Quay Wall

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(GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FOR TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS. 317 on of the fist phase of the New Ft €40 M wth contact, was to the Joint Vente IV) of Bech Chistint Nica and Racy = and Grek Tena Company of General Canetio gam EMPEDOS | Curety under consrctin, the ist pas ofthe New ot inelades 430 mo al, and 80m of treater Fonts. Wats dept ranges been 1015s 10 40m, in the guny wall nd breaks, epecively. The Quay wal ‘The reat is psi strcture constng of soot 20m 030 of rock fil ebankneto which 4 caissons ate plat Layout of the fist pase of New Pct of Patt yo Figur (QUAY WALL AND BREAKWATER DESIGN AND CONSIRUCIION (OF THE NEW PORT OF PATRAS Kostas Loa! PE, M. ASCE a Misc K, Yen’, Pa FASC [ABSTRACT Desig nd constnton of mare uretres in weak fedaion ol rsironment contr major dalle. Several sound sone ‘Sree employed in te dni othe ay wal and breakwater of New Post ‘Soy with extemal adverse poten ad eathgae condos Dict findings dring te constucn phase of the oc, sina modes gare 1. Pn View of Quay Wall nd Breakwater Stace, Cros Seton ong Conte in of Breakwater cross secon of the two sctues ieluing ground improvement ropose by the designe, ae depicted in Figure 2 (ADK = Tito 1934). "Geo age, ngs Dept Epes SA 15 Amalads St, 14864 Aton io + Prot, Dep of Cv and Fave Ear Notas. Univ, Boston, MA 2115.10 6 S18 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FoR TRANSPORTATION PROMCIS ers ll Tint ». Breskatr Cross Soon igure 2. Typical Cros estos According to Tender Design LOCAL ADVERSE CONDITIONS. $y ge of low to med plc (CL) extending fo 25 1 ol So sng Ue breskvatr, ano ‘rll bck are. These ners are chancterzed by very low she ‘ery high compres. Anette pcb fr foundation dsr ths ayer, hes up 0200 m of ma edo Accor othe Greek FartuakeDeson ose, th city of Pt il win comespooding peak wound acelatin of 024g. Tis vie posiity of excedance i 80 eas. A se specie sec at | eine y th Uy of Pa 93) dee deen ‘eelrtin, Ulin inthe design vale of 27g wa we | ‘vet at has arta peti of abut 300 years. nado ih fil of oly Tit exes te poet area (Pig. 1), Cresping displacements sted along the en eat of te faut West of he tae of Bal Ty the seabod has nie rei det the presen of numerous “caters” ss oskor), which, aceordngt pophysial ad Dathyetie surveys, eps ranging bwenn 0S m and 5 mand Geter raging between 23 [i'm Tho side walls of ho poctboes sand waive seo st 20°= 25" Inthe ie sre ears olen exead though the tp eave sere and rach the ning dese sand ~ gavel lye. Crates fave been ceed by rkase of ges sie and ethane), which fe tapped ate interace ofthe eas and Tayer an the oveying fine Ine. Ges migrate upwars ou the stk Steady or abuplyparculwly deg periods of seismic Simla phenomena hve ben repened workiwide Haste al, 1986) ins of eration, maintenance ed migration of packles ae yo be int POSED GROUND IMPROVEMENT AND DESIGN SOLUTIONS erp cape with unfivonibe ste conditions, miny low bering capacity and Comprestity of Toudation sll the exignere (ADK Tita, 1988) nt ound improvement and dig slutons stows on Wp eas of Fig 2, wll eee, si improvement sed with semova of the fp 2,3 the ly wall ad and ares, Ars wag pero of mont Jing casneat would be rased, second conston pase 10 evel” Inthe stabilizing bar ae, a ove 20.0 mn the quay wall ad and casing embament woud be removed afters soond waiting ped of 12 nots. Dees estate tat SOM - 90% of expected cosoidtion Jen presue by Ado = 023, a pil ratio fer noemlly consolidated Team, 1384). Grou inprovemeat scheme Weald be complied with «sis, Backfile with ight weight sips), ths ralacing bth vera ls ‘ndhocostal ent esse. Inthe breakwater area, the gound improvement design include renal 9 sm replacement with sand and gravel abd installation of 12mg Wet] (pounds die be dow pid coucltoe and ins seg iene Slayey mils Now, to Inger of geoterle, covering the entre frp fh Treat woul he pla Yo provide inreaned rsstnce aie slope ini eal, 1997), Conatacon ofthe able mod embankment wa schol {Ske place in theo ages wih intermeite wating pede to avid tempor Subity problems Stabilizing bem wee tobe constructed