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Helpful material from speaking

Question Three: Integrated

A good answer to the first integrated speaking question might follow this template...

The reading is about... // The reading concerns...

It says that... // It states that... // It explains that...

The man disagrees with the proposal (or announcement, or memo,

etc) // The man agrees with the proposal

He disagrees for two reasons // He agrees for two reasons

First... // First of all...

Secondly... // Moreover...

Question Four: Integrated

A good answer to the second integrated speaking question might follow this template...

The main idea of the reading is... // The reading is mainly concerned

The author says that...

The lecturer provides more information on the topic by talking


First, he says that...

Second, he says that...

Question Five: Integrated Listening/Speaking

A good answer to the first integrated listening/speaking question might follow this

The man's (or woman's) problem is...

He explains that...

The man's friend offers several suggestions...

First, he suggests...

He also suggests...

The man's response to these suggestions is...

In my opinion, the man should...

I feel this way because...

Question Six: Integrated Listening/Speaking

The final speaking question doesn't really lend itself to the use of a template, but you
might want to try something like this:

The lecturer explains... // The lecturer discusses....

He explains this by giving several examples

First, he states that... // First he claims that...

Second, he states that... // Second he claims that...

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