueled in part, no doubt, by the
number of websites claiming to help you do so if you buy their products. But honestly,
when I look at the very few people I actually know whove succeeded, its clear why.
They got up at 4 a.m. every morning to do speaking drills, or wrote 50,000 flash cards, or
went to language school five hours a day. Myself, I can honestly say Ive spent at least
4,000 hours actively studying, and thats not counting watching Japanese movies, singing
karaoke, having conversations all day long in Japanese, and working in Japan.
Part of the problem lies with ever-loftier goals. At first, I thought it would be enough just
to master some survival phrases. But every time I met someone, they asked me questions
I couldnt answer. So I learned more, until I could finally have a conversation. Then I
wanted to have a longer, more interesting conversation, until eventually I realized what I
really needed was to make myself understood in both speech and writing at roughly the
same level Im at in English. In other words, even fluency wasnt enough. Its a little bit
like putting yourself through high school and college all over again, alone, in Japanese.
If I had to say how long it would take to get reasonably good at Japanese, Id estimate a
minimum of 3 to 7 years, and possibly much more, depending upon how much time you
devote and how many advantages you bring to the table.
Safe Return Doubtful
Of the hundreds of people Ive seen study Japanese over the years, only about 10
succeeded in speaking the language with any level of competency. The rest eventually
stopped. You might want to give some thought to undertaking a project with a higher
dropout rate than that oShackletonf the Navy SEALs. Just saying.
Of course, you can spend the years of your life any way you like, but it seems a shame to
buy a cookbook, go to the store for eggs, flour and a cake pan, come home and mix up a
batter, put it in the oven, and then half an hour later yank open the oven and throw the
whole thing out the window. In other words, either bake the cake or do not. There is no
try. Pretty sure Yoda said that.
Most people seem to last about a year and a half. Theyre all balls-out at the start, and
then after several months it dawns on them that its a much bigger task than they were led
to believe. So be aware of how long its going to take. If you want to spend the years,
you absolutely can do it. But think about whether you want to spend a decade on
Japanese before you set out. Doing it halfway seems kind of a waste of time.
Opportunity Cost
This is a term economists use to make you feel bad about your behavior. If you spent $10
on a delicious dinner, well, see there Ken, thats $10 you could have invested in the stock

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Why you shouldnt learn Japanese Japan Today: Japan News and Dis...

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This is a term economists use to make you feel bad about your behavior. If you spent $10
on a delicious dinner, well, see there Ken, thats $10 you could have invested in the stock
market, and now youd be rich and could have two delicious dinners. That kind of stuff.
Studying Japanese takes some money, but more importantly, it takes time. In the 3 to 7
years you spent learning Japanese, you could have learned to play the guitar, and now
youd be in a cool rock band. Or you could have gone to the gym and now youd have
abs of steel. Or gone back to college.
The Payback
I dont like the word problem. I prefer challenge. And one of the challenges oh
the hell with itthe problem with Japanese is that its pretty much only useful in Japan.
So how long are you going to be in Japan? Lets say you turn out to be some super
prodigy kind of dude and learn Japanese in just two years. Great, now I hate you.
Whatever. If you stay in Japan for two years, then thats 1:1 and maybe it was worth the
time investment. But what if it takes you five years to learn and you only stay for a year?
See what Im saying? Ive known people who spent years learning Japanese and
watching anime and reading manga and then once they got here . . . eh, it wasnt as great
as they thought itd be, and they went home. Open window, insert cake.
You Really Dont Need Japanese
Of the roughly 20 countries Ive been to, Japan is probably the most set up to
accommodate people who dont speak the local language. Many foreigners live here with
no more than a handful of simple phrases and do just fine. Lots of signs and menus are in
English, and the entire population has received at least six years of English education.
Even if you try to speak Japanese, it may not work. Sometimes no matter how perfectly
you ask a question in Japanese, youll get an answer in English, or at least dumbed-down
Japanese. Contrary to many countries that demand you speak the local language, Japan
sometimes seems to prefer you dont speak Japanese.
Japanese Can Make You Less Popular
You know David Blaine, the magician guy? Think about like him at a party. People see
him and they just wig out, like, wow, David Blaine! Do some card tricks or hold your
breath for 10 minutes or something! And hes like, Nah, I just want to drink a beer like
everybody else. That would suck, right? Youd be like, I went to a party with stupid
David Blaine and he didnt even levitate or anything.
Well thats you in Japan, unless you look super Japanese, and then people will be
confused until they figure out youre secretly white. Your magic trick is that you can
speak English. Thats what everyone wants you to do. And every time you do it, and tell
them about how big the cheeseburgers are back home and how people wear shoes inside
the house, their eyes will light up and theyll be like, wow, amazing!
And every time you speak Japanese, people will say, Oh, your Japanese is so good.
And then theyll try to speak English with you. You can say the most profound thing ever
in Japanese, make the funniest joke, talk about the earth being taken over by space
robots, whatever and all youll get back is Heeeeey. But say any stupid thing off the
top of your head in English and everybody will bust up laughing. English is a pretty
upbeat language; Japanese, eh, not so much.
Japan Isnt all That
If you came to Japan for a vacation, you probably had a pretty mind-blowing time.
Everything was new, and everything was interesting. But it was also, in a sense, free,
because you used money youd saved up or you credit-carded it or something. Either
way, you didnt have to work in Japan in exchange for the experience you were having.
But once you live and work here, that changes. You can go clubbing, take trips to onsen,
hang out all night in karaoke booths, but you have to work in order to make those things
possible. And the more fun you want to have, the more you have to work. That
realization changes the equation. Its not fun for free once you live here.
Now, I like Japan, dont get me wrong. And I like conversing in Japanese, and reading
and writing it. But Japans still just a place, with plenty of both good and bad. Thats why
its called Japan, and not heaven. The architecture mmm, its not so great. The natural
scenery yeah, thats not so great either. The people ah jeez, well, you get the idea.
But hey, at least the foods good. Thats something.
Choose Wisely
So if youve never wanted to learn Japanese, heres your big chance to do absolutely butt
nothing. On the other hand, if you still really, really want to study Japanese, and make it
a significant part of your lifes work, then Im 100 percent behind you. Well, maybe like
90, but thats pretty good anyway. So its probably safe to come down out of the tree now

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Why you shouldnt learn Japanese Japan Today: Japan News and Dis...

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nothing. On the other hand, if you still really, really want to study Japanese, and make it
a significant part of your lifes work, then Im 100 percent behind you. Well, maybe like
90, but thats pretty good anyway. So its probably safe to come down out of the tree now
and continue on to Phase III. I mean, as soon as I write it. Okay, maybe you better stay
up there a bit longer.

I'm a professional writer, photographer, and occasional English teacher living in Japan. My
writings are mostly humor mixed with social commentary, with the occasional foray into language
Website: http://www.japaneseruleof7.com
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James Rogers MAY. 13, 2013 - 08:59AM JST

Sometimes no matter how perfectly you ask a question in Japanese, you'll get an answer in English
Exactly. Often when trying my hardest to speak Japanese, I end up wondering why do I bother?

Frungy MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:10AM JST


Hilarious as always Ken, but you forgot my personal number 1 reason for not learning Japanese, the confused
and panicked looks on the faces of the locals as I speak English and their brains scramble to try and assemble
the scraps of English they learnt decades ago under some teacher who was more interested in grammar than
speaking English.
I do have a minor bone to pick:
Of the roughly 20 countries Ive been to, Japan is probably the most set up to accommodate people who
dont speak the local language.
... which countries are these? Seriously man, I've lived all on almost every continent and I've never met a
country as anti-English as Japan... except for France, but they've got a good reason, that 100 year war thingy.
Actually, now that I think about it, even France, with its actively anti-English laws, isn't as bad as Japan,
because the French just sneered in arrogance at my speaking English, they didn't actually start panicking and
look like I should dial 119 for an ambulance. While the French score quite poorly at English on international
tests they're actually not bad at communicating in English.
The Japanese on the other hand are god-awful at communicating in any language, including their own. You
can have a whole conversation in Japanese consisting of one or two word sentences and monosyllabic
grunts... its like trying to communicate with a teenager!
My point though is that I'd love to know which countries these are. If they're "the north pole", "the south pole",
etc. then I might acknowledge your point, penguins are notorious for their elitist attitude and refusal to speak
English, unlike their more civilised equitorial relatives, the parrots, mynahs, and so forth. However, in my
experience from sweaty Brazil to frozen Russia I've never run across a country with as acute an English-phobia
as Japan.

Maria MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:13AM JST

Japanese isn't that difficult to pick up, although of course it is difficult to get good - very good - fluent at (just like
any language).

You should persevere and learn to understand, speak, read and write Japanese as far as possible, because
otherwise it's a massive waste of a good opportunity, and of your time here; and because otherwise you'll
become a tiresome cliche of that foreigner.
There are plenty of people who can use Japanese very well indeed. They just don't go on about it, continually
apologising or justifying their lack of language, as non-speakers end up doing.

Brainiac MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:14AM JST

I think that foreigners who don't wish to learn Japanese are quite fortunate in Japan. When I first came in the
1980s, I was surprised that many TV programs were bilingual, that signs were in English and that there were
four English newspapers. It made me very lazy about learning Japanese.

wtfjapan MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:27AM JST

"But Japans still just a place, with plenty of both good and bad. Thats why its called Japan, and not heaven"
LOL thats the quote of the year!

wtfjapan MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:31AM JST

well my Japanese is very average but that has not stopped me from earning a lot more than the average
Japanese wage. you certainly dont need to speak Japanese well to be successful in Japan.

MumbaiRocks! MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:46AM JST

This is a good article, thumbs up. I might add that I passed the 1kyuu japanese language test and did all the
kanji card things and try to maintain competency by constant review. But, basically, I am just not that interested
in anything that would pull me up to fluency. The few guys/gals I have seen that are truly fluent have a
particular, genuine and deep interest in something Japanese like manga, or movies, etc. Without that fuel, the
vast majority, including myself peter out. In the case of guys, I would say 99% of them learn Japanese to hit on
women, and once they succeed or realize it is unnecessary, well then no need to keep studying.

timtak MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:55AM JST


Japanese is a lot easier, more systematic, and suited to being an international language than English. The
Kanji especially make Japanese easy non-European language to learn due to the systematic formation of the
vocabulary from 1000 to 2000 building blocks, via agglutination. Learn 2000 English words and you may be

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Why you shouldnt learn Japanese Japan Today: Japan News and Dis...

