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1S-L. A 20-}bblock sides down a30” inclined plane with ‘an initial velocity of2 ft/s. Determine the velocity of the block in 3 5 if the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the plane is yx, = 0.25, ini, + Fede my 04M0)-206030%3) «0 Im #8 fF mvc v= 20.6008 Ane 152A 2-1b ball is thrown in the direction shown with an initial speed v4 = 18 ft/s. Determine the time needed for it to reach its highest point B and the speed at which it is traveling at B. Use the principle of impulse and ‘momentum for the solution. 5 “ee oe 0 Ae oO roy a es y eae 9, my + EL de = mie wu 4 oe = 02785 = 0280 ane meres + 2) 8 dem mods 2 oe Fyitaw +0- Zon vy = Este = 156 Ane 418-3, A 5.1b block is given an inital velocity of 10 ft/s ‘up a 45° smooth slope. Determine the time it will take to travel up the slope before it stops. (4) (4) mown 2 fede min 15-4. The 180:Ib iron worker is secured by a fall-arest system consisting ofa harness and lanyard AB. which is fixed tothe beam. Ifthe lanyard has a slack of4 ft, determine the average impulsive force developed in the lanyard if he happens to fall feet. Neglect his size in the calculation and 7% * P¥i-2 = % ‘assume the impulse takes place in 0 seconds. A . + 1mm) = LB v= 1605 as “ on + [rae = my 100, FBasas + 10406 - RO9 = 0 Anpat: mpe wing ne hs ably eig ‘the area under the F1 graph. ” Jeol} ojo. ncn) ++4(500+750¢100-505(10°) + 1 50[ (20-100 (10)] =n08s Ane 1546, A man hits the 50-g golf ball such that it leaves the tee at an angle of 40° with the horizontal and strikes the ground atthe same elevation a distance of 20 m away. Determine the impulse of the club C on the ball, Neglect the impulse caused by the ball’s weight while the club is striking the ball o oD ” 15-5, ‘The graph shows the vertical reaction force of the aa shoe-ground interaction as a function of time. The first ppeak acts on the heel, and the second peak acts on the forefoot. Determine the total impulse acting on the shoe 730 - during the interaction, an : 00 f=. $00at 20 0+ veansory one bee ° + vsincoren — Leosne sna ~ Joan) pa tase mm +2) Fat = vy 0+ fra = conser, [rd = 070664 047 Ans 15.7, A hammerhead 1 having a weight of 025 tis moving vertically downward at 40 fis when it srkes the head of al of negligible mass and divest nto aback fread tein dhe al aed the gp tA soon, the handle has a neil andthe hammer says in contact with the ral while i Comes to rest Neglt the imple caused by the Weight othe hammer heed during contact wth the (1) min otf atoms 223) 0) fr dee 928) a0) fr atmo Jraeoot 2 Ane “18-8 During operation the breaker hammer develops ‘on the concrete surface a force which is indicated in the ‘graph. To achieve this the 2-1b spike S is fired from rest into the surface at 200 ft/s. Determine the speed of the spike just after rebounding. FO) %0 os : 4s ms s ° (ms) o al 02 03 a4 | 159, When the S-kg block is 6 m from the wal, is sliding at», = 14 m/s If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal plane is = 03, determine the impulse ofthe wall on the block necessary to stop the block. Neglect the friction impulse acting on the block during the collision, Bquation of Motion The scceaon of the block mast be obtained fit ‘before one can deerine the velocity of the lock before it sks the wa. ATE amg: NHS(981)=5(0) N=A805N Sth amg: -03905)=-$a 02963 wis? Kinematics: Agplig de equaion v= V5 +24 (6-5) yl o 1€+2(-2948)(6-0) v= 1268/5 mapsalneenons re) 50269-1250) [264N- ‘Ans Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum : Applying B.15~4, we tae nas — 5 ms fre my oH —— om 15-10. A man kicks the 200-g ball such that it leaves the ground at an angle of 30° with the horizontal and strikes the ground atthe same elevation a distance of 15 m away. Determine the impulse of his foot F on the ball. Neglect the impulse caused by the ball’s weight while its being kicked. os soot dee Iseor veo +0 OD ety tar ein = vin0" 981 v= 104m m+ f rtm en 0+ [ Fur=o203.09 ba frarareaea26i wed, Am 15-11. The particle P is acted upon by its weight of 3b and forces Fj and Fo, where 1 is in seconds. If the particle originally has a velocity of v, = (31 +1) + 6k} fs, determine its speed after 2 s, mois fra Resolving into scalar components, a ee yrs [mur Soe @-3dr= 0 + we s m3 S124 + Ac = 13896 Rls ny v= SURFS ¥15-12. The twitch in a muscle of the arm develops a force which can be measured as a function of time as, shown in the graph. If the effective contraction of the muscle lasts for a time fp, determine the impulse devel- oped by the muscle, [rae [(p)ee <8 fra -oben(geih Pemthe” afr (Go) infin (9) 15-13. Assuming thatthe force acting on a 2-g bullet, as Fay it passes horizontally through the barrel of a rifle, varies with time in the manner shown, determine the maximum, net force Fo, applied to the bullet when it is fired. The Fo muzzle velocity is 500 ms when = 0.75 ms. Neglect friction between the bullet and the rifle barrel Principe of Linear Impulse and Momentum: The total impuse acting / ‘on the bullet can be obtained by evaluating the area under the F — / gaph Thus. = 3D fred = Sergt0sa0-) + $40.95 — (05)(107)) = 0.375(10)Fo. Applying Ea. 15-8, we have a mom tf" Bae (2) 040375107) Fy = 200-1500) roar a267 i An —L_> ms) ww 15-14, As indicated by the derivation, the principle of a impulse and momentum is valid for observers in any iner- tial reference frame. Show that this is so, by considering the 10-kg block which rests on the smooth surface and is Tak subjected to a horizontal force of 6 N. If observer A is, in a fixed frame x, determine the final speed of the block in 4 if it has an initial speed of 5 m/s measured from the fixed frame. Compare the result with that obtained by an observer B, attached to the x’ axis that moves at a constant velocity of 2 m/s relative to A. Observer A Gy me Df ra pa6N fess ee oe =740mis Ans 1065) +644) Observe Gr med f rae 1063) +664) = 106 5.40 avs Ans 15-18. ‘The 4-1b cabinet is subjected to the force F 12-1)? Ib where fis in seconds. If the cabinet is initially moving up the plane with a velocity of 10 fus, determine how long it will take before the cabinet comes to a stop. F always acts parallel to the plane. Neglect the size of the rollers. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentw wwe have ment Df" Fede = mve)e Applying Ea. 15-4 e878 Ans 1S-16. [fit takes 35 s for the SO-Mg tugboat to increase its speed uniformly to 25 km/h, starting from rest, determine the force of the rope on the tugboat. The propeller provides the propulsion force F which gives the ‘tugboat forward motion, whereas the barge moves freely. Also, determine F acting on the tugboat. The barge has a mass of 75 Mg. 1009, 25D) = som me Syn: wen + 2f Pat =m o 10901 + 39) = (50475) (6944) 15-17, The 55-Mg humpback whale is stuck on the shore due to changes in the tide. In an effort to rescue, the whale, a 12-Mg tugboat is used to pull it free using. fan inextensible rope tied to its tail. To overcome the frictional force of the sand on the whale, the tug backs lp $0 that the rope becomes slack and then the tug proceeds forward at 3 m/s. If the tug then turns the engines off, determine the average frictional force F on the whale if sliding occurs for 1.5 before the tug stops after the rope becomes taut. Also, what is the average force on the rope during the tow? mb s2[f, dem Oe 0+12(10°))-Fa.5) <040 Fes Am iv +B Fe dtam on 200)0)-71.5 0 Fenn ro aw: 2) mmo sfra= my we a nan = ncariaouy + t T= 4881 = 149 Ane ” ing nant, Tee: . techs, ym osiraem, fae yl 0+ 9 ae) = cons 5H) Fe mses ane : onli, =<, - 15418 The uniform beam has a weight of SOO0 tb Determine the average tension in ach ofthe two cables AB and AC ifthe beam is given an upward speed of 8 ft/s in 15s starting from rest Neglet the mas of the cables. 