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Game title
The Bahaamanaamas

Game description

A young training hero (League Hero) sets on a quest to save his

beloved home Waterbug Island.


My game is a platform and top-down game. I have made some

platform levels and some top-down levels.


I am using the platform Gamestar Mechanic, because I find it is the

easiest way to create my game especially because I dont have much
experience creating games.

I have been creating the scenery to match the story. On level 4 the
hero, Jack, has to disguise himself as a Sheriff/Cowboy so he is not
imprisoned, as strangers are not allowed in the Wild West. The same
rule applies for level 6.

On Gamestar Mechanic there are different background musics to
choose from. You simply just choose the background music style you
would like.


I am writing a narrative and will communicate the situation of each

stage using the message block and dialogue.
The Bahaamanaamas
The Bahaamanaamas had a history of Heroing. Well thats what it was
called on Waterbug Island. Today was the day that The
Bahaamanaamas were the one family that outranked everyone. The
one family that was the best. The famous ones. The ones who could do
whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted but they werent like
that. They were loyal and they served their island. They were the
protectors. Except for Jack. Jack Bahaamanaama still hadnt saved a
life. He was the laziest person ever.
One day the darkness struck. The evil sprites rose and took over. Jack
was sleeping when he realised that his family was gone. The evil
bandits had taken them away. Mum? Dad? Lily? Jacob? Where are you
guys? Come out! This isnt funny! Jack ran outside to find that the sky

was filled with darkness and the city was isolated, and that there were
only evil sprite s running around making sure that there was no one
left. He decided it was time for him to show everyone that he could be
a hero and that he wasnt lazy and stupid, and that he could save lives.
So he set out on his journey to save Waterbug Island. There was a lot
of chaos. League Pouncers fell from the sky. Snape Bandits ran out of
nowhere It was crazy. He climbed up rocks and walls with all his
effort saying, Never give up, never give up!. Jack then finally
reached the Wild West. It was night and it was dark. A shiver of fear
trickled up Jacks spine. He looked around and then saw the Bandits
waiting for someone to arrive so they could capture them. Jack then
realised that he was in the Wild West and he quickly disguised himself
as a sheriff so he wouldnt get caught as an intruder. Strangers werent
allowed in the Wild West. Sheriff alert! Yelled one of bandits. Jack
shot as many as he could and managed to escape.
Somehow Jack ended up in the sky and decided to travel down to The
Castle of Gold. On his way down he encountered more shooting
Bandits and Pouncers but he passed quite swiftly. One thing that Jack
hated the most were riddles. For him to pass without getting caught he
had to answer one by taking the right path, and surprisingly he made
it! The next stage was very easy to pass he snuck in 5 seconds without
getting caught. Then suddenly, he was trapped! Youre not going
anywhere! Hahaha! Exclaimed the lead bandit. Attack! Jack then
closed his eyes and just shot whatever was in front of him!
He barely made it out. Jack ran as fast as he possibly could while being
chased by A LOT of evil sprites, and he just managed to make it out. He
quickly opened the cage filled with the civilians and set them free. The
sky then became bright and colourful again and everyone loved him.
The queen of Waterbug Island rewarded Jack by giving him the first
True Hero badge before anyone else in his family and everyone
cheered and squealed with joy.

There is no coding needed in Gamestar Mechanic as it is all done for
you. You simply just drag and place your blocks and sprites on to the
level. You can also choose a background.

I havent faced any challenges while making the game but when I
played my game to test it, I have found some of the levels
themselves challenging.

I have taken a riddle in one of the episodes of The Ellen Show,
from the idiot test. Skip to time 2:59 .
Jemma and I are not in a group anymore so I have started to make my
own game. Today I made level 1 and 2. On level 1 nothing much happens.
The story is introduced. On level 2, the chaos begins.

Today I made levels 3, 4, and 5. Level 3 has a surprise swarm of evil
League Pacers and League Pouncers that come out of nowhere. If you
take the correct way to the goal block, then you might be able to avoid
them. On level 4 Jack is required to disguise himself as a Sheriff/Cowboy
as he is in the dark side of the Wild West and he will be imprisoned if he is
caught, as strangers are not allowed in the Wild West. On level 5 Jack is
required to travel down from the sky to the what is known as The Castle
of Gold.
Today I made level 6 and 7. Level 6 requires the player to correctly
answer the riddle by taking the path with the correct answer. If they take
the wrong path then there is an evil surprise writing for them. Level 7
requires the player to collect all the points and reach the goal block.
Today I made the levels 8 and 9. Level 8 requires the player to reach the
goal block after collecting the required amount of points. Level 9 requires
the player to kill the evil sprites by shooting them.
Today I added the finishing touches to my game. I created levels 10 and
11. Since I had to start my game from scratch I didnt have enough time
to make many levels. I decided to wrap up my game by only making 11
levels. Level 10 is probably the hardest level of the whole game. There
are a lot of enemies just running around. The player has to destroy as
many as he can in order for him to be able to make it to the goal block.

That is why he has a gun to protect himself! Level 11 is peaceful since

jack has saved the island from the evil sprites.

Level Map Links

Level 1: A Normal Day
Level 2: Wait whats Happening?!
Level 3: Why So Much Chaos?
Level 4: Darkness
Level 5: Questing
Level 6: Riddles Galore

Level 7:
Level 8: Almost there
Level 9: Just one more
Level 10: Peace is Almost Restored
Level 11: Peace Has Arrived
Reyana. Khan 7T

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