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timtak MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:55AM JST


Japanese is a lot easier, more systematic, and suited to being an international language than English. The
Kanji especially make Japanese easy non-European language to learn due to the systematic formation of the
vocabulary from 1000 to 2000 building blocks, via agglutination. Learn 2000 English words and you may be
able to converse at kindergarten. You'll need a thousand more to join primary school (at the above the level of
Japanese learners) and you'll probably keep learning about one thousand words a year till your 40's if you are
an educated native English speaker. Learn 2000 Kanji and blam, you can read a Japanese broadsheet
newspaper. There are no tones, consonant clusters (try getting a Japanese person to say "clothes"), very few
irregular verbs, no verb conjunctions, and completely transparent spelling (unlike ghoti/fish English). The
difference between "wa" and "ga" is a bitch but not as arbitrary at the use of "the" (The Times, Newsweek, The
Kings Head, Macdonalds). IME/ATOK make kanji input easy and Rikai.com and Firefox "Furigana injector"
make reading them, with auto-placed "rubi" readings simple too. There are no relative pronouns, so making the
most of a limited learner vocabulary is relatively easy - just put the adjectival clause in front of the noun. Google
"Japanese as an international language" for more, and keep learning Japanese because, unlike most
Japanese learners of English, you will get there.

kickboard MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:57AM JST

Most people seem to last about a year and a half.

Based on what? Your personal experience? Stories from friends? The thing you fail to mention in this "article"
is that English is like a sport. Some people are born with the ability to pick it up quicker than others.

Jimizo MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:57AM JST

'Japan is probably the most set up to accommodate people who don't speak the local language'. I take it he's
not a fan of Ryokan.

ChibaChick MAY. 13, 2013 - 11:12AM JST

Not speaking Japanese is your ticket to an easi(er) ride as a kindergarten mother. There were 3 of us furriners.
2 didnt speak a word of Japanese, and then there was me. The other two got away with a lot. I didnt.

On the other hand now I am outside Japan you wouldnt believe how "cool" it is to be fluent in Japanese.
Everyone is well impressed. I am enjoying my new found and temporary star-status because I give myself 6
months at the outside before I have lost the lot unless I can convince my husband that we need to speak it at
home as he always promised we would. :-/

GJN48 MAY. 13, 2013 - 11:26AM JST

Spergin about Japanese here!

cleo MAY. 13, 2013 - 12:06PM JST

And every time you speak Japanese, people will say, Oh, your Japanese is so good. And then theyll try to
speak English with you.

Nah, what I find is people you meet for the first time hang back because they assume they can't communicate
with you, them not speaking English and you being a furriner. Then they find out you can speak Japanese
(usually by hearing you talking to someone else, and that someone else's head not exploding from the effort of
trying to speak English) and heave a huge sigh of relief. Then they start telling you their life story.

nandakandamanda MAY. 13, 2013 - 12:25PM JST

Cleo, that is probably more true outside the Tokyo anthill.

cleo MAY. 13, 2013 - 12:32PM JST

nandakanda - Probably. But then why would anyone want to live in Tokyo anyway? (Well, my mil and her pals
do, but none of them has ever considered for an instant speaking to me in English....)

Get Real MAY. 13, 2013 - 12:38PM JST

you certainly dont need to speak Japanese well to be successful in Japan
..but how much more successful would you be if you did?

(assuming that you realize the missed opportunities?)

Jimizo MAY. 13, 2013 - 12:44PM JST

I work at an engineering/manufacturing company and one of the problems we often encounter is the poor use
of written Japanese from Japanese. I'm a science major ( as you can probably tell from the standard of the
English in my mails ) but I can at least write a set of instructions or specifications in clear, digestible English or
Japanese if I have a native-speaking, literate proofreader. Japanese education does not pay anything like
enough attention to how to write, or in some cases even speak and present, in a lucid, concise manner. The
usual 'Japanese is very vague' myths are trotted by someone who has given me sheets of poorly written,
vague garbage. Japanese isn't some magical code understood by those who share similar sensibilities. It's a
language like any other which can be learned with effort, but many Japanese still buy in to the idea that it
cannot be mastered by outsiders. If it is the vague, badly expressed Japanese have to put up with, many of our
native-speaking Japanese translators haven't got a clue either.

papasmurfinjapan MAY. 13, 2013 - 12:47PM JST

Its Going to Take Time.

It's funny that a bunch of gaijins living in Japan who won't/don't/can't learn Japanese always complain about
the abysmal English ability of Japanese people. Of course it's going to take time. Is it worth it? That depends
how much you want to understand the country and how deep you want your friendships to be, but I think
knowledge is better than ignorance, don't you?

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g j
the abysmal English ability of Japanese people. Of course it's going to take time. Is it worth it? That depends
how much you want to understand the country and how deep you want your friendships to be, but I think
knowledge is better than ignorance, don't you?
Japanese Can Make You Less Popular
If you are a single guy in a bar, true.
But who wants to be friends with a person who only wants to use you for free English lessons? I have found
that it is much easier to talk to people when they know you can speak Japanese. Like Cleo says, often people
really open up to foriegners in ways they wouldn't to other Japanese people - though as nandakandamanda
says, perhaps that is only in the sticks.

malfupete MAY. 13, 2013 - 12:51PM JST

my son learned english and japanese... he's 4.

I'd reason wtfjapan is successful in Japan is that because of his ability (or in this case lack of ability) means he
can't be hired by a japanese firm, therefore saving his work/life balance and not being ko'd by having to work
until 11pm every night.
I'd definitely call that a success

John Occupythemoon Daly MAY. 13, 2013 - 01:06PM JST

I've become highly disenchanted with learning Japanese. I studied in university, studied abroad, and it has
been my goal to ace the level 1 of the JLPT for some time now, but, I have a terrible confession: since coming
to Japan, my Japanese has GOTTEN WORSE. Why? I don't even need it to work in Japan. As I teach English,
I speak English all day. My boss is American, so we converse in English, and on the occasions where I go out
with students, they... you guessed it, want to practice their English. I have gotten very good at living in Japan,
but besides daily conversation, I have no time to put in serious study (besides waking up at 4 am), and there
aren't any reasonably priced Japanese classes in my city. It's really frustrating. I don't want to bail on the whole
thing, as I've already invested so much time, but Ken nailed it: it's so easy to quit when there's no reason to
continue. Ah, well, I'll keep trying when I can, but it's a shame I have to stop working in Japan to improve my

CherryBlossomAngel MAY. 13, 2013 - 01:15PM JST

It's just better to be dumb, naive and stupid then to make the effort. I have a friend that is a astrophysicist that
works for NASA. I used to wonder why would anyone bother spending half their lifetime looking at a bunch of
stars searching for the origins of the universe lol. I can think of a lot better things how one can be spending
their time doing. Yet I wonder how many people have actually talked to one. My friend put it to me this way.
Who has not felt a sense of awe while looking deep into the sky, lit with countless stars on a clear night? Who
has not asked themselves if ours is the only planet that supports life? Who has not pondered the nature of
the planets, stars, galaxies, and the Universe itself? I seek to to explain through Science everything that we
observe in the Universe, from the comets and planets in our own solar system to distant galaxies which are
far beyond what anyone can imagine. By studying the cosmos beyond our own planet, I can try to understand
where we came from, where we are going, and how physics works under conditions which are impossible to
recreate on Earth. In astronomy, the Universe is our laboratory! That is why I am a astrophysicist.
OK, that was a bit more of an answer then I was looking for but I had it coming lol. I could tell this is what he
lived & breathed for and I respect that. In retrospect I didn't learn Japanese or continue to learn with the
assumption of ever becoming a master of the language. I did it to challenge myself and try to push beyond my
limitations of what I thought was possible. It helped me to become a better more attentive listener. In addition to
being more discipline in my daily life as well.
So that sure doesn't sound like a waste of time to me! Learning Japanese while extremely difficult is not
unattainable as is climbing Mount Everest. You believe in something enough and are willing to make the
sacrifices. As well as put forth the effort one needs to get there it's possible. In closing I grew up as a stutterer
and dyslexic to boot. English was a nightmare for me and yet I prevailed. Japanese in contrast is just like me
reliving my childhood all over again. Actually I am kinda ok with that! :)

gaijingaijin MAY. 13, 2013 - 01:28PM JST

They made amazing country for themselves and even you stay here for 40 years you will not be integrated,
whatever you do, learn language, get Japanese wife, ..... I am 63 very wealthy with Japanese wife and 3 kids,
extremely unhappy. Live here for awhile and leave as soon as you can. I regret my life path and now I am
trapped here.

Kent Mcgraw MAY. 13, 2013 - 01:33PM JST

You should persevere and learn to understand, speak, read and write Japanese as far as possible

It is not easy at all to learn Japanese and reading Japanese is two to three times more difficult. First, the words
are not separated in Japanese writing so even if you have a dictionary, you do not know where one word ends
and another begins. Second, the use of Kanji effectually makes it nearly impossible to be able to read. The
Japanese spend from the time they are babies up through high school and college to learn Kanji and then there
is some Kanji they do not know. I have met many people who sincerely try to communicate in English which is
greatly appreciated. I have not met many that are willing to teach me Japanese. Sure, I learned the hiragana
and the katakana but can't read anything due to everything is in Kanji and if there is some hiragana or
katakana there is Kanji mixed into it. I just say, satpaliwakaranai, that has to be my favorite Japanese word.

cleo MAY. 13, 2013 - 01:45PM JST

It is not easy at all to learn Japanese
As malfupete points out, little kiddies can do it.

the words are not separated in Japanese writing so even if you have a dictionary, you do not know where one
word ends and another begins.
That's really no problem. The big words tend to be separated by the kana in between, providing hints about
grammar and stuff. See what I mean? It's only in very
convoluted officialese that you get strings and strings of kanji with ne'er a break in sight.
the use of Kanji effectually makes it nearly impossible to be able to read.
Yet Japan has a 99% literacy rate....

papasmurfinjapan MAY. 13, 2013 - 02:04PM JST

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Why you shouldnt learn Japanese Japan Today: Japan News and Dis...

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Yet Japan has a 99% literacy rate....

papasmurfinjapan MAY. 13, 2013 - 02:04PM JST

the use of Kanji effectually makes it nearly impossible to be able to read

Actually a good portion of the world's population actually can read Kanji, with no problem. Just ask the

therougou MAY. 13, 2013 - 02:27PM JST

Not speaking Japanese is your ticket to an easi(er) ride as a kindergarten mother. There were 3 of us
furriners. 2 didnt speak a word of Japanese, and then there was me. The other two got away with a lot. I
What did you not get away with? You mean the other mamas invite you to all their events? I speak Japanese
but feel I get away with certain stuff at the workplace just for being a foreigner.

therougou MAY. 13, 2013 - 02:31PM JST

can't be hired by a japanese firm, therefore saving his work/life balance and not being ko'd by having to work
until 11pm every night.

Not everyone works that late. I am a system engineer and usually leave work before 7:30 (Normal hours are

smithinjapan MAY. 13, 2013 - 02:39PM JST

I don't know, Ken... this is certainly not your best work. The amount of times you say, "Whatever" really dulls it.