0 me siran my 0+ mC ~ seen) = S28 109) ~ san = 22 Poy = 08197 = seta +10 samisy ace, 2 Fay = 3500.98 2368 ip S008) ‘ns be tape RW =% ofthe sandon the blocknecessary tostopitsmotion. Neglect =, 1 the distance the block dents into the sand and assume the 0X0" + #sy980 = Zes0% block does not rebound. Neglect the weight of the block during the impact with the sand, v= 2681 at OD my ef Pace omy ele ss - Jrano T ta [ree eans am to +1520, “The 5k block is falling downward at »y = 2 mis whens 8m from the sandy surface. Determine the average impulsive force acting onthe block by the sandif the mation of the block is stopped in 09's once the block strikes the sand. Neglect the distance the block dents nto the sand and assume the block does not rebound. Neglect the weight of the block during the impact with the sd Jon ttre gc Betis =% foe? + acean = hoy el eee v=umen y (0 me safream em 126 ~ F4(09) = 0 | By = TSN kw sm Ce 50.809 Fhe 15-21, A30-B block is intially moving along a smooth horizontal surface with a speed of v3 = 6 ft/s to the left. itis acted upon by a force F, which varies in the manner shown, determine the velocity of the block in 15 8. mos) #2] F, drm -5.9 +c5[ -tmcancn(2 (2914914 © 15.22, ‘The rocket sled has a mass of 3 Mg and starts from rest when ! = 0. Ifthe engines provide a horizontal thrust 7 which varies as shown in the graph, determine the sled’s velocity in ¢= 4s. Neglect air resistance, friction, and the loss of fuel during the motion. o mm + EP = my senote tA 0+ Wh H0-30045 = sep (oyaor + sagt i = S00 O60 + 300622) -90) » sche ve t4ms ane 15:23, The tennis ball has a horizontal speed of 15 m/s when it is struck by the racket. If it then travels away at fan angle of 25° from the horizontal and reaches a ‘maximum altitude of 10 m, measured from the height of, the racket, determine the magnitude of the net impulse ff the racket on the ball. The ball has a mass of 180 g. [Neglect the weight of the ball during the time the racket strikes the ball, 0 + 280, ~ Gd 20299" = 0 + 298K o eee mn ezine mon pea ne [ein « 4 = oumanisentry [a a= tio ED my, + 2f5 d= ms, 0+ fa = oss. tens Wyaersams Un [Pe GETS ES = 840 We 2 Aa SIS-24. The 40-kg slider block is moving to the right witha speed of 15m/s when itis acted upon by the forces and FI hese loadings vary in the manner shown on. the graph, determine the speed of the block at ¢ 6s a Neglect friction and the mass of the pulleys and cords toca) "tp ne ete erga rte py wl 4 (3) moars2fe aeamour a a 7 > 404, + 418004 + 1046 $)}~(10(2) + 20(4-2) + 4045-4) « 40m, eI we =I20m/) Ans 15-25. Determine the velocities of blocks A and B 2s after they ate released from rest, Neglect the mass of the pulleys and cables. Block 2: GH mon #D f Fat meee o+ae)-r04« (gh) 15-26, The S-kg package is released from rest at A. 4 It slides down the smooth plane onto the rough surface having a coefficient of kinetic friction of yzx = 0.2. Deter- ‘mine the total time of travel before the package stops 3m sliding. Neglect the size of the package. wy Potential Energy: The dazu is set at point A. When the package reaches the toe of the inclined plane, is postion is 3 m below the S(281)N . tor Is gravitons ple eneey 8 5 81)(—3) = =18718 + Nm | Conterstion of Energy: Applying Ea, 14-21, we hve heMenty DEE CITI) oe é wr v= 7672 ms Se Principe of Linear impute and Moment: Te ine ae fo te pockage 10 reach che toc othe inclindplane can be obined by a applying Eq. 15-4. moc Df Feat wmode Q 4905 N (VP 501456981) N30" 5767) 561s “The time taken for the package 10 siop when it moves along the (3) 547.672) + |-02149.05) horizontal rough surface cun bo obwined by applying Eg. 15-4, meen + [Ram 1) 50) +N) ~S98DH = 560) 510) 910s Tous the tol package's wating time s fbi = 1564+3910= 5478 Ans 15:27. Block A weighs 10 Ib and block & weighs 3 Ib. If Bis moving downward with a velocity (vg), = 3.f/s at 1 = 0, determine the velocity of A when ¢ = Is. emer ey 2) mm 3 «am Hy ~ ry » 12, % no = Bow, 6mm + 2f Pera my oy BI #300 ~ ary» 4, Toy ARIF ~ 100%, = 60 HOT + 150%, 1086 T= 140m (Oe 10580 = 1058 any "18-28 Block A weighs 10 Ib and block B weighs 3 Ib If B is moving downward with a velocity (14g), = 3 ft/s at = 0, determine the velocity of A when t= 1s, The coefficient of kinetic friction between the horizontal plane and block A is ug = O.15. i A ttyl metre m | T 10 %& - Baw - nv +0109 = Bye: g Dm tf Fae = my 3 pee go) + 0 = TD = 3 =3227 ~ 10,), = 1170 Oar + 18y4>, = ~1085 Teun Goda © 600 Wis = 600 8 + 15-29. The winch delivers a horizontal towing force F to its cable at A which varies as shown in the graph. Determine the speed of the 70-kg bucket B when 18 5. Originally the bucket is moving upward at », 3 més. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum: For the time ped ec cite pate a Far Irvin 184 bcs Fe mooi Lf Felt = moa oh me +2[so00s [an +04] = 70(9.81)(18) = 700 8 ms Ans 18) 15-30, ‘The winch delivers a horizontal towing force F to its cable at A which varies as shown in the graph. Deter- mine the speed of the 80-kg bucket B when 1 = 24, Originally the bucket is moving downward at 20 mis. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum: The total impase ‘eerie on bucket B can be obtained by evaluating the area under the F =r graph. Ths, PE rar=2[s0m + $000 canes 19] = 20160 Ns Applying Bq. 15-4 10 the bucket B. we have moo + Sf hat = mtorr (41) 800-20) 420160 ~ 800981928) = S042 vy = 344 as = 3464 ms ans st 100) BHD NS 15-31. The log has a mass of 500 kg and rests on the ground for which the coefficients of static and kinetic friction are j4,= 0.5 and 4 = 04, respectively. The winch delivers & horizontal towing force T to its cable at |A which varies as shown in the graph. Determine the speed of the log when = Ss. Originally the tension in seo 7 the cable is zero. Hint: First determine the force needed ER = 0, F-05(300)(9.81) = 0 fF: Z to begin moving the log. Os F T ae ae ca 2(200¢) = 24525 OC 1 = 24765 w sunt log moving OFM. os . : SoC AT. oe af? 2000 de 2(1800)(5~3) ~ 0.4(300}(9:81)(5-2.476) = 500%, mae 2 oman - | "15.32, A railtoad car having a mass of 15 Mg is coasting at 1.5 m/s on a horizontal track. At the same time another car having a mass of 12 Mg is coasting at (0.75 m/s in the opposite direction. Ifthe cars meet and ‘couple together, determine the speed of both cars just ‘after the coupling. Find the difference between the total kinetic energy before and after coupling has occurred, and explain qualitatively what happened to this energy. By ey 9 Em 15 0000.5) ~ 120060.78) = 27 000%) m= OS mis Ans sexta? + $oaen,07s# » 23280 27 000)0.57 = 3.375 are R-m = 2375-025 = 169%) Ans “This energy i spa wnoite, shock, snd heat during he coupling 15-33. The car A has a weight of 4500 Ib and is trav- cling to the right at 3 fUs. Meanwhile a 3000-Ib car B is traveling at 6 fUs to the left. Ifthe cars crash head-on and become entangled, determine their common velocity just after the collision. Assume that the brakes are not applied during collision. (By nglvads +maleads = (ma emades 4500, 3000, 7500 mi m2" Ra" by = “0.600 vs = 0.600 fis Ans 15-34. The bus B has a weight of 15.000 Ib and is trav~ eling to the right at 5 fs. Meanwhile 2 3000-1b car A is traveling at 4 fUs to the left. Ifthe vehicles crash head-on ‘and become entangled, determine their common velocity just after the collision. Assume that the vehicles are free to roll during collision. (Bd maou treated = (ma mado 150004, _ 3000, 18000 332 ©)” 333 = Sap Sts Ans 15-38, The two blocks A and B cach have a mass of 5 kg and are suspended from parallel cords. A spring, having a stiffness of k = 60 N/m, is attached to B and is compressed 0.3 m against A and B as shown. Determine the maximum angles 8 and ¢ of the cords when the blocks are released from rest and the spring becomes unstretched, Sy) Dm 040 = ~5u4 +509 Just before the blocks begin to ise: Ta+yanty 1 pee +0) + Seay03" = sy" + 0.7348 avs For A oF B Datum a lowest pint THM cosa) 952 Ans 15.36. Two men A and B, each having a weight of 160 Ib, stand on the 200-Ib, cart. Each runs with a speed of 3 ft/s measured relative to the cart. Determine the final speed of the cart if (a) A runs and jumps off, then 8 runs and jumps off the same end, and (b) both run at the same time and jump off at the same time. Neglect the mass of the wheels and assume the jumps are made horizontally. 