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Term Internal energy ‘Thermal eneay ‘Thermometer Definition (Grand total of al energies inside a substance Energy ruling fom heat fom An etumert used fo measure lemperatre Temperate ‘The measur ofthe average kinetic energy cof molecule ofa substance Heat Energy in tanstkom a body of igh temperature oa body flow temperature Enorgy needo to raise he temperature of gol walerby 1 Celsius degre. calorie soule ‘Spec heat wetng Moting temperature Stunit of est Enorgy required to change th emperaturo ofa unt mass of substance by 1 degre, Change rom soba to gas | The emperature at which meting of 2 sulotanca takes place Energy requited to mel aunt mass of solid atts meting pont (Change om aud to sol Increase in length Latent hea fasion Freezing Coeficent of inear ‘pansion Directions: Select the lettr ofthe option that correctly answors the question oF ‘competes the statement. 4.1 the absolute temperature of 3 gas s doubled the average kinetic energy fs rmoecos 2) oman tho same b)imreases to ames. «increases four timas. 1) decreases 04 of ts ongnal vate 2, Docraase in tomporatur ofa substance indicates that tuner of pares mt deeases. veraga veloc of pals increases, verge polenta ene of partes cacreses. 6) the average hb anergy os paris dcreaes. '3. The normal boy tomporstur i 37°C. Whats this in Ftrerhot? asa 0)988-F cir ‘9)573°F 4. Which oft folowing happens when ca changes into a igi? 9) The molcules move lower han before. 1) The temperature of ho substance nereases. ¢) The potonal every fhe molecules creases. 6) The average movement of te mooculasneaases. 5. The baling pon of waters 100°C, whats th in K? a)i73 bya 373 as 6. The natural deecton of heat fow bel wo reservoirs depends on 2)the temperature. 0) fhe itrnal energy contents. ei pressue. {wheter they are in Hq, so or gestous stat, 7. Wen you scien put your hand near the kettle’ spout, you rad ouch. But when you moved your hand few inches avay, you ound that be seam was coo. Why? 4) The Steam cooled as texpandes The steam condensed iva qu ¢) The stam absorbed energy fromthe surounding 6) Energy Waser to you ski nas greater when Iwas nea the kele's spout. 8. Which of the fining ubstancs fe mass warms fate? 2) aluminum | jee ©) copper water 9: re ester ne tof eer to ese of eon 4@)ne geste energy absorbed by fh srace othe seawater 10.Dureg warm eays, you ene yousal by damping your stn wh wa ova. Whi ofthe ‘oll takes place? 2) Yau hn abo the colds of he mato 3) Yourskin alesse enargy whan wate rom your sn evaporaas. €) The temperature of water on your sn decreases asf erapeatos £6) The terpertire of your skin eases as water evaporates rn yrs 11. How may cals of hat is equted to mat 1. of eat 0°07 3808800) SHD Sg) 00 Hor man aloes teal are reaes change he paahre of 100 go alert 2)100 )250 e800) 5400 19. Contraction of sl inate that ‘3) he runbo of paroles docreses. 3) te space between pre doceases fs average velo of parties merases 48) ero cocreaso nthe average ket anergy of paces. 14. Which ofthe flowing expands more when subeced tothe same teers change? casoer lumi, ‘on ‘yaa = 5 = SO 15. The average ine anergy fhe moocuss of abode a massue ofthe body's ahaa tenperatre Self-Test 1.4 Flin the blank with word or words to complete the following statements: 1 nergy i scented wih moving object. 2. The roiy an eect porcersos du tis postions onary. 5am ole s rased 8m above te ground is ‘Dalal ener ceases, 44 Astotcn sping has potential one 5. AS an otc realy tas ‘energy is Vansformed nto __ energy. 2. Answer the ooing questions Wat are the temperate scales use in measuring temperature? Wali th Foezing point of walern ogres Celsius? In degrees Faber? Inkebin? ¢. Albal temperatura does waa bol n degrees Clb? n degen Fabel? in Kei? 4. Whats ihe tempera dence between the teeing point and the bling ont of aterin each fhe toe temperature sales? ©, Derive an equation change te lemperatue from Css to Fatremhe, from Fert to Cel, fram Cl t Kelvin and rom Kelvin aCe, Remember This! Energy transfers natural om a body of higher temperature to 3 body of lovertemperatue. “The energy ranstead ftom ane toy o another because of 2 temperature dfererce scaled heat. temperature to a body of lowe enperatue (Fig. 1.2) The enxy ransfened fom one boty to anther because ofa temperate dferenoe is cole heat. Heat, there, is ergy inst fom a body of higher temperature to a body of lower enpeaure. Once tester, can no oiget be ced eal. It becomes the intemal energy f the bod. Transl oF energy om hot objects to col objet ops when the vo atin the seme temperature. The objects re sito be in ermal equim, Remember thst Remember this! ‘ koal = 1000 cat ‘Answer th following questions. 