Hibbeler Dynamics ISM ch21 PDF

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21-1. Show that the sum of the moments of inertia of a bods, ex + boy + fx is independent ofthe orientation of — the x,y,z axes and thus depends only on the location of the origi, tasks she {Oe dns (24 )dmel 24y)on 21 (e+r+2 bom However, Eye a rt where + isthe ditnce fom te origin O wo dm. Since in isconsunt doesnot depend onthe onenation the sais Consent hath hy isleoindepenen of the orienatio fhe, 9: aie, exp, 2-2. Determine the moment of inertia of the cylinder | with respect to the a-a axis of the cylinder. The cylinder | has a mass m. | @ ‘Tee mas ofthe diferent! cement itn = pV = p{ ne) dy, ig be?) \ Ho) 4] ofl) oy = Comte) fa fe =I, (Aon + pry) 6 om PRN ae oa) ne 213. Determine moment of inertia I, of the, slid formed by revolving the shaded area around the x axis. ‘The density of the material is p = 12 stugit?. i Toe mat ae a= VS Yas pe. aha + tne = Homenen + (peter? col sya [as -pebe ones erm e033 12) = 2000 we "21-4. Determine the product of inertia fy of the body formed by revolving the shaded area about the fine X= 5 ft. Express the result in terms of the density of the ‘material, p. fan oref syd pial S-Video 38.Ape [vam = paafiSsmnyde = pr's-nan de ope 40.508 40 Thus = 103s 8 “The solid is symments bout yt b SDT SKORI = 86 Ans 2145. Determine the moment of inertia J, of the body , formed by revolving the shaded area about the line Lise pn t \ 5 ft Express the result in terms of the density of the materia, t= lame = Lonay ao rfl : = son 2070) = 2p t= 0px Lape = 6e29pe ta ott m= [one-ntd-w | + Pon = uape 5 = 652998 + ObAp A = 126299" | 4 = 44800 Ane Ato, | be [Am = fis-xtpams-apae = tp fo-staniter saa . 7 ne [lo = 2p a is-nyae «tpn fhs-naute = ape 4 = 6299 + spe? = 44400 Ams 21-6, Determine by direct integration the product of inertia I, for the homogeneous prism. The density of the material is p. Express the result in terms of the mass m of the prism. “Tae sas ofthe ifn element i dm = pV = phudy = pMa yd. Using the parallel ais there 2-7. Determine by direct integration the product of inertia In for the homogeneous prism. The density of the material is p. Express the result in terms of the mass of the prism. = (dye deze -coano() ob 2 = Rl r it Using he pall axis theorem di, = dley lg + dave = oscoman(f)on = Pandy z 91 ~2ay +09) dy *21-8. Determine the radii of gyration k, and ky for the solid formed by revolving the shaded area about the y axis. | ‘The density of the material is p. For b, : The mms ct te een het ihe = pV» ps3") y= ad i Mh son] to | a, =bon{” + Hocacoaas]o? | =13099 Hawes damm pf, $re{x071025)]=24359 ‘Se, =f ase aw | Fer: O25ReyS4 t= hoe +60" = Flos ](H) + Conf) sorGpeer B= faim onl, (rose x r= Homa? o25]}0*o[ome'caas jonas? =H Lalit 28sap+Soasp= 7899" 2 1508 et Ans 219, Determine the mass moment of inertia of the ‘homogeneous block with respect to its centroidal x" axis. "The mass of the block is m. pe nbat fh ge Bab 2 40 =facnf {otvi2dy dea Dea 21-10, Determine the elements of the inertia tensor for | the cube with respect to the x);2 coordinate system. The | ‘mass of the cube is m. fee Hae % ter jelinerac = 1202) : i Se okie baba kn nt emit hod y a. 3, ie by 204 mE) = dae fe 204m = dae wt Ye olae 2 (Cin te pe of te protec nia pte by geo tet, weave EEs| }fma* dma? —}mat Ane tenet mat jet the Jat, Determine the moments of nein abou Fae ered amb The ous havea mas 075 kg/m 1 ay + Lfo.rsayjay =450%: 8! = Lforsayer + ifamsarjar «45080 nate "21-12. Determine the moment of inertia of the cone about the z’ axis. The weight of the cone is 15 Ib, the height ish = 1.5 ft, and the radius is r = 05 ft ~ RAS. The bent rod bi ‘moments of inertia fry. and Te ofthe rod with respect tothe x, y',2" axes Drewsyamery F205 Ans so COUSIN) oon ane ars} ‘weight oF T3 16/Rt. Locate the center of gravity G( ¥) and determine the