4 a (9 A jumps te (Doroemr,—tmetmy ve Mowers, vy #=ve+9 On fh overs) itbve wen 0sn1 a+ Ant eB jmp O+(mesma) oe = Bhi-09291) = HE 964 9~ HE He ven 2260+ a ance However, oy save (0) Bots ee jump a eee tie (2) 0+0= (my 4my)o-meve However, v=—ve +3 0m (HB HE) 04 9)~ Hoe ven issan 5 a= 15-37. A man wearing ice skates throws an 8-kg block with an initial velocity of 2 m/s, measured relative 10 himself, in the direction shown. If be is originally at rest ‘and completes the throw in 1.5 s while keeping his legs Figid, determine the horizontal velocity of the man just after releasing the block. What isthe vertical reaction of toh his skates on the foe during the throw? The man has 2 mass of 70 kg, Neglect friction and the motion of his : os (A) orm emacond, ae owev, 4 = a0 ke J onewetent © G aeuan (21) (py 04 2en30"=1 me rarood fe biting 2) nt (0 ys om me ta #2208309 2 Imo WW 0. 178mp Ane amy Forte bck OD man eElinae pe 045 0.5)-80.000.5)~8058030) 5 Forte man 1) mo rE deme), 0+ N.S) ~709.81K1.5)-83.810.5) =0 ™N ane 15-38, The barge weighs 45.000 Ib and supports «wo automatiles A and B, which weigh 4000 Ib and 3000 ib, respectively Ifthe automobiles start from rest and drive towards each other, accelerating at a, = 4 fs! and ‘= 8s" uni they reach a constant speed of 6 ft/s felatve to the barge, determine the speed of the barge just before the automobiles collide. How much time does this take? Originally the barge is at rest. Neglect water resistance, [E} ne vermie= te 6 =) weweme ners H turtjar 1 sa0r0+ Sans 245 ie sesstmre bee 12060» 460.75 «2288 Forthe remaining (15~0.79)s=0.75 8 sewe6o7 2450 1215416252305 Ane 15.39. The barge B weighs 30 000 Ib and supports an automobile weighing 3000 Ib. Ifthe barge is not ted to the pier P and someone drives the automobile to the other side of the barge for unloading, determine how far the barge moves away from the pier. Neglect the resistance of the water. Relaive Velocity: The relive veloc of he a with respect he barge 15 Ua. Ts, te veloc of Be a is Oo VHB + Dey a Conservation of Linear Momentum : Uwe consider he ca and he barge {6 asystn, dente impolive fre eased by the wacom of he es is ‘ural the system, Therefor, x wileancel oat. AS he es. the nea amen conserved ang the x axis. O=m-v,+msvs (5) oo R2)u,-(32., a Suen 2 is 14% 5 Inernng 54 7hsones (>) M5, 54 =O ro) ft # 3001 Then, fm 4 1, ~200. syettae Ane "15-40, The lock A has a mass of 2 kg and slides into an open ended box B with a velocity of 2 mv. Ifthe box hhas a mass of 3 kg and rests on top of a plate P that has 4 mass of 3 kg, determine the distance the plate moves, ater it stops sliding on the floor. Also, how long is it air impact before all motion ceases? The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the plate is ux = 0.2. and between the plate and the floor j2;'= 0.4. Also, the coefficient of static friction between the plate and the floor isu, =0.5. Equations of Equilibrium: From FBD(), HEA When box B sides on top of plate P, (F/)9 = Han 9381 N. From FBD(), and assuming the plate does not move Np-@+2)9.81) HER Np —49.05—39.81) =0 Np = 7B48N Arn 981 ~ (Fp BIN Since dp < [plac = .Ne 3024 N. plate P oes not move. This sr=0 Ans Conservation of Linear Momentum: If we consider the block and the box as system, then the impulsive force caused by the impact is meal tothe system. Therefore, i will cancel out. As the result, linear momentum is conserved along the » axis Imakvads mexbondy = (mg mORde2 Ay 24 2430 = 0800 ms + Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum: Applying Ba. 15-4 wwe have meat ¥ [" hete= mone Gy 508) +(-9.8101 = 50) 408 s Ans +29a1N Che © My 49058 08t)N eS on oe , oeapsi |= Tynan wos ©) 15-41, The block A has a mass of 2 kg and slides into an open ended box B witha velocity of 2 m/s. Ifthe box has a mass of 3 kg and ress ontop of plate P that has amass of 3 kg, determine the distance the plate moves afer it stops sliding on the floor. Also, how long is it aftr impact before all motion ceases? The coeficient of kinetic friction between the box andthe plate is sa, = 0.2. and between the plate and the floor 41; = 0.1. Also, the coefficient of stati friction between the plate andthe floor is yl = 0.12. +1 ZF, a0 +2981) =0 Ny =4905N ‘When box B slides on top of plate P,(F))» = pu Ne = 0.2149.08) 9.8L N. From FBO), and asuming the plate does not move. HERG Me 4905-3081) =0 Np = 7848 N pn SIN 127848) = 9418 N, plate Conservation of Linear Momentum: If we consider the block and the box as @ system, then the impulsive force caused by the impact is internal tothe system, Therefore, it will eaneel out, As the res, linear momentum is conserved song. axis malo) tmnCends = (rat madee ) 2@)+0 49m 2 = 0.800 mis» Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum: In ordet for box B 10 stop sliding on plate P. both box B and pte P must have same speed vy Appling Eq, 15-1 co box B [FBDAa)), we have meat XD [kde = me Sy soss (98K =55 om Applying Bg, 15 to plate PUEBD()), we have mont Ef far mos (Fy 30) 49.8100) 784800 Solving is [1] and [2] yields 1 = 0.3088 5 15 = 0.200 ms G+2981N ol Feosin Toa 7848 N p= TRAsN © SO.81)N woos | 15-41. (Cont) Equation of Motion: From FBD\c).the acceleration of plate P when box B sll slides on tp of itis given by SEA = ep) (ap) = 0654 mis? ‘When box B stops sling ontop of pate, (F). = 0. From his instant fonward ple P and box B act as a unit and slide together. From FFBD(), the acceleration of plate P and box B is given by ‘may: 9.87.88 SDA = may: -7848 = ap ap}a = ~0981 mie AKinematir: Pate Pavel dane dy bei bx 8 oping deen + Herd 2 0+ Lesshyo20se) = omnes m “The te or plat Po stap aftr box B top aiding i en by a ny Hepdate 0.2039 s 200+ (098 1 “The distance d; waveled by plate P after box B sop sliding is given by WF + 2larhade 2008 + 2(-0.981)d dp “The total distance waved by pate P is pad 03058 + 0.402039 = 005007 m= 00510 m Ans “The toa time taken to couse al the mation is oy = +22 = 03058 +0.2030 = 0510S Ans “1542, The man M weighs 150 Ib and jumps onto the oat B which has a weight of 200 Ib. If he has a horizontal ‘component of velocity relative o the boat of 3 ft/s, just CO renee nan before he enters the boat, and the boat is traveling 1% = 2 ft/s away from the pier when he makes the jump, ten 2e3 determine the resulting velocity of the man and boat. moa mn wenn B20 + Mes 2M, Or = 32904 haw "1843, The man M weighs 150 Ib and jumps onto the ‘boat B which is originally at rest, If he has a horizontal ‘component of velocity of 3 ft/s just before he enters th . boat, determine the weight of the boat if it has a velocity CO tae f 2 ft/s once the man enters it. om. +130) "15-44. A boy A having a weight of 80 Ib and a girl B h i of 65 Ib stand motionless at the ends of the toboggan, which has a weight of 20 Ib. If A walks to B and stops, and both walk back together to the original position of A, determine the final position of the toboggan just after the motion stops. Neglect friction Ape o b-4n—4 fe o ° ’ o j = mata = (moma a 2815 - 1909 = 1580 > Bary = Deve Om my - lm tm ‘Amuse B moves x1 he ey en A moves (4-2) te ght Om m(t-n) ~ (meme ane mm 420) pit - ts mew ‘Aad B 501 ober ed. hy = as ‘Aun the toboggan moves te sight, en A and B ave (4-2) 0 te et = —my(Aez) mad) + ms? _ Kee mmm 46s + wees = 3sisa> Net movant of ed fn ie i 15.48, The 104b projectile is fired from ground level with an inital velocity of v4 = 80 /s in the direction shown. When it reaches its highest point B it explodes into two S-lb fragments. If one fragment travels vertically upward at 12 ft/s, determine the distance between the. fragments after they strike the ground. Neglect the size (> of the gun. on / oo on 15-46, ‘Two boxes A and B, each having a weight of 160 1st on the 500-Ib conveyor which is fre to roll on the ground, If the belt starts from rest and begins to run with a speed of 3 ft/s, determine the final speed of the ‘conveyor if (2) the boxes are not stacked and A falls off then B falls off and (b) A is stacked on top of B and both fall off together. 3 Lec heme vonny ofA and (2) tm etm 320), 500 09 (5 Jom- (S35) (} seven nod Ta, els ye LiTie the momentum ofthe conveyer. This wee vy = Means = 40M WP = 0 + tate -U00) 0 = cnnlason? 