1. Nowaéays, people are fond of doing aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises are believed fo bum Calories frm the food intake. A 150 Ib person playing vleybal, ‘or example, uses $4 Caries per 10 mints from the fod intake. Express this energy in calor, in kocalares, ann joules. 2 Most food energy goes ino runing your body and keeping t war. The basal metabo ral, or the average energy used by the body isting cull in bed is bout 1400 Caloris per day fr women and 1600 Calis per dy formen What are ‘these in locality? in caorescay? Directions: Sac the eter ofthe option that correctly answers tho given questo ‘Wie your answer ona separate sheet of paper. 1. The Kein tmperatire of materi rect proprtonal othe 8) avorege kinetic energy ofmclecuies and alos, otal nec energy of motu and tons. €) sim of kinetic energy and potential enor of molecules ad ators. 4) average ptental energy of molecules and atoms. 2 Asan cbecs eerste increases 2) te average Kinetic energy oft parts increases. tho average velo of is partcos decreases. €)the numberof pares int increases, 4) the distance betoen spaces increases, 3. Onygon bots at-183 °C. Whats its equivalent inthe Fatrenet cae? 9)-215°F W207 c)-820°F 4) 361° 4. One Cals sae, te olny pit of waters 100%, Whats tiling pt in the Fevers ayer by2F 7a asm 5. Thehuran bod nasa temperature of 37°C, Whats isin K? ayzr3K p)st0K 346K ay373K 6. Twotndes of tert ienperatures come in cota ich the ftowing woul NOT happen? 2) Heat ows fom a body ofhigh temperature to body oon temperate 1) The temperate of tet toy wou increase. 0} The wo js woud have te sae tamperatire ale sometne 6) Paris teed cject would move aster afer sonatine 7. One gram of stoam at 100°C causes a more serious burn han one gram cf water at _19.Erpanson of soi inate hat 100°C because the steam he nunbe of paces in ree. 2) loss dense. tte space between is pares erases shes the sin with greater force €)the average vl of ples nereaee, }hasaigher specie neat capacity. €) hr is an increase nthe averape ine nary fs pares 1) contains more nema energy 14 Abintate stip consing of operand uinun were sublet ta chngeln 8, Acupof ht cofes can be cooled by placing cold secon init Which af the folowing igang nine sia ons opps ard aun we 29 don Coca tcoa bata tik eneer nese ‘enparaureand bert hich ge shaws he coc positon ofthe neal? etre ‘aoe \Dungh Co 0 Jag ta Mey: Sol eae] Deopper i ‘Aluminum B 6. Evapratn cs qu because the os o) sone! reo tests ecape oa : By facet moc tro scape = 2 Cjprenu on ne had decoses Spenser Pela weenee de : 1 \ 37 t0.1nen vapor ondeses os ’ ( » (C y) q( aboot ha 1) tepere see Diese tat ‘i tperee dope HWY 4 ae Geom 11. Fifty kd of heat is added to @ 20 kg block of ice at 0°C. The amount of ice that melts. we “ So0mig —W)015kg HT Lg 15 ts a got cote se Latoigsne depen 34409° wert otomny.tachnge — pemonteseae intemperate tte ac 2 betas ae eh 5ee ee awe ane 9 at aor ale Pre Test Self-Test 1.1 om Toa Serres 4. Given: Energy = 34 Calis 2 potential ona Fin: Energy in calories n klcalores, in jules Potential energy To camer energy in Calis ocala, cone fst Calon Koco, Use 3, gravitational aunen 4. elastic 5. gravitational potential, kinetic 1 Cala =#Kocalrie Energy inal = 34 al x1 kal 1 Cal eal 1, Toconert energyin kalo cal use the conversion ator 1 heal = 10° cal io 2 7 ‘kcal x 10° cal /1 keal 11.b - ‘34x10 calor ie satan 13.b To comort energy 1 jules, uso th conversion fatar 4b Teale aio 16.¢ Enerayin J =34 x10" ca 4.18/ cal tziax order 14212 «10° Actnty 12 2a Tetemperature scales used in measuing temperature are the Celsus, Faberhe, 2 ue: esl ett woen «140 Cars Ip and Kevin seals osama iron" = 180 oe The teeing pont of water at sa level 80°C or 32°F or 273K. ee oo 6. Water ois at sa level at temperate of 100°C or 212°F or 73K Final moka won nA, a dd The temperature difference between the freezing and boling temperatures is 100°in (a memantine the Ces sel, 180°in the elven and 100 in Kein scale ston: 6. Changing omporaurs from Calsus to Fatreaat St tina a Temperate in°F (T= 180100 Te + S20 ee meer saree ay 21 ep 10% hd ‘Sisal metal referent ay =1 60 ay el Cal footed Selman afer man ical! say 5160 aly 1 el coniad Post Test 13a 10.b 2a 1b 3.b 12.¢ 4.b 13.b 5.b 14.c 6b 15.a 7d Ba 9b

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