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Bryan Ladd Standard 5 Reflections

Standard Five: As a participant in the Concordia Educational Administration preparation program I

logged hours under standard 5 when I spent time working on campus schedules/calendars, developing
clear visions and goals, assuring that purchases aligned to the goals within our CIP, and collaborated with
district personal to assure that our campus needs were being met and addressed at a district level.





We are looking to cut down on the amount of time students are spending in the caf each
morning. Most of our population is bussed in each morning and we are starting to
monitor bus arrivals and frequently late busses to our transportation department to
hopefully mend these issues. We have too many busses that show up 5 minutes before
instruction is to begin and cause students to be late to class because of wait time in the
caf for breakfast. Also, part of the conversation outlined in standard 3 are because our
instructional blocks are having to change as of February 1 st so therefore my principal has
tasked me with making the necessary adjustments to our master schedule based on the
feedback we received from these discussion. My AP also spoke to me yesterday about
organizing and communicating with parents our credit recovery program starting as soon
as the need arises. Our PIEMS update this week showed that we had a good amount of
student that are within 2 days of needing credit recovery. She also wants me researching
how the new minute legislation affects credit recovery to see if PIEMS is accounting for
the new minutes law rather than days law
For standard five we talked during our campus leadership meeting on Monday about new
schedules and systems we needed to organize and implement for the remainder of this
school year and then developed a plan to implement them campus wide for the following
school year. On Friday I worked with our campus administrative assistant to organize and
create a deposit for a fundraiser we had done on campus. I also approved print-shop
orders that were pulled from our Title 1 funds as a part of the campus safeguards as
outlined in the CIP.
For standard five we talked during our campus leadership meeting on Wednesday about
new schedules and systems we needed to organize and implement for the remainder of
this school year and then developed a plan to implement them campus wide for the
following school year. The two schedules we worked on were tutoring and Tier 3 RTI. I
also spent a considerable amount of time on Tuesday assisting our campus testing
coordinator with distributing testing materials for our 4th grade writing Mock STAAR.
My day consisted of organizing and checking in/out materials as well as monitoring the
teachers for their active monitoring within the classrooms.
I once again this week spent some time checking on our morning bus arrivals to see if we
had similar arrival times this week from some of our frequently late busses. The goal of
this is to assure that a higher percentage of students are in their classrooms and ready to
learn at or before the tardy bell at 7:30. I also spent some time this week vetting a few
resources we plan to use for next fall. These resources will be a part of our 1 st semester
spiraling minutes on our master schedule.
We continue to work on scheduling for our new RTI program at our school. I spent time








this week working with our RTI lead to determine the best possible schedule for math
students. The goal was to assure that nothing was being done for math RTI that would
affect reading schedules. I also went to a presentation for a new math program that
would take the place of our current math progress monitoring program for RTI for the
2016/2017 school year.
I led a team lead meeting. The agenda was set on discussing end of the year calendar
changes as our district decided to shorten the school year to coincide with the rulings of
the new house bill in the past Legislature that changed student days to minutes. Our
district was over the allotted minutes and decided to move our last day from the 6 th to the
1st. This affected a multitude of end of year events so we came up with a plan to amend
the calendar for the staff to review at the upcoming faculty meeting this week.
I spent time on Monday looking into data with Mrs. Gardner and creating monitoring
groups in Eduphoria. We then discussed how we would address these groups to ensure
we were focusing on achieving index 3 and 4 during the upcoming Mock administrations
and data sessions. Friday afternoon I spent time working at district to develop the scope
and sequence for the 2016/2017 school year for PreK-4 math curriculum.
Using data from our Mock test the literacy coach and I created new instructional
schedules that would allocate time needed to make the necessary interventions going
forward. We revised our tutoring expectations and determined which students we should
now target with tutoring. All of this was done as we prepare for our instructional blocks
coming back from spring break.
I logged 4 hours in standard five. All four hours of my time was spent working with our
administrative team to create targeted groups in 3rd and 4th grade for index 3 and 4. Index
three students on our campus are Hispanic students and students who qualify for Eco Dis.
In order to achieve this those students need to score at the final recommended rate on at
least 2 STAAR Test. In order to meet standard our campus has to achieve both index 3
and 4. Index 4 is College Readiness and this is a calculation of all students and the
percent that meet final recommended and advanced on all test. In order to achieve this
we had to create targeted groups based on our last rounds of district assessments. We
analyzed the students who had already met these guidelines and then the students who
had met one test but needed another. Based on this information they were either put into
a math or reading targeted group. After the groups were made a schedule for our team of
tutors was created by myself and our literacy coach.
I had the opportunity to work with our AP to enter TELPAS scores into the TEST NAV
program. This was invaluable experience as I have not had the opportunity to deal much
with actual testing materials. I had the opportunity to work with her and ask clarifying
questions as we entered our campus results. This was one area I can mark off my
worried list as I had not received any time working with confidential testing materials.
I was given a budget for supplies for the above mentioned Earth Day program and I had
to work with this budget to go and purchase things for our program. This was done with
the supervision of my mentor as there were encumbrances on this account and she
wanted to make sure that I understood how to take those into account when budgeting for
programs and such. It also was a part of our CIP for parent outreach as parents were in
attendance to celebrate the work of our students.
Six hours were spent this week analyzing data with grade levels as we plan on making






instructional shifts that align with our campus improvement plan. During this time I had
opportunities to work with teachers on some pretty tough subjects, including some pretty
rough spots in data. I am realizing that as an administrator some conversations are
necessary even if they are tough. I am also noticing that some teachers are not as open to
communicating with me as I take on more administrative roles.
During our leadership meeting discussed in standard three a lot of budget allotments were
discussed. I worked with our campus admin and secretary to identify proper budgets to
use in order to align with district and state/federal requirements concerning Title 1 and
instructional budgets. an hour was spent working with a kindergarten student who is
having a really tough time adjusting to starting school. I assisted the student into the
classroom and then sat with the student for another 15 minutes to assure everything was
good before going about my day.
After working with our Heart of Texas trainer, I had a meeting with our district ELAR
specialist to discuss some things I felt like needed to be dealt with at the district level to
assure campuses were functioning within our curriculum scope and sequence while
maintaining the expectations of the HOT Model scope and sequence. We decided that
the district would stand pat this year on our writing scope and sequence and then tailor
next years scope and sequence to mimic the HOT Model scope and sequence. This
made more sense because not all of our teachers have been trained in the HOT Model.
Only the first wave of teachers have received the training and the rest of our teachers will
attend this coming summer.
I worked on our campus tutoring schedule that will include both 3rd and 4th grade pullouts and push-in tutoring. Three tutors were chosen based on data gathered from last
year, and assigned specific focuses due to the substantial need for reading support across
our campus.
Worked with all 6 grade levels Pre-k-4th to develop a systematic plan to take beginning of
the year assessments and develop interventions for the upcoming 9 weeks. Time was
also spent training our grades on the effective use of ongoing (formative) assessments as
a means to make needed instructional adjustments during units of study.
Worked with our SPED/504 teams to develop small groups/online testing for our 4 th
grade Fall Writing AT. Time was spent building groups and securing rooms for this
testing to happen. I also spent time formulating a plan for teachers to rate writing
samples so we could enter the data into Eduphoria. I managed all testing materials
including test, scantrons, accommodation folders, and testing instruction packets. The
next day I organized retake small groups for students that missed the testing session.

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