4 2-32290-0) Er, = Ea shen. Biome _ 0 Sse, + So 00, + hom ane = 120s oP, 60y + Wade Ba? se foane reams R= LS) = MS ‘When tox fli off, texans no imple one conveyor, and so doesnt aor 15-47, The 10-kg block is held at rest on the smooth inclined plane by the stop block at A. If the 10-g bullet is traveling at 300 m/s when it becomes embedded in the 10-kg block, determine the distance the block will slide up along the plane before momentarily stopping. Conservation of Linear Momentum : I we conser the block x he ble, ‘sytem. then rom the FBD. the impubive force Feaused by he pei imemao he system. Therefor, i wl cance out. Also, dhe weight of te bullet td he Blk ae naninpuleve forces, Ashe esl, liner moment is conserved along the”, yy ee = (mg 40, w (01(300e0s 30%) =(0.01+ 10)» a enozes mis gen 018" — Conservation of Energy : Te dam i sat she boc sini positon When ‘he block andthe embeded bullet highest point. ey ae above the dan. Thi gravinoel potental enezy is (10+ 0.01)(9.81)4= 9819814, te ‘Applying Ea 14~21, we ave tiseeeme Temensy outa33am 43/30" *1548. A tugboat T having a mass of 19 Mg is tied to ‘a barge B having a mass of 75 Mg. Ifthe rope is “elastic” ‘such that it has a stiffness k = 600 kN/m, determine the ‘maximum stretch in the rope during the initial towing. Originally both the tugboat and barge are moving in the same direction with speeds (vy), = 1Skm/h and (vs): = 10 kaw, respectively. Neglect the resistance of the water. om = 15am, sora (2) = 0mm = 2778 ‘Whe pened asim th et br aes comen voy, He 2) oy = ty wonxcien + 78000277 = (8000475000, v= 2050 ie = A m0, “= Behenem Sry or Soscomasen’« Scsenmcarm « aaa 5 = Jose + rycen = apes ron seam) «0 = ansec0 + amare 15-49, ‘The 20-Ib cart B is supported on rollers of negligible size. Ifa 10-Ip suitcase A is thrown horizontally lows com it at 10 ft/s, determine the length of time that A slides —> relative to B, and the final velocity of A and B. The coe'ficient of kinetic friction between A and Bis jy = O44 4 A 101 ie a) SP tiga th ols 15-50, The 20-Ib cart B is supported on rollers of negligible size. If 10-Ib suitcase A is thrown horizontally von onitat 10 f/s determine the te and the distance B se tmoves bette A stope relate fof. The cooticient of Trt ton between and Bis a= 0% oi 2 (3) een etmn 0 BJoos0- vena _ 10/6 uo-s-(22Jaay sn0si605IR« Ame ee 8 > (5) renee 3332044, 0.5175 a= 6440 tt ) saonietad sonarluyasin? 080 Am 15.51. The free-rolling ramp has a mass of 40 kg. A 10g crate is released from rest at A and slides down 3.5 m to point B. Ifthe surface of the ramp is smooth, ‘determine the ramp's speed when the crate reaches B. ‘Also, what is the velocity of the crate? Contervation of Eneray : The dane st atoven poi. Whe craw is apa, is 35,307 = 178 above eda gral pot ee is 10(9.81)(1.75) = ITL67SNm. Apayng Eq M21, we tie newenen orinerseduouts tues Joab dans nuerse sub +200} " ——* 4098) RelatveVelety Te vecy ofc gen by = =D pl (Yep cos 30% ven 30) = (OE8Ovi4~ Up )N~OSVogd a » ” The maguinde of vi ms 4 uc VOR Ve4 Va) HSV a6) cer Sat rarrs 6 Conservation of Linear Momentum : we conse the crea the ® tampa assem fom te FBD, on reals tha be norm acon Ne (impute force) is itemal te syste and wileacel each other. AS the ‘es he ina momentum is conterved along the xi. nc(Ue), Me Ye Ne Ne 0 10(0.8660v¢1¢~ vy) +40(-Y9) 0 £660¥¢7~5005 oy Solving Bs. (1 (3) (4 yes vps 1A0t mis = 10m ue = Dog #6355 m/s rom 6.0) Ye = 0.8660(6.356)~ 1.10111 -0.5(6.386)) = (44031~3.178)) mis “Thus, te drconl angle @ of ve "15-52 ‘The block has a mass of $0 kg and rests on the surface of the cart having a mass of 75 kg. I the spring, which is attached to the cart and not the block is compressed 0.2 m and the system is released from rest, Remenen determine the speed ofthe block after the spring becomes . undeformed. Neglect the mass of the cart’s wheels and Loon + 51200902" = Jes)" + Lerme9t the spring in the calculation, Also neglect friction. Take 2 = 300N/m 12 so o2508 bm = om toa gee i + 0= 50% 255, fe ety, 0253 me & AOR m Ane 15:53 The block has a mass of 50 kg and rests on the surface of the cart having a mass of 75 kg. Ifthe spring which is attached to the cart-and not the block is compressed 02 m and the system is released from rest, determine the speed ofthe block with respect tothe cart alter the spring becomes undeformed. Neglect the mass of the wheels and the spring in the calculation. Also neglect friction. Take k = 300 N/m. pee 12 = Sov + 755 zs Con, = Bm o+0= 50% - 25%, w= le, v9 0253 mie y= 03 ms + ©) 05» -029 +4 vue #0682 min > Ane 15-54, Blocks A and B have masses of 40 kg and 60 kg, respectively. They are placed on a smooth surface and the spring connected between them is stretched 2 m. If they are released from rest, determine the speeds of both blocks the instant the spring becomes unstretched. 15-85. An ivory ball having a mass of 200 gis released from rest at a height of 400 mm above a very large fixed ‘metal surface. Ifthe ball rebounds to a height of 225 mm above the surface, determine the coefficient of restitution beoween the ball and the surface. fore impact T+Vaney 0+029.81)(04) = $02) +0 2 1) =2801 ms Aer the impact 0+029.81)(0325) 2525 mis Cocticient of resiuion "18.86. Block A has a mass of 3 kg and is sliding on a rough horizontal surface with a velocity (v4)1 = 2 m/s when it makes a direct collision with block B, which has a mass of 2 kg and is originally at rest If the collision is perfectly clastic (e = 1), determine the velocity of each block just after collision and the distance between the blocks when they stop sliding. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks and the plane is x = 0.3. Lam = Dime 302) +0= 3nd: +2000) Solving (1): = 0400 ms Ans (eo)2 = 240 evs Ans Block R+Duash Joyas* -sonn024=0 4, = 00272 m Block B: T+ EU 22.40 ~ 20981030 dy = 09786 m dy = 0951 m Ans (ow Ga) (a) = Cn 0-1-2525) Zao = 0 0.901 Ans (0 ee 308) 03)98)N 308N 20.80 0329.80)N 209.81) N 15-57, Disk A has a mass of 2 kg and is siding forward ‘on the smooth surface with a velocity (v4), = $ m/s when it strikes the 4-kg disk , which is sliding towards A at za) = 2 m/s, with direct central impact. Ifthe coefficient Of restitution between the disks is e = 0.4, compute the velocities of A and B just after collision. mvp) tmalY9) u ( 1 Solving Es. an 2] yes (up)y 153 mls LSmls © (vy) = ZT ls Ans (opy=Sov (op) =2 ms Ghyeonis | Onyzen/s ine of Tent wv 15-58. The three balls each weigh 0.5 tb and have a coefficient of restitution of e = 0.85. If ball A is released from rest and strikes ball B and then ball B strikes ball , determine the velocity of each ball after the second collision has occurred. Neglect the size of each ball Bala aman tower pot, Tek aney 9400.50)=4(25)oat +0 (wn = 13.9068 aad 8 (5) en etm (Bursmeo ) alan CD oor=oan On =u 1350-0 o8s= Solving (ane=Loetvs Ane Own = 12.86% Bads Band ¢ (2) besten (os (28)easns (oh -ony Ones oss= eh 126-0 Solving (0) =0.966 Ri Ane Geb = 1916 Ane 15.59, Iftwo disks A and B have the same mass and are subjected to direct central impact such that the collision is perfectly elastic (e = 1), prove that the kinetic energy before collision equals the kinetic energy after collision. “The surface upon which they slide is smooth, ) maa m0 (on), ma oad +a 0a sma{an -Our]= ma[r=Oon] 0 ©) eho (an e Combining Eas. (1) and (@) mao tear van +0002] = mal oae— mh Lond +60] cut to Laccnit ed 1 Laon Inaioai stmacont =m cut simont OED. 1715-60, Each ball has a mass m and the coefficient of Testitution between the balls ise. If they are moving towards one another with a velocity v, determine their Speeds after collision. Also, determine their common Riocity when they reach the state of maximum ‘deformation, Neglect the size of each bal. (5) Pe aten 6) eGe es ‘Aumaximum deformation 4 =» Tm 2Emn nv-mv= Qn v0 Ane 15.61, The man A has a weight of 175 Ib and jumps from rest h = 8 ft onto a platform P that has a weight of 60 Ib. ‘The platform is mounted on a spring, which has a stiffness & = 200 lb/ft. Determine (a) the velocities of A and P just after impact and (b) the maximum compression imparted. to the spring by the impact. Assume the coefficient of restitution between the man and the platform is e = 0.6, and the man holds himself rigid during the motion Ber, = Day ob emis 06 = amo ‘Savas, v= Bane @ = 204) rq = 038 RemeBew 1 yar05' « Heammasy* + JqBpera0? + Ja00.037 toa? ~ 641.206= 0 eras ia = Bina s Sey Ben +0- Bons Zon) Olamecs0s* - x0 