"Of the hundreds of people Ive seen study Japanese over the years, only about 10 succeeded in speaking the
language with any level of competency."
My guess is that you've met mostly foreign language teachers. And definite 'competency'? One thing people
keep in mind is that when you study a target language, it is best to immerse yourself in that language as
completely as possible, and is very hard to do when a large part of your day is teaching and/or conversing in
your native tongue as well.
It also depends on the person and not just their diligence.
Timtak: "The Kanji especially make Japanese easy non-European language to learn due to the systematic
formation of the vocabulary from 1000 to 2000 building blocks, via agglutination. Learn 2000 English words and
you may be able to converse at kindergarten."
Show me a Kindergartner that can write 2000 Kanji.
"There are no tones, consonant clusters (try getting a Japanese person to say "clothes"), very few irregular
verbs, no verb conjunctions, and completely transparent spelling (unlike ghoti/fish English)."
All you're saying is Japanese is easy to learn while other language are not. As such in my mind that runs
counter to it being ideal, especially as it's the national language in ONE country (there might be an island in
Micronesia or the Marshalls... I forget!). There are more irregular verbs than you think, in Japanese, though I
agree English has FAR too many and there's nothing you can do but memorize them, but your snippets of
examples of how Japanese benefits from English having this or that do not mention all the archaic, difficult
points they have in Japanese that do not exist in English or many other languages. No relative pronouns?
Instead you change particles... not a whole lot different. And anyway, all you seem to talk about is Kanji, but
what about Keigo and all it's formalities? And what about people who don't like Kanji? I happen to love it, but

therougou MAY. 13, 2013 - 03:01PM JST

Do the irregularities in a language really matter at the end of the day? I mean, how many people have time to
think about rules before they speak, anyway.

My daughter was picking up English faster than Japanese (until she went to a Japanese preschool at least)
despite the fact that I am the only one speaking English to her and at work on weekdays. She had no clue what
Japanese words meant and would say "haha, that's Japanese!" when she heard anything other than English.

Peter Payne MAY. 13, 2013 - 03:09PM JST

I barely know where to begin with this article. Yes, some good points about return on investment and all that.
But everything good that happened to me happened because I took learning Japanese seriously. I frigging won
my wife's interest because I could draw the kanji for (bara, rose) from memory...back when I could, before
computers ate all my kanji knowledge. I now have a successful company with many employees and if I hadn't
learned Japanese none of this would have happened.
If you want to consider ways to learn Japanese without wasting your time learning to write kanji, we might have
a discussion. Learn to read only, forget testing on writing kanji, do reading only...it could actually work out pretty

GW MAY. 13, 2013 - 03:30PM JST


I you really want to do it keep at it & the single best thing you can do is take another job & i mean ANY job that
throws in with the natives, unless your goal is to teach that is.
Another long timer here, while doing good if I could go back to day 1 I would have come & left after 2yrs max.
While I certainly dont regret what I have done & do its just that watching Japan decline & be poorly run is
damned depressing.
But if you can miss the misery of being a salary dude it might work for ya

wtfjapan MAY. 13, 2013 - 03:34PM JST

Actually a good portion of the world's population actually can read Kanji, with no problem. Just ask the
Chinese, well thats only usefull if Japanese & Chinese want to communicate with writing. there needs to be an
international lanuage for communication, and thanks to the Brits for colonising many parts of the world, its now

ReikiZen MAY. 13, 2013 - 03:44PM JST

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ReikiZen MAY. 13, 2013 - 03:44PM JST

One's English ability will do little if nothing for you while in Japan. I have rarely if ever ran into anyone wanting
to practice their English on me. It isn't as common as people are led to believe. It just creates more problems
then not usually.
Language is much more than just a means of communication. It is also an inseparable part of our culture.
While there's still some debate among scholars whether or not a particular language influences someone's
thought process? Which I very much believe to be the case. Or is it someone's culture that influences the
language or both? In my own opinion language and culture are closely connected. Some have argued that all
languages are dialects of one language, which is the human language. Even though they may appear
very different, they are in fact very similar.
Nevertheless, different cultures have a predominant fashion in which they use their language and they have
differences which cannot be underestimated.
Such as in the case of United States or Western Europe values self-expression and verbal precision. We are
encouraged to be direct and to speak our mind. In the case with Japan as with other Asian cultures use an
indirect style of communication. Words such as perhaps and maybe are used much more frequently than
yes, no or for sure.
In Japanese precise articulation is appreciated much less than speaking between the lines or being
understood without words.
Therefore the language is used quite differently in contrast. The style of language is focused on speaker
and depends on a person's status and identity. If you wanted to learn Japanese, it would be impossible to
do so without learning about their culture as well.
Japanese pay a lot of attention to a person's status and use honorifics, which apply according to the rank of
the person who is speaking and who he or she is speaking to.
The word shopping for instance which is used quite heavily in the west does not exist in some other languages
(such as for example in Russian) as a noun. Why? Because it is not a huge part of the other cultures. The
same goes for the word fast food, which is not only not popular, but unacceptable in many other cultures.
Another interesting example is the word ilunga.
The Tshiluba language comes from the Republic of Congo and is considered to be the most untranslatable
word in the world.
Well so they say at least. Ilunga describes a person who is ready to forgive any transgression a first as
well as a second time, but never for a third time. The point I am trying to make is that due to the very nature
of the Japanese language. It is foolish to believe English will get you much if anywhere within Japanese culture
and society. Unless you have your own personal translator that follows you around that is lol.
Your English ability might win you some brownie points within some circles or a temporary flavor of the day.
Yet that will quickly wear off and you will be hung out to dry before you know it.
This article is a farce and is only playing on stereotypes which is not helping anyone here. The more you know
the better off you are. This is coming from someone who had to learn this the hard way.

ReformedBasher MAY. 13, 2013 - 03:57PM JST

Kanji, with it's multitude of readings, makes Japanese difficult even for Japanese.

Pronouncing things like names perhaps but not for reading (with the occasional exception).
I lived in Japan for 4 years before I decided to learn Kanji (as opposed to getting by with knowing just a few). It
took me about 2 months of studying a page or two a night to become reasonably proficient. (Reading
newspapers and magazines, etc). This is because I was able to recognize words I knew that I had never seen
written before. Still applies, I can usually guess the meaning of words from the Kanji and/or context.

Thunderbird2 MAY. 13, 2013 - 04:11PM JST

I go to Japan for my holidays every year and I do my best to learn as much Japanese as I can... out of respect.
Why should the locals have to struggle to understand my English? As for those who work and live in Japan, I
would have thought that learning the language would have been essential.

MumbaiRocks! MAY. 13, 2013 - 04:17PM JST

@JohnOccupytheMoonDaly: after objectively reading your post it is glaringly obvious that the only change you
need is to get a job in a Japanese company. With a university diploma and some footwork asking friends and
students to send your resume to small and mid-size company HR departments, you should be able to work in a
JP company for about the same or slightly more than you currently make and they will WELCOME your desire
to use Japanese. If you stay with the eikaiwa you can expect the situation to continue to ripen.

YongYang MAY. 13, 2013 - 04:17PM JST

Of course you need to learn and understand the language of the culture you are in, otherwise you miss so
much, the humor, the stories, the added weave to the human experience of the tapestry around you. If you're
here, learn, embrace and enjoy.

ReformedBasher MAY. 13, 2013 - 04:22PM JST

I guess your incentive to learn a foreign language depends largely how long you intend to live here, and how
much you intend to become a part of the community.

I taught myself for 2 years, practising with my friends, writing to penpals, etc, with the intention of staying here
for as short as 6 months. Thinking I would be laughed at by all the other foreigners, I was amazed to learn that
many foreigners never made an effort, even after living here for years.
But that was back in 1991. These days I'm very happy to see (hear) a lot of foreigners speaking good
Japanese. It shows. Most "natives" where I live are not surprised when I talk to them for the first time. "Oh, this
guys speaks Japanese, that simplifies things". If anything, it's going to be about my speaking the local dialect again, something I started late last year when I moved to a new region because how else would I understand
what's going on around me?
I agree with Get Real...
how much more successful would you be if you did?
Seriously, I understand short termers not bothering but otherwise, I personally think long term expats in any

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what s going on around me?

I agree with Get Real...
how much more successful would you be if you did?
Seriously, I understand short termers not bothering but otherwise, I personally think long term expats in any
country who don't make the effort to learn the local language are parasites. It's not how good you are, It's
whether or not you tried.

FizzBit MAY. 13, 2013 - 04:28PM JST


I am definitely one of THOSE foreigners who haven't learned the language. 10 years living here. I teach english
and I can tell you that a lot of English teachers who can speak Japanese use it in the classroom. Well, I can't.
So the students have to use their English if they want to communicate.

80393 MAY. 13, 2013 - 05:12PM JST

English will get you much if anywhere within Japanese culture and society
neither will japanese fluency if you dont look the part

Verisimilitude MAY. 13, 2013 - 05:47PM JST


From personal experience, it is much simpler to go to a country, having learnt only a few phrases, and your
counterparts, knowing nothing of your own language, to.. learn the language. Survival instincts are by far the
greatest stimuli of the human psyche.. particularly in learning, to co-exist and survive. Support mechanisms are
fine, but they can only go so far.. self-study, is the wrong word.. since from the day you are born till the day you
die.. you never stop studying.. or rather learn..
If you wish to learn a secondary language, first.. learn to love the country, before you utter a word. Because a
baby, utters words.. once it feels secure, once it feels, a part of its environment.. and most importantly, once it
feels accepted by those around the child..
that is how i learnt Japanese and English simultaneously... ugh.. i despise Kanji.

ReformedBasher MAY. 13, 2013 - 05:47PM JST


If the real reason for not learning is as you say - fair enough. I'd still try to learn the basics so you are not a
burden in the case of an emergency etc. (Assuming yo have not done so already)

Terrikus MAY. 13, 2013 - 06:07PM JST

Kanji was a lifesaver for me. After learning how to speak Chinese, when I came over to Japan, I found getting
around so much easier. I was like, This! This I can read! The more Kanji there was, the happier I was.

Rochelle Lantano MAY. 13, 2013 - 06:11PM JST

while its true that its different when you are just "travelling" or vacationing in Japan VS living and working in
Japan.. its true that a better lifestyle you want to acquire living in Japan the harder you need to work.. based on
my experience yes, this is true.. BUT by all means I would not say that JAPAN is just another country..ARE

80393 MAY. 13, 2013 - 06:16PM JST

I would not say that JAPAN is just another country
what would you call it?

Wakarimasen MAY. 13, 2013 - 06:24PM JST

Taxis shops restaurants bars a bit of basic conversation and voila, life in Japan is breeze.

Rochelle Lantano MAY. 13, 2013 - 06:25PM JST

80393 what would you call it?
Culture is what I call it :)

80393 MAY. 13, 2013 - 06:42PM JST

Culture is what I call it :)
as opposed to the cultureless countries?