principal k= Sua « oot bebe mg 2-5 dee = che + bye + Made 0+ {oon( 108.49°)]*(1.3875m) + (c00(18.45)7°(0.075m) = oat oe ele ee = 0002) » 00961 sag SBE ‘2-14 Determine the moment of inertia of both the 1.5-kg rod and 4-kg disk about the z’ axis. Deetesmmeny iy hy hy 0 1 ‘Jed 90.0 +4034] f.si03? tela ome: « i = c0s(1843") = 0.9487, 4, = o0090" =O, . iy = oH" + 1849) #03162 \ Lema she bel Bt Betyg Dt ee z 20415-03162" + 040.020 9472-0-0-0 an =00595 45: ro 2118. Determine the moment of inertia 1, of the composite plate assembly. The plates have a specific| weight of 616/02, om pe ; by = om, v\y, 1abay, 1. fee = DEE - oonise e be = BED = 0012s 2 Uaing 21-5 be = Coron ‘000137 + (070% a0 fa = 00135 + 200686 = 00292 wt? Ane 21-17. Determine the moment of inertia of the composite ‘body about the aa axis. The cylinder weighs 20 Ib, and each ‘hemisphere weighs 10 Ib, 0907 : =o * 1 "= 0707 5 12 ea get | bb Boor sad Bron = 05950 sap 1 vey « yh fob AGRIO + + 0am Bent « Illy Men hy = 1975 ae bo 0+ comnicr.nr5 + ca70n%assm) Lander? ane 2118, Determine the moment of inertia of the rod-and- thin-ring assembly about the z axis. The rods and ring have a mass of 2 ke/m. For he rod, ae = 08 in-sa0 9 = 0.08333 gm? From By. 21-5, 1 = 0n3330.6 +0+0-0-0-0 b= 003 eg mt For te ang. ‘The rus ey = 0.3 m A= mi! = (200840. 103) = 0.3993 bgt ‘Ths the moment of nerd ofthe assembly is = 3003) + 02399 = 0.829 eg mt 21-19. The assembly consists of a 15-Ib plate A, 40:Ib plate B, and four 7-Ib rods. Determine the moments of vetia of the assembly with respect to the principal x, y, axes, Due wo symmetry yar=0 405) +0040) +208) VOB te +40 13976 J a =} (Borel) v4[ (Ge) or+(B)es"] 163 slug Ans. byw de ide es + aaa 11874 (18 cuh] «1 =[iGe3)o"+ (Ga) }+ (aa) fae +2[5 (sa) ls (ss) © + (533) e028] 202 slug. Ans ‘And by symmety 4 12 sug Ans "21-20, The bent rod has a mass of 4 kg/m. Determine the moment of inertia of the rod about the Oa axis, 4, =[41.2)}0M0.6+[40.6)}0.311.2)+[40.4](0.6)1.2)=2.016 eg: mt J =[ M2] 06V0+[ Hoo]. 240r+[(0.9]0.210.2) 20380 eg [Hi 2].010)+[40.6}010.3) +[40.8)}0.290.6)= 0.19249: = fanaquarsfeoojaare[ Lfaosyosts[4ooji2'+02)] = a1sag. at Hsnojos?s[snojaeso2)] 4 =0+ [40.9] 0.07 20985548. mt faa a]o.rr«[Lpsoojo.6?-[uooyia.? +12 ][40.0]12'+0e) nono: a? Ys aaserapome 63,6 Sie (oerieeoe > How = ih + ah + = yyy = Dy = ie 3 5, s1om2)-a2016(3)8) sein <1) sosen(f N21. If a body contains no planes of symmetry, the principal moments of inertia can be determined ‘mathematically. To show how this is done, consider the rigid body whichis spinning with an angular velocity «x directed along one ofits principal axes of inertia. Ifthe principal moment of inertia about this axis is /, the angular momentum can be expressed as H = joo= Tosi + Iay§ + Tok. The components of H may also be expressed’ by Eqs. 21~10, where the inertia tensor is assumed to be known. Equate the J, and k components of both expressions for H and consider oy, ay and 0 t0 be unknown, The solution of these three equations is ‘obtained provided the determinant of the coeicents is zero, Show that this determinant, when expanded, yields the cubic equation | DP Clee by + Fea + (aly * Iyes + Tealee | Fey = Ue Fa = Caahyyles ~ Daybeds, Haale — Ilex ~ Teal’) | “The three positive roots of obtained from the solution of this equation, represent the principal moments of inertia J a | Phat by + dF» (eelyy + lypdee + beta | =A, = Be = a ~ Cables ~ obales | Haale ~ Il ~ Ieal’y) * 0 “The three positive roots of J, obtained from the solution of this equation, represent the pncipal moment of inertia Im | Iyand fe | fy fay S+ fay lag gang tek j Kcrmponets the ela equations (Eq 21-10) yes | Ua “Dik Ly —hota 0 Hh yy = fae =O rs ee Solon or co, sb. egies (habyhe~Uy hs “Halley ~lall,)=0 QED | teen =u 21s Dae 21-22, Show that ifthe angular momentum of a body is, dotermined with respect to an arbitrary point