15-62, ‘The man A has a weight of 1001b and jumps from rest onto the platform P that has a weight of 60 Ib, The platform is mounted on a spring, which has a stiffness k = 2001b/ft. Ifthe coefficient of restitution between the man and the platform is e = 06, and the man holds himself rigid during the motion, determine the required height fof the jump if the maximum compression of the spring becomes 2 f. Fox tps te coin: = 2024) Pe — Poetry = lets 1 2 «}eaomasy + 0« + Samat = 2-05) Pour +Homasy + 0+ 0+ = 8128 bh ex tacta 27612 ras 6 = 28a Dt «bem 10, 2 (ra) + Lars Bou + Se . = 162m van = 7045 mis Fer ema jut bef sting platoon Rewanen 15-63, ‘The three balls each have the same mass m. If A has a speed v just before a direct collision with B, determine the speed of C after collision. The coefficient of restitution between each ball is e. Neglect the size of cach bal. Conservation of Momentum : When ball svikes ball, we hase m0) tM (Ny ra 6q)e map) fe) mu40= mi v4), #004 ul Coefficent of Restitution o @ Solving Bs. and [21 ys vue vite (0; w= servation of Momentum : When bal B sires ball C, we have maa); + Me(e), =a (Da)y tM (eds C8) EEE Pooe mien emtng i Coefficient of Restittion (wol;z toa), 15-64, If the girl throws the ball with a horizontal velocity of 8 ft/s, determine the distance dso that the ball bounces once on the smooth surface and then lands in the cup at C.Take € = 0.8. ob ob ob wb + 2g) G0} = 06 22243) 00, = 13904 seated fet nts dee 350404 ema, fay = 043676 Op, = nat verter B97 © 111197 + 322446) ‘ae = 065075 Toa de lee = 1.1224 6 ‘Sc de. component of momentum scomcred fone) 4 sue 4a 8508 ae at B. r+ Vs J emyiug)} = 32.2964) 1605 tvs N+ ton = fase 960 ae 7+ toon =08(3) 609 = 1027 as JRF FTOAE = 14.08 tvs 1027) — segs (Ser) -s*8 15-65. The ball is dropped from rest and falls a distance of 4 fc before striking the smooth plane at A. If e = 0.8, determine the distance d to where it again strikes the plane 02s 14.08 a e vee CH) se turt ~seonsnsarrns Senaye and in plane. Also, what is the distance d”” Teenie 00 Stwxon-mcaane (oy) = VESEDS = 16.085 tus “ 505 «9.04 ‘ a (aso (renews Lay -o4 a0 Gb rentnet 3 1 : Fle) =0~ (0.9) + $02.20) 15-66. ‘The ball is dropped from rest and falls a distance of 4 ft before striking the smooth plane at A. Ifitrebounds 0.5 s again strikes the plane at B, determine the coefficient of restitution © between the ball and the 1605 ts, ‘ds5/2 cy os[oa(’) ct) as[-900(2) +12mte($)] 2025 Solving, = 0.502 2H 15-67, The 2-kg ball is thrown at the suspended 20-kg block with a velocity of 4 m/s. If the coefficient of restitution between the ball and the block is e = 08, determine the maximum height h to which the block will swing before it momentarily stops. Sysem ( Solving Emin sEmah (un #2545 mis 21) +0 24% +A, OH OGEAS le 0s #1009) «4 Block: ‘Dan atlowest gin, io a han ReKaRey 042 a= }0,0.65457 +0=0+200.8)4 (mn -(n232 h=00216m=216m Ans "45.68, The 2-kg bulls thrown atthe suspended 20-kg block with a velocity of 4 m/s. If the time of impact between the ball and the block is 0.005 s, determine the average normal force exerted on the block during this time. Take e = 08. (2) ten etmn (+0 B)o4de VOD, (nao over Dantas <0 (oahu =32 song (oh #2585 mls (own = 068455 Block ie (3) ma eefraemn 0+ F10.008) = 200.6545) Fass GN Ane a= @ if & 2209, 3)N afr t Fe 15-69. A ball is thrown onto a rough floor at an angle @. If it rebounds at an angle ¢ and the coefficient of Kinetic friction is qu, determine the coefficient of restitution e, Neglect the size of the ball. Hint: Show that during impact, the average impulses in the x and y directions are related by /, = j1l,. Since the time of impact is the same, FeAt = uF, At or F, = uF, oy + eo “+ CD m4), dem m(o,),, 4 ° m0, sn0-F Aram sng oy meenoemmane yy Since f= a, om Bea} ad (3) 1 cond O88 _ m0 anv ind) 2, ox0-yaina 2 ad roe CL 15-70, A ball is thrown onto a rough floor at an angle of @ = 45°. If it rebounds at the same angle 4 = 45°, determine the coefficient of kinetic frition between the floor and the ball-The coefficient of restitutionise = 0.6. Hint: Show that during impact, the average impulses in the x and y directions are related by lz = ly Since the time of impact is the same, FAI = uF, At oF F, = BF. en eLevesne) sing Eee), tne 2 om monytlneremon, Uy 0m0-F,At mv, cose nO 0 5 = a ob +hiaemm(o,), 00 rm-moycing nse om ag a ‘Shee & = oo 2 an 3) Uy comer _ (my sad rng) ta sepa 2, pag some “ Subeing Bf] mo yl. 18-71, Plates A and B each have a mass of 4 kg and are restricted to move along the smooth guides. If the coefficient of restitution between the plates is ¢ = 07, determine (a) the speed of both plates just after collision and (b) the maximum compression of the spring, Plate A has a velocity of 4 m/s just before striking B. Plate B is originally at rest and the spring is unstretched Conservation of Momentum : (Day #6 CDA)g = Ima Wade Hm Yads em 41g) 40" 4004), +4004); oy Coefficient of Restitution paso Gay=Cn © 07 = ahah a Solving Bg] ad (2 yi (4), 20600mE = (oy Ane Conservation of Energy : When pla B stops momensry, the spring has been ‘competi is maximum ant the elas ota energy a thi tant 50, Applying Ea. 4 —21, we have RenaRey 1 JO (3404) +0 a pn k= 500 Nin “18-72, The 8-1b ball is released from rest 10 ft from the Surface ofa flat plate P which weighs 6 Ib, Determine the ‘maximum compression in the spring if the impact is perfectly elastic am tomes point exe 3 acsmeonch tunel Hae +0= Fa Soon ee =o 04h =205 05 Oo =28.00008 Iniialy te plc is compressed Bake 620m retin, ‘Dat afl pase posi Rewaney hy @ )o9.00?-Loyan(t) serondontaler Maximum ping compression is sae eteerel nase ne 15-73. It was observed that a tennis ball when served horizontally 7.5 ft above the ground strikes the smooth ground at B 20 ft away. Determine the initial velocity v4 of the ball and the velocity vz (and 8) ofthe ball just after Oy benent it strikes the court at B. Take e = 0.7. = 04m oe rss 0v0e donne «oat meena smn aw va nan 6 veneas vo = 038506889» 197 o 07 = PEE, vy: = 152 ae T vm = {COREFT SSG = 33.1 aw om ear ES a7 4 “ Ane 15:74, The tennis ball is struck with a horizontal velocity 4 strikes the smooth ground at B. and bounces upward at @ = 30°. Determine the initial velocity vq, the final velocity vp, and the coefficient of restitution between the ball and the ground, eh Pad s2qG-m) Gap = 0+ 2622)015-0) vays = 2ST le fo Od venta — aig «045221 158 * f= oosasas é Cy segent 5 Gi +92 —+__| 0-04 »,(06825 vy = 19308 = 293 8s ane mam aan = Yors = ¥4 = 29308 ng = 9.50 /eo" = 338.Re An vpn = 293050307 = 16918 5 15918 on onan 070 Ans 15-78. The ping-pong ball has a mass of 2g. Ifitis struck’ with the velocity shown, determine how high h it rises above the end of the smooth table after the rebound. Take = 08. CO remem 225 = 0+ tRooe3r, Fm 014s (ds = Oy = 1Bene30" = 155885 ms OD ven sar (phy = tan30" + 91careaso (ph = 104160 ms OD enone Se (op = 83528 mis OO rensne 075 = 0+ 15.888 v= eouias OP sem enee dee b= 0+ ess2maost13 4 . Joanaoang? he 030m Ane 115-76, The ball is ejected from the tube with a horizontal velocity of %; =8 ft/s as shown. If the cient of restitution between the ball and the ground (08, determine (a) the velocity of the ball just after it rebounds from the ground and (b) the maximum height to which the ball rises after the first bounce. (1) tedeanecen yf 20420-322%-8-0) wy ops etas0te 4 the fy ny direction G S$ (m= h-0 GD Gison! 