Get Real MAY. 13, 2013 - 07:06PM JST

I just say, satpaliwakaranai (sic)
and ask if you can keep your shoes on?

Lowly MAY. 13, 2013 - 07:17PM JST

It's not worth doing anything you don't want to do. Musical instruments take a notoriously long time to master,
and if you really don't enjoy making sounds on the piano, why spend all that time practicing?? If you want to
totally give up, get cable tv, and lie on the couch when not at work, and there will always be something to
entertain your brain thingy.
Of course it's worth learning Japanese. It is important to communicate with your fellows and really understand
why ppl around you say/ and do the things they do. If you don't need it and don't want it, well, no one is going
to care whether you study or not.
As far as taking a long time to learn, that is debatable. A lot depends on your method and your study habits.
(you can sit all day at the piano poking the ivories w/o learning a thing if you want to...)

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to care whether you study or not.

As far as taking a long time to learn, that is debatable. A lot depends on your method and your study habits.
(you can sit all day at the piano poking the ivories w/o learning a thing if you want to...)

yokatta MAY. 13, 2013 - 07:40PM JST

Hahaha, good article Ken! Exactly, I've been in Japan for 20 years and I'm still getting away with my daily
simple J phrases and a lot of English speaking.

tmarie MAY. 13, 2013 - 07:43PM JST

As malfupete points out, little kiddies can do it.

Little kiddies can speak little kiddie Japanese. They can't really read, can't really write and have to spend 12
years in the public school system learning kanji. Not exactly a great example. You're average eight year old
can't read most of the train advertisements nor a standard newspaper.
Frankly, I found the better my Japanese got, the more annoyed I became with the place. Ignorance is bliss and
when I didn't understand the shallow conversations and yammering on about stupid things, the better I thought
this place was. Nothing like being able to understand TV shows here to make the rose tinted glasses fall off
and shatter.

Serrano MAY. 13, 2013 - 07:48PM JST

"Even if I pay you? No?"
Oh my...

Craig Dandridge MAY. 13, 2013 - 08:32PM JST

This "Opinion" piece is based on a nonsensical premise: Why you should not expand your mind or learn about
another culture.

yyj72 MAY. 13, 2013 - 08:46PM JST

Jimizo and tmarie, I couldn't agree more. Listening to my inlaws, you'd be hard pressed to find one complete
sentence throughout the entire conversation. Love them, but they definitely were never taught how to express
themselves in a lucid manner. I think the lack of education in this area contributes a great deal to the trouble
Japanese have learning foreign languages too.

Ah_so MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:01PM JST

Learn 2000 Kanji and blam, you can read a Japanese broadsheet newspaper.
Timtak, sometimes it is better to not say anything...

WilliB MAY. 13, 2013 - 09:11PM JST

Although it is a bit exaggerated, the writer makes some good points. Certainly for Tokyo it is very valid.

tmarie MAY. 13, 2013 - 10:02PM JST

**Why you should not expand your mind or learn about another culture. **
Not speaking the language doesn't mean you can't learn about another culture or expand your mind.

Language is all about intelligibility anyway, no?

Iwandabaka MAY. 13, 2013 - 10:54PM JST

I got here 27 years ago, never attended a class anywhere, passed the (as if that counts for
anything) ...it all comes with time and a sincere interest in talking with the sweet people of this country.

Patrick McCormick MAY. 13, 2013 - 11:07PM JST

There's a few things about this article that rubs the wrong way to me: 1) That there really is no means of
expanding your horizons in Japan by learning Japanese. False in a few circumstances. If you're a history buff
(like me) or have family who are Japanese (like me) then all the more reason to learn the language. I can't
count how many times I've gone to a museum or location and the English only covered half, if that, the content
the Japanese covered. The Edo-Tokyo museum has a great exhibit in the early history of Edo, but try to see all
the history in English only. It's pathetic. Learning the language will open new windows to understanding it. And
as far as the family is concerned, they have little time to learn English, so it is a hobby of mine that leads to
understanding with family.
2) The premise that you shouldn't learn Japanese if you're only a tourist could be extrapolated to say if you are
a tourist anywhere you never have to learn the language. Not quite. Yes there's signage, and helpful things IN
TOKYO but venture outside of that bubble and things go downhill very quickly. I couldn't imagine being able to
go to Shirakawa-go and not know a word of Japanese. Again, learning the language opens up new windows
that if you want more than pre-canned phrases and easy-to-digest facts.
3) And all those years of English language instruction haven't really given the native Japanese the ability to
communicate whatsoever.

Jonathan Harston MAY. 13, 2013 - 11:21PM JST

Bizzarely, the place I most used my Japanese was Hong Kong. I couldn't speak Chinese, they couldn't speak
English, but we could both speak Japanese ;)

bruinfan MAY. 13, 2013 - 11:32PM JST


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bruinfan MAY. 13, 2013 - 11:32PM JST


I don't always agree with you but your comment above was right on. I get more negs move for supporting good
comments of others, than I do for making my own dumb comments, though.

thkanner MAY. 14, 2013 - 12:01AM JST

Why you shouldnt learn Japanese? iam 2years in japan now and didnt learn a word. and i will not even try to
learn anything in the future. no point cos i always will be a foreigner here and i like it that they treat me this way.

lump1 MAY. 14, 2013 - 02:32AM JST

Let me try to expand your horizons a little. Why should you learn Japanese really well?

First: Because it's good for your brain to master foreign languages, and the more different, the better. You get a
slightly different way of thinking and of approaching problems.
Second: A culture is encoded in a language. You can't understand a culture without it.
Third: You might get a Japanese girlfriend, and unless you can switch languages back and forth, you'll always
feel like you're the beta in the relationship. If you go out with her friends, they will always be humoring you with
a switch to English, and they will become tired of this. If you meet her grandparents, you're going to want to
have a normal conversation with them. They won't think you're serious if you didn't bother learning their
Fourth: Gaijin who can't speak Japanese are more likely to hit a glass ceiling at work. Language skills don't
automatically take you through, but they do improve your chances.
Fifth: You have to climb out of the "contemptible valley" of your language skills. I made up that expression to be
similar to the uncanny valley of animation. Here's the idea. When your Japanese is obviously a bunch of
inadequate, strung-together phrases, the locals will like it. It looks like you're trying. When you become really
fluent, they will also like it, because they can just speak to you effortlessly, and you sound as smart as you are.
But in between these points, there is a contemptible valley, where your skills are good enough to converse, but
you sound like kind of like an intellectually challenged Japanese person. Once your skills get good enough to
where your mistakes sound like the mistakes of a Japanese child or moron - rather than an obvious foreigner you've reached the depth of the contemptible valley. Whoever hears you can't help but suspect that you're
shallow and stupid, even if they consciously realize that this is probably the result of a language barrier and not
your stupidity. Once you're there, there's only one way out, and that's forward toward full fluency.

donburi MAY. 14, 2013 - 03:23AM JST

@Iwandabaka, I think you mean

ksandness MAY. 14, 2013 - 06:29AM JST

Sigh, this is an all-too-common attitude among expats from English-speaking countries. English-speakers are
the first to whine if an immigrant to their country doesn't speak English the minute he or she steps off the plane,
and if a national or local government provides official forms or signage or information in any language other
than English, it is "coddling those immigrants who refuse to learn English."
I've even seen websites that tout retirement overseas and assure the retirees that they can live in Mexico
without speaking Spanish. (Any North American familiar with the English Only movement will see the irony
I'll give you my experience. Granted, I came to Japan for the first time as a student of Japanese historical
linguistics and eventually became a translator. My experience was different from many people's study abroad
experience in that I was one of two native speakers of English in the entire university. Most of the other foreign
students were from Asian countries, such as Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand, and our only common language was
Japanese. I also lived in an apartment in an all-Japanese neighborhood and spoke English perhaps once or
twice a week. I spent much of each weekday reading scholarly articles in Japanese. (I had already gone
through Cornell University's FALCON intensive program and three years of graduate school before arriving in
During this time, I knew an expat couple who had lived in Japan for many years and took the same approach
as the author of this piece, that you just need a few phrases. Worse still, their children, who had come with
them to Japan as infants or toddlers, and were teenagers by the time I met them, did not speak Japanese.
Aside from the fact that my language skills have been useful professionally, they have enriched my life
For one thing, I can talk to anyone, not just people who speak English. I've had interesting conversations with
people from all walks of life and of all ages. It's hard to maintain stereotypes when you've had in-depth
conversations with all kinds of people. If I need to ask fairly complicated questions of train station employees or
bank tellers, I can. I can get information and make reservations over the phone, even if the person on the other
end of the line doesn't speak English. Many times, I have seen panic on the faces of retail clerks or ticket
sellers, only to see them relax when I address them in Japanese and explain what I need.
I am not illiterate in Japan. I can read signs, newspapers, magazines, even novels. If I have a layover in a
country train station, I can pick up a newspaper and read it.
I can understand what's happening on TV. Granted, much of it is inane (but if you think that inane TV is
uniquely Japanese, you haven't seen the inanities shown to the viewing public in your own country recently),
but being able to understand what is happening on TV can be a useful skill. I was living in a gaijin house in the
summer of 1985 when the big JAL crash that killed 495 people occurred. I was the only person in the house
who could tell my housemates what was going on.
I'll never be mistaken for a Japanese person over the phone, and since I live in the States, I don't have many
opportunities to speak Japanese. But I do read and watch movies, and when I visit Japan, my brain soon clicks
into gear.
People who live in Japan and don't speak Japanese beyond a few phrases don't know what they're missing.
Saying "You'll never be accepted no matter how long you live here, so why bother learning the language" may
be a self-fulfilling prophecy. True, you'll never really be Japanese, but many of my fellow translators have
proved that you can live a full adult life in Japan if you bother to learn the language to what is called
"professional competence."

JustinPascoe31 MAY. 14, 2013 - 09:58AM JST

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"professional competence."

JustinPascoe31 MAY. 14, 2013 - 09:58AM JST

I would LOVE to learn Japanese, hiragana and katakana, plus kanji. Any one interested in taking on a student?

Maria MAY. 14, 2013 - 10:24AM JST

@JustinPascoe - you can learn hiragana and katakana in a few days - get some flashcards and a writing
practice workbook. Easy as, if you knuckle down for a short while.

JustinPascoe31 MAY. 14, 2013 - 10:41AM JST

@Maria. Problem is pronounciation and recognition between the characters. I do know that Japanese kids
learn the characters by relating them to pictures with a statement...kind of hard to explain. What I'm after is
coaching. I can get the flash cards from many different web sites, but to learn the correct pronounciation and
contexts, thats the hard part.

FizzBit MAY. 14, 2013 - 10:57AM JST

I do.

CruisinJapan MAY. 14, 2013 - 11:14AM JST

When I read the title, I was ready to disagree right away.

