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What would happen if Hitler had conquered the world?

Have you ever imagine what would happened if Hitler had won World War II?
Would all jews be dead? Would the USA be the country that is right now?
Hitler was one of the most terrific killers that the world had ever known, he
was a racist and he wanted the control of the world more that everything.
A racist where in 1939 start WWII by invading Poland and later Holland,
France and the UK, killing jews and criticism the ideas of every nation
around them that and other things had made that man until they stopped
them, but if that doesnt happened the world wont be as it is today.
As we said before Hitler is known by terrified the world in the earlier 1930s;
since they began as a dictator the world were preparing for what will
became one of the most memorable moments in history by the impact that
all these provide only in the first days of Hitlers climb to power.
He plain jews about the defeat that Germany took on WWI, after that they
were prisoner for 9 months but when he go out he writes a book about his
racists ideas, anticommunist and nationalist. Then when invaded al type of
countries they wanted. In the late 1930s they had conquered a lot of
countries and Germany was starting to extend in territory but thanks to the
unite of a lot of nations they defeat the Hitlers army called Nazis.
But if Nazis were never defeat this world would be another one. First Hitlers
idea was to expand more and more until he had conquered all the world,
they would killed all jews on the world and they will continue with the
education they was giving to the people of Germany, with this suppose we
thought that they would be some rebels fronting the Naizs but it would be a
very fewest population of the world and the children grew up thinking that
the Hitlers idea was goos without contradicting him, the world obviously
would be other.
If that would happen and the union wouldnt defeat Nazis the world would
be living in caos and they would not know nothing about them.

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