3 i590) (ha ttinet GD) Fabs tas) (on #8006 — om (tay e2-s2.298-0) a= AOFSUTF «13.7004 Ane nets2n Ans ALI Gear )=563 Ane 15-77, The cue ball A is given an initial velocity (v4)1 = 5 mis, IF it makes aciret collision with ball Ble = 0.8), determine the velocity of B and the angle @ just afer i rebounds from the cushion at C(e’ = 0.6). Each ball has a mass of 0.4 kg. Neglect he size of each ball. Conservation of Momentum: When ball A sks ball B, we have maton) +matve)y = malas + maCea)s 4) 01815) +0 =0.4(e4)2 + 0400): a Cooficient of Restitution: ©, (as = C0) : (m= os : (2 98= Se Cae al Solving Bas. [1 and (21 yields (09) = 0500 mvs (op)2 = 4.50 avs Conservation of “9” Momentum: When ball Bstkes the cushion st Coe have ‘matva.d2 = mal (EY) 0.4G4.50sin30") = 049) sin (oprsin =2.25 Ans Bl Coofficient of Restitution (2): ro Solving Eqs 1] and [2 yields 324 mis 6 = 439" Ans coms 15-78. The 204Ib box slides on the surface for which Hg = 03. The box has a velocity v = 15 fi/s when itis, 2 ft from the plate, Ifit strikes the smooth plate, which has, ‘a weight of 10 Ib and is held in position by an unstretched spring of stiffness k = 400 Ib/ft, determine the maximum, ‘compression imparted to the spring. Take ¢ = 0.8 between the box and the plate. wa 18 is T+ Des 1 (2)asp a (2)os*-enana 3.65 By Ley = Tmo Solving, 1638 105, yy =5.46 fs heWe (8) oss s0 5 = 0856 8 Ans 20m = 03420) 16 a0 15-79 The sphere of mass m falls and strikes the triangular block with a vertical velocity v. If the block rests on a smooth surface and has a mass 3m, determine its velocity just after the collision. The coefficient of restitution ise Conservation of *9°" Momentum mv), =m): ; . Coefficiens of Restvation (y'): (aed G,,-Os we ee t5°-1-( 90} ae Ga Op es a0 Cpls Gono) L Conservation of "2" Momentum =m, (0), +m.U (EZ) 0¢0=3mv, -m( 0), 04 45° 0 ),c08 48" oC 15:80, Block A, having a mass m, is released from rest, falls a distance A and strikes the plate B having a mass 2m. If the coefficient of restitution between A and Bis e, determine the velocity ofthe plate just after collision, The spring has a stiffness k. Past before impac, the velocity of A ie Reweney 04.0% Lowt ~ et va OR Oh en GeO Vaak AB = Os 00 o 64 tm, = am V4) + 0% mds + 2mkvgd, 2) Sev E581) and (2) fo (04) elds ne re 15-81, Before a cranberry can make it to your dinner plate, it must pass a bouncing test which rates its quality, If cranberries having an = 08 are to be accepted, determine the dimensions d and h forthe bartier so that when a cranberry falls from rest at A it strikes the plate at B and bounces over the barrier at C. Conservation of Energy : Te datum srt! point B. When te cranberry fads fom absigh of 3.5 Rabove the dam, sia ravioel pond energy is W(3.5) = 3.5, Applying Eq 14=21, we have Conservation of "x" Momentum : When the cranberysoikes he plate wan spend of (v,), = 1501 fs, rebounds with sped of (0), me (a) mCP) * ison (§)=m{evdes@] (a hens 99.08 o Coefficient of Restvution (y') ers(%.); Salving Ex] a 2} yee M688" (vp, = 18:17 Kinematie: By considering te veil mation ofthe cranbery afer the impac. ve tare oD 2, #000), at 0= 13 175in9.978°4(-32.2)¢ r= 00708T s 1 ED 2G), ron,Heh,? 2.2 (a0n087) sostaininssreauram oowset ‘Bycomsidng the orzo maton of the crankery ar he enpac we have se lag) 4 t fenoetannersore0ore) paren a sYesoomtste Zin e078 Am Quystoortts z 7 45-82. If disk A is sliding along the tangent to disk B and siikes B with a velocity v, determine the velocity of B after the collision and compute the loss of kinetic fnergy during the collision. Neglect friction. Disk B is ‘Originally at rest. The coefficient of restitution is e, and teach disk has the same size and mass ™. Impact Tis problem involves oblique Impact where he ne of impact es ‘ong «as Cine ping the ase conter of he to impact bos). From Be orang 6 si""() = 07 The’ andy components of eon fords A jt before ipa ae eos 30" = 0.86500 (i, ) 228i 0" = 9.50 Conrervation of °°" Momentum aCe, ), ma Ye.) sm(-0. 86600) 4 nae, ), +0 (,), mv), #29) a 9 Confficient of Restitution (2') oe Solving Es. and 2] yes B (4), --F sev (on), Conservation of 'y' Momentum : Tee moments conserved along" si orb ks A and male) mals)? Cn) TM me (Oa,), =m (May at (U4), =O “Thus, te maginde the vest fo disk B just afer he impats ‘ed cred ovard negative x" axis “Rermagine of he velocity for dik Aust air the wept is 0. VOI ene] ease? Zasvert of Kinetle Energy : Kine energy ofthe sytem before the pact i “Thos, the ie eneray loss is AU, =U Uy = bm _ im ate Ane 16 15.83, Two smooth coins A and B, cach having the same mass, slide on a smooth surface with the motion shown. Determine the speed of each coin after collision if they move off along the dashed paths. Hin Since the line of impact has not been defined, apply the conservation of ‘momentum along the x and y axes, respectively (os (p= 05.8 Gor Bay = De (By ~m089 3030" — (0G) = my, nnds* ~ my) 00030" 8 = arom, + O86), GP mance = 40.9) « mr pemes— t)ea? 09928 = ~ 070%), + 05604) ds = 0706 8 ne *15-84, Two coins A and B have the i shown just before they collide at point O. I they have weights of Wa, = 13.2010") lb and Wy = 6.6010") Ib and the surface upon which ‘they side is smooth, determine their speeds just alter impact. The coefficient of restitution i e = 0.65, GX) malin ma one me 4h Ha 4 (23122) (£2022) «(2 yo ALY 2 asa 32 ata THs ad) (a= a= Cas W o4s= sein (va =-0378005 * Ath oa hp = 1280808 A) malo, a = (My (2p 13.2410") i? Goyetra ns 32 mln 1 =e (0), ($22) 0 (o,), = 2.898 08 Ths, Ou = VOTSOF SEF =2.88 0s Ans (102 = VODSOT SOT = 1.77 0 Ans 1585, Two smooth disks A and B each have a mass of O.5 kg. If both disks are moving with the velocities shown when they collide, determine their final velocities just ‘after collision. The coefficient of restitution is e = 0. da = amy yon =O o OD =Car (u-0p as “co Oates ©1380 + One = 435 00 & 9 mm =m, 250 = 050%, Coy = 3200 15.86, Two smooth disks A and B each have a mass of 05 kg, If both disks are moving with the velocities shown when they collide, determine the coefficient of restitution between the disks if after collision B travels along a line, 30° counterclockwise from the y axis 39m 2 VRS CRE = 539m me 3) 0K0d) 040 = -056 ry, «056d -300 = <0 + 00 Oy = 320001 (ay 20% vag = 3200030" 0 178 we Yt Cone = 178 we = LI yon Menno Goat 752-(18075) D--9 = cons Ane 15-87, Two smooth disks A and B have the initial velocities shown just before they collide at O. If they have masses m,=8kg and mp =6kg, determine their speeds just after impact. The coefficient of restitution is e=05. 7) 15-88, The “stone” A used in the sport of curling slides over the ice track and strikes another “stone” B as shown. If each “stone” is smooth and has a weight ‘of 47 Ib, and the coefficient of restitution between the “stones” is e = 08, determine their speeds just after collision, Initially A has a velocity of 8 ft/s and B is at rest, Neglect friction. sean, = =6(Sem867.387) + BTEORET ED = ry) + HO), en Lars Gos = Os a De oe Fema oem os Sone Ope = 24m oO 220 mis Coady = Beln6738° = 2769 le c ba NETTIE = 3.0 4 = ACO S (GA = 0.87 dy a6 38 64a mis wt mpm — oe Speman = La © yeas en on = MPbaODe toot =0 Seton » (oy = 065m8 tis . aw One = 6235 0 “ % Ba, & Pie of aac y~ i): Sone: = a Sow Spin Ody a4 — ae vy odo omn =0 (ar = CRITE = 405.00 (os = (OFFER = 6235 = 624s 15-89. Ball A strikes ball B with an initial velocity of (va): as shown. If both balls have the same mass and the ie collision is perfectly elastic, determine the angle 9 after Solision. Ball B is originally at rest. Neglect the size of | each ball elo belie (vga = (04) 6080 (Hayy = (04D SHBG (uy: 90 (4) = Vets afer (oy)scos8)— (Uyyh #408, (0p):6068; (Way) =a in ou nh CConseracionof° y* momentum Os mf) i 9 me 9, Cconseenin of" momen 8th sara (Oe) * masa heh * ahs mon) 35640 mid) e801 (Yn HO" iF Garces (odse0s8, e000 i Coste of Reon eco) Fy (onsh=(uuhe , 2 (onnsour (oad cord, | One Cah eoo-0 (yh cose (04) 60884 +104 Subcing £4 (1) fom Ea. 2) il: Rex eas®) #0 Sine 20402 #0 cos8)=0 8 =U" 0 8, +6 = 9s Oa HP Ans 1599, Determine the angular momentum of the particle A about point 0. Use a Cartesian vector solut 2 2 mv, = aaa ee {0.30434 — 0,3043j — 0.6086} slug-f/s (Hy Jo = ra xmvy 1 J k 2 5 4 3043-03043 -0.608 {-1.831 ~ 0.913k} slug-£¢°/s Ans 15-91, Determine the angular momentum Ho of the particle about point O. {aig Ho = ron mvs oye 0 7 oO say Ls 1.504) {6016 21K) eps ws 4 +15.92. Determine the angular momentum Ho of each ofthe particles about point O. (ro = (6 (sind) ~ 1216) (6cos6OP)= 22.3: ‘Ans (tg = 1 5(9\ 60830") +2(4(6sin30%) ~7.18 kg ms Ans 15.93, Determine the angular momentum Hy of each ‘of the particles about point P. soe: wis Ans ityy =6dson6P (10) 46168") akg: wl Ane typ = (600030°¥0.5)+ 41683090) a a ope acco(S)an-200(3)eoeaane ae nm 15-94, Determine the angular momentum Ho of the Particle about point 0. ton = (81495) SS tenes Taree? Mos rm Hos 10 Kar) (i (161 163)-28.4) ag o 15.95, Determine the angular momentum Hy of the