BUT, You made a lot of great points, and I would agree that most of us here in Japan from other lands can just
enjoy the adventure, eat the food, and stick to the essential phrases like "nama-biru kudasai!" and "okawari
"A draft beer, please", and "one more, please!"
Very will written!!

gameover MAY. 14, 2013 - 12:25PM JST

For short-termers I completely agree there is no real need to learn much Japanese. Of course do so if you wish
but its not required to enjoy life here at all.

For long-termers or lifers I cannot understand the mentality behind NOT learning the language. There are lots
of reasons to learn and it should need to be explained. For me personally the biggest reason is career. I work
for a but fluent Japanese ability is pretty much mandatory in my field and gives me an edge. Without
Japanese my employment choices and potential for salary growth would be very very limited. Money is not a
huge factor for me but if allows my children to have a decent life and education.
But going beyond that, if I met someone in my native Australia who had been living there for than five- ten
years and could not speak at a general conversation level then what would I think of them...? What you you

tmarie MAY. 14, 2013 - 12:53PM JST


But going beyond that, if I met someone in my native Australia who had been living there for than fiveten years and could not speak at a general conversation level then what would I think of them...? What
you you think?
I would think that since they've lived there that long and manage, it appears they don't really have a need.
If Japan really wanted to improve the language skills of foreigners they might want to oh, I don't know, stop
having city/ward Japanese lessons at 11:00 on Wednesdays when no one can attend, start looking at their
teacher trainer, look at the quality of textbooks... Let's be honest, much like Japanese learning English, those
who manage to learn Japanese fluently do it inspite of the materials out there. Teachers, textbooks and
materials here for Japanese are often 30 years behind those of other languages. The methods are outdated
and the price they charge here for schools is crazy. Sorry but Japan really isn't offering any incentive to the
average Joe who lives here.

tmarie MAY. 14, 2013 - 12:55PM JST

I'd also like to ad that the literacy rate here is dropping. My average uni student writes things in easy kanji or
hiragana and often asks other students how to write something in Japanese. Add in the katakana version for
things and I don't think the Japanese language is doing so well even with the young Japanese.

Simon Rudduck MAY. 14, 2013 - 04:48PM JST

I personally am very happy I made efforts to learn Japanese while I was living in Tokyo.

1 It helped me understand the people around me much deeper than I could have without it.
2 With 3 sets of characters, including kanji, it is intrinsically interesting, and a worthwhile hobby.
3 It taught me something a little scary about myself: "how much of me is ALSO based on the culture I
was raised in?"
4 It's polite to make an effort to communicate with people in their country in their language.
5 You meet different types of people. Not every person is interested in a free English lesson. Some of
these people and I had pretty interesting & satisfying discussions in a mix of Japanese and English.
6 Not every girl is interested in speaking English with a foreign boyfriend. Some of my most fulfilling
relationships were with women like that.
7 I have had numerous conversations with Japanese people in my own city in Japanese when I meet
them here, and they love being able to confide/relax with a "foreigner" in their own language. (Much the
way a lot of lazy-ass westerners do in Tokyo - may I add)
A middle-aged American man sitting next to me on the Yamanote line saw me studying kanji once. He said - I'll
never forget the arrogance - "Why are you studying for? All you need to say is 'hello' and the women drop their
I was mortified. Please don't think like this man.

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I was mortified. Please don't think like this man.

Reinaert Albrecht MAY. 14, 2013 - 04:54PM JST

You can say the most profound thing ever in Japanese, make the funniest joke, talk about the earth being
taken over by space robots, whatever and all youll get back is Heeeeey. But say any stupid thing off the
top of your head in English and everybody will bust up laughing. English is a pretty upbeat language;
Japanese, eh, not so much.
Strange, over the 10 years that I've been visiting Japan this never happened to me (apart from drunk men in
izakaya's). Maybe you talk to the wrong people in Japan?

nigelboy MAY. 14, 2013 - 11:48PM JST

Of the hundreds of people Ive seen study Japanese over the years, only about 10 succeeded in speaking
the language with any level of competency.

The remainder just bitches and whines about every one and everything and quite often letting their frustrations
typed on this very site.

sighclops MAY. 15, 2013 - 12:29PM JST

'Japan is probably the most set up to accommodate people who don't speak the local language'.

... yeah, until you leave the city! I've lived in the countryside, as well as the big city, and let me tell you things
are VERY different out there...

papasmurfinjapan MAY. 15, 2013 - 12:52PM JST

MY family is Japanese and trust me, knowing Japanese hasn't really been beneficial. I'd prefer to be the
ignorant fool when it came to their enlightening conversations.

lol. Sounds like my in-laws, but at least I don't judge the entire nation on the experiences I have with my wife's
crazy parents.
You can't understand a culture without it. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Care to elaborate? How do you truly understand a culture without knowing the language?

tmarie MAY. 15, 2013 - 07:13PM JST

Who said I was judging JUST based on my in-laws? Mentioned TV shows as well.

I guess you think we don't know anything about former civilizations and their culture because we don't speak
their language, right? I guess all those articles that people read in their native language about different cultures
doesn't mean anything, right? I guess all those deaf/mute/blind folks don't know anything about their culture,
right? Do you think all Japanese folks have a clear insight to their culture because they speak Japanese or
because they learn about it?

papasmurfinjapan MAY. 15, 2013 - 08:47PM JST

Who said I was judging JUST based on my in-laws? Mentioned TV shows as well
Oh, the in-laws and TV?? Well then, I stand corrected...

You know it's sad that someone who has obviously spent an extended period of time in this country feels so
bitter towards the locals. I hate to sound like a travel brochure, but if all you are judging Japan's worth on is
your in-laws and TV, then you don't know what you're missing. Try making some real friends, get out more and
enjoy the country, and you might just find the Japanese language is pretty damn useful for a person who has
decided to settle down here.
I guess you think we don't know anything about former civilizations and their culture because we don't speak
their language, right?
As always, you are being over-simplistic. Of course you can learn about a culture from a Lonely Planet guide or
textbook, but the only way to truly (note that word, as opposed to superficially) learn and understand a culture
is to immerse yourself in it. That's pretty hard to do if you don't speak the language, or even try and make an
effort to do so.
I guess all those deaf/mute/blind folks don't know anything about their culture,
If they are deaf, mute, and blind, then yeah, they probably don't know as much as someone with all their
senses in tact. But if they are deaf they can read and speak, if they are mute they can hear and write and if
they are blind they can hear and see, so they still have the language to communicate. The foreigner who thinks
Japanese is a waste of time doesn't. If they are deaf/blind/mute and on top of that have no linguistic skills
whatsoever, then I'd wager, yes, they probably know little about their culture, or anything for that matter.
Do you think all Japanese folks have a clear insight to their culture because they speak Japanese or because
they learn about it
Like I said, real culture is not something you learn in a textbook. It's something you experience. Go to Osaka,
live among the locals, learn the dialect. That is a unique culture you aren't going to learn from a textbook. So
do they have a "clear insight to (sic) their culture"?? Yes, more than the clueless foreigner at least. Do they
have a clear insight into whatever you read on Wikipedia about what foreigners think is Japanese culture?
(geisha, samurai etc..) Probably not, because that is not what Japan's living culture is.

tmarie MAY. 16, 2013 - 01:37PM JST

**Well then, I stand corrected... **
Indeed. Do I really need to add in the nattering from housewives in cafes, students on trains...

I have some lovely J friends and all that jazz. You're lokking to argue and that's it. If you think one can't
understand culture without language, you're going against what research has stated otherwise. But feel free to
believe you are correct and scholars are not.

miamanera MAY. 16, 2013 - 01:46PM JST

The architecture mmm, its not so great. The natural scenery yeah, thats not so great either. The
people ah jeez, well, you get the idea. But hey, at least the foods good. Thats something.

10000% agree with you, ken :)

and if you only want to find japanese girlfriend (s), for most of them....you don't really need english or others.

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The architecture mmm, it s not so great. The natural scenery yeah, that s not so great either. The
people ah jeez, well, you get the idea. But hey, at least the foods good. Thats something.

10000% agree with you, ken :)

and if you only want to find japanese girlfriend (s), for most of them....you don't really need english or others.
they know exactly what "body language" means hehe :)

papasmurfinjapan MAY. 16, 2013 - 03:27PM JST

If you think one can't understand culture without language, you're going against what research has stated
otherwise. But feel free to believe you are correct and scholars are not.

To make sure I'm understanding you correctly, by saying you don't need to know a language to understand a
culture, are you implying that language has no influence on culture? If language does influence culture, then
how can you understand it without understanding how the language influences it? Furthermore, how can you
truly understand a language without understanding the culture? The two are intimately intertwined.
I'd be interested to see this research you are referring to, because practically everything I have ever read
states the exact opposite. Language has a huge influence on culture.
Here's just one example from the WSJ. Hardly an academic journal I know, but good enough for JT. The
sub-heading, just in case you don't bother to click it is "New cognitive research suggests that language
profoundly influences the way people see the world" In other words, if you want to understand the Japanese,
you really need to learn the language. If you learnt the language, but you still don't understand them, then you
haven't learnt enough.
You see, it's not enough to know the vocabulary of a language, you need to understand the cultural baggage
that is connected to it to really "get it". To Japanese people the word "Judas" is just another name; only when
they learn the meaning attached to it by Christian culture do they understand why in English it means "traitor".
And so it is in Japanese, and every other language.
Knowing about a culture, and knowing a culture are two different things. I know about the culture of South
Korea from reading a few history books and travel guides on the country, I even learnt a bit more by travelling
there a few times with nothing more than rudimendtary Korean skills, but I do not presume to truly know the
cultural idiosyncracies of the country because I do not understand the linguistic nuances that play an important
part of everyday communication, and thereby make up a huge part of the living, breathing culture of the people
and country.

tranel MAY. 16, 2013 - 05:04PM JST

Whooo... another gaijin who thinks it's perfectly ok to move to another country and live there and expect to be
treated as a responsible adult alongside everybody else... without bothering to learn how to speak, read and
What is it with native English speakers in Japan? Why do I encounter this attitude so much?? Ah sure ain't
gone learn any goddam Japanese, dats juust too dam haaard.
Yes, always take the easy way forward. If you can avoid something, do it. What a shitty shitty attitude.
Unsurprisingly, the very same people tend to fume at the ears at the thought of people living in THEIR country
without, you guessed it, learning to speak, read and write English properly.
As for Japanese only being useful in Japan... er, no. Useful only in a Japanese context maybe, but once you
speak business Japanese well, it is a skill you can use worldwide. I know.

Juju1 MAY. 17, 2013 - 08:49AM JST

Hmm interesting...