A, then Hy cam be expressed by Eq. 21-9. This requires substituting 4 = Ber * pzjainto Eq.21~6 and expanding, noting that Sac dm = 0 by definition of the mass center and ¥o = Wat OX para Ha=({, pad) +] pa boxpuidn [ weraanidn)vs «| toc+ pourx[ex’Pe- Pande (Lees +0009) del peepee +(| put) xtoxpond4nen (0, pon) epouxtoepon) a Stef podm=0 and tom 218 Ma pox (expel bout +10 901300 He BoaxmceHe QED. 21-24. The 2-kg gear A rolls on the fxed plate gear C. Determine the angular velocity of od OF about the z axis | after it rotates one revolution about the z axis stating from. fest. The rod is acted upon by the constant moment | 1M = 5 N-m.Neglectthe massofrod OB. Assume that gear ‘Aisa uniform disk having a radius of 100 mm, | 4=ko0n"-001 9? kakonan? +203 =0105te-n? eee 5am = onal + Kaa Soong Bye sn 2 i og = 15 a0 Ane [a ssa "21-24, Rod AB has a weight of6Ib and is attached to two smooth collars at its end points by ball-and-socket joints If collar A is moving downward at a speed of 8 ft/s determine the kinetic energy of the rod at the instant shown. Assume ‘hat at this instant the angular velocity ofthe rod is directed Perpendicular to the rod’s axis 24-28 At the instant shown the collar at A on the 6b rod AB has a velocity of v4 = 8 f/s. Determine the kinetic {energy of the rod after the collar has descended 3 ft. Neglect friction and the thickness of the rod. Neglect the mass of the collar and the collar are attached to the rod YO eee eeCM Ot ent ey seteateme \ Tua (VG -38) tay WENA TK hay ln a a Bguting, | dk components Sa, -60,=%5 ” Se, +20,00 a o o,-20,-800 Sct ous oun tua =(atvtems) lees «0 20, +60,-5 <0 Selves tf Orme wanton ota @ Hwee oy (O57 -10612~ 140044) hy = 1200) 0 sok w-atsfume afar ted ~ nto = hy no «(108i 1.4094? 4209 whededen Taterb+ tows 246) 60 + [A Cata) (PFET reason 64556 = 66 an 24-26. The cone has a mass m and rolls without sipping. ‘on the conical surface so that it has an angular velocity. about the vertical axis of ax Determine the kinetic energy ‘of the cone due to this motion, nema fooyk = 00 100(-14 86@f +13.55(1.9825)8" = -1. suey +2668 Hy = {CCAR SERED = 269g: wis Ame 21-30. The circular plate has a weight of 19 Ib and a diameter of 15 ft. If it is released from rest and falls horizontally 2.5 ft onto the hook at S, which provides a permanent connection, determine the velocity of the mass Center of the plate just after the connection with the hook is made. 4 | Comer fy TeKoney 041429 =H) CEO (a, = 200 | Comer of wanes but pol: te), =[-aBD RKO }= 541599 sage | 1 =[#( Hts) (0275)+ (i) 0797] = 04149 ag? 2 YBjort commen? Ls k=[EGED 0796 (i) 079"]=0407 sae | (a), m? and 7, = 0,8(10) kg-m?. If it spins freely in the ball-and- nee aan anlar sey y= 750% sch dn ai op abot ani oe alae o, = 750 tls nag gee Using Eq. 21-30. EM, = Id’ sinOcos@ + Losino(peose + 6) Nn 0.1(0.8)(9.81) sin30° = -3.5(10)9"sin30" 0830" oe ___+ 0.8(10*)@ sin30°( 9 cos30° + 750) _Thus, 116000)" @ = 131 rad/s (low precession) Ans @ = 255 rad/s is sion) ——=S« AS 21-69, A wheel of mass m and radius r rolls with constant spin a about a circular path having a radius a. Ifthe angle (Of inclination is 8, determine the rate of precession. Treat the wheel as a thin ring. No slipping occu (oy ces read ce “ errs, ene G ay ° oe o = ain 0s Ct bee en an tane, e ee deme enone avne, od Ba = hin = ne me, Maina) BE vw peamioun) sng ap (1, (2) a (3), an lita we ave ned rae mapianor- marene = 7) apcoud = 9" sae + 9*snbe008 21-70, ‘The top consists of thin disk that has a weight of8 band aradius of0f1.The rod has 2 negligible mass Ghd atength of 0. tf the topis spinning with an angular Nelocity = 300 rad/s, determine the steady-state prevessional angular velocity wy of the rod when @= 407. a= amex ox8 Ghjos" ee C7 coda Jag sindoP casio” 0.020830} ~2.155905 2571=9 ayetateas Ana (low procession) a igh precession) 2L-TL. Solve Prob. 21-70 when EM, = 