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I think this class was quite interes8ng but it had a lot of untapped poten8al as to what it could be. The
weekly topics were all of great interest to me and the readings were quite engaging. Yet presenta8on of
the material was uninspiring.

I am interested in the subject matter. The professor is very knowledgeable and willing
to share her knowledge (sometimes too much detail!). I liked that we were given
"different" assignments rather than the regular essay that is so common amongst
university courses. However, the biggest issue that I had with the class was that it
wasn't very animated.
The professor really knows her material. She is also great at answer any ques8ons we may have outside
of class and accommoda8ng towards her students. However, she's not so great at explaining something
in layman's terms especially if it's a concept that is more dicult to grasp.

The major area for improvement for this course is organization. In some cases
objectives were unclear days before an assignment/evaluation was due. Course
expectations were unclear with respect to individual and group participation. The
instructor was obviously highly knowledgeable and approachable.
The class needs more strictly defined assignments, better structured discussions, and
less random group work. Ad-hoc group projects did not add any value to the class,
only confusion. It was not clear what the motivation should be for doing that work,
since it is not reflected on the syllabus.
The class was just incredibly boring. I am sure the professor is highly knowledgeable but she was terrible
in keeping my aJen8on.
Dear Professor, you need to change. Youre geNng paid to teach us, and all you do is stand around and
talk at us.
It was very instruc8ve to get the perspec8ve of someone who is familiar with the research in nursing
through rst-hand experience, and has engaging viewpoints on the issues. The instructor knows what
she is talking about, but she needs to impose more authority over the class through clarity in dening
the structure of the work to be done. Never ask students how they would prefer to do a certain
assignment... Guidelines are there for the students to follow them, but it is the instructors job to make
sure they are clear.

The professor was very engaged in her power point presenta8ons and she rarely engaged with us. So
boring. I avoided coming to class because I would just fall asleep once she started talking and showing
the slides in that dark room.
Death by powerpoint.
The instructor is extremely knowledgeable but fails to impart her knowledge due to how she leads the
class and manages student interest.

The instructor did not consider the complexity of the material. The background knowledge one
would need to pick up on that information is simply immense (which the instructor has!). Basic
aspects of institutions in nursing are crucial for understanding practicalities that the course
focused on, thus the institutional background must be given to the students by the instructor
should it be necessary for a given topic. Instead students were bombarded with detailed
information out of a broader context.
The instructor was giving too much information in too short of time.
Professor Smith, thank you for the fantastic class! Annie
I really enjoyed the course, very interesting and engaging.
If the only technology available is PPT, then this university really sucks.
The professor is very kind and helpful. She really is a good researcher and very serious about her subject. I
felt I could learn from her. She was also very candid and a nice a pleasant change of pace from most
instructors. She could be more interactive during the class. She has been very interactive outside of class.
Coming to this class was like entering another world! Thank you for that experience!
Professor Smith is a very competent researcher. She has a lot of knowledge to offer. Yet, the way she
organised the class made the knowledge-sharing very painful for students. She focused on her powerpoint
and not students. She did not use technologies common in other classes (think: clickers) which usually
keep students awake. I know it might be difficult to have a lot of interaction with 50+ students, but it is not

I enjoyed the class professor Smith is a good teacher and I liked the power-point because it was easy for
me to take notes because sometimes she spoke too quick for me. I could read the power-point at home
and that was very useful. I improved my English in that class.

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