Just because the Japanese have had English training in Jnr. & Snr. High doesn't mean they will be confident
enough to speak English. I've been here a little over a year & around 95% of my experiences shopping, going
to restaurants/cares etc. trying to converse in basic English have failed. I ask " Can you speak English?" (even
in Japanese) and most likely I get a shake of the head. Maybe they're just too shy? Or maybe they seriously
don't know what to say? So okay I try a little Japanese. I'm seriously terrible at it in all facets, but in order to live
at least a little bit more comfortably it's important to try.
Therefore, it brings to the point that if you're gonna live here you need to learn the language. That goes for any
other country! It's not just to speak with people like I mentioned above, but also to be able to understand things
you read or announcements, performances you occasionally see in public and the list goes on....
I do admit that some organizations are not foreigner friendly for example I just received a letter about renewing
my health insurance & it was written entirely in Japanese. I'm thinking...My name is obviously foreign so I
would think there would be an English version just in case.... MY POINT BEING... If you're going to live here
learn the language, also don't expect to get a response in English all the time!

DP812 MAY. 17, 2013 - 12:15PM JST

Even if you're not going to stay in Japan for a long time, it will still make your life a lot easier if you learn
Japanese. The whole novelty of being a native English speaker tends to evaporate after you've been here for a
few years, unless you go somewhere else.
If you're going to live in any country for any length of time, it's always a good idea to try and learn the language
as much as possible. It's just common courtesy I think. You may never become fluent, but you should still make
the effort.

Alyse Johnston MAY. 30, 2013 - 12:30PM JST

In all honesty, I just find the language interesting. I hate english, it makes no sense, breaks all it's own "rules"
and I use the word "rules" very loosely. Japanese sounds and is much more structured and makes more overall
sense. And not to be picky with your article here but even though people in Japan take english classes does't
mean they are fluent or can hold a conversation in english. Most high schools in the US require students to
take a language and most are not going to be able to speak well in that language. I myself took spanish for a
total of 9 years (2nd grade to sophomore of HS) of my schooling and I can't hold a conversation with a native
spanish speaker to save my life. And like I said before English is a sucky language that makes no sense, even
native speakers can't speak it properly. Just saying.

Frank Brown JUN. 21, 2013 - 11:34PM JST

Thank you so much for your timely article. Timely for me anyway. Amazing that you should post it right as I am
considering moving to Japan and learning Japanese. My interest in learning Japanese comes from the number
of jobs in my field that ask for bilingual people. Your comments on opportunity cost were especially

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Frank Brown JUN. 21, 2013 - 11:34PM JST

Thank you so much for your timely article. Timely for me anyway. Amazing that you should post it right as I am
considering moving to Japan and learning Japanese. My interest in learning Japanese comes from the number
of jobs in my field that ask for bilingual people. Your comments on opportunity cost were especially
enlightening. (I was an economics major back in the day.) I am not a young guy any more and so if I only have
twenty to twentyfive years left, do I REALLY want to spend a significant percentage of them leaning Japanese?
Probably not so much. I really like your sense of humor and I will continue to read your posts. Thanks again.

Ernesto Romero JUN. 24, 2013 - 01:48AM JST

So... don't do it because it is hard and takes time/effort? That's what I took from your article, ridiculous.

Aline Frost JUL. 04, 2013 - 10:06AM JST

So... don't do it because it is hard and takes time/effort? That's what I took from your article, ridiculous.

nah, he's not saying 'don't do it beacuse it takes time and effort', but 'consider if this huge amount of time and
effort is worth it.'

Aline Frost JUL. 04, 2013 - 10:11AM JST

This article has a point. I've been studying japanese for a year and a half now, and I'm kind of going through a
crisis. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the challenge, but I really don't know why I'm learning it. It seems
pointless for me, you know? I don't like anime/manga, I don't plan to be an expat in Japan, I'm not a
friend/girlfriend of any japanese... But at the same time, now that I spent so much effort learning it, it seems a
waste of time to stop now...

Daveydoh JUL. 11, 2013 - 12:33AM JST

I just want to learn Japanese to watch my anime without subtitles, and also if there's ever a mind reader and he
only speaks English I can speak in Japanese and he won't be able to understand what I'm saying...I can do
that with Portuguese and Spanish too, but that's not nearly as fun.
but I really don't know why I'm learning it. It seems pointless for me, you know? I don't like anime/manga, I
don't plan to be an expat in Japan, I'm not a friend/girlfriend of any japanese... But at the same time, now that
I spent so much effort learning it, it seems a waste of time to stop now...
Then really why do anything at all then? Why breathe? Why learn the guitar? Why even get a boyfriend? Why
smile to the camera? In the end, were all going to die anyway, it would all have been a waste of time!
If you learned something that you found enjoyable at the time, don't regret it. Who knows maybe someone like
you may stumble upon you and they will need help and you can help guide them or write an article like this of
your experiences. I don't know maybe I'm just foolishly optimistic, I personally enjoy teaching people the things
I learn it's so fun when they are able to learn it too. But then again we are all different, and I'm probably just a
young sap.

Herrick Mak AUG. 05, 2013 - 01:54AM JST

lol so wrong I spent less than 2 years I can almost read everything except newspaper. kanji is too easy for me
the more kanji there are the easier for me because I am Asian haha. never wrong to learn a language, you
meet more friends with it.

Herrick Mak AUG. 05, 2013 - 02:03AM JST

the hardest part for me is actually just remembering the kunyomi only I can get the meaning once I see the
kanji directly. why are you talking about opportunity cost and all that. you better off studying Chinese instead as
the job market and economy is growing so quick in china. well I'm native in Chinese and very fluent in English,
learning Japanese is merely interest, meeting Japanese friends and potentially getting a job in Japan in the
future. no offense I often see Koreans Chinese speak native level Japanese more than that of English speaking

Adrian Bitsinnie AUG. 19, 2013 - 01:31AM JST

I still want to learn Japanese I'm 15 learning guitar, trying to learn 2 different languages and in highschool! To
make it better i already know 2 languages, so I guess you could say I'm in my prime for learning, its going well
so far! :) it's very, very hard though because school takes up a half a day and then I got football practice. :(

eikaiwaisascam OCT. 13, 2013 - 05:22PM JST

The article is probably based on someone who has been living in the urban areas of Japan. Yes it is true in
urban areas many Japanese will speak English to you if you try to communicate with them in Japanese. As
someone who has spent many years in rural Japan I can tell you it is almost the complete opposite. Many
Japanese will speak to you in Japanese. Many can't speak English so won't reply to you in English. So there is
an argument out there that the best way to learn Japanese is to live in a rural area. You can get good at
speaking Japanese after 3 years provided you have spent a lot of time with Japanese people. Some foreigners
speak excellent Japanese, many don't. Reason why? The foreigners that speak excellent Japanese have
probably studied 10 times harder than you and spent a lot more time speaking in Japanese with Japanese
people. There are no shortcuts. I speak excellent Japanese but it took me a lot of hard work to get there. I've
met other foreigners with excellent Japanese and it took them hard work too. The thing I noticed is I see a lot of
foreigners with Japanese wives who don't speak Japanese well despite the long years in Japan and having
partners whose native language is Japanese. It goes to show you can have all the tools at your hand to master
Japanese but if your not truly prepared to make the efforts required you won't master it.

Yun Kang OCT. 18, 2013 - 06:03AM JST

Kind of a dumb article in my opinion. The gist of this was pretty much don't learn Japanese because it's too
hard, you won't use it, you'll still be seen as a foreigner, and because Japan isn't some fantasy land. Okay, fine
but the reality is that if you intend to live in Japan, work in Japan, you MUST learn the language. No matter how
easy it is to live there with no ability to speak Japanese. The only way to make your daily life easier in a foreign
country is by learning the language. In order to converse with the locals, your coworkers, customer service
staff, you need to learn the language, in order to ask questions you need to learn the language etc. This whole
business of "Japanese don't want you to speak their language" is bullcrap. Plain and simple. That attitude does
nothing but try and rationalize laziness and lack of effort and it's pathetic to be honest. Yes, Japanese people

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country is by learning the language. In order to converse with the locals, your coworkers, customer service
staff, you need to learn the language, in order to ask questions you need to learn the language etc. This whole
business of "Japanese don't want you to speak their language" is bullcrap. Plain and simple. That attitude does
nothing but try and rationalize laziness and lack of effort and it's pathetic to be honest. Yes, Japanese people
when they see foreigners will automatically assume that they cannot speak the language, nothing wrong with
that because MOST CAN'T. However, when you show proficiency in the language people are going to speak to
you in Japanese whether you like it or not. The whole novelty foreigner status gets old quickly after people
realize that you can speak fluent Japanese. The only downside to this is that once Japanese people realize
that you can speak fluent Japanese, they will often hold you to the same stupid rules that they hold other
people (honne, tatemae, etc).

Andromeda18_ OCT. 21, 2013 - 07:02PM JST

I've been to Japan and thought the architecture was great (at least the architecture of old buildings, of which
there were many) and the natural scenery beautiful. Different taste, I suppose. As for the people, they were
pretty nice while I was there (nowhere else in the world has someone offered me, a complete stranger, shelter
from the pouring rain inside his/her own house) but I admit 3 weeks isn't enough to form a valid opinion about a
country's population.
For me, the problem with this article is that you assume learning Japanese has to serve a purpose, but that's
not necessarily true. I don't want to learn Japanese to go to Japan. Sure, it would be nice to speak the local
language in any country, but I want to learn Japanese because it's a language I love. I just love the way
Japanese sounds. I don't need a practical reason for wanting to learn Japanese, but given the amount of
Japanese books/manga I read, the amount of anime/Japanese movies/Japanese TV series I watch, the
amount of Japanese music I listen to and the amount of Japanese games I play I'm pretty certain it would come
in handy.
Will it take a long time? No doubt about it. Will it be hard? I already know enough Japanese to know it's no
picnic. However, had I started learning Japanese over 10 years ago when I first became interested in it I would
be a fluent speaker/reader/writer by now. I kept postponing it because I was too busy and it would take too
long, but the truth is the years passed and if I had spent 1h every day studying Japanese I too would have
spent at least 4000 hours doing it. I don't regret wasting my time learning a language that probably has little
practical application. I regret not wasting it. Plus, Japanese pronunciation is very similar to my native
language's pronunciation (Japanese pronunciation is actually a simpler subset) so at least that part of learning
the language is easy for me.

ivilares NOV. 01, 2013 - 09:42PM JST

And the more fun you want to have, the more you have to work.

Isn't that the case anywhere you live? I don't think it is something that only happens in Japan... As for learning
Japanese, it's the same with any language you try to learn. It takes hard work and constant practice. You need
to try and listen to it everyday and try to learn things on your own, not only in class. People drop out a lot and
sometimes you need to think "am i really going to use this language in the future?" before you get into any kind
of course or classes. But anyway, I don't think we should discourage people to try and learn a new skill, even if
they do drop out in the end. All they were trying to do was to improve themselves and to learn more about
something unknown to them, and I think that's pretty great.