20,4 Serle “21-72. The top has a mass of 3 Ib and can be considered 1s a solid cone. If it is observed to precess about the vertical axis at a constant rate of 5 rad/s, determine its spin. Ga “Ge sta 4 PR) 00067200) sug. 2 EM =e in aft 5 97 =-0014Dy8F ears s0.06n(.") n(x" +9) 2652s Ara — 24-73. The toy gyroscope consists of a rotor R which is ached othe frame of negligible mam It observed | at the frame is precessing about the pivot point-O- at | ‘@, = 2 rad/s, determine the angular velocity w of the rotor. The stem OA moves in the horizontal plane. The rotor has a mass of 200 g and a radius of gyration koa = 20mm about OA. 2, = 40,0, sa * ceaeaniass, = 0x000"1aK04) > , einen Saga 2UTA, ‘The caris traveling at ve = 100 kav around the horizontal curve having a radius of 80 m. If each wheel has a mass of 16 kg, a radius of gyration ke = 300 mm ‘bout its spinning axis,and a radius of 400 mm, determine \ {he difference between the normal forces of the rear \ wheels, caused by the gyroscopic effect. The distance between the wheels i 1.30 m. 2160-421 = 2.88 kgm cg = HOOD 69.44 rats AFC. 30) = 2.88(69.48)0.347) SAF = 550 Ane 21-78, ‘The projectile shown is subjected to torque-free ectia are and I, respectively. If 8 represents the angle betwes the precessional axis Z and the axis of symmetry 2, and {Bis the angle between the angular velocity « and the z xis, show that Band @ are related by the equation tan 6= (I/f,) tan B 24-76. While the rocket isin fee light, thas. a spin of | J rad/s and precesses about an axis measured 10° from she At opin. the ratio ofthe axial to transverse moments | Stinerts ofthe rocket is 1/15,computed about axes which | es through the mass cent G, determine the angle which Wes fvutant angular velocity makes with the spin axis Construct the body and space cones used to describe the motion, Is the precession regular or retrograde? | 2-71, The 0.2-kg football is thrown with a spin 35 rad/s Ifthe angle @ s measured as 60", determine the precession about the Z axis ‘moments of he Footbal bout snd be moment inert of he sete abouts wanvers ans 6 '=02( 0." = 2( 10) kas, Applying the tid of Ea, Fh coe 8 y= Teneo 6 wit = r wehave gga 2810-01107 TAP OSE ————— He 2008661 kms ices 6 ‘Aolyng te ssend af Bg 236, wee —— Desenietagh 8 om emt of Pr 1 ano - 1 jue nie = Sans os fe Te, 10 — asrs = 930° Hews, Regular Pacesion Ant kek | cyrescopic Motion Here the spinning gale ulociy =o, « Sra, Te isis = 0.2( 084) =0.8( 10°) kee ” ) 21-78, ‘The space capsule has a mass of 32 Mg, and about axes passing through the mass center G the axial ‘and transverse radii of gyration are k, = 0.90 m and ky = 1.85 m, respectively. If itis spinning at « = 08 rev/s, determine its angular momentum. Precession occurs about the Z axis, Gyroscopie Mou Her, he spanng spur Yeety Ve 9, 08126) Lorri. The moment ot inert he ate bo hes ans = 32000.) 12592 g-m snd he momen f nei of eee tou A anives ais s 20 185") = 10952 Anping the i of wehive ~36.wid B= 6, y= hgooe 8 7 (sae sees [ ganas He = 186( 10) kp: m'le = 17. Me 21-79, The 4-kg disk is thrown with a spin w, = 6 rad/s, Ifthe angle @is measured as 160°, determine the precision about the Z axis. To FCO (GIRS)" -60isei ig a? {= foo125*-aanasig a? Aoviving 84.2196 0-160 yas y= hn cose vo tehng 013625 -o0s12s ‘sorseasqaasiasy orto _ Men 0985 1020" =i eras 7 ‘Borseas 8m Ane 21-80, ‘The rocket has a mass of 4 Mg and radii of gyration ke = 085 m and k, = 23m. Itsinitilly spinning spout the ¢ axis at w, = 0.05 rad/s when a meteoroid M Strikes it at A and ereates an impulse 1 = (3004) N-s Determine the axis of precession after the impact. “Te impacts an angle momenta aout ie ya of 1 =3000)=900g- mvs since a4 0.051, en He = 904 +[4000(0.85) 0.05) = 900)+ 144.5 “Te sso resin is tine by Ho. 0.5874) 40.159 xcor'(09674)=9.1% Ane ‘yocae (0159) = 80°

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