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Editorial Aikya Bhaavam Vivardhaya - “Ganeshaa, please promote the sense of unity in our beings and the world” a Samarpanam from the Edltorlal Committee management team of Sri Siva Vishnu iple and other volunteers for Sri Ma- haganapathy Mahotsavam humbly dedicate all the efforts and celebrations during this Mahot- savam at the feet of Bhagvaan Ganesha. We pray to Him to “promote the sense of unity” in our hearts, minds, actions and in the world around us. (One of the significant part of the Mahaganapathy Mahotsavam being celebrated by SSVT, is the Unity Japam consisting of prayer to Mahaganap- athy to promote unity (Aikya bhaavam) among the family, friends, congregation, region, nation, the world and the universe. Sri Sivaachaarya, the pradhaana Acharya (chief priest) for the Mahotsavam, has selected the fol- lowing shloka to be recited, chanted and for doing the japam by everybody as part of the ‘mahotsavam. (OM vakratuNDa mahAkAya ‘sUryakOTl samapraBa aviGnaM kuru mE dEva alkyaBAvaM vivardhaya "Om! Shri Ganesha! Deity with Curved Trunk, Large Body, Briliant Radiance equal to a Million Suns! Please make our work free of imped- iments! We beseech You to Foster and Grow Unity ‘amongst All!” ‘Sn Sivaachaarya has glven us a blessing by ask- ing us to concentrate on the Unity practices such as the unity japam. Unity concept and practices are very powerful tools to increase our Ethical and Spiritual awareness. This article gives an overview of the benefits of the Unity practices in daily ie Unity as an Ethical practice: Unity is strongly related to concepts of love, compassion ‘and tolerance. These ethical concepts are strong- ly emphasized in 7th canto of Bhagavatha. As love, compassion and tolerance increases for fel- low human beings, animals and plants, concept of Unity and a feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood increases with all other sentient beings. tis said that increase in the feelings of love, tolerance and ‘compassion and feelings of unity is an indication of ethical and spiritual growth. Unity as a Spiritual practice: Unity concept is integral to the spiritual practice. Itis particularly relevant to concept of Bhakti and self-surrender to God. There are nine stages of Bhakti described in the Bhagavatham. Solf-surrender is the last and the highest form of devotion. As devotion to the Lord grows so does the self-surrender to God. As ‘we see God in all human beings on earth, the con- cept of Unity and love will extend to all human be- ings. Increasing the the feelings of love and unity with all human beings and God is a very powerful spiritual practice, Unity meditation: One powerful meditation is to think at the end of the day that we have feelings cf unity and love with all persons we have met or interacted with during the course of the day. If you hold this thought for 5 or 10 minutes. this becomes ‘@ powerful meditation. This will give significant benefits in a short amount of time, 10 SRI MAHAGANAPATHY MAHOTSAVAM 2013 Editorial Unity Suktas in Rigveda: The concept of, Unity is mentioned several places in Rigveda and Upanishads. One of the important places in the Rigveda where concept of unity is mentioned is the “Aikya mathya suka’ or Prayer for Unification of Rigveda. These are the last four rks in Rigve- da. Here are the details of the Sukta and its trans- lation. Aikya mathya sukta from Rigveda 10:191:1-4 ‘aum samsamidduvase vrishannagne visvaan narya aa ilaspade samiddhyase sa no vasoonnyaabhara ‘samgachchhadhwam samvadadhwam sam vo ‘manaamsi jaanataam deva bhaagam yathapuurve samjaanaanaa upaasathe samano manthrassamitiH samaanee samaanam manH sahachitthameshaam samaanam mantramabhimantraye vaH samaanena vaa havishaa juhomi ssamaanil va aakuutissamaano hridayaani val samaanamastu vo mano yatha va ssusahaasati Literal translation trom Griffith You, mighty Agni, gether up all that is precious for your friend. Bring us all treasures as you art enkindled in libation’s place ‘Assemble, speak fogether: let your minds be all of ‘one accord, ‘As ancient Gods, unanimous sit down to their appointed share. The place is common, common the assembly, ‘common the mind, so be their thought united. ‘A common purpose 1 I lay before you, and worship with your general oblation. (One and the same ke your resolve, and be your minds cf one accord. United be the thoughts ofall that all may happily agree. This Unification Prayer to God emphasizes the unity, harmony and common purpose in body, ‘mind, actions and sort in all the devotees The idea of “harmony and unity” indicated by the root-word “sam” is used not as an abstrac- tion but expanded to include both an individu- al and the interactions among the individuals. In this sukta, harmony and unity are both the Purpose and the process of inner and outer ya Ja. To attain to the goal of Unity, the sukta urges harmony among the different activities of the mind = samaanam mana: - and harmony of the acitiv- les of the thinking