Astromech NOV. 08, 2013 - 07:41AM JST

I feel that I have been trolled by this post and by many of the comments. But, for any poor sole that is confused
by this post or possibly starting to agree or believe in this balderdash, please, please, please look else where
before giving up on a wonderful hobby or life changing pursuit. There are actually more people outside of
Japan that speak Japanese fluently than there are in Japan. Ever been to Brazil? Yes, Japanese is not used as
much as Chinese, Spanish, French or English, however it is still in the top 10 languages by usage. Learning
any second language is valuable regardless of where in the world it is used. Also, Japan is an extremely
influential and powerful nation with many opportunities for those with an interest to coming to this wonderful
country. I have lived and worked in Japan as an Engineer and as an ALT teacher. As a teacher, I was
surrounded by other English teachers and to be honest it was the most stifling time I had had in Japan. Their
outlook was very narrow and there experience was limited as they mixed with themselves or the "few"
japanese people who actually wanted to be around English speaking people. Sure, Japan has a huge
population and it is not hard to find someone who wants to learn english (simply because of the numbers), but
there are many many others learning Chinese (becoming more and more popular in schools) and German. The
Japanese people who wanted to be around the English speakers would tag along with anything and everything
the "English" speakers wanted to do and that included many nights at the local expat bar and heading over to
each others homes for drinks and parties. Was it fun? Sure, but in a limited way. This is no different to
Japanese clubs back in Australia where many aussies go because they think they love and "know" japan (they
like anime and jpop culture) so they try and mix with Japanese people and in tern follow them around
everywhere. Once I had broken away from that group, I started to head out on my own. I saw more of Japan,
the country (88% forested, ha who knew) and so many gorgeous little country towns. I decided to start talking
to people. Just approaching local people. I tried to use the language and people everywhere, young and old
were generous to my outreach. I ended up staying with people, given meals, invited into homes, and made
many long term relationships. There was zero english. I still have a long way to go with my study as do many
people learning any other language, but if you are truly interested, you will stick with it. If you go out and try,
really try, to make authentic relationships you will improve and enjoy. Forget about the expat bars. Thats NOT
an experience that you will benefit from. To be honest, you will probably just be around ethnocentric,
complaining american teachers. Oh, by the way. It seems that every job I have had in japan (other than
teaching) wants you to learn japanese, provides all foreign workers with Japanese lessons and tutors and
communication at work toward you is moved to japanese as quickly as possible. Keep with it.

Peter Payne NOV. 18, 2013 - 03:37PM JST

As a bilingual American who loves Japan, I want to angry with this post, but it raises some good points,
especially about opportunity cost for individuals who might not stay here that long. People should read and
consider before engaging in a huge program to learn Japanese.
I plan to live in Spain for 3-5 years in my old age, and I'll be happy to learn "enough but not too much" Spanish.

Steven Thacker DEC. 10, 2013 - 01:16AM JST

The author brings up a lot of good points. However, I think that if you are planning to live in Japan for a long
time, you really ought to study the language. You can just study a few hours a week and combined with the fact
that you are living here, over the years you will not regret putting in this effort. To become great at Japanese is
a whole different story and requires a lot of serious, hard work. If you are planning to live here only 1 or 2 years
then you would be seriously wasting your time if you tried to get "good" at Japanese (unless you are Korean or
can already read Chinese, etc.). When I come across people who have been here 5 years+ and can hardly say

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y g
g g
that you are living here, over the years you will not regret putting in this effort. To become great at Japanese is
a whole different story and requires a lot of serious, hard work. If you are planning to live here only 1 or 2 years
then you would be seriously wasting your time if you tried to get "good" at Japanese (unless you are Korean or
can already read Chinese, etc.). When I come across people who have been here 5 years+ and can hardly say
more than a few words, my honest reaction is "what the heck?" I think it's shameful honestly. I feel like you
have no respect and are kind of a fool. I mean, you can't talk to the vast majority of the people in this country.
Although Japanese people probably wouldn't say it, they probably think you're a fool too.

Daemon Ryuou DEC. 20, 2013 - 08:35PM JST


I thing this article is just stupid. There is nothing wrong with wanting to learn the native language of a country
you're visiting. As someone who lives in an english speaking country, it aggravates me when people make my
life more difficult by not speaking english when they move here. It's out of respect that if I'm visiting a japanese
speaking country that I will at least attempt to communicate with them in japanese.
The mindset of the author of this article is very egotistical. It's as though they feel they're entitled to be awe'd at
by people who speak english and japanese simply because they themselves speak english and japanese. If
you're going to learn any language, you should do it for the right reasons; like being able to have more relaxed
conversation, closer relationships, better opportunities, a sense of independence, or for academic purposes.
As for the question of difficulty, Hiragana and Katagana aren't difficult at all. I actually learned to read and write
Hiragana in just 3 days just by repeatedly writing them in sets of 5. As for kanji, yes it is difficult, but let it
register in your head that Kanji is not only used by Japanese, but also Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
You're essentially killing 4 birds with 1 stone. No one expects you to learn every kanji character; and just like
english you can often determine the meaning of something you don't know from context.
There's also the matter of the assholish demonization of Japan in this article. Oh? You actually had to work to
eat? Am I supposed to be surprised or sympathetic about this? This is true no matter what country you live it,
it's a fact of life. Don't get pissy and badmouth another country because you had dreams of partying 24/7
without a care in the world and got a reality check.

Serrano DEC. 20, 2013 - 08:50PM JST

This article didn't include the #1 reason for not learning Japanese:

It's way easier to ignore the inane chatter of schoolgirls and obaasans if you don't understand what they're
chattering about, lol.
"As a bilingual American who loves Japan, I want to angry with this post,"
Hee hee!

Alaina Miller DEC. 27, 2013 - 07:54PM JST

My personal opinion, if you live in a country, and plan on living there indefinitely, learn the language. Doesn't
mean you have to be perfect, but you should try each day and make an effort to communicate in the language
of that country. In the end, it will cause less problems for you, and it won't cause the natives of that country

NeonFraction DEC. 29, 2013 - 08:52AM JST

I actually enjoy learning Japanese in the same way other people enjoy taking a pottery class or listening to
music. It's fun and useful. Because please do not believe for one second that learning Japanese will hurt you. It
doesn't take long in Japan to figure out that having knowledge is always better than remaining ignorant. At the
very least, you'll have to learn simple kanji, katakana, hiragana and basic spoken phrases.
I feel like a lot of people forget that just because it's easy for YOU to not speak Japanese in Japan, you're
being inconsiderate to everyone around you.

MrMojo JAN. 03, 2014 - 09:56AM JST

Don't know why the majority of people think it's bad to learn a second or third or... language. It opens your mind
to other cultures and it makes communication fun even if it is frustration, considering your not a native speaker
of that other culture.
Learning Japanese is like learning another language... it takes time and effort! Yes, it's better to keep using it
so you retain it but it's NOT a total waste of time. The hardest parts are not to just quit, saying it's a waste of
time, which it's not and to keep the perseverance of learning both the written and spoken language. It's harder
to learn as an adult. Imaging trying to learn most words from the dictionary but in another language? That's
how people learned in a formal educational setting when learning English. Now let's learn another language.
Woah! There's no such thing or it's different as an adult which is EXACTLY true as kids and adults learn things
Why should people learn English? Let's just insult the English speaking world, which isn't much considering
that there's lots more languages on Earth though English is one of the most primarily language currently used
How's it different than others learning English? The tones of the variant comments are very narrow minded if
not somewhat prejudiced.
"...the use of Kanji effectually makes it nearly impossible to be able to read." Seriously?! Kanji is Chinese
characters. If you learn kanji, you learn Chinese. Sure, it's pronounced differently and may be interpreted
differently in Japanese, but you'll learn how to read, write and speak Chinese! Ever think of that? Of course
NOT, based on the comment!

Zeedraak FEB. 02, 2014 - 10:20AM JST

This article didn't include the #1 reason for not learning Japanese:

It's way easier to ignore the inane chatter of schoolgirls and obaasans if you don't understand what they're
chattering about, lol.

Do I really need to add in the nattering from housewives in cafes, students on trains...

In that case you shouldn't learn ANY foreign language at all and better still, forget you own language. The
nonsense that is coming out of peoples mouth in trains, cafes, shops is cringeworthy all over the world.

pablo944 FEB. 07, 2014 - 09:46PM JST

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nonsense that is coming out of peoples mouth in trains, cafes, shops is cringeworthy all over the world.

pablo944 FEB. 07, 2014 - 09:46PM JST

Haha Ken, your post is very amusing although you are missing a very important point (at least from a male
perspective). Japanese women are so beautiful! Is that not why western men wish to learn Japanese? Learning
a new language is but a small task considering the possible rewards.

Daniel Knox FEB. 22, 2014 - 12:31PM JST

I disagree with pretty much everything in this article. Discouraging people from learning more than basic
survival phrases is, to me, propagation of ignorance to the extreme. I assume this article is targeting people
who live in Japan, so when I look back on my 3 years and imagine that I'd taken this advice, I would have only
squeezed a fraction of the enjoyment that I have so far. Let me break down the points: 'It's going to take time'.
Learning a new language tends to! Yes, Japanese is very difficult, but if you concentrate on its easy points, the
simple pronunciation, the limited vocabulary (I dare you to count the number of words for 'delicious' in common
use), and relatively simple grammar, and spend a bit of time on the writing system, most people will be OK.
Anyway, since when is something taking a long time a good reason not to do it? It takes a long time because
English and Japanese are very different. Therefore it takes a long time for the Japanese to learn English. Isn't it
nice to meet them halfway at least? 'Safe return doubtful'. Yes a lot of people 'give up'. Or do you mean they go
home after spending a year or so working here? I don't think it's really the same thing. Either way, learning as
much of the language as you can while you're here increases your enjoyment/appreciation tenfold. 'Opportunity
cost'. Moot point. Everything has an opportunity cost. Spend 3 years learning Japanese, or spend 3 years
learning guitar. I'd take Japanese I think.. 'The payback'. I don't really understand the point here. So people
spend time learning Japanese and then find it's not worth it? Each to his own, but I probably wouldn't be able to
relate to someone like that. 'You really don't need Japanese'. OK so this might've been written by an Eikaiwa
teacher who's only friends with high-level English speakers. Oh and signs at stations are in English! Yay, I don't
need Japanese at all! And if they don't understand me I'll just point and speak a bit louder! Let me honestly say
that 90% of Japanese people I meet are relieved that I can converse with them in (admittedly not perfect!)
Japanese. And that my understanding of people is enhanced by speaking to them in their mother tongue.
'Japanese can make you less popular'. What on earth...? I don't remember someone being more popular than
me because they COULDN'T speak Japanese. Some of the parties I go to, if I bring someone who doesn't
speak Japanese, then I practically have to babysit them. At my work, if I couldn't speak Japanese, I'm guessing
no one would bother talking to me. And I'm an English teacher!! 'Japan isn't all that'. This one is the most
aggravating.. So things cost money in Japan? And I have to work to enjoy them?? Nope, looks like Japan isn't
for me after all!! I probably sound like such a Japan-geek. The irony is, I would've agreed with most of this in
my first 6 months here. But now looking back, it's the kind of mindset that I could've done without.