on bath sides fe wih ‘ook il embaslaent improve subi ofthe composi ekvate suc. ft phate of rock il controstion would inchde plsement of heft Re ‘ret elevation of 30 m. Afr s wating peri of about 12 sont, sco ls ensrction woul the pace andthe second bem would be corp eles 1m Ae a socond waiting pried of mata, the thd ial eoetcton ls would ake place vasing the rok lo clevaton I m. Final, ight weight 2 Tigh esos would be placed on top ofthe eck il manent fe Salts ponod of mono cmplt the composite akan srt rio to ty reloading eeskmen consrton i the Quy wal es th dit calls for somsrstion af very nil insromentd trl embankment Yr) and mapaie of expe setement, Geos rains were to be isa! “iret spacing on ech of the for queso til eibatinent say thst ‘fying on inet of wetter (oe guacant without nin an he qu eh square gis ins spaced at 18m, 20,25). FINDINGS DURING CONSTRUCTION Severity of acl averse getchieal an cartbquske cenions was 0 ‘te prin esi Sudy. However, the exeme morpology of ie {exact locaton, numer, mensions a rte) was ony revealed ding const ‘sed oa bao survey asige to At Enineing By the eomti ‘he sary reveled an exteely enemas rb parca in the es Foot sea, wet ofthe ace of Holly Tiny fal The erates ae dic! gure 1, which also shows the lan View of seabed and ne ers seco i the centr in ofthe eshte, Actions geotecal invesiationspefomed on bs ofthe TV reve presence of seve thin sand lye within the top chiyey sll. These ly faiaed dsinage inthe horizontal ection ding conekation gros. reducing importance of vertical rin spacing. ned, evauaton oft en | ‘Bonorng oul ince prt nolo veld Spacing oi ‘faelement Mesired stern valet threat it 8 eo (81m, confirmed consiion catered the desi. ke ving nets et constustion of tone columns inthe guy wal a o fake ples either os 2 lnd operation peor © removal of pelding onet or ax natin operation afc emoval of prelaing emnkineot. Tal liana conection the tal enkarmet t,o o tumbor of port sons Fi, lad tased constuction of sine clus ough the Cal etwas pact imps de Yo mature apd eye of compaction of | il mals. Tas fc ied thet marie constraction of ee ols ‘he cly fue open. Socal, based cra of one compton epi ws elie tat dameer of 1-ong tne eaamnesverased J athe eto 1 2m, sd 09 mat the rensining stone ena length, Bulag tp of tne columns alieved when Ilona Sone columns Were raced. Thee findings inated ht gven be lager prodsed diameter ue Jo compaction regiement, gd socing of te eaumns cul be ness Iwhive ts roqared replacement rae. Nlirne sone column constuction was Ferme ang th btm fed metiod. Ding ial marine operons ws aso Tonelided hatin ede to avd baling near te tp of stone columns a Iyer of ‘hot 3m of fil should be piced on the seabed er to constuction of ste Jolitnas to gnete he necessary overburden pressure REAKWATER ALTERNATIVE DESIGN Proposed ground improvement operations in the cater Fl wee extremely iit Wo implemest. IV paused an aleve design forthe Breakwater (1999), which os approved by th governing authors and acl implemented. The proposed eel section is depicted n Figure 3 bg me rn ml Figere 3. Typical rekoaer Cros Seton Aconing to Aerie Design cava ofthe op 2m, instalation of vera dis and placement of tw ayers i eto in wate depts exceeding 40 in pckbol areas which would ee Trcsdented equipment, ecology and manpower, were cmisaed. sted, Iptund ipovorenttolode plsement of 2 prvel blanket about 3 m Eick, Isowed by raforecment of Townson sole vin approximsisiy 14,000 stone ‘olan in 10G-m-wide zone non teenie baat fori. Stone ema Um diameter, constricted by vibo-rpacement na 2.7 m'x 2.7m square ed, Poneto clayey si (Sm~ 17 m) and eached he deny san-ravel yer. 522 GPOTECINICAL ENGINEERING FOR TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS [GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERINGFOR TRANSPORTATION FROMECTS 502 Joos ofthe propo port snctres was vestigated using he fit element (Gabon ef a, 1998) aod scclograms tom Gesk ad inemaicel Fagre epic th FE cra sing see, and pak als of ‘cedletions, "Kens reulng fr. dyamic amiyies using fou" Farbemor, tal elaborate spe sali anaes,sablizng ers on th Sides of the ai rok il embsnkmat were reduced a shown o® Fgue 3.0 