faculty, chiththaa ~ saha chit- tameshaam. This prayer emphasizes that such unity among the minds and intellects among the devotees is essential in God's worship. This is fan outstanding set of verses that shows the unity ‘among devotees is an important method of wor- ship. Chanting this sukta and doing Homa on this, ssukta helps in clearing any misunderstandings between husband and wife, brothers and sisters, children and business partners. Benefits of Unity Practices: There are ‘many personal and societal benefits of these Uni- ty practices. At a personal level, these practices such as Unity Japam of the Shloka given above, Unity Meditation mentioned above will rasolve any conflicts and promote a sense of harmony and peace at the family, friends, people at work etc. Trere will be spirtual growth as a result of these: practices. Ata societal level, if suficient number of people do the Japam , there will be harmony feeling of brotherhood or sisterhood and peace at a societal level ‘Summary: This article shows that the concept ‘and practice of unity that is the main theme of the Sri Mahaganapathy Mahotsavam is very important aspect of worship and Sadhana, This article gave ‘examples of concept of unity in scriptures and how itis beneficial to the devotees. Let us focus on the Unity Japam and other practices mentioned here and achieve unity and harmony at the level of the devotees, the region, nation, the whole world and the universe, I Om Tat sat} ‘SRI MAHAGANAPATHY MAHOTSAVAM 2013 " ‘Aacharya vachanam An understanding of Gowriputra Ganapathy: a benevolent Deity by Sri Shanmukha Sivachariar Asthaana aacharya of SVT ri Ganesha and Hanuman are the two deities, Jwhich come to our minds when we look for Brahmancharis among the Hindu deities. Of them, Ganesha has always been associated with many Divine Female Deities. Stil its not widely known that Ganesha is a favorite deity to all of us be- cause He shares a lot of common characters of Women in Hindu traditions. He is a unique deity who being ‘eternal caibate'-nithya brahmachari - always finds a place in the hearts of the devotees by his sweet and erdearing characters that have a ‘feminine’ aspect te them. It is very common to see women circambulate Ganapathy sanctums in many parts of southern India, for happy mariage and happiness in mar- riage. In many legends, Ganapathy is depicted with two wives, Siddhi and Buddhi, adding com- plexity to this sweet and simple Deity beloved by Us all. Let us examine some facts about worship of Ganapathy and the role of women to understand how we can improve in our sadhana towards Ish- His Mother is Uma and He even Iiterally gave off His own head to keep Her orders. Gowri, the ‘ever-compassionate Divine Mother, who blesses everyone irrespective of their deeds, would have felt blessed for once to have a Son like Ganapa- thy. Hindu scriptures prescribe grihasthashrama - householdership - asthe safest and efficient mode of life to pursue jnaanam and moksham. Whi husband is called a ‘pathi’ or ‘one who holds up’, the wife is termed aa ‘saha dharmin — ‘ane who walks along the path of dharma’. Just as the blessing of Ganesha is essential for any dharmic activity the role of women in the dharmic activities Is also indispensable. Most vedic rituals are Impossible without the involvement of women of the yajamana’s family active at diferent steps. Without praying to Ganesha first, no dharmic effort ‘and worship could be complete, Its tradition for women to conduct special wor- ship of Gajamukha (Elephant-faced Ganapathy) (on chaturthi -the fourth day of a moon-phase — ppaksham. No wonder, some good characters of et fephants are seen more in householder hindu worn cen in general: they are patient, but once provoked, their wrath is unbound. They are astute and read their environments with sharp intelligence. Women in general want to be united with family ‘and avoid confrontation that breaks the unity of a household. Ganapathy, though being a brahmach- arin, helped to unite the tribal princess Valli with his brother Murugan by naturally assuming the form of a rogue elephant. He blessed a young git ‘Avvai with eternal youth but the looks of an old lady for her to traverse the lands with ease and spread His Name. Having guided aged Awaiyar, symbol of sell-sacrifice, at each step through her life as a poetess-saint, Ganesha even led her up to Kailash to have darshan of Sri Siva — Paarvathi He almost seems to be partial to women while giv ing His blessings! Ganesha was born from the turmeric applied onto Devi Uma’s skin, Thus He is fully blessed by His Mother. He is the First legendary “clone” from a woman's skin layer! It is no wonder that He looks Up to His Divine parents as the whole universe. ‘According to the popular legend, He was reward- ed for His devotion. Historically, women too con- sider their own families as the whole world and dedicate their lives for the welfare of their families, 2 SRI MAHAGANAPATHY MAHOTSAVAM 2013

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