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Algebraic Topology-MTH649
Each question has 2 marks. Answer all questions. Total Marks- 40. Deadline of
Submission : 17/10/2016.
1. A subspace X Rn is said to be star-shaped if there is a point x0 X such that, for each
x X , the line segment from x0 to x lies in X . Show that if a subspace X Rn is locally
star -shaped, in the sense that every point of X has a star-shaped neighborhood in X , then
every path in X is homotopic in X to a piecewise linear path, that is, a path consisting
of a finite number of straight line segments traversed constant speed. Show this applies in
particular when X is open or when X is a union of finitely many closed convex sets.
2. We can regard 1 (X, x0 ) as the set of basepoint-preserving homotopy classes of maps
(S 1 , s0 ) (X, x0 ) . Let [S 1 , X] be the set of homotopy classes of maps S 1 X with
no conditions on basepoints. Thus there is a natural map : 1 (X, x0 ) [S 1 , X] obtained
by ignoring basepoints. Show that is onto if X is path-connected, and that ([f ]) = ([g])
iff [f ] and [g] are conjugate in 1 (X, x0 ) . Hence induces a one- to-one correspondence
between [S 1 , X] and the set of conjugacy classes in 1 (X) when X is path-connected.
3. Define f : S 1 I S 1 I by f (, s) = ( + 2s, s) so f restricts to the identity on the two
boundary circles of S 1 I. Show that f is homotopic to the identity by a homotopyft that
is stationary on one of the boundary circles, but not by any homotopy ft that is stationary
on both boundary circles. [ consider what f does to the path s (0 , s) for fixed 0 S 1 ].
4. From the isomorphism 1 (X Y, (x0 , y0 )) ' 1 (X, x0 ) (Y, y0 ) it follows that loops in
X {y0 } and {x0 } Y represent commuting elements of 1 (X Y, (x0 , y0 )) Construct an
explicit homotopy demonstrating this.
5. If X0 is the path-component of a space X containing the basepoint x0 , show that the inclusion
X0 , X induces an isomorphism 1 (X0 , x0 ) 1 (X, x0 ).
6. Show that every homomorphism 1 (S 1 ) 1 (S 1 ) can be realized as the induced homomorphism of a map : S 1 S 1 .
7. Given a space X and a path-connected subspace A containing the basepoint x0 show that
the map 1 (A, x0 ) 1 (x, x0 ) induced by the inclusion A , X is surjective iff every path
in X with endpoints in A is homotopic to a path in A.
8. Construct infinitely many nonhomotopic retraction S 1 S 1 S 1 .
9. Show that if a space X is obtained from a path-connected subspace A by attaching a cell en
with n 2, then the inclusion A , X induces a surjection on 1 . Apply this to show
(a) the wedge sum S 1 S 2 has fundamental group Z.
(b) For a path connected CW complex X the inclusion map X 1 , X of its 1-skeleton induces
a surjection 1 (X 1 ) 1 (X).[for the infinitely many en cell n 2 use (a compact subspace
of a CW complex is contained in a finite sub- complex).]
10. Show that if X is a finite graph i.e. a graph with finitely many vertices and finitely many
edges, then X is homotopically equivalent to wedge sum of finitely circles.

11. Suppose ft ; X X is a homotopy such that f0 and f1 are each the identity map. Show that
for any x0 X , the loop : [0, 1] X defined by (t) = ft (x0 ) represents an element of
the center of 1 (X, x0 )
12. Let be any irrational number in R. Is the map p : R S1 defined by p(t) = e2it a
covering map?
13. Show that if B is simply connected, then any covering map p : E B for which E is path
connected is a homeomorphism.
X and a subspace A X, A = p1 (A) show that the restriction
14. For a covering space p : X
p : A A is covering spaces .
15. Show that if p1 : X1 X1 and p2 : X2 X2 are covering spaces , so their product
p1 p2 : X1 X2 X1 X2 . .
X be a covering space with p1 (x) finite and nonempty for all x X . Show
16. Let p : X
is compact Hausdorff iff X is compact Hausdorff.
that X
17. Construct a simply-connected covering space of the space X R3 that is the union of a
sphere and a diameter. Do the same when X is the union of a sphere and a circle intersecting
it in two points.
18. Let X be the subspace of R2 consisting of the four sides of the square [0, 1] [0, 1] together
with the segments of the vertical lines x = 1/2, 1/3, 1/4..... inside the square. Show that
X there is some neighborhood of the left edge of X that lifts
for every covering space X

homeomorphically to X. Deduce that X has no simply connected covering space.

e and Ye be simply connected covering spaces of the path connected , locally path
19. Let X
e is
connected spaces X and Y . Show that if X is homotopically equivalent to Y then X
homotopically equivalent to Ye .
20. Show that if a path-connected, locally path-connected space X has 1 (X) finite then every
map X S 1 is nullhomotopic.

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