le ft tone colunas Were const tl eel-2 m rom tp of hea, ‘Stone columns ive ipl isons. They prove lnmedise infreent o iodo sas by ecg ppeninatly 11% of clayey sound. This eps ‘ato guratectatt of constuction a ok ill embankment is indepen of “Hangh ioreme of eye ayers dang consolation process Any toon) Sety sur are theetore ovioaatcaly evecome. Wali prods «ht eonrion of rock fl eabenkieny, which Youd 20 moathsocerdint te ‘wii deg, ave completely eliminated Sto elursao cose 9) ‘Ftctne drainage stem, which facts consoldation of eles Iyer 06 ‘Stinuted ha expected cosoidatonsetenet duc to week of 0 il ‘Slr of 75 em, weal ke place ding placement ofthe embankment. Fina ‘ohare provide spt path fr unimpaled upward miton of 5% Chninting pt fo abt eration of mew pcktoks, wish cold jo bly of ene breakwater stuctae Mure 4 Slope Stabiity Anais Result Breakwae Sttare ‘QUAY WALL DESIGN ENHANCEMENTS Aching ah segs of peraions as penne in sri any wal in re cee tory ay ing se i “Sime noe vel econ ne oie en ‘Sls wee imal ss locnent ttt aro tein ‘he oan eo sat impove of tempor s Sevan af ron! pla ping embankment id 0h ‘eng xoton he singe fw smn sored sg ‘undanslr sn esey of mgs em Soe cles we theres nd dp peste y ten sang Howes ae alse con cot, non oman pr ac "al ST sido 086 mand 285 mx 295 m rpc, Hsp ‘ly nev uy wallet an tid os “ SLOPE STABILITY AND DYNAMIC ANALYSES, 5 ate Blmeat Mesh, Creal Siding Suse, and Peak Avery ‘essentons “Two dimension it eulibiam maths and software (Wea 195) to asess stn peculo-sttic safety apn slope isa of Re Ns cans « Ireakwater altemaive design and the guy wall modified consti —_ aetion ‘ota ire ses and comespond sey Fact er pel ‘meatal te depicted in Figure 4, These cleltons ae bed ov» 00 Bienen te caciect nas ed {ton angle of 235 ore TO-amoyide one erst he mat of) se coed ea katie, wid 5 cae wee ne, a amp Fir ps altel ie hry of eg Exped permanent seisnie deformation of he ny wal a he 4 (Guay wal sing the Pacoima rok record, cstnated ave on esis of dynamic sayin (Yepian, 1988) 1 Se eormations alu sing Newratk’s meta wih cial eelention Ky og © ® 6 (6) Tne Hiay of owe Aceon (an Pema Sei re oon or Sieg Mas (Oy Wal ong aca ek Rn CONCLUSIONS. wt cmos yn i wort mgood snrtanga options snes ghee it contin ote {Sy ool rks obs New Pato Pas Chg wae ane by ‘ag tv in Ge al onto ef epee usecdoy motes pnted feed sie we oi’ man Spey ed pm ect bon ere sl eed nd alte lnc te CCsison Consrction by Sipe ‘Method om Jety Founded oa le Photo : Stone Cluen Ialtion ‘Mhotos:Caison Tow out Complete Breakwater Font [REFERENCES ADK S.A «Tron Ie (19), “Final Design of Now Pat of Pats", Ministry of Envionment and Publ Woks, Deemer 195, Chris’ & Nien Led. ~ TCGC S.A. ~ Bucy Soleunce (199) “Atemive Desig for Breakwater, New Por of Pata, A" Phe Jnuny 1999, and Supplemental Repost on Aleve Dei or Bsa, New Pot of Pats, A* Phase, Decrber 1990, Protas, 6, Pats. Sia and Teams, V. (1997. "The Foundation of Marine Stes on Sofi Ground improved by Prloaing ané Reinforce with Stone ‘Cohn, Proeedings of 3” Helle Confrence om Gwoecial Exgincein, Para 20-22 March 197 Hast, T, Papaicaron, Gy Kasaos, N, apd Feeminon G. (196). “A, ‘cin field inthe Putas Gul (Grose) and Hatton ding ie 18/793 Selmi event Marine Geol, M33) 344 ooo Mt Kis, LM, an Beka, M. (1994) “QUADAM: A Computer Program to Busine the Seismic Respusse of So.Stnetures Using Fhite Element ‘Procedures and Incorporating a Compliance Base, Depart of Cv at EnvionmentalEngiaerisg, Universo Califor, Dats Califo. Pats, A. Kousools, 8. Pinspoprulas, Nand Boake, G. (197). “The Foundation of Marine Sauces on So Ground Ingroved and Retforce wi the Use of Georybetis", Proceedings of 3 Helene. Conference on Getehnical Engineering, Pa, 20-22 Musc,197 University of Pars Reseach Prowam (984), Part 2, by Teles and Assocs, “Scamle Mazatd Avesment at te Projet Locsin” aod Part By Ahaastposos, G, “Results ofSeimie Response Arla Wright S.'G. (986), “A Computer Progen for Spe Stability Analysis LUTEKASD", The University ef Tens Atin ‘erin, M.K. (0988), "Sesae Aalas ofthe New Port of Pats propre for ‘Crista & Nielsen Li. - TGC S.A-Backy Solan, Jamar 138

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