Particle about point P. Fe A346 1K) fe wae tof Hse stim ge oe 14.0=9.33)~34.84) slag: is Ans “15-96, Determine the total angular momentum Hy for the system of three particles about point O. All the particles are moving in the +-y plane. J boy wpe gy 0 d+] a6 07 olslas -a2 -18@ 0 base 0 od lo 3-8 = (124) eg: ae 15.97, Determine the angular momentum Ho of each of the two particles about point Q. Use a scalar solution, ‘ : Gino =-205 (8) 051-205 (2) = 720 kg m/s = 72.0 kg-mi/s Ans, G Hino = ~1510)6063078) ~ 1 5110,03070) Ans 15.98. Determine the angular momentum Hp of each of the two particles about point P. Use a scalar solution. Geto 209 (2) 0-209 (2)o> S60 Kg m/s = 660 kg-mi/s) Ans K+ ltar9 = ~15(10,606 300) + 1.510) 304) TO Kg m/s =7B9Kg- m/s) Ans om }_sm——4, a = | ib ah z. Sig Ta 15-99. The ball B has a mass of 10 ky and is attached to the end of a rod whose mass may be neglected. If the rod is subjected to a torque M = (31? +57 +2) N-m, ‘where 1 isin seconds, determine the speed of the ball when 2s. The ball has a speed v = 2 avs when 1 = 0. Principle of Angular Impluse and Momentum: Applying Ea. 15-22 wwe have 46D [ma (os 15090) + [oF #514201 = 15000 7 mis Ans BP +5142) 1498.1) *15-100, The 3-1 ball located at A is released from rest and travels down the curved path. If the ball exerts a 0 ‘normal force of 5 Tb on the path when it reaches point B, determine the angular momentum of the ball about the center of curvature, point O. Hint: Neglect the size of the ys of curvature at point B must be determined. 3ib ‘su p=300 2) pa(dy)assm erase is ans eG ee 15-101. The small cylinder C has a mass of 10 kg and is attached to the end ofa rod whose mass may be neglected. If the frame is subjected to a couple M = (8 + 5) Nem, where is in seconds, and the eylinder i subjected to a force of 60 N, which is always directed as shown, determine the speed of the cylinder when 1 = 2s. The cylinder has a speed ‘i = 2mis when t= 0. cy, + 2] d= Oe hn 3 re 0402s caoaars + dor + [ar +s = 007 7 ay othe 4st = 159 18-102, The four5.Ib spheres are rigidly attached to the crossbar frame having a negligible weight. If a couple moment M = (0:1 + 0.8) Ib-ft, where 11s in seconds, is applied as shown, determine the speed of each of the spheres in 4 seconds starting from rest. Neglect the size of the spheres (oy 2m a= or “ s onfosreon aed iS. oeny} 7a=03767 4 meiosis Ans 15-103, An earth satellite of mass 700 keg is launched into a free-flight trajectory about the earth with an inital speed of t= 10 km/s when the distance from the center ‘of the earth is r4 = 15 Mm. If the launch angle at this position is g4—70", determine the speed vp of the Eatellite and its closest distance rp from the center of the earth. The earth has a mass M, = 5.976(10") kg, Hint: Under these conditions, the satellite is subjected only to the earth's gravitational force, F = GMzm/r*, Eq. 13-1. For part of the solution, use the conservation of energy (Gee Prob. 14:97). Won = Hore mle tnay a = melon o0{10I0sia70°HLSKIO") = TOOK ad 0 Rewahew Ly egt = SMe a Hogi = eee Jouiviy = Pt = msi 4 5 S6.TBUOAS.9761FIIOO 1 ee TIs«105) 66. 73010"45.979100)00) ® 1415-104, The ball B has a weight ofS Ib and is originally, rotating ina circle, As shown, the cord AB has a length (of 3 ft and passes through the hole A, which is ft above the plane of motion, If15 ft of cord is pulled through the hole, determine the speed of the ball when it moves in a circular path at C. Equation of Motion : When he tll is waving arvund he fst cular path, = si 236. Applying Ba 13 wensve a n=750% 3h 1-5 (21) a: rarest 5$5(5%) vy sortie ‘Whe te ais traveling around he sco cul puh m= S68 8 Agphving Be 13-8, wehave 3 #6: Tsing -$=0 i a Conservation of Angular Momentum : Sine 10 ore 25 on the ball Along the agent ofthe cule ph, th angular momenta i oorserve about sus. Appling By 15-23, we have a), = (Ho) muy mos 22365 9m sand d)aor : sed()n a Soding Ea.) (2 (3) yes oa 13s768" 722085 y= BBs Ane 15-105. A 4-thball Bis traveling around in circle of radius 7, = 3 ft with a speed (vp), = 6 ft/s. Ifthe attached cord is pulled down through the hole with a constant speed 1%, 2f/s, determine the balls speed at the instant 7 = 2ft. How much work has to be done to pull down the cord? Neglect friction and the size of the ball nom B00 - Sonu =o WAVFTR woman Ae Fea =m eae a ghvor say, emer ge 15-106. A 4b ball B is traveling around in a circle of radius rj =34t with a speed (vs); = 6f/s. If the attached cord is pulled down through the hole with a ‘constant speed ¥, = 2fY/s, determine how much time is required for the ball to reach a speed of 12 ft/s. How far ‘ris the ball from the hole when this occurs? Neglect, friction and the size of the ball, OF a= or ye = Usa a mat Gyo = Lor @nusay = 2 teams 15-107, An amusement park ride consists of acar which is attached to the cable OA. The car rotates ina horizontal, circular path and is brought to a speed » = 4 fr/s when. r= 12 ft. The cable is then pulled in at the constant rate of 05 ft/s. Determine the speed of the car in 3s Conservation of Angular Momentum : Cable OA is shoren by 8°=0.53) 150 in}, Thus, ais istnt = 12~1.50= 10.5 fe. Since no force ‘cx on th carlo the agent of the moving Pah the angular omen is Conserved about pont ©. Applying Eq 15~23, we have Go) = od: rum = rm 12 m)¢4) = 105(m¥" Vaasti ave ‘The speed ofcarafer3 sis Ans STITT = = 15-108. A child having a mass of 50 kg holds her legs ‘upas shown as she swings downward from rest at 8; = 30°. Her center of mass is located at point G;. When she is at the bottom position @ = 0°, she suddenly lets her legs come ‘down, shifting her center of mass to position Gz. Determine hher speed in the upswing due to this sudden movement ‘and the angle 8 to which she swings before momentarily ‘coming to rest. Treat the child's body as a particle. a pat bod = nomenon Oo ant-eanes09) « Keo)! 60 sera = 206,10 woz 28am Ane nace oe Beweney Jomasmt +0 «04 sxoanenct-eae) ase «toa, ane le 15-109. ‘The 800-1 roller-coaster car starts fr the track having the shape of a cylindrical heli I the helix descends § ft for every one revolution, determine the speed of the car in 1 = 4s. Also, how far has the car descended in this time? Neglect friction and the size of the car, Bh = 0: N-t0dcens. 048" = 0 (N= 790.11 ney ee By + [Mare By AW 0+ [famorsnsnesne = 2c, y= 200 fis wen a i | mh Rew. = 15-110. A small block having a mass of 0.1 kg is given a horizontal velocity of o; = 0.4 m/s when r, = 500 mm. It slides along the smooth conical surface. Determine the istance h it must descend for it to reach a speed of 2; = 2m/s. Also, what is the angle of descent 6, that is the angle measured from the horizontal to the tangent of the path? oe Jones? +s axes « Hane? moe i eee 280-919 .05)« oar0m 4 (= Cds S-L1L, The 150-1 fireman is holding a hose which has nozzle diameter of 1 in.and hose diameter of 2 in. Ifthe velocity of the water at discharge is 60 ft/s, determine the resultant normal and frictional force acting on the man’s feet at the ground. Neglect the weight of the hose and the ‘water within it. yy = 62.4 Ib/f Cnpily he wae ow is hoiasatl, The fireman her the ction of low to A rom the heane. ye Pa 24 69)". Soon J-vesmn ‘Aso, te velocity of he water tough he hos is wom mB) ol] a £2K = Zon-00) 4 =0.6340{ cons? 15] F=196m Ane Fens - as) +t 25 1-150 0.630 oxide 0} N= TAT Ans. *15.112. A jet of water having a cross-sectional srea of 4in? strikes the fixed blade with a speed of 25 ft/s. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of force which the blade exerts on the water. Yo = 6A h/t. deara(,)an oun 5 po-(S osu «12450 anys tay = Blas A= 1388 -25c0050-29 B= 1sstcsunsor—0) a8! 15-113. Water's flowing hydrant with a velocity horizontal and vertical compor ‘moment developed at the (gauge) pressure at A is 50 ki hhydrant at 4 is 200 mm. py from the 150-mm-diameter fire 1S mis. Determine the nents of force and the base joint A, if the static ‘Pa, The diameter ofthe fire = 1 Meier, « Fw uty = woecsxn(a0rs? o aso xan TAO “al oo a) fw fy = B6SO1-0) = 39828 on +125 = Son, nA, + S00). 