Egle Singh FEB. 24, 2014 - 04:20AM JST

I have read this all very interesting article and all the comments. I've been thinking about this for so long! First I
started to learn Japanese when I was 23 just like that without any reason. I wanted to see how kanjis work and
all that. I got hooked up and spent loads of money on books during the 3 years I was trying to study it on my
own. I never seemed to have time for drills as I have children and a busy home life. I was desperate to go to
Japan but then realized that it's pretty unrealistic so I quit learning Japanese FOR GOOD. I can understand
and agree with every sentence in this article. This is a fact, this is true. All the points are totally correct and
After 3 years or so when I realized I've learnt my 3rd foreign language almost to the fluent level I felt I was
bored and needed something in my life. For example: an extremely difficult foreign language. The candidates
were Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and two Indian languages. I felt like I've achieved everything in material life
and there was nothing to it. I felt I didn't want new clothes, new things, new trips - nothing. When I really
thought what I wanted was the joy of using Japanese. But this time my priorities were different (I was very
careful in setting my priorities):
1. I don't intend to become fluent in Japanese necessarily;
2. I will speak and write it even if it's wrong and people laugh at it;
3. I will use it everyday and it doesn't matter if I'm ever going or not going to Japan;
4. I know that what I like about Japan can be only experienced in Japanese novels, samurai movies and
5. I know that even if I was fluent in Japanese, I would hardly ever "open up" with someone as I don't do that
in my own language and I am not very outgoing either;
6. The reason why I want to learn Japanese is I like Japanese writers, movies and books. I can include music
and songs too.
7. For that I don't need to live in Japan because if my priority are books, I can buy them from amazon.jp or
read online.
8. I think one should only learn the language if they intend to use it.
9. One should learn the language not because of others but because of themselves. So, not because of
Japanese or for Japanese but for oneself. Even if the whole Japan will speak English with you and
Japanese - between each other, will it be fun to think they might be laughing behind your back in
Japanese. And this applies to every language.
10. After coming back to learn Japanese after the 3 years break I've noticed I could remember many words
and many kanjis. And what I've learnt was so much more than when I started of from 0. We should divide
the process into small steps and be grateful when we achieve them.
11. 5 minutes a day is better than 8 hours on Sundays. If we get into a habit to do Japanese a little and daily,
there will be no stress and no overwork. The same with body building. You just need 20 min of exercise per
day and a perfect diet - secret to perfect body. The art is to stick to it for a long time.
That's only my conclusions and how I motivate myself. We should enjoy the process, if we don't, we should
review our motivations. If there aren't any, we should create them. If learning Japanese doesn't seem worth it,
look for a reason that will make it worth it. The reason shouldn't die when we meet a bad Japan related
experience. Imagine you were a Japanese in your past life. So you are a Japanese, you knew the language.
No one can take it from you. So you can remember it quietly :) You refers to myself or one.

jenifadesu MAR. 28, 2014 - 12:49PM JST

I wish I hadn't wasted all my time NOT learning Japanese. Now I'm paying for it. My Japanese mother was our
only contact - both verbal and written - to our relatives in Japan. Now that her health is failing, I'm relying on
translators and my crappy, broken Japanese to keep in touch with them. We had a human Japanese textbook
whenever we needed one, and neither me or my siblings took advantage of that. But, ours is an isolated
incident. Just venting.

Afie Amaliya Afiefah MAR. 28, 2014 - 01:34PM JST

Oh My, your article has made my eyes open! I've learnJapanese at least for 4 years in college. But i have no
confident to speak with Japanese at all (I really have trouble with this). Thanks a lot! I hope i got this confident

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Why you shouldnt learn Japanese Japan Today: Japan News and Dis...

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Afie Amaliya Afiefah MAR. 28, 2014 - 01:34PM JST


Oh My, your article has made my eyes open! I've learnJapanese at least for 4 years in college. But i have no
confident to speak with Japanese at all (I really have trouble with this). Thanks a lot! I hope i got this confident
in other languages too.

sf2k MAY. 18, 2014 - 11:53PM JST

Much better to answer questions of English in French. Worked wonders in Osaka when cornered for free
English conversations by wanton strangers. Didn't matter what I said as long as it wasn't English and then
Japanese became the bridge haha
Who knew grade 8 Canadian French had a use?
Course by now I've forgotten French too. Sigh.. But it was fun while it lasted

jmgv4 JUL. 22, 2014 - 12:30PM JST

How discouraging. And I was just planning on learning Japanese... Good thing I'm Asian so maybe I can "blend

magicpebble SEP. 14, 2014 - 10:02AM JST

I lived and worked in Japan for three years and I do agree with a few points in this article that you can definitely
get by with only knowing a few words and phrases and that Japanese people do like using you to practice their
English. What I don't agree though is that being more fluent wouldn't have mattered. I saw my more fluent
friends order pizzas with ease, get things ordered and delivered to their homes and having conversations with
people on the street. Their experience in Japan was much richer than mine. I lived in an ex-pat bubble only
speaking to fellow gaijin and at home my apartment was a mini America watching TV shows in English and
listening to American music. I missed out on so much and it still bothers me to this day. I now take Japanese
lessons with no intention of living in Japan and while a lot of people think that might be crazy I find it fun and
enjoyable. I love watching J-Dramas and I'm getting to the point where I don't need the subtitles. I pick up a lot
more culturally than I ever have and wished I would had been this fluent when I was in Japan. I know full well
though that when I go back to Japan for a trip in a year or so I will use what I have learned and although I might
not have anywhere near native level conversation I think my trip will be better off. Yes there are some
Japanese that will only speak English to me and yes I won't have profound deep conversations but I will get
around a lot better and have a much more enjoyable trip and probably speak to some Japanese that would
rather speak in their native tongue to me than struggle with remembering their English they probably learned
years ago in High School that they probably never spoke anyway. Japanese when they learn English in schools
don't really speak a lot but write a lot of it so unless they went to a language school they probably won't talk to
you in English. That is what I personally encountered anyway. So with that said... I'm going to keep on keeping
on learning and studying Japanese and having fun with it.

Guregor Walters NOV. 18, 2014 - 01:16PM JST

Hey Japanese is the best languages ever it very easy to learn it maybe just easy for me and the rest of the
Asian people but are you gotta do is take your time

numyevenodd DEC. 27, 2014 - 12:27PM JST

Well, I believe the opposite. Instead of going through all those text and workbooks, you should just listen and
get an understanding of it before learning how to read, write and speak you should also take your time.

David Dunn JAN. 10, 2015 - 09:01PM JST

I really enjoyed this posting and many of the comments. There's obviously a lot of serious thinkers in this

I have studied Japanese on and off for years. In the early 1990s I attended the EASLI program at Indiana
University in the Summer. They put me in the 5th year level, so there was 1 person better than me and 65
worse. That said that level is not enough to really understand Japanese well.
The reason that I want to study Japanese is that I may have to leave China and I want to do something related
to what I already know. From the very beginning I was always better in Chinese. People said I was fluent by the
time I was 19 and I could pass for native over the phone in Mandarin by the time I was in my 20s. (I was born in
1958.) Now I can pass for native on the phone in Taiwanese-Hokkien and Cantonese also. But despite all of
this I have found it difficult to make a living in China. I have spent most of my time working in the energy
industry and the last 10 years, I have worked in the power industry. I suppose I could have chosen another line
of work, but I ended up staying in this industry because I was good in the technology and I am not an engineer,
so while I may be good at what I do now, I might have real difficulty starting for scratch in a new field with my
weak understanding of engineering fundamentals.

Sarah LaBrie JAN. 14, 2015 - 12:22PM JST

Read this a while ago but remembered it today because it's been relevant to my recent work experiences,

I personally could never live here in Japan long-term without learning the language, because I'm stubborn and
also as a chick particularly I've found that it's a lot harder making actual friendships/romantic relationships
without a pretty high level of Japanese. For my private life, I'm very glad that I kept at it, though the article is
definitely correct in saying that there's always a higher goal to reach for and occasionally that is effing
frustrating. Even with JLPT N1 you will still make stupid mistakes on a daily basis.
But for work, I'm definitely beginning to wish that I could just fake not knowing Japanese. I've worked at a few
places with other foreign employees, and the difference in treatment is pretty striking for those that don't speak
Japanese. They can show up late, leave early, piss off customers, etc., and the bosses never get on them
because it's too much trouble or because they file this stuff under "cultural differences", or usually a bit of both.
If you can speak, though, they'll hold you hard and fast to the rules, even if your culture is the same as the
other guy's and even if you've actually been living in the country for a shorter amount of time than he/she has.
I don't want special treatment, myself, but the unfairness gets annoying.

Luis Urbina Thompson JAN. 21, 2015 - 11:44PM JST

3 to 7 years to learning japanese? It took me the same time to learn English to a high level (my mother tongue

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y g

Luis Urbina Thompson JAN. 21, 2015 - 11:44PM JST

3 to 7 years to learning japanese? It took me the same time to learn English to a high level (my mother tongue
is Spanish) and as an English teacher, I can tell you that it's really hard to find someone whose knowledge of
the language is over the lower intermediate level.
Is Japanese your second language? That usually happens with second languages, you know, because we're
adults and our brains are not as flexible as they used to be and that makes it harder. Unless of course, you're
learning a language that belongs to the same family as your native language, say: you know French and you're
trying to learn Spanish or Italian, but even so, it's really hard to get rid of the foreign accent or not to make
grammatical mistakes every now and then, so it's normal, even the fact that there's always a higher goal to
reach: I can completely relate to that in my English learning process.

Bianca Almeida FEB. 16, 2015 - 11:00AM JST

maaan, I just want to be able to understand it that way I can watch the animes without subtitles xD is it hard to
just do that? I don't need to know how to write or speak it

Jered Satterwhite APR. 16, 2015 - 01:47PM JST

I love this article.

It literally gives me butterflies to even consider being competent in speaking Japanese. The reason being (I
believe) that taking my life, however long/short it may be, to another country would be more than an
experience. It would be astounding. And not some land chosen by fate; a land I truly desire to inhabit. Part of
me thinks that many men my age (24) have similar thoughts desires and therefor I should compare and decide.
But I don't think that's right. I need to make large decisions like this with gusto and confidence. To write a story
for myself that doesn't end in the U.S.A.
Anyway, thank you for writing this and please - if you even consider writing more about your take on the subject
- do so knowing that at least one guy'll read it. :P
Jered Satterwhite
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