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Greetings and Salutations,

The Brotherhood of the Malfian Bloodsworn

welcomes you into our midst. Per our rules you are
required to pursue and capture a bounty that has yet to
be claimed, a so-calledGrey Warrant. Upon
successfully claiming this bounty you will enjoy all the
rights and benefits of full Bloodsworn membership.
Failure to claim this bounty will result in your
immediate expulsion from the brotherhood.
As a provisional member you are being granted the
use of one of our space freighters. The freighter will be
only lightly armed and carry only two short-range
shuttles. Please be aware that this is not your ship, and
any damage done to the ship will be paid for out of the
bounty you collect.
Attached is the bounty you are to collect. The
reasons for the bounty not being collected are not
clear. Also attached you will find all of the notes that
we have been able to collect on the target. These
notes have been collected and transcribed from several
different sources so the validity of all the notes cannot
be verified.
Good luck, and be careful.

Adraniss the panderer: Malfian servant of Slaanesh

Appearance Adraniss has the usual pale skin, short dark hair and watery
brown eyes of a Hettran Malfian. He is of average height, rather pudgy but well
muscled and aged in his late 30s. He wears his hair short, and enjoys the
affectation of wearing sallow silks and velveteen britches. He is not good looking
at all and his face rapidly twists into a memorable snarl of utter contempt when
crossed. Underneath his garments he is heavily scarred in ritual Slaaneshi
patterns, and a significant portion of his torso is tattooed with hideous, if
incomplete, images of slaughter and suffering.
Personality and motivation: Adraniss is intelligent, but damaged, lazy and selfindulgent. When under pressure, he is capable of acts of great cunning, but when
free to pursue his own agenda, he tends to relapse into minor acts of selfdestructive brutal depravity. He cannot restrain himself for long, and that is likely
to be his undoing. He is a sadist of the worst kind, enjoying torture both mental
and physical. However he is ultimately cowardly, and is terrified of the Inquisition,
having seen their handiwork before. His main response to danger is to flee, but
he will fight viciously if cornered. He lacks the ambition to ever be a great or truly
lethal cultist. He has no long-term plans other than to impose his will on the weak
for as long as he can.
Followers: Adraniss is a minor cultist of Slaanesh. Adraniss only seems to
make use of one ritual, the Ritual of Debasement. This enables a cultist to make
a total slave of another human being through the prolonged use of drugs and
mental torture. Adraniss seems to have so far inflicted this horrific ritual on three
of his stable, and they now would willingly die for him to keep him safe or to
amuse him. These three (two sickly looking young women and a taller, heavily
scarred man) travel with Adraniss everywhere. The picture on the wanted poster
shows all of those mentioned. The picture is somewhat dated, so appearances
may have changed. Adraniss also has a wider stable of joyboys and joygirls,
based in his hideout, but they all hate and fear him, and wouldnt lift a finger to
save him from anything.

Last Known Location: Adraniss was last spotted in the Sumpston sector of Hive
Sibellus on the planet Tranch. Current reports are that Adraniss is running a
small time prostitution ring. Because this is a rather deep section of the hive the
area is rarely patrolledby local arbiters.

Grey Warrant Issued To Those Who Wish To Join



Adraniss, known servant of Slaanesh

Adraniss is a known servant of Slaanesh. The bounty is for a live

capture only. No bounty will be paid if the subject is terminated

during capture.

Adraniss should be considered armed and

dangerous. Rewards are offered for any information leading to his

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