049" = 265.010-84375) A= 2s Ame + Seasn ans = sors -0 Ma 19m AS-114, The blade divides the jet of water having a diameter of 3 in. If one-fourth of the water flows downward while the other three-fourths flows upwards, ‘and the total flow is Q = 05 ft'/s, determine the horizontal and vertical components of force exerted on the blade by the jet, y= 62.4 Ib/t. Q uations of Steady Flow Her, te ow rat = 0.51016. v= 2 os i Aopbving a 5-26, we hve eS 1019 us. Ato, 2% tus, Aso, ‘n ee Ce =F =0-09699(1019) &=987% ne | Fu, -M): VeIO Fels — 05989101994 4ea3689)-1019) F493 Awe \\ 2 | U0. Hs 15-11. The fan draws air through a vent with a speed of 12 ft/s. If the cross-sectional area of the vent is 2 ft’, determine the horizontal thrust on the blade. The specific 4 gpa it of the air is y, = 0.076 Ib/ft’, ie i = ses sat on w= So, Te omsss(2-0 = 080m Am *15-116. The buckets on the Pelton wheel are subjected . to a 2inaiameter jet of water, which has a velocity of oe sayy 5 10% >.) a 150 f/s I each bucket is traveling at 95 ft/s when the "= 80-95 = water strikes it, determine the power developed by the (olen), = =SSeac +95 = 48317 0 wheel 7» = 62.416/f¢ nnn, oy a) > 24 ay = Pym Lyrssy-an3i7- 8 . p= emir ssy-a3337-59) softs 95As gw 274667 Pe ar66K95) = 2580s ie Pe asm Ane co, AS-LI7, The static pressure of water at C is 40 bin? It water flows out of the pipe at A and 8 with velocities 4 = 12 f/s and up = 25 fi/s determine the horizontal and vertical components of force exerted on the elbow at C necessary to hold the pipe assembly in equilibrium. Neglect the weight of water within the pipe and the weight of the pipe. The pipe has a diameter of 0.75 in. at Cyand at A snd B the diameter is 0 in, yy = 62.4 Ib/tt eu = Fann’ = 0.03171 slug/s 0.28 rr 4 = yan 2s slf siF YF = noe gr 40(n90.3957 alt + cons cost 0007 as sche = vin SEE = ren BY asin 25 ve = Naas ts San = +125 = 13.5 on = 0.066068) + 0.03171(; = 19859 = 1.96 fan which 15-118, The 200-Kg boat is powered by the f develops a slipstream having a diameter of 0.75 m. If the fan ejects air with a speed of 14 m/s, measured relative to the boat, determine the initial acceleration of the boat i€ iis nally a est. Assure that alr has constant “density of py ~ 1.22 kg/tm? and that the entering air is ‘sentally at rest, Neglect the drag resistance of the water. quations of Steady Flow ily, bots reste y= Yak *, meee Ten. = vya wo 5(078)]= 61850 an 0.0 2.216188) = 746g. Aging Ba. 18-26, wehave = F=7.546(-14-0) Equation of Mo Syxm ema: 10564=2000 a= 0S28mis! Ane 15-119. _A power lawn mower hovers very close over the ground. Thsis done by drawing air in at a speed of 6 m/s through an intake unit A, which has a crost-sectional area Of Aq = 0.25 me, and then discharging it at the ground, B, where the cross-sectional area is Ay = 035 me If ait At Ais subjected only to atmospheric pressure, determine the air pressure which the lawn mower exerts on the 1 ground when the weight of the mower is freely supported a tnd no lod is placed on the hance. The mower hs a mass of 15 kg with center of mass at G. Assume that air has a constant density of p, = 1.22 kein. 1st4.t0n8 ony = ad) 035) - 15981) = 1490-0) P03), ‘15-120, The elbow for a S-in-diameter buried pipe is subjected toa static pressure of 10 lb/in. The speed of the water passing through itis» = 8 ft/s Assuming the Pipe connection a A and B do not offer any vertical force Fesitance on the elbow, determine the resultant vertical force F that th soil must then exer onthe elbow in order to hold it in equiloium. Neglect the weight ofthe elbow and the water within ity = 624 16/1 ft St ete eon E}] soni Als. the foresndueod by the wer pressure ais +625 Ib. Applying Ba 15-26, we have 6%, -%,)) WF + 2(62 50s 48°) =2116(-fsin 45° —sn 45) e302 Ans om F0,-%,) 62 Sin 45° 62.5 4 Hl Booe 45°= O=0 (Cheek!) Scar 45") 15-121. The caris used to scoop up water that is lying : in a trough at the tracks. Determine the force needed to comer pull the car forward at constant velocity v for each of the three cases. The scoop has a cross-sectional area A and the density of water if pre ‘ey ek rt he 2 senate Feo mp Fava 15-122. A plow located on the front of a locomotive Sc00ps up snow at the rate of 10 ft'/s and stores it inthe train. Ifthe locomotive is traveling at a constant speed of 12 fi/s, determine the resistance to motion caused by the shoveling. The specific weight of snow is y, = 6 Ib/ft. fact a ae 1046) Fe0ec2-0( Bo) F2241 Ane 15-123, The boat has a mass of 180 kg and is traveling forward on a river witha constant velocity of 70 km/h, reasured relative tothe river. The river is flowing inthe opposite direction at $ km/h Ifa tube is placed in the water, as shown and iteolects 40 kg of water in the boat in 80s determine the horizontal thrust Ton the tube that is required to overcome the resistance to the water collection. py = 1 Me/m" Osten 2 ase T= 0+ 1948408) =9.72N Ane or "15-124 The second stage of the two-stage rocket ‘weighs,2000 tb (empty) and is launched from the Grst stage with a velocity of 3000 mi/h. The fuel inthe second, stage weighs 1000 Ib. If it is consumed at the rate of S0/Ib/s and ejected with a relative velocity of 8000 ft/s, 6 Ib 6h “Thus, both blocks move together. Ny 2016 oar by Inti case 8 Ib < F = 5018 a Block A Me ston + 2 wae 50 SER = ma, 3) = Pay Eh amo: 003) = 2 Ne a ‘Ans Block &: FA 50 SER ama 2003 = Brow 86 fv? Ans I-46. The 100-kg crate is subjected to the action of two forces, Fi = 800 N and F; = 1.5 kN, as shown. If it is originally at rest, determine the distance it slides in order to attain a speed of 6 mis. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the surface is yy = 0.2. HEE =O; Ne~R00sin30" ~ 1009.81) + 1500sin20° so0NIBEDN Ne = 86799 8 wht Ar =0.2Ne T+DUaah Ne o-rsmen ar) a2 n+) = 06? 0928.) = 1800) 933 m Ans RLA7, A 20-kg block is originally at rest on a horizontal surface for which the coefficient of static friction is Hy = 0.6 and the coefficient of kinetic friction is wy = 0.5. Ifa horizontal force F is applied such that it varies with ime as shown, determine the speed of the block in 10 s Hint: First determine the time needed to overcome friction and start the block moving, “9, *R1-48, Two smooth billiard balls A and B have an equal mass of m = 200g. If A strikes B with a velocity ‘of (v4)i = 2 misas shown, determine their final velocities just after collision, Ball B is originally at rest and the ‘coefficient of restitution is e = 0.75. meson ‘Teeter moving wen Peg w0Ktsen = 12N "om te gah sae 7 “The ine nde for ers st mov io 5 t= Sai «2908 Hees te inpube dicts Fikepilte Qe sade becane on 28 # $15 108 Soy) +f at = mrs or ff, Meas frora -(apisaan=2545 = 20, 4ecyp il, , + 20000-5) ~ 682292 = 20, eo4ats = 20% Gay = Tevet = = (ay = -2RdOe = 1288 made, Alay = MAMADe, + MADD 20580) +0 = 02%, + 020%, 0 eal Oo (ayn 075 = Cae ® Solving Ba) a2) (ag = —0U91S ls Ong = - 1505 whe Fuh DOD = MAO, (ay, = 1288 mi Fae ED my = MOD, Gino eee (rp = 0) (ay = (CODE TF = 130m me owt (oo = we war sa fl RIA49. If a 150Ib crate is released from rest at A, determine its speed after it slides 30 ft down the plane. ‘The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and plane is — = 03. ABH HO; Re = toast = 0 eu neo 9m “a ahs ean 5 5 = 0 + ss0ums0%(30) — (0391999630) = 1530503 R150, Determine the tension developed in the two ™* . Biieand the acceleration ofeachblock,Neglectthe mass 424 - mg; 1098)-%= my Sie pulley nd corde ne Since the sysiem cons Q of nwo cords relate the motion of block A to C, and of = ay ae Block B to €. Then, by elimination, relate the motion of tg ng: % M380 = 4 o Ato B. q e ° | 0 | un | c am | ag “TAT. elfrs i_ aos saree Ba -(0, acorsee a wets ro p-men _ pean _ RIL. The bottle rests at a distance of 3 ft from the center of the horizontal platform. If the coefiient of static friction between the bottle and the platform is B ms = 03, determine the maximum speed that the bottle Can attain before slipping. Assume the angular motion of 2h=mq: N-mg=0 N=mp 7 the platform is slowly increasing. * hem: im p 00 {O5G= /ONIEAG) «530M Ane *RI-S2, Work Prob. R1-S1 assuming that the platform starts rotating from rest so that the speed of the bottle is eased at 2 ft/s N-men0 Name Bema: ~O3imp)corO=-m(2) on 780s Rome ostoaear en(2 yess An

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